The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter Twenty Years Ago

Adonis was standing at the border between his pack and a rival pack. Weighing the options before him, stay on his side and continue to be a blemish on his father’s reputation, or cross the line and clear it up. Sure it would cause a war between the packs, but killing a small child of an Alpha was cause for retribution. Other packs would flock to his father’s aid and that would be the end of it. He didn’t want to die, but it was the only way he could think to help his father gain back the respect that was lost after he tarnished his family, by being different. He wished he wasn’t. He wished his eyes never changed. He wished his skin never darkened but more so he wished his hair never turned black. He wished all the bleaching his mother made him endure had worked. Sadly the only thing to come of it were a few chemical burns to his face, and his jet black hair now had a tinge of blue in it. Taking the deepest breath he could muster for a four year old, wincing slightly as the pain from the beating he took the day before reverberated through his small body, he slowly inched towards the boundary line. His legs felt wobbly, his hands shook, he would look up scanning the area though he couldn’t see other wolves, he felt their eyes on him. Then he would look back down at his feet and inch closer. He figured he’d have seconds before they were all over him, seconds left to live, before his act would restore his family to its former glory, it was the honourable thing to do.

“Whatcha doin?” Came this small raspy drawl, startled Adonis stumbled backwards and fell onto his backside and let out a groan at the jolt of pain it caused.

“That look like it hurt, you ok?” The voice asked again. When Adonis looked up, the sun glaring in his eyes, he could only make out the outline of a small boy, maybe his age and height. Shielding his eyes he could make out the boy’s face. He had a mess of brown hair, slate grey eyes and carried a rather concerned look.

“I’m not supposed to talk to the rival pack” Adonis said, getting to his feet quickly and backing away. Though he was sure they were being watched, he wasn’t sure any of his pack’s warriors would do anything if he were to be attacked, he knew they wouldn’t do anything if he crossed the line.

“Why not? It cause the way we talk? Everbody back home talk like this” the other boy asked,

“I’m just not supposed to,” Adonis repeated, he caught movement behind the other boy.

Looking around him he spied an even smaller boy, maybe two with a head of the blondest almost white hair he’s ever seen. Looking behind him the boys smile got bigger,

“That my lil brother Tyler, he two” The boy said motioning towards the younger one. “Hey, Tyler put the frog down, come say hello” he called to him then looked back at Adonis. Adonis’s eyes widened when he saw what happened next.

“He put the frog in his mouth din’t he. Yeah! He do that sometime” the other boy turned around again, “Hey Tyler, spit the frog out an come say hello.” Adonis watched as the little boy spit the frog out and came to stand beside his older brother.

“Hi!” He said in a small raspy voice that matched his brother’s.

“Hello!” Adonis said back with a small wave, looking down at the small boy.

“He the runt of the pack an my daddy think he gonna be weak an din’t wanna runt. They was gonna leave him behine in Alberta, my momma din’t wanna leave him behine so I say I’d take care of him. I think I doin a pretty good job.” The taller boy looked back at his little brother who had his mouth full again.

“He put a other frog in his mouth din’t he?” He asked Adonis

“Yeah! Why does he do that?” Adonis asked nodding his head,

“I dunno, I think he jus like how it feel. He dont hurt it or chew it or nuttin, he jus like to put it in his mouth. Don’t seem to bother the frog too much either; they jus sit there. Hey Tyler, open your mouth, let the frog out.” Listening to his older brother Tyler opened his mouth and sure enough the frog just sat on his tongue.

“Gonna have to go home an brush his teeth or momma gonna kick me. Yur momma kick you?” The boy asked, once again turning back to Adonis.

“No, my mom doesn’t talk to me anymore,” Adonis replied. Not really a lie, she didn’t. His mother never raised a hand to him, but she never stopped any of his brothers or his father when they did.

“Oh, sorry! Her die?” The boy furrowed his brow,

“No, she didn’t die, she just doesnt talk to me anymore, except to yell at me. But I deserve it” Adonis replied, though he wasn’t really sure what he did to deserve it.

“Oh, that not right! Name Jackson, Jackson Monroe.” Jackson held out his hand towards Adonis. He looked at it and hesitated for a bit before he accepted.

“Adonis Bradshaw!” He finally said as he shook the other boy’s hand.

“Adonis, thata cool name. Hey, you wanna see how far he spit the frog?” Jackson asked,

“Ok, yeah!” Adonis finally smiled for the first time since he met Jackson,

“Hey Tyler, spit for distance buddy, spit the frog out.” Both Adonis and Jackson turned to watch Tyler as he spit the frog out of his mouth.

“Hey, that went pretty far.” Jackson commented laughing.

“Yeah, that did go pretty far,” Adonis agreed, his grin getting bigger.

“Hey, I ask you somein?” Jackson asked,

“Sure!” Adonis said as he started walking down the borderline and Jackson followed him.

“Why we rival packs? We jus move here a week ago. This my uncle territory, an he call my daddy in a panic, sayin another Alpha was threatenin a takeover wit violence against ’em. My uncle pack a peaceful pack, but they can hold they own in a fight. The Alpha here don’t has kids, so my Alpha say we come down an they would merge an he would be the new Alpha. He got two boys, an my daddy stay on as the Beta an the other Beta too. I’m Beta blood, but I think Tyler a Delta, that why he so small. They thought he gonna be a girl, but he not, he a boy. My momma was a Delta. So why we rivals?” Jackson repeated his question.

“My dad is the Alpha and I heard him talking to my oldest brother. He said he was going to merge with the pack next us, but he didn’t get the chance to do it, because another pack moved in instead. A merge is peaceful, he never said anything about taking it by force.” Adonis replied. It didn’t make sense that his dad would say one thing, but Jackson was saying something else. For whatever reason though, he knew Jackson wasn’t lying to him, which meant his dad was.

“You a Alpha? That cool” Jackson said.

“How many brothers you have?” Jackson asked,

“I’m the youngest of 12” Adonis answered,

“Hey, that neat I has 11 older brothers too. I used to be the youngest, before Tyler came.” Jackson’s face lit up, that they had something in common. “Yur brothers talk to you?” He asked,

“No! No one really talks to me” Adonis answered,

“Not even yur daddy?” Jackson asked, his brow furrowing more when Adonis shook his head.

“Well, that ain’t right, why don’t they talk to you?” Jackson asked, shaking his head. “Hey, Tyler we walkin….spit the frog out Tyler. One these days he gonna swallow one, an then he gonna croak. Ha! That funny, cause frogs croak!” Jackson said laughing,

“Frogs ribbit, toads croak!” Adonis said,

“Yeah! But he gonna ribbit ain’t as funny as he gonna croak” Jackson countered,

“That is pretty funny!” Adonis agreed, giving a bit of a laugh.

“So why don’t nobody talk to you?” Jackson repeated his question as they walked along their border. Each one making sure they stayed on their own side.

“Because I don’t look like my family anymore” Adonis replied,

“I don’t know what yur family look like, but now you mention it I ain’t never seen nobody wit eyes that colour before” Jackson stated,

“I used to look like my twin brother” Adonis replied,

“You a twin! That wild I ain’t never heard of that, an you both livin an yur momma livin, an nobody die? That wild!” Jackson repeated,

“Yeah! But I don’t look like him anymore, my eyes used to be light green and my skin went darker. They thought my brothers would change but it never did. Then my hair turned black and I became an outcast.” Adonis explained,

“That not yur natural colour? Oh, it look good on you though, what colour was you before?” Jackson replied nodding his head,

“I used to be blonde like the rest of them. Now they call me The Devil.” Adonis kicked at the ground in front of him as he ran one hand through his hair.

“The Devil an his demons!” Jackson blurted then started to laugh. “Ha! That funny, not that they call you The Devil, but Tyler an I get call the demon brothers on the count that Tyler like to bite people, I don’t really think he like to bi… he like to bite people. I took him to school wit me once an he was playin wit a ruler an the teacher took it. I told her not to but her say her ain’t gonna listen to no lil kid an took it….big stupid. Thata mistake her shoulda listen, but her din’t. Tyler bit her an wouldn’t let go till her gave it back….I told her. I take care of my lil brother, but people like to pick on him cause he lil an I has to beat ’em up twice.” Jackson was still laughing as he gave his explanation for laughing,

“Why twice?” Adonis asked,

“Well once is a lesson, twice gonna hurt” Jackson answered, Adonis couldn’t argue with that. Getting beat up twice does hurt.

They walked in silence for a bit every now and then Jackson would check over his shoulder to make sure Tyler was still following him.

“Does it bother you that he follows you everywhere?” Adonis asked looking over his shoulder at Tyler,

“Nah, cause he my lil brother, I gotta take care of him. No one else gonna do it.” Jackson replied. They walked quietly again for a little while longer before Jackson broke the silence.

“I ask you somein?” Jackson asked,

“You asked me a lot of things already” Adonis replied,

“Yeah, I do that. I ask alot of questions, that how I fine stuff out. Can I ask you somein else?” Jackson restated his question,

“Ok!” Adonis replied with a small shrug

“What you gonna do? You gonna cross the line? They rip you to pieces if ya did.” Jackson asked, motioning to the woods.

“I know! It would be honourable.” Adonis replied,

“Honourable! I don’t know what that word mean, I dont think a four year old posed to know what that word mean right now.” Jackson said, looking at him as he stopped walking.

“It would restore the respect my father lost after he became the Alpha with The Devil for a son” Adonis replied. Jackson grunted lost in thought, that didn’t sit right with him either.

“Line!” Was all Jackson said, Adonis’s head snapped up as he looked at him confusion evident on his face

“What? What’s line?” Adonis asked,

“I drawin a line, mean you can’t cross it. It like a promise an if you cross the line you break the promise an breakin promises is bad juju. So I drew a line, now you can’t cross it you gotta stay on yur side. It ok I stay on mine, but we can talk everday.” Jackson explained,

“Ok! I’ll stay on my side, you stay on yours.” Adonis agreed,

“Oh, that my daddy callin.” Jackson said, looking back towards his territory pointing at his head. “We meet you here tomorrow, k?” Jackson asked as he was about to turn away from him.

“Ok!” Adonis readily agreed. They might be from a rival pack but at least they spoke to him.

“See you tomorrow, comeon Tyler we gotta go” Jackson called for his brother to follow him. Adonis stood at the border watching the two brothers walk off. He laughed when he saw Tyler spit something out of his mouth, he assumed it was another frog. That was a little weird when he first saw him do it, but considering how many times he watched the little boy put one in his mouth, in the short amount of time he’s known them it seemed quite normal now.

For six years the three boys met at the border everyday. They spoke and played and built forts, until one day they did something that changed everything. Adonis was going to talk to his dad about forming an alliance with Jackson’s pack, but he stopped outside the office when he overheard his father on the phone telling someone that he would be an Alpha with no pack, no mate and no home. He would never belong. No one would want to be linked to The Devil. Adonis stood there outside the door listening to every word his father spoke. It began sinking deep into his very soul and a darkness started to grow. He felt rage like he had never known, a fire burning through him. When his father left the office after his call, Adonis was still standing there, not even acknowledging his presence, his father moved by him.

“I’ll always be a devil to you won’t I?” Adonis asked him,

“Just calling it like I see it boy” His father stopped in the hall but never turned to face him,

“You’re wrong, I’ll have a pack, I’ll have a mate. I’ll have it all!” Adonis said clearly, he heard the growl resonate off the walls around him. His father hated being told he was wrong about something. Before he could react Adonis felt the blinding pain shoot through the right side of his cheek as his father struck him, he stumbled back, but he held his ground to his fathers surprise.

“You’re wrong, when I find my mate she will love me” Adonis fired again, the next hit sending him to the floor. His lip split and blood cascaded from his nose, landing on his shirt. But he didn’t let that stop him, he grabbed onto the anger that was coursing through him and pushed his luck.

“I’ll have a pack, and they’ll be stronger than yours,” Mustering the hardest look he could, he glared at his father.

“You stupid little boy. Strength comes from the Alpha first. You will never be strong enough.” His father towered over him, Adonis backed away til he hit the wall behind him. With nowhere to escape from the wrath of his father, he took his beating. Half way through his father stopped, Adonis dared to peer up at him, through cloudy eyes, his body was quivering, but he saw what looked like fear cross his father’s face. Pulling back and standing to his full height, with one more hard kick to Adonis’s ribs he walked away and left him on the floor of the hallway. What would cause his father to be afraid? He thought as he coughed and sputtered holding his ribs on the floor.

After falling a few times Adonis managed to stumble his way to the border where he usually met his friends. His body hurt, his head spun, he felt darkness creeping in all around him. The area would grow dark and unfocused but when things came back into view it would be bright and he would have to cover his eyes. The sounds would alternate between muted and screaming. At one point he wasn’t even sure the direction he was headed, but when he came to the area with the fort he knew he made it. Once again standing at the border Adonis found himself facing the decision whether or not to cross the boundary line into rival pack territory. About to take a step forward he stumbled backwards and fell when the world started screaming and blinding him all at once. Then his world began to fade as the darkness moved ever closer to him. The last words he heard before all went black and silent, came from a voice he’s never heard before. Soon Adonis, soon!

When his eyes opened again he took in his hazy surroundings dark but little slivers of light came through the walls, he was in the shelter of their fort. Hearing muffled voices to his left he slowly turned his head to see.

“I don’t know when he gonna wake up Tyler. But Doc Mackaby say if he don’t wake up today we posed to get him” He could only make out a blurry version of Jackson, but he knew the voice anywhere.

“Jackson?” Adonis murmured,

“Hey, he awake!” He could hear the relief in Jackson’s voice as he moved closer to the boundary line.

“What happened?” Adonis went to sit up only to groan as pain coursed through him.

“You might not wanna do that. You broke some ribs. We fine you three days ago an clean you up. The pack doctor came to see you too.” Jackson said as he helped Adonis lay back down.

“Three days?” Adonis asked him. He’s been here for three days and not one of his family members came to find him, see him, make sure he was ok.

“Yeah! Who do that to you?” Jackson asked. It was the first time Jackson asked the question in the six years they knew each other. He had seen the bruises on him in the past but he’s never asked about them. He told his dad once but his father said it wasn’t their place to tell an Alpha how to treat their own. That didn’t sit right with Jackson but he obeyed his dad and never said a word. Until they found Adonis in the fort and he and Tyler told their Alpha everything. Including what happened the first day they met Adonis at the border.

“My dad!” Adonis answered, he turned his head away. He didn’t want Jackson to see the tears filling his eyes. He knew he wasn’t supposed to say anything, but why should he keep their secret any longer? He now knew exactly what his family thought of him. He was nothing to them, just a stain on their lives, one that can easily be cast aside and forgotten. He fought back the tears as the darkness inside him grew and spread.

“Why you daddy do that to you?” Jackson asked,

“I told him he was wrong when he said I would never have a pack” Adonis answered.

“Why he say that?” Tyler asked,

“No one would want to be linked with The Devil,” Adonis replied, looking back over at his friends.

“That make you daddy a liar. I be in yur pack” Jackson said,

“Me too!” Tyler agreed nodding,

“Really?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah! The Devil an his demons, member?” Jackson said, causing Adonis to laugh and then groan in pain.

“Sorry! Prolly shouldn’t make you laugh. Brought you some food, you hungry?” Jackson said, offering a few containers of food for him.

“You’re not gonna get in trouble are you?” Adonis asked, as he reached for the food.

“Nah! My uncle sent it wit us, he say you prolly be hungry when you woke up.” Jackson said, as he helped Adonis sit up.

“Your uncle knows?” Adonis asked,

“Yeah! Tyler ran to go get him when we fine you. We din’t know what to do, he brought the Alpha an our daddy an our uncle an the pack doctor.” Jackson replied, “An then our daddy got in trouble” he added,

“Why did your dad get in trouble?” Adonis asked, wide eyed.

“Um….he made a comment about how it wrong that you daddy jus lef you here, I might has say he a hypocrite on account that he try leavin Tyler in Alberta an um….. Alpha got a lil mad at that, daddy got 20 lashes.” Jackson explained,

“I’m sorry Jackson, I didn’t mean to cause problems” Adonis hung his head in shame. Seemed he was a burden on the lives of others as well.

“It ok we livin wit our uncle now. I still take care of Tyler cause he my lil brother, an he din’t wanna live there witout me. Our uncle say it was ok though an our daddy apologize. Our aunty a nice lady, her make a lot of cobbler though, I not sure I like cobbler, but I eat it anyway.” Jackson replied,

“Whatcha gonna do now Adonis?” Tyler asked,

“I don’t know, guess I’m gonna have to go home at some point” Adonis muttered, he wasn’t sure he wanted to though. They clearly didn’t want him there, or care if he was there or not.

“I can talk to Alpha Cameron, see if he let you stay wit us. You can share a room wit Tyler an me.” Tyler nodded enthusiastically beside Jackson.

“That’s ok, thank you though.” Adonis said.

“Oh, my uncle now. We’ll see you tomorrow k? Line Adonis….line, you can’t cross it” Jackson said

“Right! Line!” Adonis repeated, he watched as his friends left. When he was alone the first tear slipped down his cheek. He wiped at it, but it was too late, the damn burst and more poured from his eyes. It’s ok! We’ll be together soon and then we’ll show them what real power looks like! That was the same voice he heard three days ago, before he blacked out.

“Who’s there?” Adonis’s head snapped up, as he looked around the inside of the fort. He peered through some of the cracks in the walls to see if he could see anyone. Fear started to plague him. Don’t fear me Adonis! I’m your wolf!

“My wolf!” Yes, my name is Odin!

“Odin!” Yes! The rage you felt in the hallway three days ago, that was me.

“Does that mean I can shift?” Not yet, but soon. We’re gonna be powerful Adonis. Your father felt it. He’s scared of us. The world will fear us, when they hear our name. It’s time to go home. Stand tall, hold your head high and walk proud, our time will come. With that Odin faded from his mind.

His body sore and tired, his legs trembling Adonis started the walk back home. The more he thought the angrier he became. Three days he was gone for three days and not one family member came to check on him. Not one person from this miserable pack came to see if he was all right. He walked past the warriors hidden amongst the trees and he could hear their whispers. He walked past pack members and he could hear the gasps when they took in his appearance. The more he walked the taller he got, the more anger he felt, the stronger he became. He kept his head up and eyes forward, fixed on the door in front of him. Maybe it was time he became The Devil they all thought he was. Not yet! Why not they deserve it? Soon! Adonis walked in the front door of the packhouse, coming face to face with his father. Standing as tall as he could, he walked right past him up the stairs without uttering one word and into his room, closing the door behind him.

Months went by, Adonis no longer spoke to his father. He no longer spoke to any of his family members, his older brothers would corner him and try to get him to talk, but he never did. He took every hit, every kick, every insult, allowing it to fuel the rage and hatred he felt towards them all. His father could have stopped it, but never did, his mother could have stepped in, but she chose to turn a blind eye to what was going on.

“It’s time to stop this Adonis” His father said to him one day after he called him into his office. He stood there stoic, his head held high, his eyes fixed on a lie over his fathers left shoulder. A family picture sat there. A time when things were different and he looked like the rest of them. When his family treated him like he belonged there, not like he was The Devil. He had completely pulled himself away from his pack. He no longer participated in any of the events. He was no longer present when Alpha’s from their alliances came to the territory. He did not eat dinners with his family, or the other members of the pack. He took care of himself. His mother tried to hug him once and he not only shrugged off her touch he shuddered at it and continued on his way, refusing to listen as she called his name. She only did it because other Luna’s and their children were around, and he was the first one she saw. It apparently made her cry and his oldest brother Eric beat him badly for that one. His wolf Odin just told him to stand taller, their time was coming soon, so he did.

“Others are starting to talk.” Of course that’s what you care about what the others think? He didn’t voice his opinion out loud, no he stood there remaining silent. The only ones he ever spoke to were Jackson and Tyler. It got to the point where the other members of his pack had thought he’d gone mute. That maybe all the beatings he had taken had broken something in him. They all knew, they all saw and no one did a thing. Their time was coming, this pack would burn.

“We are starting to lose our alliances, from your insolent behaviour. They are finding it rude and disrespectful.” Sure, my insolent behaviour, it couldn’t be because they see how you treat one of your own. You don’t want me around anyway, just giving you exactly what you want.

“We’re done having to lie for you.” Lying for me! More like protecting yourself.

“Are you even listening to me, Adonis?” I have always listened, I have listened every time you called me The Devil. I have listened every time you said I should have died the day I was born. I have listened when you said I would never have a pack. I would never have a mate, never have someone to love me. I listened to it all. I have heard more than you realize I do. But still Adonis said nothing, he just stared at the picture over his shoulder. He wanted to smash it, it was a lie.

ANSWER ME BOY!” His father yelled, hatred and rage flowed from his words, but Adonis didn’t flinch, he didn’t waiver and his eyes still never left the picture behind his father.

“Answer me now!” Adonis remained silent.

“Have it your way” His father rose from behind his desk. If his father couldn’t talk him into speaking, then he’d force him too. The first hit came fast and hard, but Adonis remained standing. He backhanded him causing him to hit the desk and knock some of the papers his father was working on onto the floor. The commotion brought in the Beta and oldest brother Eric. They pushed him away from Adonis towards the door.

“Are you happy now Adonis? Look what you did” His brother growled at him, his light green eyes flashing amber. Not even wiping the blood from his face Adonis stood there not saying a word to any of them.

“Get out of here Adonis, when I’m Alpha I know what my first act is going to be.” The Beta and his brother ushered his father from the room, leaving Adonis alone there. I’ll become an Alpha first Eric! He thought. Adonis looked towards the bookshelf and saw the box that contained the ceremonial dagger they used. Opening the lid he picked it up. That is the ugliest fucking thing I’ve ever seen! He couldn’t help but agree with his wolf. Holding it in his hand he had no idea what his next move was supposed to be. Jackson would know, he’ll go see his friends. Before he left his father’s office he took one last look at the picture behind his father’s desk. Smashing the frame he made some adjustments to it.

Running as fast as his legs could carry him to the border between packs, he saw Jackson and Tyler waiting for him.

“You daddy do that to you?” Jackson asked when he took in Adonis’s appearance. Blood still dripped from his nose, his lip was split and his eye was already turning black.

“Do you want to be my Beta?” Adonis asked him,

“Yur Beta?” Jackson asked shocked,

“Yeah, my Beta. You’re Beta blood, do you want to be my Beta?” Adonis asked again, he could still feel his father’s wrath, and when he saw what Adonis had done to the only family photo he had in his office he would come looking for him.

“Yeah, I be yur Beta” Jackson nodded,

“Tyler, do you want to be my Delta?” Adonis asked the little boy,

“Yeah!” He answered, nodding his head.

“What’s going on Adonis?” Jackson asked,

“I have to become an Alpha before my brother does, if I don’t my brother’s gonna kill me. As soon as he’s Alpha he’s gonna kill me, it’s gonna be his first act.” Adonis stated, his voice panicked.

“You has to create a pack then” Jackson said,

“How? I’ve never been to any of the ceremonies, my dad never allowed it.” Adonis said,

“I has, I been to all of em,” Jackson spoke confidently. Tyler nodded, he has too.

“Need a pack name, then you need to declare yurself the Alpha of that pack, then get territory, then appoint yur ranks” Jackson said referring to him and Tyler when he said the last part.

“What’s the pack name?” Adonis asked, he looked over his shoulder, to make sure no one was coming.

“Um….Oh I know, we close our eyes count to three an the firs thin we see that what we be call” Jackson suggested,

“Yeah, wait what if we see a fluffy bunny first” Adonis asked,

“Then we the Fluffy Bunny pack. It be funny cause we be terrifyin.” Jackson replied,

“I don’t wanna be a fluffy bunny” Tyler declared shaking his head,

“Me neither!” Adonis agreed,

“Ok, if that’s what we see firs, then we jus ignore it an try again.” Adonis nodded, that sounded like a good plan. Adonis looked over his shoulder again, he didn’t want to be caught with his eyes closed.

“Tyler stand watch. Ok close yur eyes.” Jackson said, both boys closed their eyes. “1….2….3….”

“Black” Jackson said,

“Shadow” Adonis replied,

“Black Shadow, I like that. Black Shadow Pack.” Jackson’s face broke out into a huge grin

“Now what?” Adonis asked,

“You has to declare yurself the Alpha of the pack. Say in a big Alpha voice ’I, Adonis Bradshaw declare from this day forward that I will be known as Alpha Adonis Bradshaw of Black Shadow Pack.” Jackson said.

“You has to hold the ceremonial dagger above yur head” Tyler added,

“Oh yeah, you gotta do that. Good job Tyler.” Jackson agreed. Adonis stood tall raising the dagger above his head, he said in the most authoritative voice he could muster at ten years old,

“I, Adonis Bradshaw declare from this day forward that I will be known as Alpha Adonis Bradshaw of Black Shadow Pack.” he felt a huge surge of power flow through him. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. His wolf Odin stirred in his head, as a low deep growl escaped from him.

“Woah! Thata lil scary. You has to claim territory now….” Jackson said, looking around for something,

“The fort!” Tyler said pointing at it.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah claim the fort” Jackson agreed, Adonis nodded his head.

“Ok, you cut yur palm an say ‘I, Alpha Adonis Bradshaw claim this territory in the name of Black Shadow Pack’, then touch the fort.” Jackson instructed. Doing as he was told Adonis cut the palm of his hand with the dagger, he hissed when the pain seared him.

“Ow! Jackson that hurts!” Adonis said holding his hand to his chest

“Oops! I prolly should has warn you, sorry. Ok claim the territory.” Jackson said,

“I, Alpha Adonis Bradshaw claim this territory in the name of Black Shadow Pack” Adonis laid his bleeding hand upon the fort they had built. They heard two low distinct growls ring out. One from his father, the other from Jackson’s Alpha.

“You has to accep us into yur pack. ‘Do you Jackson an Tyler Monroe, hereby accep yur place amongst yur pack Black Shadow?’” Tyler said that needed to be done before they could be appointed to their ranks. Adonis could only shake his head, this was a lot.

“Do you, Jackson and Tyler Monroe, hereby accep your place amongst your pack Black Shadow?” Adonis said, his voice becoming more authoritative.

“Yes!” Both boys replied in unison. Jackson drank from Adonis’s palm first then Tyler.

“That nasty, it like lickin a penny,” Jackson said as he stuck his tongue out. Then he clutched his head as the link between him and his old pack broke and the one between him and his new pack established.

“Are you ok?” Adonis asked as he watched both his friends hit the ground.

“Ow!” Tyler grumbled as he continued to lay on the ground.

“Now you has to appoint me as yur Beta. ‘I, Alpha Adonis Bradshaw of Black Shadow Pack hereby appoint you Jackson Monroe as Beta of Black Shadow Pack. Do you swear to pledge yur life to yur Alpha, yur pack an to uphold the duties an responsibilities that come wit this position.’ I say what I say then you cut my palm an you say ‘From this day forward you will be known as Beta Jackson Monroe of Black Shadow Pack’ then we shake hands. Then you repeat it wit Tyler but make him Delta.” Adonis nodded his head and took his stance in front of Jackson

“I, Alpha Adonis Bradshaw of Black Shadow Pack hereby appoint you Jackson Monroe as Beta of Black Shadow Pack. Do you swear to pledge your life to your Alpha, your pack and to uphold the duties and responsibilities that come with this position.” Adonis again made his voice authoritative, Jackson could feel the power oozing from him.

“Yes I do!” Jackson held out his palm and Adonis sliced it.

“Ow! That do hurt” Jackson whimpered, as he pulled his hand away a little bit.

“From this day forward you will be known as Beta Jackson Monroe of Black Shadow Pack.” They shook hands, Jackson jumped a little when he felt the surge of power from Adonis enter him. In the distance they could hear the thundering of paws hitting the ground coming towards them. Adonis stood in front of Tyler, he didn’t have much time left before his dad got there; he had to complete this before it was too late.

“I, Alpha Adonis Bradshaw of Black Shadow Pack hereby appoint you Tyler Monroe as Delta of Black Shadow Pack. Do you swear to pledge your life to your Alpha, your pack and to uphold the duties and responsibilities that come with this position.”

“Yeah!” Tyler replied and stuck his hand out eagerly.

“Close your eyes Tyler, this is gonna hurt.” The little boy nodded his head squeezing his eyes tight. Adonis cut his hand causing the little boy to release a whimper.

“From this day forward you will be known as Delta Tyler Monroe of Black Shadow Pack.” and then he shook his hand. Tyler jumped back at the power he felt course through him. With each act of an Alpha, Adonis felt Odin stir more and more. Looking at the palm of his hand his eyes widened.

“Um….Jackson, is this normal?” Adonis held up his hand, what should have been dark crimson red flowing from the wound on his palm was instead black. Jackson and Tyler both looked at their palms as well, the same colour flowed from them. Before any reply could be made Adonis heard his father’s enraged growl then he felt himself be ripped backwards and thrown to the ground.

“….grrrr…. WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?” He snarled at him, staring up at his father, he felt a little flutter of fear then it was replaced by something else. Alpha’s fear no one!

“I became an Alpha!” Adonis declared his only weapon had been flung from his hand when he was pulled away and now he lay defenseless on the ground under his father’s murderous glare.

“You became an Alpha?” His father snarled, “A ten year old boy as an Alpha.” scoffing at what he just heard, though not even his father could deny the power he felt coming off his son at that moment. His own wolf shivered in his head against it.

“Jackson, what did you boys do?” Jackson’s uncle asked,

“His brother gonna kill him, uncle, he had to become a Alpha” Jackson said, “I’m a Beta, an Tyler a Delta. An why does it feel weird on the territory?” His uncle could only laugh,

“Did you claim land?” His uncle asked,

“Yeah! We claim the fort” Jackson pointed at it.

“Go stand next to the fort son, you’ll feel better” His uncle suggested. Jackson and Tyler nodded and went and stood next to their fort, instantly feeling at ease.

“Did we screw it up?” Jackson asked,

“No, you need to be invited onto our territory now. You created a pack, that is pretty impressive for three young boys” Jackson’s Alpha laughed, “And I see you took some of our land”

“We….we….. Ju…..oops! Sorry Alpha Cameron” Jackson replied,

“It’s alright son!” Alpha Cameron spoke. His uncle moved closer to the fort and held his hand out then pulled it away and stood next to his Alpha.

“There is a strong power coming from that land. He will become one powerful Alpha.” His uncle whispered, Alpha Cameron just nodded watching the scene unfold on the other side of the border.

“His daddy’s gonna kill him, what we do?” Jackson asked, looking at his uncle and former Alpha for help.

“What’s the name of your pack Jackson?” Alpha Cameron asked,

“Black Shadow Pack, thata good name right?” Jackson replied, nodding his head. Alpha Cameron could only smile.

“The name of your Alpha?” His uncle asked,

“Alpha Adonis Bradshaw!” Jackson said.

“You stole my land!” Adonis backed up across the ground to get away from his father who was fastly approaching. Move now! Rolling to the left quickly he narrowly avoided his father’s fist. Now! Rolling again he missed another fist from his father. Backing up quicker to get away, further into his father’s territory.

“I, Alpha Cameron Burgess of White Stone Pack, hereby grant permission to Alpha Adonis Bradshaw and any member of Black Shadow Pack to step foot on White Stone Pack territory” Jackson’s former Alpha declared loudly. Adonis’s father’s head snapped in his direction, his eyes narrowing on Alpha Cameron.

“You stay out of this Alpha Cameron” He barked,

“You are mighty tough picking on a small child, Alpha Ethan” Alpha Cameron replied calmly, moving closer to the border. Alpha Cameron was by no means what you would call a small man. Standing tall and proud at 6’8, his thick brawny chest rippled as his anger began to rise. He was fair and just, but there were certain things he did not put up with. Beating children was one of them. He didn’t care about being invited, he would cross the line to put a stop to this. More warriors came from the surrounding woods to block his path.

With his father distracted, Adonis scrambled to his feet and made a run for the border. Faster! His wolf howled in his head. Ten meters, running as fast as he could, eight meters he was getting closer. Jackson was running down the borderline with Tyler behind him. Six meters he stumbled and fell, scrambling quickly he kept moving forward, four meters to safety.

“Run Adonis! They gainin on you” Jackson yelled,

“Tyler get some rocks and start throwin ’em” Tyler nodded and started collecting rocks. Launching as many as they could as hard as they could they threw rocks at the warriors running after Adonis. At two meters, Adonis stretched out his hand, Jackson reached his out at the same time. Close enough that their fingers brushed before Adonis felt his shirt being yanked back and he was thrown into the waiting arms of two warriors. His oldest brother was standing before him.

“Why wait till I’m an Alpha, I’ll just deal with you now” He said, his first hit landing to the right side of Adonis’s face. They took turns hitting and kicking Adonis. Adonis was on the ground doing his best to cover his head.

“Leave ’em alone you asshole” Jackson was yelling louder,

“Yeah, asshole pick on someone yur own size” Tyler was still throwing rocks. He had managed to hit them a couple times.

“You little shit!” One of the warriors growled,

“Come o’er hear an say that, you big dummy” Jackson yelled, chucking another rock hitting him in the arm. With Alpha Cameron and his uncle busy at the border, Jackson and Tyler were on their own to deal with the two warriors coming their way.

“Keep throwin rocks Tyler” Jackson said,

“I almos out,” Tyler said as he searched for more to throw. Not finding anymore but finding a couple good sized sticks he handed one to his brother.

“Come on tough guy, we show you how Albertan’s do it” Jackson swung hard from one direction and the warrior dodged only to get hit from the other side by Tyler. One of the warriors grabbed the stick Tyler had and pulled him across the borderline.

“Hey, let him go” Jackson yelled, trying to grab his little brother, only to get pinned to the ground by the other warrior. It’s time. Let go Adonis! Odin howled in Adonis’s head.


The growl started so small and extremely low, that his brother and the other warriors didn’t even hear it. But it grew louder and louder. Soon the ones that surrounded him were on the ground covering their ears, as it rang out through the open field they were standing in. The sound ripping through the woods on both sides, more warriors came running from both directions. Tyler and Jackson ran back to the other side of the border as they watched Eric lunge at Adonis only to be thrown ten meters away. Adonis walked closer to the border. Never let another touch you without permission! Alpha Ethan placed his hand on Adonis’s arm pulling him towards him.

NO!” Adonis boomed in a voice that wasn’t his, his rage and fury boiling over. He threw his father to the ground away from him and he continued to walk to the border. He was drained both physically and mentally and with nothing left he crossed the line and collapsed. He was beaten and bloody and couldn’t keep his eyes open any more. Darkness surrounded him but the last thing he heard before oblivion engulfed him was his father’s voice calling him The Devil one more time.

“You want him, he’s all yours” His father hissed as he got up from the ground,

“You’re kicking him out of your pack?” Alpha Cameron asked,

“The Devil chose to leave” He snapped back as he walked away.

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