The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter Epilogue: Family Dinner!


Kane was sitting behind his desk in his office when his phone alerted him to a message. A smile played at his lips when the name of the sender flashed across the screen.

A: Family dinner?

K: On Sunday!

A: Did you tell her that?

K: Three times!

A: Son of a bitch!

K: Little excited is she?

A: Fuck you!

A: I’m gonna let her loose on your castle!

A: What happens at family dinner?

K: We eat, talk and enjoy time as a family!

A: We’re family?

K: Are you denying the kinship that has formed amongst our packs?

A: Told you you liked me!

A: Though, I didn’t realize we were at this stage in our relationship!

K: What are you talking about?

A: You’re bringing me to meet your parents!

A: What if they don’t like me? Maybe I should get them some peonies!

K: You’ll be fine, just don’t be an asshole!

A: Don’t worry, I won’t tell them you want to spank me, that’ll just be our little secret!

K: You asshole!

A: I love you too honey!

K: See you on Sunday sweet cheeks!

Three men stood on the front lawn of a house nestled in the woods. They watched as the fourth approached the front door and stopped short of knocking. He turned back to the others shrugging his large shoulders. There was no way he was fitting through that door, so there was no point in him knocking. Descending the stairs he stood by the others.

“We goin in?” Jackson drawled,

“No, there’s no way in hell I’m fitting through that door. Normal’s and their normal doors” Adonis replied,

“Not they fault you built like a fuckin sequoia” Jackson said.

Language!” The voice startled the four men standing on the front lawn. They all looked questioningly at the house that just yelled at them.

“The fuck?” Tyler exclaimed as he eyed the house wearily.


“The fuck that house keeping yellin at us for?” Jackson asked.


“Don’t know but it got a thin for language, maybe we don’t wanna go in there” Tyler replied back.

“Kenzi’s in there somewhere” Adonis said as he too eyed the house. (🐺Where the fuck is our mate?) In the house that keeps yelling at us! (🐺Well get her out of there!) I can’t get in there, I won’t fit through the fucking door! (🐺I WANT OUR MATE AND THAT FUCKING HOUSE ATE HER!) And yelling at me is going to get you what exactly? (🐺I want our mate!) I want her too!

They had barely deboarded the plane and arrived on the territory when Kenzi was whisked away from him. The mates of Kane’s men were all dying to meet her after hearing so much about her. Adonis and the others then had to deal with the weary looks from the rest of Kane’s pack as they wandered around unsure what to do with themselves. The reception wasn’t unfriendly like they were expecting, but they could sense the apprehension at their presence. They were given directions and after a slight detour or six they were now standing on the front lawn of the house that had issues with language and ate his mate.

“I ask you somein?” Jackson said as they continued to eye the house

“Why do you continue to ask that?” Adonis looked at his Beta brow raised.

“Bein polite,” he replied.

“Ask your question”

“The fuck happen at family dinner?” Tyler too arched his brow to that, he wanted to know as well.


“They eat, talk and spend time with family,” Adonis replied. Both the brothers looked at each other unsure what to make of that.

“Is that a American thin? We do that back home at the house an it jus call dinner” Tyler asked.

“What are you four doing?” Kane asked as he exited the house to stand on the front porch.

“Trying to figure out how to get in the house” Adonis replied,

“We ain’t fittin through the fuckin door” Jackson added.


“The fuck that house keep yellin at me? I’m bout to go berserk on it” Jackson asked wide eyed.


“That’s momma!” Kane answered, he was trying not to laugh.

“You name yur house momma?” Tyler asked confused,

“That a American thin, like somein put a name on it?” Jackson looked at his brother then looked back at Kane.

“Yeah, my house jus call house” Tyler said.

“Hey, I watch a movie wit Kenzi the other day, bout a house that ate people,” Jackson said as he looked back at momma.

“It ate people?” Tyler snapped his eyes to momma as well, both brothers slightly backed up.

“Fuckin terrifying an that a kids movie. Someone need to teach that lil girl volume” Jackson shook his head.


“Think we makin momma mad” Tyler said as he stepped back one more time.

“They didn’t name their house momma, you deranged lunatics. I think momma is the name of the person in the house yelling at you” Elijah replied “I don’t think she likes the use of your language”

“So her jus gonna keep yellin at me?” Jackson asked, “Her gonna get a very sore throat”

“Or you could just stop the use of your language” Elijah suggested.

“Her gonna get a very sore throat” Jackson shot back.

“What’s goin on out here?” Johnny asked as he joined Kane on the front porch.

“They won’t fit through the door,” Kane replied. Johnny looked at the house then looked back at the four large men standing on the front lawn and nodded his head.

“Then they’ll have to go around. You’re late by the way, everyone’s waiting on the deck” Johnny said trying not to laugh at the looks on their faces.

“You fucking suck at directions” Adonis fired at him.


“Just say sorry” Johnny remarked.

“Sorry?” Adonis said as he arched his brow.

“$50 say I can get to the deck before you” Jackson fired out. Adonis looked at the house, a smile graced his lips.

“$100 says I can,” he countered.

“Yeah?” Jackson raised his brow.

“Wait, wait, wait. Hundred to share or a hundred a piece?” Tyler asked, if it’s to share then no.

“Not the sharing caring type.” Adonis told him. Elijah too looked the house over, an idea forming in his head how he could get their first.

“I take that bet!” Tyler said and geared up to move.

“I in” Jackson agreed with a nod.

“What are you four doing?” Kane asked,

“I thought it was obvious, we’re getting to the back of the house.” Adonis replied,

“One of you be a doll an say go” Jackson said, he was watching Elijah and Adonis closely.

GO!” Johnny called, he was curious to see what was going to happen. Kane watched Jackson and Tyler scramble to go around the house, while Johnny watched Adonis and Elijah go up.

“Are they going over the house?” Johnny asked wide eyed.

“I think so….we have to clear the deck” Kane said as he bolted back into the house with Johnny right behind him.


“Shouldn’t they be here by now?” Damon asked. He was sitting on the deck with the others. Carter and Marco kept looking towards the back door hoping at any minute their friend would walk through it.

“What do you mean?” Edward asked.

“Alpha Adonis,” Kenneth replied.

“You left four demons unattended on the territory?” Edward asked, trying not to laugh.

“Carter and I were on the training fields and Kane and Johnny had a meeting with the Alpha’s from Red Moon and Blue Moon” Damon said, then looked towards Kenneth.

“Marco and I were talking to the Alpha from Clear Water,” Kenneth said.

“Uh oh!” Damon wouldn’t have been worried but considering how much trouble the two brothers were prone to cause, this was not good. About to get up from his chair

CLEAR THE DECK!” Kane and Johnny almost ran through the backdoor but stayed inside the house. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! The others scrambled from the deck grabbing children with them as the thumping above them grew louder.


Alpha Adonis landed hard on the deck with Elijah right beside him.

“Son bitch!” Tyler huffed when he made it around the corner next and saw Adonis and Elijah standing on the deck.


“The fuck you two come from?” Jackson asked when he saw them.


“Elijah kicked me off the roof,” Adonis replied. Then they noticed the others all standing there.

“You might wanna put him away” Jackson motioned towards Adonis. He blinked a few times and Odin receded into the back of his mind. (🐺I don’t see our mate!) He grumbled.

“You kicked him off the roof?” Damon asked,

“He was supposed to go the other way,” Elijah replied, as he fixed his suit, Asmodeus was at him immediately to check it over. (🐺Is it wrecked?) No! (🐺Check it again!) Not a speck of dirt! (🐺Power suit!)

“You make terrible first impressions,” Kane said from the back door, arms crossed over his chest.

“Well that ones on you honey. You said everyone was in the back and we had to go there since we were too big to fit through the front door, but you didn’t say how we had to get back here.” Adonis countered.

“Honey?” Edward raised a quizzical eyebrow, He wasn’t sure what to think when he heard they were coming for dinner. But listening to the man called The Devil refer to Kane as honey, was an interesting development. “I don’t think I was told everything that happened in Ottawa or BC”

“Edward Masters….Alpha Adonis Bradshaw, his Beta and Delta Jackson and Tyler Monroe and his Gamma Elijah Burns” Kane made the introductions.

“Pleasure to meet you, Alpha Adonis.” Edward held out his hand.

“Not quite what you were expecting though….you thought I would be taller” Adonis said as he accepted the hand. Edward nodded as he released a small chuckle. The apprehension he was feeling slowly began to leave his body, with the joke Adonis had made. The fact that he made it at his own expense placed the giant man in a completely different light. No, the man standing in front of him was not what he expected at all. He was expecting a bloodthirsty, brutal, savage. The books really said nothing about him and those he has spoken to must have over embellished their meeting.

“No, I am sure they were very accurate in the retelling of any meeting I may or may not have had with them. You have done nothing to offend or provoke me, therefore I bear no ill will towards you.” Adonis tilted his head to the side as Edward raised both his brows, he was informed of the man’s freaky mind thing. “And your son thinks I’m a keeper.”

“A keeper?” Edward looked towards Kane who could only shake his head. Jackson and Tyler were snickering on the deck. Marco was keeping his head down and Carter had to turn away.

“Yes, I was not aware we reached the next stage of our relationship, but he surprised me when he insisted on bringing me home to meet his parents, I am truly honored” Adonis replied,

“You’re going to have to fill me in on this relationship with my son” Edward said to him.

“It’s all in his head” Kane cut in.

“Oh honey, you say that now, but you were very receptive in Ottawa” Adonis fired back, the wicked glint in his eye and Kane knew he could hear Ky laughing in his head. “We got off on the wrong foot when we first met. It was a real enemies to….”

“Friends! And I am using that term loosely” Kane cut him off before he could say anymore.

“Whatever you say honey” Adonis grinned at him. Damon was choking on his laughter, as he heard Jackson and Tyler getting louder with theirs.

“Please allow me to introduce you to my mate.” Edward said as he walked him to the back door.

“Would she be the one that is yelling language at us?” Elijah asked as he followed.

“That would be her,” Edward nodded in agreement.

“A four year old saying bullshit bothered her that much?” Adonis asked, Edward stopped and looked back at Adonis, his mouth hung open slightly but again could only nod. He was also told not to ask questions about the freaky mind thing The Devil can do.

“Language!” Adonis stopped at the door as he eyed the opening. He was getting through this one either.

“I got it!” Jackson moved to the front grabbing the sliding glass door and removed it from the track to make it wider so they could at least get through it.

“I put it back,” he said when he noticed the others staring at him.

Following the others inside they stopped just inside of the kitchen. The smell hit him first, lavender and green apples then he spied her. His beautiful little mate was surrounded by the other women laughing and enjoying herself as she decorated and created delicious item after delicious item. He caught her eye and she beamed him a bright smile then turned back to her new friends.

“Martina my dear I would like to introduce you to our guests.” Edward said as he approached a woman in the kitchen tending to supper. She stopped what she was doing, straightened up and cleaned her hands.

“Apologies for our late arrival, it was our intention to show up on time, unfortunately we got lost….a few times. Alpha Adonis Bradshaw” Adonis held his hand out for her, and she didn’t even hesitate in accepting it.

“Did Johnny give you directions?” She asked.

“No ma’am, Alpha Kane did,” Adonis replied. “He said turn at the big tree, but then neglected to tell us which big tree” Edward was fighting back his laughter.

“Or he forget he in the middle of the woods. They’s all big trees,” Tyler added, Jackson snorted beside him. Martina was trying to cover her smile as she saw the look on Kane’s face.

“This is my Gamma Elijah Burns, and my Beta and Delta Jackson and Tyler Monroe” Adonis introduced his men to the woman who opened her home to them.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, thank you for having us” Elijah shook her hand then she turned to the brothers, and both men carried big grins.

“Howdy ma’am,” Jackson began. “I’d like to apologize right now on behalf of my brother an I for the language used and the language we gonna end up usin the remainder of the night. We try an keep it to a minimum. But it second nature to us like oxygen, it gonna come out”

“Then you will find yourselves in the kitchen cleaning” Martina informed them.

“And thata understandable an completely acceptable consequence to our actions ma’am. But in all honesty we gonna end up here anyway. Them the rules we grew up wit. But I tell you what, dinner taste like it smell….an it smell delicious by the way, I been tryin not to drool the las thirty minutes. We happily clean the kitchen sparkly from top to bottom.” Tyler added.

“Well….thank you boys, that is very nice of you.” Martina beamed a genuine smile at them, before she turned to face Johnny and Kane, both shocked by what was transpiring in the kitchen. “You two could learn something from them.”

“And you were worried about our first impression,” Adonis said with a wicked grin lighting up his face.

“Now let me take a look at you.” All four men lined up for inspection standing straight and tall. “You boys, listen up I’m only going to tell you this one time. There is no rank in this home. King, Queen, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta do not exist on these grounds. And its momma or Martina is that understood?”

“Yes momma!” They said in unison.

“Good boys, now go join the others on the deck” Martina said dismissing them with several waves of her hand as she turned back to tending dinner.

“What are you doing?” Kane asked him.

“You were worried about my first impression, so I thought I’d straighten my act up. You’re making me a better man and I wouldn’t want to embarrass you” Adonis replied.

“You don’t want to embarrass me?” Kane looked at him incredulously.

“Now honey why would I want to do that? It’s not like you would have it coming or anything” Adonis returned.

“Am I missing something?” Edward asked Jackson.

“Adon gonna torture the….crap outta yur boy” he replied, correcting his language.

“Why?” Edward asked.

“He set Kenzi off. Her get excited, her wolf get excited an thins get obliterated” Jackson replied, “This pay back”

“Ahhh, the twelve desserts make sense now” Edward nodded. Kenzi has been excited since she got there and Martina had to do something to get her to calm down and gave her desserts to make.

“This is about setting the little pixie off” Kane stated matter of factly.

“You know what I want to hear” Adonis replied,

“I’m not saying it” Kane returned,

“Are you sure about that? Are you sure you have the….stamina to keep up with me? I’m just getting warmed up, I can go all night and I know how to make it hurt real good” Adonis fired back “I haven’t even got to the good stuff yet.” The two men squared off in the kitchen. Kane knew Adonis wouldn’t back down, he could either apologize now and save himself, or apologize later after he suffered who knows what embarrassment at the hands of The Devil.

“I’d say bring it on sweet cheeks, but you and I both know you would. I’m sorry I set the little pixie off” Kane apologized.

“How much did it hurt to say those words?” Adonis asked,

“Not something I will ever admit” Kane replied,

“Don’t tell me, but I already know. It’s ok honey, I forgive you” Kane could only shake his head at the man standing in his parents kitchen.


“Now what are you doing, tiny dancer that has chocolate on your face?” Adonis asked when he stood behind her.

“Desserts!” Kenzi said excitedly,

“Careful you’re gonna set Tamara off again. That’s how she ended up with chocolate on her face the first time” Jackie warned her. The more excited Kenzi seemed to get the more excited Tamara became, but this was something he was already aware of. They learned that lesson when Tamara had joined Johnny on the territory after she had given birth. As long as Kore doesn't get set off things should be fine. He could handle a chocolate covered mate and would be more than happy to assist in cleaning that off.

“Momma’s been dealing with both of them all afternoon” Lydia chimed in as she sampled more of Kenzi’s baking. Seraphine beside her could only nod her head in agreement. She was too busy sampling to say anything.

“And you already know Dax,” Kenzi said as she finished introducing the other women to him. Adonis fought the urge to curl his lip at the pit viper and settled for a brief nod in her direction. (🐺The fuck she doing here?) It’s her mate’s parents house, I don’t think they were not going to invite her! (🐺They should have!) Noted Odin! (🐺She’s….!) Noted Odin! (🐺Stop that!) Relax Odin, tonight is about enjoying ourselves and not venomous pit vipers! (🐺She says….!) It won’t end well! (🐺Fuck you….asshole!) Yes you are!

“The….who the grump in the other room?” Jackson looked over his shoulder and stifled the growl and changed the question he was about to ask. Adonis eyed her, he watched the other women eye her as well.

“Johnny’s incubator” Adonis replied, when he caught the lip raise from Jackie.

“Was she not nice to you sweetheart?” Adonis asked. Lydia’s eyes widened and she looked away from the man. They were all warned about him, but to see what he could do in real life was nothing like they imagined.

“It’s….” Adonis turned Kenzi to face him and he shook his head.

“I jus assk-ed if she want-ed something to eat” Kenzi replied as she looked up into his emerald orbs.

“What did she say?” Adonis asked. Kenzi bit her lip, she didn’t want to tell him what the mean girl said to her. Very in tune with the words floating around him from the others, Adonis nodded his head, he wouldn’t make her say it.

“Ok sweetheart, have fun with your friends.” Adonis kissed her forehead and shot a look at the woman sitting surrounded by four prison guards then to his men. (🐺What the fuck did the bitch say?) Called her stupid!

“$50 say I can make the guards laugh” Jackson fired out, as they moved in her direction.

“I’ll take that bet” Johnny accepted immediately.

“What’s going on?” Edward asked as he watched them enter the dining room.

“Lessons in why you don’t mess with The Devil, the pixie or his family” Kane replied, a small smile playing on his lips. The others had also joined them inside, they wanted to see this as well.

“$50 says Adon makes her pee” Damon said.

“I’ll take that bet.” This time it was Kenneth that accepted.

“Sup boys, the fuck you do?” Jackson asked as he pulled a chair up to the table. The guards all looked at him nervously, and the others waited to hear Martina call Jackson on his language, when she didn’t they held questioning looks upon their faces. Adonis sat directly across from Lacey, staring intently at her.

“What do you mean?” One of the guards asked.

“The fuck you do that you got stuck on doggie duty?” Jackson repeated. They ducked their heads to cover their smiles.

“Musta been somein pretty bad. Forget to iron Kingy’s socks?” Jackson guessed. Tyler was already grinning.

“Oh wait this….the fuck her name...Kingy’s sister?” Jackson asked looking at his brother

“Bitch face?” Tyler replied, shrugging his shoulders.

“Yeah, that soun bout right, bitch face. I thought her be….I dunno, prettier. I mean he a good lookin man, the fuck happen to her?” Jackson asked. One guard had to look away, but his shoulders were starting to shake.

“Smack a tree?” Tyler suggested,

“I din’t think a tree make someone that doggy lookin.” Jackson replied,

“Fuck you!’ Lacey snapped.

“Oh, ita yorkie. Yippy lil thin, shame though, all bark no bite.” That had another guard cracking up.

“Maybe her insides showin” Tyler offered,

“Maybe, what’s a matter lil yorkie forget to eat yur makeup today?” Jackson asked, the third guard went.

“Go away!” Lacey huffed.

“Are you even sayin words? All I hearin is yip, yip, yippety yip” Jackson shot back. The last man was trying really hard, he was fighting with everything he had not to laugh, but the yipping from Jackson broke him.

“Yes, pay up Johnny, an I wasn’t even tryin” Jackson said, holding his hand out for the money.

“What are you staring at?” Lacey snarked at Adonis. He said nothing, just continued to stare her down. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and he caught the faint whiff and the first flicker of flame ignited in his eyes. Lacey gasped slightly, she’s heard the stories about this man. None of them were good, none of them ended well for anyone that went up against him.

“You called her stupid” Adonis replied, to the unasked question. Lacey widened her eyes. ….grrrr…. She went to steal a glance at the little one that spoke to her earlier, but the low snarl snapped her eyes back to the large man sitting across from her. The extremely large man who looked at no one else but her. The hatred she saw pooling in his flaming eyes had her sitting up and pushing back from the table.

“Elijah?” Adonis asked.

“Her condition is a moot point. She’s ready to have that baby any day now. Johnny might prefer sooner, so we could rush it along. The baby would be unharmed” Elijah replied as he looked the woman over.

’W-what are you talking about?” Lacey asked.

Helping a friend rid himself of a pathetic little drain on his life. If I take you out of the equation Johnny will be completely free of you to live his life with both his sons and the woman he actually adores. Odin growled at her. Another gasp left Lacey’s mouth when she heard the snarled deep voice.


Don’t even try to wrap your meager brain around it. It is beyond your intelligence and comprehension. Did you know your ex-mate and ex-brother have been discussing how best to get rid of you. I have a few suggestions, all gruesome, bloody and horrible. I crave bloodshed and your fear is driving me…. Lie, I dare you. Tell me you’re not afraid as you sit there trembling on the verge of hysterically crying and pissing yourself” Odin again snarled at her, his upper lip raising as his canines began to appear over his bottom lip. Lacey tried shaking her head, but they both knew she was only lying to herself. Everyone in the room could see she was terrified of the man sitting across from her.

You spoke discouragingly to my mate. The love of my life. Tried to fill her head with poisonous little lies, because you are a wretched, jealous little bitch. You attack her, because you are dull and boring. You reek of drama, exhaustion and headaches. Dealing with you must have drained everyone around you mentally.” The first sniffle slipped past Lacey ….grrrrrr…. She jolted back from the table her chair scraping across the dining room floor at the sound, it was louder and deeper than before. He clearly was not amused by the tears, or her pathetic attempt to garner sympathy.

Wah, wah, wah! Save your waterworks little whore, they will do you no good in a house full of people that loathe the sight of you. Your shameful stench clings to you and you will be nothing but the little bitch that threw everything away for a cheap piece of ass. I hear he lost his head, shame yours is still attached. If it were me it wouldn’t have been. Then again taking your head would be too easy and clean. Maybe something more painful. I’m sure I could figure out how to remove bones from your body. Make you scream and beg for mercy as I skin you alive” Odin huffed, he was just getting warmed up. ….grrrrrr…. Jackson started laughing from the other end of the table.

“Shake your head again and tell me you’re not afraid. You’re sitting in a puddle and this house doesn’t have any leaks.” Adonis told her as he got up, the guards too moved away from her.

“I think it’s time to go to the workshop. Bring a few bottles.” Edward exclaimed. He had to admit that was impressive from both men.

“What happens in the workshop?” Adonis’s curiosity was piqued by this, he looked towards Lacey and a smile crept across his face.

“Swear time!” Johnny said when he saw the look.

“It not a torture chamber?” Jackson asked, slightly disappointed. He totally wanted to see bones being removed.

“That suck!” Tyler huffed he was in for the skinning.

“Two weeks,” Elijah said to Johnny as he looked back at Lacey.

“He scared the baby out of her?” Johnny asked following him.

“No, but he could if you wanted him to. Or I could just remove it” Elijah offered.

“I’ll get back to you on that” Johnny hesitated his reply as that thought rolled around his head.


Laughter and merriment were heard from the workshop as they sat around drinking and telling stories.

“You sent cows through the party?” Edward laughed as he looked at Tyler and Jackson.

“We din’t send ’em there, they went on they own” Jackson said, defending himself and his brother.

“The one that still gets me was the look on Eric’s face over the microsized fetish comment and Elijah having to leave the table” Johnny said cracking up again.

“What?” Edward asked,

“We were playing 1000 ways to die, the little pixie was helping. She’s scary good at the game. Came up with everything from a snake bite, to using Elijah as a way. Her last one wasn’t what she was going for. She meant necrotizing fasciitis, but came out with microsized fetish instead.” Johnny explained.

“The stick sideways was good too an shame you boys wasn’t there when her call him a giant butthole. Bless up for Lil Kenzi Cakes, pure heart of gold, but fuck her say stuff.” Jackson said.

“How are her studies going?” Kenneth asked.

“Good. I thoroughly enjoy hearing all about Africa and its manwhore lions” Adonis replied.

“The fuck you teachin her?” Tyler asked, looking at Elijah.

“Not that,” The man replied.

“She said Elijah told her they were promise yous. But according to Kenzi they’re promise you can’ts, because they’re all manwhores and sleep with everybody.” Adonis turned to look at Elijah.

“I said promiscuous and I did not tell her what that word meant. She came up with manwhores all by herself. I’m assuming it had something to do with the Sweetheart Festival and their argument over manwhores and high priced call girls” Elijah defended himself pointing towards Jackson and Tyler. The workshop exploded with laughter.

“That like this one teachin her cock-blocked all over again” Jackson choked out.

“That was your fault….jackass” Damon fired at him.

“What is your next move boys?” Edward asked,

“We’ve been going after the soldier,” Kane replied.

“Soldier? He the one that ties the shifter species together?” Jackson asked,

“Yes,” Kane replied.

“The fuck we find him?” Tyler asked,

“We don’t know. We’ve been reaching out to people. Seeing if anyone knows something, but we’re not having much luck” Johnny said. This one wasn’t shaping up to be exciting.

“Hey, you think he know somein?” Jackson asked Adonis. “He been around”

“He might, give him a call” Jackson got up pulling his phone as he left the workshop.

“Care to fill the rest of us in sweet cheeks” Kane fired at him.

“Easy honey, don’t get your panties in a bunch and don’t look so shocked, I do have more friends than just you” Adonis clapped back.

“What did I say about that?” Kane huffed.

“You keep promising, but I am beginning to think that’s all it is” Adonis replied,

“Asshole!” Kane grumbled and shook his head.

“Don’t be jealous,” Adonis returned.

“You think he might know somein?” Tyler asked,

“He is with Malone’s kid so he might” Adonis replied.

“Esso right? That the name of his kid?” Tyler asked.

“No, that’s the name of a gas station. Enzo, I think his name is” Elijah corrected only for Tyler to shrug.

“We know a bear he was made Beta of a wolf pack. He might know something” Adonis replied to the unasked questions.

“Enzo?” Kane asked,

“That’s the name of the Alpha. The bear is Bronco” Elijah clarified for them.

“Find out what you can on him,” Adonis said. Both Tyler and Elijah nodded their heads. Aside from being the son of a community member, and someone he donated money to anonymously he knew nothing about the man. If it wasn’t for the speech he made in front of the council and the comment about hoping birds shit on their heads he wouldn’t even have known the man exists.

“Bronco….why does that name sound familiar?” Damon asked,

“Wasn’t he the bear that was thrown in a hole for kidnapping?” Johnny asked.

“Attempted kidnapping” Adonis said “He was trying to break….a special someone out of hell” Then he nodded towards Kane who nodded as well.

“He’s a friend of the little pixies” Kane said and that cleared everything up.

“What did he say?” Adonis asked when Jackson walked back in.

“He say he might know who we lookin for” Jackson replied.

“And” Adonis pushed, a smile crossing his face.

“Pack yur bags boys, we goin to Colorado. An you better brin her or you two hasin a talk when we get there an someone’s gettin somein broke off, an it ain’t gonna be me. I goin there intact an I comin back the same way, so leave my junk outta this” Jackson told him.

“Can he be trusted?” Kane asked,

“He’s entertaining,” Adonis replied, a grin breaking across his face.

“Why does that look not instill confidence?” Kane grumbled, shaking his head.

“What else did he say?” Adonis asked quietly enough that only Jackson could hear him.

“They’s somein that he an Alpha Enzo need to discuss wit you that ain’t gonna make you happy. He din’t say what it was about though” Jackson replied just as quiet.

“Interesting!” Adonis said as he pondered what would an Alpha he didn’t know want to talk to him about, that it can’t be told over the phone and would make him angry when he heard it. (🐺Guess we’ll find out!) Odin grumbled. Guess we will!

Somewhere in Colorado….

The mack truck of a man thundered down the hall, turning slightly sideways just to fit his massive size through the corridor. He rapped once on the door before he opened it.

“Shh….” Greeted him before he spoke. He looked at the other man sitting behind the desk in the office and the curled little ball on his chest, purring contently as he stoked behind her ear.

“We got some company coming an they need cabins,” his raspy deep drawl broke the silence of the room as he spoke quietly.

“What company?” The other man asked him curiously.

“The kinda company that when they come callin you say okay an don’t ask questions,” the man replied.

“I’m gonna need their names if I’m gonna let them on the territory” The other man spoke. The big man sighed deeply.

“Black Shadow and they bringin Blood Howlers,” he replied, then grinned when he saw the look on the other man’s face.

“The Devil and The King are coming here?” He asked.

“That gonna be a problem?” The man asked,

“Like I could say anything if it was,” the man snapped at him.

“Check yur anger Enzo, you pull that shit roun them, I gonna be the leas of yur worries,” the man remarked, chuckling to himself.

“It’s not funny Bronco” Enzo huffed,

“Sure as shit ain’t sad, he needs to know. An maybe The King sign the forest over to you. I don’t think he know it ain’t as protected as he believe it to be,” Bronco replied as he motioned to the purring pretty in his lap. Enzo also looked down. His mate was curled in a ball sleeping peacefully. He hugged her tighter to his chest bringing her scent deep into his lungs as he mulled over what his Beta said. Having the national forest a part of his territory would secure it as a safe zone. He would be able to station patrols through it to keep the others safe. Though they now had a few that called his territory home, they still liked the woods and he didn’t want anything to happen to them.

“How many cabins?” Enzo asked,

“Three” Bronco replied,

“What about the other three?” Enzo asked,

“No point sendin ’em if he comin here an he gonna wanna see. Sides Havoc ain’t adjustin like he should be. He keep diggin holes on the north side an don’t know why, somein bout whispers in his head.” Bronco replied.

“Shit is gonna hit the fan when he finds out what happened” Enzo wasn’t sure he wanted that. His mate readjusted herself in his embrace, cuddling more into him, her tail wrapping around his arm as her body began to rumble with her soft purrs. Maybe it wasn’t a bad thing considering what they did. And he did wish for The Devil to find them and have hell swallow them whole.

“What you gonna tell him bout her?” Bronco asked,

“She’s my mate, I’m not giving her up until I’m in the ground” Enzo replied and held her tighter to his chest.

“Ok!” Bronco nodded.

“Ok, they can have the four cabins on the south side, if Havoc’s digging holes on the north I don’t need one of them falling in. When are they coming?” Enzo wrote that down, he would get cleaners there to tidy them up.

“Next week” Bronco replied, he had his phone out ready to send Jackson the details.

“Ok then, next week Mountain Claw will host Black Shadow and Blood Howlers. This is going to be interesting.” Enzo said. Bronco could only nod and laugh. It indeed was going to be interesting

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