The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 77: Plans And Theories Part Three!

Elijah Part Two!

After he received the pint of blood from his Alpha. Elijah separated it into half ounce portions. He usually used five drops of blood and it took thirty minutes of fighting between man and beast both internally and externally to see which one came out on top. Though he had the time to waste, he didn’t want to wait that long. Half an ounce would give a ten minute struggle, more than enough time. If the human stayed on top he’d throw them back in the dungeons. If the beast emerged victorious, he’d be flying blind and have to figure it out as he went. Nine prisoners, nine chances to get it right. Is that good? It’s not bad! What are we doing exactly? Creating guard dogs! Why? To help increase our pack without having to take normal warriors! Yeah, normals suck! Not all of them are bad! Name one! Kenneth seems fine! Name another! Marco….Carter….Johnny….! Damon! We scare him! I know, it’s great! Is that what makes him a good one? Yes. So what exactly are we doing? Severing the connection between man and beast and hoping the beast stays on top! Gotcha!

With the first prisoner sitting in the room staring at him wearily Elijah said a small vow of acceptance then struck fast. A hit to the face then he forced the blood down his throat.

“The fuck man?” The man sputtered and coughed as he choked the blood down.

“You have roughly ten minutes before your connection to your wolf is severed” Elijah said as he watched the man’s reaction to the news. His eyes widened as his wolf surfaced. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. They fought and struggled with each other. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Growls and snarls were heard as they threw each other around the room, each one trying to gain control over the other. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. It ended ten minutes later when they crashed into the floor. The body laid there, unmoving but breathing. When Elijah heard the groan his face fell slightly. It was too much to ask for it to work on the first try, he knew that.

“The fuck man? What did you do?” The man asked, he was trying to reach his wolf but was not getting a reply.

“Stop trying, he’s gone. He will never be back, you’re completely human, alone and not the outcome I wanted.” Elijah told him. “Guard, back to his cell” The man just stared at him, not believing the words he had heard.

“No, no, no, no” over and over he repeated those words as the dungeon guards hauled him away.

What now? On to the next one! How many times are we gonna do this? Until we either get it right or run out of participants! Good times! Eight to go! Elijah had the next prisoner brought in.

“What’s going on?” He asked,

“Do you know who I am?” Elijah asked the man.

“Y-y-you belong t-t-to Black Sh-Sh-Shadow,” he replied.

“I do, my name is Elijah Burns” Elijah watched the man’s eyes widen. Oh he knew exactly who Elijah was. The fear coming off of him had Asmodeus jumping to be let go. No, Asmo. we need him….alive! But, but, but he’s so scared! I know, but calm and controlled! But, I want him! I know, but we need control! Control….control….control….hey if this works can we change their names? I don’t know, we have to get it to work! But if we do, can we name one elephant? If it will stop you from eating one, I’ll think about it! I don’t want to eat him….I want to play with him! Remember what happened the last time you played with one? Kennedy yelled at us! I’ll let you play with the next one as long as you are gentle and don’t kill him! DEAL! Settle Asmo! Settled!

Once more Elijah spoke a silent vow of acceptance before he struck the man and forced the blood down his throat. He sputtered and coughed as he choked on it. Elijah told him he had ten minutes before him or his wolf would disappear then he stood back and watched them fight each other for dominance. That really is fun to watch! The man pitted against his own beast tore at his clothes his skin, his hair was ripped out in chunks, blood poured from claw marks he made to his own body. Then once more it fell to the ground.

NO! No, no, no, no” Shaking his head searching for the wolf that once resided there. Elijah let out a huff and called for the guards.

The third prisoner was dragged in, the guards had to fight with him to get him to leave his cell. The first one that was brought back was telling stories and now the prisoners were all scared and uncooperative. None of them wanted to face him in the room, none of them wanted to undergo whatever interrogation they thought he was planning and none of them wanted to lose their wolves.

“Jester….it was all Jester” The next spouted.

“Jester?” What the fuck kinda name is Jester? Ain’t that a clown? Asmodeus was laughing at the name.

“He’s behind the attacks, he’s responsible for it all. He’s been talking to someone, I don’t know who, but it’s him you want not me”

“Thank you!” Was all Elijah said after his vow of acceptance. Keeping his word Elijah did let Asmodeus play with this one for a bit, but when he started getting too rough he had to reign him in. Bloody and broken Elijah poured the half ounce blood shot down his throat. They watched the struggle between man and beast, but ultimately the man won and the beast disappeared. ….grRrRrRRRrRrRrr…. The menacing growl released from Elijah, he was growing frustrated at their progress and backhanded the man. He hit the wall and collapsed to the floor in a broken heap. Once more he called for the guards.

Calm Elijah! This is not working! Control! Dammit! It will work! It’s not Asmo! You’re smart, you’ll figure it out! I’m….! Smart and will figure this out, just calm, stay in control and don’t break no more humans! Thank you! For what? Just….thank you and it’s anymore! What? It’s anymore, not no more! Luna says no more all the time! Luna doesn’t know any better, she never received an education! I like no more better! It’s not proper! Proper shmopper, still like it better!

Elijah took a deep breath, he wasn’t going to argue proper grammar with his wolf. He took a second deep breath allowing it to calm him. Finding his center he proceeded with the fourth prisoner, repeating the same process as before. When it appeared to be failing Elijah backhanded the man during his fight with the beast. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Ripped from the beast as it glared at Elijah. It fought harder to remain on the surface. Elijah smacked it again. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Low guttural. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. The wolf fought harder, but in the end lost to the human side. That’s it! What? Violence! Yes we are! No that’s the answer, they respond to violence. They fight harder to be present! Ok? We need to cause pain! Pain? Pain! We’re good at pain! Yes we are!

The fifth prisoner was brought in as more guards dragged the last one out.

“Please man please! I didn’t mean any harm! It wasn’t my idea, Jester organized the whole thing. He’s the one you want, get him not me.” The prisoner begged.

“Jester….who is Jester?” Elijah asked, this was the second one that threw this Jester under the bus.

“He’s the one you want, he’s the leader of the rogues,” the prisoner whimpered.

“I thought rogues didn’t have a leader” Elijah asked,

“We don’t but some follow him. He pays us,” he snivelled.

“Pays you….where is he getting the money?” Elijah asked, this one seemed more forthcoming then the one Asmodeus ripped apart.

“I don’t know man, he’s talking to somebody, somebody big never seen him but he goes by the name Shaw,” he shook his head.

“Shaw?” Elijah questioned.

“Yeah Shaw, that’s all I know man, just….just let me go” he begged, pleading for his freedom.

“Thank you!” Elijah delivered a hit to the right side of the man’s jaw before he poured the blood down his throat and clamped his hand over the man’s mouth forcing him to swallow. Don’t kill him Asmo, just enough to keep the wolf on the surface! Right! Elijah relinquished control to Asmodeus and he took care of the pain. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. Ease up Asmo! They watched the wolf fight and wrestle and when he seemed to be quieting down Elijah let Asmodeus go again. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. Snarls and growls filled the room and the corridor outside the interrogation room. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. Then all fell silent, the guards on the other side of the door backed away slowly not knowing what was happening.

….grrrrrr…. Elijah stood in the center of the room, as a low rumbling came from the man on the floor. We did it….did we do it? I think we might have! Yay elephant here we come….what do we do now? Um….! Elijah, what do we do now? Um….make sure it’s the wolf, then we get him to pledge! Then we call him elephant! Then we call him elephant! Yes! Cautiously approaching, his breath quickening as his heart beat hard in his chest. ….grrrRrrrr….

“Do you pledge your life to Alpha Adonis Bradshaw?” Elijah spoke with authority. ….grrrRrrrr…. Rolling the man onto his back, his eyes were closed. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr….

Open your eyes!” Elijah commanded, when they did glowing green stared back at him. WE DID IT? Calm Asmo! Right calm, but we did it!

Pledge to your Alpha, pledge to your pack” Elijah commanded. The beast rose to his feet ….owooooooooooo…. It ripped from the wolf before anymore could be said, it gripped his head howling in pain. The flesh began to rip away, blood poured and pooled on the ground. What the fuck! I don’t know! What the fuck? I don’t know! In a startling moment the body of the man exploded away from the beast. Blood and skin flew in every direction coating everything including Elijah. He stood there in stunned silence. In the middle of the room now stood a six foot wolf. A six foot angry wolf with piercing glowing green eyes. Its teeth bared saliva dripping from its open mouth. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. A low menacing growl ripped from its chest then it pounced. Teeth gnashed, jaws snapped and claws swiped ripping into flesh. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Chaos and growls, crashes and clatters came from behind the closed door. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….


Then silence enveloped the room and the corridor. The guards at the end of the hall alert and at attention, they shared looks amongst themselves then turned back to stare down the hallway. The handle to the door rattled as whoever tried to open it. The guards stood watching, waiting for anything, for something, not knowing what it might be. Elijah stumbled out and hit the floor outside. He could only stare into the room, his mouth slightly gaped. He clutched his arm to his bloody chest as it gushed blood from the bite he took. He was coated in not just his blood, but the blood of the wolf when it shed its human form. HOLY FUCK!

“Gamma Elijah?” One of the guards called down the hallway. Elijah slowly looked towards the sound of the voice.

“Êtes-vous bien? Are you good?” The man asked him. Elijah blinked then looked back towards the room and the beast that laid dead on the floor. It attacked him. It was unrelenting in its quest to rip him apart. Maybe this is not a good idea! Asmodeus threw out. No, it’s fine. We’ll try again! It tried to eat us! We might need help! Ya think?

“Elijah?” Looking one more time down the hall he saw a wide eyed Kenneth staring back at him.

“It worked!” Was all he said.

Elijah went to get up only to stumble back to the ground. He looked down at his chest and saw the giant slash marks the wolf’s claws had made when he swiped him. Fuck! Beast wrecked our suit! Kenneth moved slowly down the hall, he had no idea what happened, but by the looks of Elijah it wasn’t good. He kept an eye on the room with the open door and when he saw what was on the floor his eyes widened.

“Santo cazzo! What is that?” Kenneth asked, staring at the hairy beast.

“It worked!” Again was all Elijah could say.

“What worked? What happened? What did you do?” Kenneth asked as he looked at Elijah, taking in his injuries then back at the beast. Was that a werewolf? Why was it not shifting back to human form? Elijah again went to get up, but faltered.

“You need medical amico. Then you can explain what that is” Elijah just nodded and allowed Kenneth to help him to his feet.

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