The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 8: Lil Kenzi Cakes!

Kenzi stayed late at the bakery last night, it was well after midnight when she called it quits, being too tired to go home she spent the night there. When she woke up the next morning she blinked several times to take in her surroundings. She was in the little room on the second level of the building. She lived there for two years after she opened the bakery until she bought the house she lives in now. It was still dark out and when she checked her phone the time flashed 2:30. Grabbing a quick shower in the small bathroom she looked at her reflection in the mirror. The bruises on her face and back of the neck were more pronounced now and the cut on her forehead looked a little ghastly. She cleaned it out really good, putting antibiotic ointment on it, she placed another bandaid over it to keep it protected. She had a lot more things that needed to be done before she could open this morning and Maggie would be here at 7:30 so she wanted everything done by then.

Adonis had watched the bakery most of the night from the shadows of the forest, but he didn’t see her come out once, nor did he see her in the bakery itself. She must have been in the kitchen all night long. I want to see our mate! I do as well! Then let’s go see her, what’s the fucking problem? Odin was getting irritable in his head. Calm down Odin, we’ll see her! When? We live next door to her, we’ll see her everyday! I want to see her now! Patience! I have none! You’re telling me! Fuck you human, you want to see her as much as I do or you wouldn’t have camped out in the fucking woods all night! Fuck you animal, I can at least wait! Bullshit, you fucking liar! We’ll get our chance! This waiting bullshit sucks! You sound like Jackson! Good, I like Jackson, he wouldn’t wait! She had a bad day yesterday! I know she needs us, let’s go! He went to move towards the building when another’s movement caught his eye. Do you see that, Odin? Who is that? What are they doing? Someone was near Kenzi’s car, he could hear a faint hiss of something but couldn’t quite make out what it was. A scent filled the air and he’s smelled it before but couldn’t place it. When whoever it was took off, he moved closer to see what they did. ….grrrrrr…. The deep low growl slipped past him as he looked upon his mate’s vehicle. That son of a bitch! When he finds them they will wish they never touched the car. SLUT was written all over it in black spray paint and whoever it was let all the air out of the tires.

Frank Mercer owned the only auto shop in town, he was probably used to being called at all hours of the day. Locating his number in the town directory, he placed the call and waited by the car for his arrival. The tow truck pulled up with the lights killed so as to not draw attention to what was going on.

“Adonis Bradshaw?” A big burly man exited the vehicle.

“Yes!” Adonis replied,

“Frank Mercer!” Extending his hand, Adonis shook it immediately. He has learned that when someone offers their hand, never hesitate to shake it, they are less likely to think you are untrustworthy.

“What happened?” Frank asked, still holding Adonis’s hand. Arching his eyebrow slightly at this, an amused smile crossed his face. Was this man trying to intimidate him?

“I was out for a run, saw this and didn’t think whoever owned the vehicle would want to see it.” Adonis replied, dressed in his sweats and sneakers again it wasn’t a lie he did go for a run through the woods, before he stopped to watch the bakery. He could feel the slight pressure as Frank was starting to squeeze. What would happen if we squeezed back? Odin asked.

“No, she doesn’t deserve this” Frank replied, his voice was gruff and angry, he dropped his hand. Guess we passed!

“Thanks for calling, I’ll take care of it” Frank turned away from him, getting back in the truck he backed up slowly towards Kenzi’s car. When he got out again, he was madder than hell, cursing under his breath at the stupid people of this town.

“Who’s car is this?” Adonis asked as he watched Frank hitch the vehicle to the back of the truck.

“Belongs to the sweetest Lil Button you’ll ever meet. This town and all its stupid self entitled people are killing her.” Frank replied. Lil Button? Adonis had to choke back a laugh when he heard the burly man refer to his mate as a button. Sounds like something Jackson would say! Yes it does!

“She don’t deserve anything they put her through. This has to do with that stupid rumour going around. Lil Button didn’t steal nobody. She don’t have to, any boy with half a brain and a pair of eyes would find her beautiful. If that stupid lil bitch wasn’t such a whore she’d probably be able to keep a man.” Frank went on. If Adonis wasn’t standing there the man wouldn’t have said anything. The fact that he was, had the wheels turning in his head. Maggie at the bakery said an awful lot as well and she didn’t strike him as the type who would disclose that type of information to a stranger.

“You know who did this?” He asked,

“No, but I have a feeling who had it done. Leland, that daughter of his, the fuck her name….don’t matter, she flies into town on her broomstick like she own the place. Does whatever she wants, says whatever she wants, pretty much gets whatever she wants. Stupid mayor in her daddy’s pocket, she ain’t even from here. The mother is worse, she gonna make poor Lil Button’s life miserable now, you watch. Lil Button don’t deserve it, steal her man, pfft….please who would want anything that bitch touched.” He could hear the sorrow in the man’s voice as he spoke of the promised hardships that would befall his mate. Adonis didn’t like this. He didn’t like what Frank was implying, no one would touch his mate. He would make sure of that.

“You know if Lil Button wasn’t working at that bakery this town would sink. Sad part is this whole town knows it too and they still treat her like shit. Town needs better people, and to run out all the stupids. Maybe Lil Button should just walk away, see how they like it then, when they have to eat someone else’s crappy baked goods and realize just how much she spoiled them, nobody bakes like Lil Button. Lil Button can go work at another bakery in a nicer town, with better people, put them on the map. Sure the town will sink, but serve them all right. Stupids!” Frank wasn’t holding back anything. He loathed the people in this town. Sounds just like Jackson! Yes he does, a little terrifying actually to think there are two of him out there! Bo! Just look alike, these two sound alike! Frank continued working on the car, while he continuously muttered curses under his breath. It wasn’t the comments Frank was making but the way he was making them that sounded odd to Adonis. Almost like he was inferring something. But when he tried to read him the only thing he got was more loathing for the town. When Frank finally finished, he turned back to face Adonis.

“Thanks for calling me. I’ll get this taken care of. Maggie gonna shit a brick when she finds out though. Lil Button’s the last good person in this world, damn shame how her treated.” Frank said, shaking his head. He shook Adonis’s hand one more time before he climbed back into the cab of his tow truck and drove off. With a lot more on his mind now Adonis continued his run. This town was killing her, over his dead body. He’s heard enough, they won’t be doing any more damage to his tiny dancer. Our Lil Button doesnt deserve that! Don’t say button Odin! I can say it if I want to! You’re such a fucking idiot! And you’re an asshole!

With the last of the baking finished and the shelves and the displays fully stocked she was cleaning up the kitchen when Maggie walked in. She was madder than an old mother hen who just had her eggs stolen. Frank had called her and Patrick this morning and informed them of what happened with Kenzi’s car.

“Good morning Kenzi!” She said as soon as she got into the kitchen.

“Morning Maggie! Ez-zry-thing ok?” Kenzi asked, she didn’t want to turn to face her, Maggie was already in a bad mood she’d flip when she saw her.

“The people in this town, when are they gonna learn” Maggie huffed,

“What happen?” Growing concerned, Kenzi turned her head slightly. She had taken her hair down to cover the bruising on her neck, but the ones on her face were fully developed. Today was the first time she wished she wore makeup, she could at least try to cover some of it.

“You get out of here. Towns kicked you around enough. You’ll need to take my truck. Frank noticed a few things wrong with your car and has it in the shop.” This alarmed her and she turned to face Maggie.

“What’s wrong with my car?” She asked, her eyes wide. It was fine last night when she parked it in the parking lot.

“Oh honey child what happened to you? Did Adam do that?” Maggie’s eyes were wide.

“Oh….um, it-its ok, i-it was a as-ass-cident, he di-dint mean to” her hand moving to cover the bruises, she immediately regretted turning around. This seemed to upset Maggie more.

“Give me your keys and go home. I don’t want to see you back here for a few days.” Maggie replied, holding out her hand.

“But, but, but….” Kenzi tried protesting, but Maggie wasn’t hearing it.

“No, go home! This town doesn’t need to see you like this. Let’s see how they do without you for a few days” Maggie cut her off,

“But, Patrick and uthers won’t get their bread” Kenzi didn’t want to leave them without a supplier.

“Don’t worry about them, the businesses will get their product. The rest of this town can go fuck themselves.” Maggie was angry, she only swore like that when she was really angry. Her hand was still outstretched waiting for Kenzi’s keys. Reaching into her pocket she pulled her keys and gave them to her. She knew better than to argue with Maggie, she always won in the end. Reaching into her pocket, Maggie gave her the keys to her truck and sent her out the door, before Kenzi could protest any further. Locking the bakery door behind her, she watched as Maggie started pulling all the bread from the shelves, while she called someone. With a deep sigh she walked across the parking lot and climbed into Maggie’s truck to head home. What else was she gonna do?

Pulling into her driveway she exited the truck, she did make a pit stop by Harvey’s he had pear trees for sale and since she had Maggie’s truck she could pick one up. It was the only type of fruit tree she didn’t have yet and Maggie wouldn’t mind if she did that. She could also go and pick some berries, make pies and tarts, and a cake. Guess she had things to do. Getting out of the truck she noticed the sold sign on the house next door and a moving truck in the driveway. Wonder who’s movded in? She thought. Maybe they’re nice! She could bake them a welcome to the neighbourhood basket. Even if they didn’t want to talk to her it would be a nice gesture to do.

With some of the treats she had made cooling on her counters, Kenzi headed outside, she had a hole to dig and berries to pick. With baskets in hand she headed off into the woods, singing and dancing along to the music in her head.

“If I keep smellin whatever that delicious smell is, I’ma lose my fuckin mind” Tyler said a stifled yet another whimper. The aromas were wafting over from the neighbours house.

“The fuck you wanna live here for anyway?” Jackson asked, trying to ignore both the aroma and how hungry it was making him.

“I think it’s time you tell them!” Elijah suggested,

“I think you might be right” Adonis agreed,

“Tell us what?” Jackson asked, he was intrigued,

“The neighbour!” Adonis answered,

“Whatabout the neighbour?” Jackson asked,

“They cookin somein delicious an I starvin” Tyler chimed in,

“You idiots, the neighbour is my mate” Adonis rolled his eyes at them.

“No shit! The neighbour’s yur mate. So you ain’t stayin at the packhouse then?” Jackson asked, though it was more of a comment.

“No, I won’t be. The packhouse is five minutes from here” Adonis replied, Jackson and Tyler nodded their heads they understood. Would make it easier to start their family and have privacy. It wasn’t customary but most Alpha’s did choose to live in the packhouse, taking a whole floor to themselves. It would allow more wolves into the house if Adonis wasn’t there.

“The houses across the street went up for sale, I already put an offer on both, which ever one of you want the other one can buy it” Elijah added,

“Mine!” Tyler called it before Jackson could.

“Fuck you Ty!” Jackson huffed at him. He didn’t want to live in the packhouse alone.

“Don’t call me that!” Tyler snarled back,

“That’s enough out of both of you, you aren’t starting shit in my house….grrrRrrrr….” Adonis released a low growl putting a stop immediately to their behaviour.

“Fuck, whatever! I jus take yurs” Jackson said, motioning towards Adonis,

“Mine? Why would you take my house?” He asked,

“Cause you gonna move into hers, it bigger!” Jackson replied,

“You don’t know that” Elijah scoffed at him,

“Do so!” Jackson countered,

“How could you possibly know that?” Elijah asked him, still not believing what Jackson just said. Seeing the overhead picture of the property on the table, Jackson drew two perfect squares of the same size around each house.

“Her’s take up more of the square, meanin it got more square footage. Her’s bigger!” He stated again. Both Adonis and Elijah looked at the picture, then looked at eachother.

“Her’s is bigger!” Elijah repeated. Neither could argue with that.

“I gotta get the fuck outta here. Whatever that smell is, is drivin me crazy. I’m starvin!” Jackson declared, walking out the backdoor before anyone could stop him.

Making it to the back of the yard he headed left towards the neighbours.

“That a whole lotta fruit trees. Must like fruit!” Jackson mumbled as he walked past the house with all the fruit trees in the backyard. Wandering further into the forest, he heard the softest voice singing. He could feel his wolf Ko starting to stir in his head. He liked the sound, it was very calming, soothing and drawing him to find the owner. The further into the woods he went he could hear the words to the song she was singing more clearly.

“That soun really nice” Jackson kept following the sound, when he came across a little girl singing out loud and dancing along to the music playing through her headphones.

I got my ticket for the long way ’round

The one with the prettiest of views

It’s got mountains, it’s got rivers

It’s got sights give you shivers

But it sure would be prettier with you

When I’m gone

When I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me by my walk

You’re gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

When I’m gone

When I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me by my hair

You’re gonna miss me everywhere

Oh, you’re sure gonna miss me when I’m gone

When I’m gone

When I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

You’re gonna miss me by my walk

You’re gonna miss me by my talk, oh

You’re gonna miss me when I’m gone

(Cups - Anna Kendrick)

With her song finished she pulled her phone out of her pocket.

“That was nice, I like that song” Jackson finally spoke after he studied her for a moment. Kenzi released a startled gasp, spinning to face him, her phone flying from her hands as she stepped back only to fall into the berry bush she was once standing in front of.

“Oh shit! Good job Jackass, make the pretty girl fall in the bush!” Jackson muttered to himself. He looked to see where she fell as he went to retrieve her phone. She popped up and they stared at each other wide eyed for a second before either spoke.

“I-I-I’m sorry I d-di-dint see you” Kenzi apologized,

“It my fault, I hear you singin” Jackson replied, he didn’t mean to scare her, he just wanted to know who the voice belonged to. She stood up and he could see pieces of leaf and twig stuck in her hair and berries smeared on the front of her shirt and face.

“I di-dint know nobody was around, I’m sorry” she didn’t mean to interrupt whatever he was doing in the woods with her singing.

“Don’t be, it soun nice. Let me help you outta there. I din’t mean to scare you, I’m sorry.” Crouching down a bit so she could wrap her arm around his neck, he circled his arm around her waist plucking her from the bush she landed in. Her scent flooded him, it was familiar, he hadn’t smelled it in years, it reminded him of his past, but it was her touch that threw him. A wave of peace crashed into him, an Ko purred with utter contentment in his head. She felt like home!

“It’s ok, it was a as-ass-cident.” Jackson studied her for a moment after he heard her fumble with the pronunciation. There was something about her, and he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. She held tightly to his neck as he lifted her into the air like she weighed nothing. She practically did weigh nothing, he had to reevaluate how much effort he needed to get her out of the bush before he accidentally dumped her on her head.

“You a tiny lil thing” He said as he put her down beside him.

“You’re a tall tower” She replied, stepping back a bit so she could look up at him.

“Yeah! I guess I am, what you doin?” Jackson replied, a grin on his face,

“Picking berries,” She answered, looking at all the bushes.

“I been all over these woods, how come this the only spot wit berry bushes?” He asked, looking at them.

“Oh….um, I plantded them. They take over the garden so I can’t put them there. So I plantded them in the woods. You’re not pose to, but I did anyway,” she replied. She’s gonna get in trouble now.

“Look at you, you lil lawbreaker. It ok, I ain’t gonna say nuttin” He said, his grin getting bigger.

“Thank you!” She smiled up at him. Those two words brought a warmth through him he’s never felt. They were genuine. He couldn’t remember the last time he was genuinely thanked for something or if he was ever thanked for something. And here this little one was thanking him for not ratting her out. We ain’t ever gonna tell! Ko said.

“Jackson Monroe!” He held out his hand introducing himself. She was looking at the bushes when she noticed his hand.

“Oh, sorry Kenzi Templeton” she shook his hand. Her’s was so little compared to his.

“Kenzi Templeton….I like that, roll right off the tongue” Jackson said repeating her name.

“You’re not from around here?” She said, if he was he certainly wouldn’t be talking to her.

“Nah, jus move here from Ottawa, couple days ago” Jackson replied,

“Ott-awa? I would has guessded pray-ries” She said,

“Was born in Alberta, move when we was lil” he replied,

“We?” Her dainty little eyebrows raised at him then she looked around, she didn’t see anybody else when she looked back at him, she held a very quizzical look upon her face.

“Me an my lil brother” Jackson said.

“Oh! What do you do?” She asked,

“Lil of this, lil of that. Fixin up some old cabins right now” He answered,

“Oh, you should go see Harvey at the hardware store, he can ged you what-ez-er you need.” She said,

“Yeah! I’ll do that, thanks,” he smiled down at her. She the sweetest lil thin! Ko commented in his head. Yeah, she is! What’s with the bruises? Don’t know!

“So you’re like a jack of all trades?” She asked,

“Yeah, kinda!” He replied,

“Do people call you Jack?” She asked another question,

“No! Not if they don’t wanna get hit” he replied,

“You’re a Jackson of all trades” she commented, his grin got even bigger.

“Yeah! I like that, Jackson of all trades” he said nodding his head

“You don’t like Jack for a name?” She asked,

“Not really, my lil brother calls me Jackass for a nickname” she scrunched her face that didn’t sound like a good nickname to her.

“Um….that does…” she started to say but he cut her off,

“It ok, I kinda like it. I earn it, an between you an me, I’m kinda a Jackass” he said, causing her to giggle. His grin got even bigger at the sound she produced, even Ko in his head snickered at it.

“Ok!” As long as he was ok with it! She thought. She would never call him that though.

“What bout you? You got a nickname? Kenzi short for somein?” He asked,

“My friend calls me honey child,” Kenzi offered. Jackson scrunched his face at that but shook his head.

“That soun like somein yur mama call you. Anythin else” She shook her head.

“You got no other nicknames? Somein else people call you?” Her smile faltered a little as she shook her head again.

“Kenzi” she replied, with a slight shrug

“Everone should has a nickname. I’ll think of a good one for ya” Jackson said, her eyes lit up and she gave him a big smile that wrinkled her nose. Well ain’t that fuckin adorable! She cute as a button! Ko agreed, completely enamoured with her.

“So what you do that you need all these berries for?” He asked, looking again at the berry bushes.

“A baker. I’m the baker for Sweet Talk Bakery” she replied,

“A baker! That pretty cool. Whatcha gonna bake with all these berries?” He motioned to the baskets. Lil Kenzi the baker! Ko cooed in his head.

“Um….very, berry, cherry, danish bars, blueberry raspberry tarts, blackberry cheesecake, and maybe a black raspberry vanilla whip cake” she replied,

“A black raspberry vanilla whip cake? Never heard of it, but that souns frickin delicious” He was growing more hungry by the minute.

“I’ll has to come up with a few more things as well. I pickded a lot of berries.” She said looking at her baskets.

“What a black raspberry?” He’s never heard of that before. He watched her walk over to the baskets and pull three different berries. Showing him the different berries, she pointed each one out.

“This ones your regular raspberry, tangy and tart, this ones a blackberry, it’s more tart than sweet. This is a black raspberry, looks like a blackberry, but is more sweet than tart.” She offered it to him to try.

“That good, it sweet. An you gonna make that into a cake?” He asked, she nodded.

“Lil Kenzi bakes cakes, Lil Kenzi Cakes. That what I’ma call you from now on. Lil Kenzi Cakes” her nose wrinkled as her grin spread from ear to ear. Fucking adorable! Do we has to share her? Ko cried.

“Sweet Talk Bakery right? I’ma come see you” he said, her nose wrinkling even more as her grin got bigger. She probably shouldn’t get her hopes up, but he was talking to her and it was rather exciting.

“I ask you somein?” He asked, looking at her. He noticed more of the bruising on her face and her neck, but he didn’t want to say anything before, she might get scared off or defensive.

“Yeah, sure!” She replied looking at him,

“What happen to yur face? How you get them bruises?” He asked, her hands went to her face to cover them.

“Um….it-it was a as-ass-cident, it’s not important” she said, turning her face away so he couldn’t see anymore.

“A accident? Lil Kenzi Cakes, somebody do that to you?” Jackson didn’t like that. Who’d do that to this lil girl? Ko was howling with anger in his head.

“It’s ok, he di-dint mean to, it was just a as-ass-cident” she said, fumbling over the same word as before.

“The cut on yur forehead, that a accident too?” He asked, trying to get a better look at her face. He felt a small tinge of fear ripple from her. He didn’t understand, usually fear had Ko howling for more, but coming off of her seemed to upset him. Make her not scare of us! Ko barked at Jackson. It wasn’t enough to make her move away, but she did keep her face turned away from him.

“I fell, smackded my head off a cub-bird,” she replied. He could see she didn’t want to talk about this, he wouldn’t push it. If he made her uncomfortable she wouldn’t talk to him anymore, and he really didn’t want that. She was a sweetheart and he wanted to keep talking to her, so he just nodded his head.

“Aight, Lil Kenzi Cakes. I’ma let you get back to yur berry pickin. It nice meetin you an I’ma come see you at the bakery. Curious bout that cake.” Jackson said. Besides, he should get back to the house.

“Nice meeting you too Jackson Monroe, welcome to Blackwoods, I’ll see you around.” She said,

“Thanks Lil Kenzi Cakes! See ya roun!” He replied as he started to walk away from her. Accident my ass Ko, someone do that to that lil girl. I’ma find ’em. Make ’em pay! Twice!

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