The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 77: Plans And Theories Part Five!

Elijah Part Three!

“What the hell was that amico?” Kenneth asked,

“Testing a theory,” Elijah replied as they waited in one of the examination rooms. Though Elijah could tend to the injuries himself, Kenneth thought it better that a doctor saw him.

“A theory? What kind of theory requires a giant bestia?” Kenneth asked. Elijah looked at Kenneth, so far Kenneth has done nothing to prove himself distrustful. He has never really questioned anything Elijah has said to him or done to him. And he did require help with this theory, it was clearly not something he could do alone. Yeah, your theory tried to eat us! Asmodeus grumbled in his head.

“I am going to need your help with it,” Elijah said. Kenneth nodded his head as he took in Elijah’s injuries.

“Ok! But I am going to need more explanation. Your theory did that to you” Elijah nodded,

“That’s understandable, and I will explain. Just not right now” Elijah said as the door to the room opened. The doctor’s eyes widened when he saw the state of Elijah.

“Did we get attacked by rogues again?” He asked, looking back and forth between the two men.

“No, but after you patch me up I am going to need a dart gun and very strong tranquillisers” Elijah replied, “And you’re going to need to change out of your suit” he added when he turned back to Kenneth.

“This explanation is going to be interesting,” Kenneth said, a smile breaking across his face.

“The fuck you think Eli got up to?” Jackson asked,

“Don’t know, but he need somein from Adon” Tyler replied. They were wandering around the house after they tore down the stage and the ring.

“The fuck he need from Adon?” Jackson asked, Tyler could only shrug.

“The fuck they whisperin bout?” Jackson asked when he saw a group of four dungeon guards huddled together talking.

“Eli was in the dungeon” Tyler said as he listened in.

“The fuck he doin in the dungeon?” Jackson asked,

“Don’t know, but he lef a fuck of a mess, the prisoner all scare, one dead an another missin an Kenneth took Eli to the medical ward a few hours ago.” Tyler said as he continued to listen. “Somein bout a big beasty thin?”

“Big beasty thin?” Jackson questioned looking from his brother to the group of guards.

“That what they sayin. They a big dead beasty in one of the rooms an they all to scare to go near it” Tyler replied. Jackson looked back at his brother, a grin spreading across their faces and they took off towards the dungeon wanting to get a look at the big dead beasty thing.

Back in the dungeon, Kenneth and Elijah had to move to a different room. None of the guards wanted to touch the dead beast on the floor in the other room and left it there. Kenneth was eyeing it suspiciously unsure of what to make of it. Elijah had called for another prisoner and the guards were rounding them up.

“What is that?” Kenneth finally had to ask. Elijah looked at the body trying to figure out the best way to explain to Kenneth what that was on the floor.

“A wolf that lives in the head of a werewolf.” Was what he came up with.

“Mi scusi!” Kenneth turned back to him wide eyed. Elijah proceeded to explain his theory to Kenneth. When he was finished, Kenneth stood there for a few moments as he processed what was said to him.

“Are you crazy?” Was all he could think to say.

“No, deranged, but not crazy” Elijah replied,

“Nope, you’re crazy. That is aggression in its purest form. What makes a werewolf controllable is the human side. You take that away and you have pure bestia.” Kenneth countered.

“I know, it attacked me. But if I can get one to submit and pledge then think of the possibilities. Guard dogs could protect our borders. Complete and utter loyalty. We wouldn’t need to suss out warriors from other packs. Who would attack if you had the capabilities of turning your enemies into dogs?” Elijah said. Kenneth thought about that, Elijah had a point. If they had the ability to turn their enemies into loyal dogs it would deter others from attacking them. Not to mention adding a whole new layer of protection.

“I must be crazy too,” Kenneth finally said. He was curious as to what would happen if this could be pulled off.

“Accept this!” Elijah handed him a half ounce shot of something black.

“Ok!” Kenneth eyed the dark liquid unsure of what to make of it.

“No, you have to accept it. Say I accept” Elijah informed him.

“Ok, I accept. What is it?” Kenneth asked, still looking at the liquid in the small cup.

“Alpha Adonis’s blood, don’t drink it” Elijah replied.

“Was not my first thought” Kenneth remarked looking at Elijah.

“Sorry Kenneth,” Elijah said. “His blood, even the smallest drop when taken unknowingly or by force will sever the connection between you and your wolf. It will be gone forever. Either the human side or the beast side will remain.” Elijah gestured towards the dead beast on the ground. “The human side remembers everything, this is the first time I’ve had the beast side remain so I don’t know how they will act or what they will remember. Accepting his blood is a precaution. Should some of it get on you and you accidentally ingest it you will be fine.” He went on to explain. Kenneth looked back at the cup in his hands.

“Fantastico” Kenneth said as he held it further away from him.

“It’s not a bomb Kenneth” Elijah arched his brow as he looked at him

“It might as well be, Elijah” Kenneth countered.

They could hear a commotion down the hall, and Kenneth could only figure that had something to do with what had happened previously. Thrown in the room with the two men, Kenneth quickly shut the door. The man watched them both carefully, fear pooled around him as he coward in the corner. Whispering his acceptance Elijah took the blood from Kenneth, laid a hit against the side of the man’s head and poured it down his throat covering his mouth in the process. He choked and sputtered as he gagged it down. Stepping away, both Kenneth and Elijah watched the man closely.

“How long is this going to take?” Kenneth asked,

“Ten minutes from the first interaction” Elijah replied. The man grabbed his head and threw himself around the room. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Elijah laid a few blows to keep the wolf on the surface while Kenneth watched the time.

Tre minuti,” Kenneth told him. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. Elijah hit the man more, the wolf’s snarls and growls continued filling the room. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

TIME!” Kenneth had to yell to be heard over the sound and Elijah backed off. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. The growling coming from the man on the floor told him the wolf remained. Now he just had to get him to submit and pledge. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr….

“How long for this?” Kenneth asked

“I don’t know, time it and get the dart gun ready” Elijah replied.

Jackson and Tyler made it to the dungeon in time for the snarling and growling. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. They stood in the corridor watching the room with the door closed on the right. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. ….grRRrRRRrRRrr…. They heard the thumping and the crashing, Kenneth and Elijah yelling then all fell silent after they heard the sickening snap of bone breaking and something heavy thud against the ground.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked. Tyler said nothing as he watched the door handle at the end of the hall turn. When Elijah and Kenneth all but fell out of the room, coated in blood their eyes widened.

“The fucking dart gun did nothing” Kenneth said as he chucked the gun to the side. He had emptied the whole gun into the beast and it didn’t even slow him down. The only thing that stopped him was Elijah snapping his head all the way around.

“The fuck Eli?” Jackson asked,

“The fuck you do?” Tyler seconded as he looked them both over head to toe.

“Testing a theory,” Elijah replied as he looked back into the room.

Jackson and Tyler proceeded down the hall. Each looking in one of the open rooms.

“The fuck Eli?” Jackson asked again as he took in the sight of the room on the left. “The fuck that on the walls?”

“Blood” Elijah responded.

“The fuck the chunks?” Tyler asked as he looked in the right room.

“Skin” Elijah answered.

“You skin it?” Jackson asked as his eyes landed on the dead beast on the floor.

“No, he did not,” Kenneth answered. Had he not seen the skin explode from the body himself he never would have believed it. Now he also knew why Elijah told him to change his clothes. Jackson and Tyler looked back at both men then back in the rooms.

“Alpha Adonis knows” Elijah said,

“Ok, well you two have fun wit this. Kennedy gonna shit a brick when he see these rooms though.” Jackson said. Tyler was trying not to laugh at their appearance. They have never seen Elijah look so unclean. Elijah looked into both rooms and he could only nod his head. So much for keeping his promise.

“Come on Tyler, let’s grab the bodies.” Jackson said Tyler could only nod as he entered the one room and Tyler entered the other.

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