The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 69: Party For Royalty Part Three!

The Party!

Kenzi finally in her dress, after it took extra time to fit it to her correctly they entered the backyard. They were escorted to a table in the back away from the other guests and separated from Jackson, Tyler and Elijah. Guess Eric figures we won’t cause problems if we’re separated! Adonis had to laugh at that, he clearly doesn’t know the demon brothers as well as he thought he did. They could cause problems at the drop of a hat. Elijah already looked bored and the speech hasn’t even started yet. Tyler and Jackson were arguing about something, and he had his mate all to himself. Maybe he could behave tonight.

“Adonis, Kenzi fancy meetin you two here” Kennedy drawled behind them. Kenzi giggled as she turned to face him.

“Hi Kennedy” She greeted him with a big smile.

“You look ravishing darling.” Kennedy replied as he hugged her.

“Stop trying to butter up my mate. She is not staying here to cook for you” Adonis said.

“Come on brother. I know you demons don’t share, but what about if you tried it, just this once, you might like it. I’ll give you eleven - one. Eleven months of the year she’s with us and you can have her for one. You can come visit whenever you want though” Kennedy offered.

“No!” Adonis shook his head.

“Ten - two….nine - three….eight - four….my final offer seven - five” Kennedy kept trying,

“I’ll think about it” Adonis said,

“Really?” Kennedy looked slightly hopeful,

“No and if you keep it up I will tree you….again” Adonis warned. Kenzi could only giggle the whole time they were talking.

“Kennedy leave him alone” Brenda spoke as she shook her head.

“Come now my love, after eating the breakfast she made this morning you can not honestly tell me you want to be stuck with my cooking for the rest of your life.” Kennedy said, still smiling

“That is not something I’ll have to worry about, my love. You don’t cook” Brenda countered, wiping the smile from his face.

“Hi Brenda” Kenzi giggled,

“Hello Kenzi. Kennedy is right you look gorgeous in this dress” Brenda too gave her a hug.

“Tell me brother, were you misbehaving and Eric put you all in a time out? Is that why you have been separated?” Kennedy asked as he motioned towards the others at their own tables.

“Guess Eric figures we’ll cause less trouble if we’re not together” Adonis replied,

“Well he’s a fool” Kennedy stated matter of factly. “Back to the other subject”

“You’re not keeping her, she’s mine and she’s coming home with me” Adonis cut him off right there, moving Kenzi closer to him.

“What’s going on here?” Steve asked as he approached them,

“Adonis won’t let us keep Kenzi” Kennedy told him,

“Is that so?” Steve asked and looked back at Adonis,

“That is so, he’s not sharing.” Kennedy too looked at Adonis.

“Well, you know our little brother was never very good at sharing no matter how hard dad tried to drill that into him” Steve replied,

“You think just because there are two of you you outnumber me?” Adonis asked, looking back and forth between his brothers. They too looked at each other.

“No, that would be foolish, but while you’re treeing Steve I can get away” Kennedy replied laughing.

“Thank you Kennedy, your bravery astounds me,” Steve fired at him.

“Did you….” Steve started to say,

“No, I was not put in a time out” Adonis cut Steve off before he could ask the question.

“I hate when you do that. Maybe Eric doesn’t want you meeting The King” Steve suggested,

“Too late. We already met, it didn’t go well” Adonis replied,

“You met? When did you meet The King? How did you meet The King?” Kennedy asked,

“When this little one danced herself into him and made the introduction.” Adonis motioned towards Kenzi who was in conversation with Brenda and Clara.

“She introduced….herself? Does she know who he is?” Steve asked, it was one of the things they found endearing about her. She didn’t wait to be introduced, she extended her hand immediately and did it herself. Granted it was funny when she did it while Adonis was trying to introduce her.

“She has no idea who he is. Calls him Kane and spent the afternoon with Luna Dax getting fitted for a dress” Steve and Kennedy’s eyes widened, then looked towards Kenzi as well, their grins getting wider on their faces.

“Goddess bless that girl. Are you sure we can’t keep her?” Kennedy said after he heard that.

I’m sure” Odin spoke quietly. Kennedy just huffed, and pulled a small pout.

“We should go find our table now, dad will be back tomorrow, and I’m sure he’ll love to meet her, so there’s dinner at his house. And those two better behave” Steve told him then motioned towards Jackson and Tyler.

“Do you think she’ll introduce herself before he does?” Kennedy asked as they walked away.

“If I were a betting man, I would put money on it” Steve replied, Kennedy nodded.

With the events of the evening well underway they sat there listening to Eric babble on and on about something on the stage, The King, The Queen and all The King’s men were standing up there as well. The little Beta Marco looked as though he was about to fall asleep if he had to stand there and listen anymore. Eric likes to talk! Eric likes to hear the sound of his own voice! Mate is bored! Adonis looked to his left and sure enough Kenzi’s eyes were down as she watched the spoon she was spinning around on the table fighting to keep her eyes open. How was he going to keep her from falling asleep? The dress she was wearing tonight hugged her curves and thoughts entered his mind. He followed the flow of fabric, the high back to cover her scars, the plunging v neck to show off her curves. The long skirt with the well placed high slit. The shimmery gun metal grey material begged him to touch it. The slit encouraged him to explore the hidden territory underneath. It was requested he be on his best behaviour in the presence of their King, since his first meeting with him went a little rocky. Maybe he shouldn’t have touched what didn’t belong to him! He no longer wanted to behave himself, his tiny dancer was far too tempting and she was bored, she needed him.

“I am supposed to behave myself tonight” Adonis whispered as he moved in behind Kenzi. “How am I supposed to behave myself when you look the way you do?” He slid his hands down her arms till they were wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She pressed flush against his chest shivers rippling through her as he traced designs on her abdomen, ever so often dipping lower. The tips of her ears turned a deep shade of pink as the blush spread more across her face.

“You pick-ed the dress” She gasped, when his hand slid extremely low.

“You should see the thoughts running through my head right now, tiny dancer. Indecent is not a strong enough word, they’re borderline criminal.” His fingers found their way to the curve of her hip and began trailing small patterns along it, he would intentionally brush them closer to her, slipping them through the slit and in between her inner thighs close to her private satin flesh. He never came in direct contact with her, just teased the area as he agonizingly and slowly drew his hand back. Her heart was hammering in her chest as heat spread through her whole body.

Kenzi tried clenching her legs together to stop the pulsating heat between her thighs from radiating but every time his fingers moved they parted for him to torture her some more. She had placed one hand over his on her waist and she would tighten her grip everytime he moved his fingers closer to her. Her breathing had increased as he kept his movements slow and sensual. Electricity flowed through her as a pressure started to build. Her eyes darted around, but no one was paying any attention to them, they were all focused on the stage. She was fighting back moans and whimpers as his fingers brushed against the tender flesh of her sensitive inner thigh unrelenting in their mission to rocket her to ecstasy. She pushed further into him and used his arm wrapped around her to keep her supported when she rose to her tiptoes as he skillfully and gently grazed his fingers up and down her thigh. Her back would slightly arch, the feathery touches had her body vibrating against him.

Adonis had to focus on something else, not her smell, not the feel of her vibrating against him. The small purrs and hushed moans or the tiny whimpers she was trying to fight back. The slick wetness of her excitement or the soft uncharted flesh of her. If he didn’t he would take her right here in front of everyone. He wanted to touch her, taste her, see her. He wanted to feel her. Her hand gripped his tightly the closer she got to the blinding, rush of release. It was never his intention to take it this far, he just wanted to put an end to her boredom. I think you succeeded. Focus on the babbling idiot on stage! Odin laughed in his head. The arch of her back against him, brought him back to her instead and he pressed her tighter against him. Kenzi felt him against her, hard, wanting, she was fighting so hard to not make a sound, but one or two might have slipped out she didn’t really know. Her mind raced with so many steamy thinking thoughts, her body was shooting sparks and jolts of electricity everywhere and the pressure built higher and higher. How can this feel so good? He hasn’t even tou…. His fingers brushed past her and she shivered against him as she clutched his hand tighter, biting the moan that wanted out. Her scent thick in the air surrounded him.

“It’s time for kissy time” he growled, with urgency in his voice. Words were beyond her and she could only nod her head. Taking her by the hand they half walked, half ran from the party, towards the house.

Tyler was losing interest in the party. He was growing restless and bored and hadn’t heard anything Eric had said in the last half hour. He was looking at all the other captivated faces, then he looked to the stage and a grin broke on his face when he saw Carter’s hand shootout to stop Marco from falling over. He looked to his left and saw Elijah equally as bored trying to keep his eyes open. Jackson to his right was looking at his drink, then he saw Adonis and Kenzi running off into the house. He turned back to the stage and listened a little more but it couldn’t keep his focus. He turned to look behind him, then turned back to the front. He looked over his shoulder again and a smile spread across his face.

“Jackass….Jackass” Tyler elbowed his brother to get his attention.

“What….time to eat?” Jackson’s head snapped up.

“Cows!” Tyler said motioning over his shoulder,


“Cows!” He repeated. Jackson turned around and saw the farmers field and a whole herd of cows. A smile spread across his face then he looked around the party.

“Adon an Kenzi in the house,” Tyler said, knowing exactly who he was looking for.

“Think anyone miss us?” Jackson asked as he looked around again

“Technically, we not posed to be here” Tyler replied, his grin getting bigger

“Cattle drive?” Jackson asked, his grin getting bigger as well

“Rounup!” Tyler already knew his answer

“Rounup! When the las time we done a rounup?” Jackson looked over his shoulder again. Their movements had caught the attention of Elijah and he was watching them curiously.

“Been a while” Tyler too looked back at the cows. Elijah followed their gaze and still couldn’t figure out what they were up to. He looked around but couldn’t spot his Alpha or Luna either. When he saw Jackson and Tyler take off towards the farmers field he decided to follow. He had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well.

The sudden departure of Adonis and Kenzi, had Kane shaking his head, he could only imagine what they were doing beforehand that had them running to the packhouse for privacy. He looked down at his Queen and a smile crossed his face, they might need to find their own private time. When he saw the Delta and Beta take off towards the back, removing everything but their pants, he began to get curious. When he saw the Gamma running after them, he got really curious. What the hell are they up to?

“What the hell are they doing?” Johnny asked as he watched Jackson and Tyler take off towards the back of the territory.

“I don’t know” Kane replied

“Whatever it is, it doesn’t require clothes” Damon said trying not to laugh as he watched them stripping as they went.

“I think they got a little bored,” Kenneth said, as he too was fighting the urge to break down.

“I don’t blame them, I’m tempted to push Carter into yappy and off the stage” Johnny said as he glanced over at Carter, who stared back at him, slightly shaking his head.

“Don’t push Carter” Dax managed to interject,

“Yeah, don’t push Carter” Carter agreed,

“Yeah, who’s going to stop Marco from falling after he falls asleep again” Damon added,

“Fanculo” Marco huffed.

Adonis and Kenzi barely made it through the back door before he dropped his mouth to hers taking what he so desperately wanted. He had kicked everyone out of the kitchen, when he realized they weren’t alone. He had backed her into one of the counters, his hands roaming her body, feeling each curve, caressing everything he could through the fabric of the dress. He grew upset when the dress had no give to it. How was he supposed to wrap her legs around him? How was he supposed to accomplish anything he wanted to do when it was not cooperating with what he wanted to do? Her hands travelled the well defined muscles of his chest, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt as he continued to ravage her mouth. Restraint out the window when she hit the lower contours of his abdomen he ripped the slit of the dress higher and lifted her to his waist. He wanted her closer to him, pressed right against him. He was wanting, he was needy and very demanding. Kenzi gasped when he sucked and grazed his teeth over the delicate curves of her neck, moans escaped when his lips travelled lower. She shivered as his hands travelled up her thighs towards the sweet warmth of her moist center. He grumbled his disapproval at the mesh panties she was wearing. She had to change from the pair she had on earlier, cotton boyshorts apparently didn’t go with satin fabric. He didn’t like the tacky mesh fabric, though they exposed her to him, they weren’t fitting for her. She should only be in lace, but he would worry about that some other time.

Jackson and Tyler made it to the back field and lost their pants, shifting quickly. Before Elijah could catch them they jumped the fence and were gone.

“You go lef, I right”

“Yeeha lil cow”

Jackson ran one way and Tyler the other. They kept to the perimeter until they absolutely had to. ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. Ripped across the field from one direction, ….grrRrRrrrRrRrrr…. Followed by a lower one from the other. ….mmOOOOOoo….

“Um….” Damon’s eyes went wide when he saw them shift and enter the farmers field.

“What the hell?” Carter asked as he watched on, his curiosity piqued as to what was going to happen. Marco beside him could only watch.

“This is not going to end well” Kenneth said as he too watched.

“Where the hell is their chaperone?” Kane asked,

“Running in the other direction” Damon lost his battle and broke out laughing when he saw Elijah come to a dead stop and start running the opposite way. Jackson and Tyler were right behind him trying to get their pants back on as a herd of stampeding cows followed them.

Tyler was the first to hit the pool, followed by Jackson. Elijah made it to the second floor balcony, after using the house to gain height. His hands ran through his hair as he watched the herd crash through the party. Tables were flipped, chairs were stomped and wolves ran screaming in every direction.

What the hell did you idiots do?” Elijah yelled at them. Jackson and Tyler surfaced from the pool laughing.

“Now I member why we hadn’t done a rounup in a while,” Tyler choked out as he floated in the water.

“Yeah!” Was all Jackson could say.

About to get his first real feel of the woman he loved, he paused. His body stilled as he listened. Is that….thunder? Did a storm move in while they were occupied? The ground vibrated, with the rumbling. The sound grew closer and closer to them. What the hell?

“Do you feel that?” He asked,

“I feel something,” Kenzi replied breathlessly. She was still held tight to him and when he looked back at her, he could see desire swirling in her almost white eyes. A smile spread across his face as he moved his lips back to hers and pressed harder into her. Slower more passion and desire, less urgence. This needed to be drawn out, not rushed. He heard the screams first, then CRASH! ….mmOOOOOoo…. CRASH! Caught off guard he whirled around using his body to shield her as cows broke through the back door and stormed the kitchen.

“Holy cows!” Kenzi gripped at his shoulders, her eyes wide as she watched all the cows thunder through the kitchen.

Kane and the others all stayed on stage as chaos reigned around them. The cows had trampled the tables with food, the chairs where people were sitting. The guests had fled in every direction.

“This is what happens when they get bored” Was the only thing Kane could think to say. They had watched Jackson and Tyler hit the pool, and Elijah parkour off the house to get to a second floor balcony.

“Alpha Adonis and the little pixie are about to get some company” Damon said, Johnny couldn’t contain his laughter as he watched them crash through the kitchen door. More screaming, more crashing, they could only imagine what the interior of the house looked like now that fifty heads of cow ran through it.

“Alpha Eric looks livid,” Kenneth commented as they watched him storm towards the pool, his face turning a shade of red they didn’t know was possible.

“I wonder if he looked like that after the little pixie hit him with the pot?” Damon asked,

“She hit him with a pot?” Dax asked,

“This morning. It was an accident though,” Kane replied, watching him cautiously. He was about to blow.

“I would have done it on purpose” Dax mumbled not so under her breath. She looked up to see them all staring at her. “What? I would have” Kane could only shake his head at her.

“I think kissy time is done sweetheart” Adonis said, when the cows stopped coming through the kitchen. Probably for the best, as much as he wanted to touch her, he didn’t want the first time he touched her to be quick and dirty in a messy kitchen, wearing panties he hated. She deserved better than that, she deserved gentle, sensual. She deserved what she gave him.

“Yeah, a cow eated the salad,” Kenzi agreed. He helped her down from the counter. Then realized she couldn’t go outside with the state of her dress. Removing the rest of it he gave her his shirt to cover up and quickly did up the buttons.

“We’ll pick this back up later. When it’s a little more private. And I can worship you the way you deserve” He pressed his lips to hers again, sealing his promise with a kiss. Entwining their fingers they stepped out of the kitchen to see Jackson and Tyler floating in the pool and Elijah on a second floor balcony shaking his head at them.

“Cattle drive?” He asked when he approached the pool

“Rounup!” Jackson replied with a big grin.

“Get bored?”

“Lil bit!” Tyler answered, nodding his head. Adonis could only smile, he was not really sorry he missed it, though he would have loved to see the look on Eric’s face when his party for The Royals was crashed by a herd of cows, his reason was valid.

You stupid fucking idiots! What the hell is the matter with you deranged lunatics? How have you not been put down yet?” Eric seethed at them. Jackson and Tyler stopped laughing and looked at each other. Then looked back at Eric, who realized the error he just made.

“I mean….” He began to say, though he wasn’t entirely certain how he was going to back pedal from that one.

“Good luck taking that one back” Adonis said as he took several steps back. Elijah hit the ground and now stood in front of him.

“You threw a party for normal wolves and insisted demons attend. Being the brother of one, you’d think you’d know better. Clearly you have learned nothing, so whose the stupid fucking idiot now?” Elijah asked as he stepped closer to Eric. Jackson and Tyler exited the pool and now stood behind him.

“Your long winded, monotonous speech bored us, they needed to have some fun. It was either a stampede or I was going to see how many people I could kill before someone caught on to what I was doing or the bodies started to drop. Your chosen mate is very pretty, by the way.” Orange flashed in his eyes several times as he spoke. Asmodeus was howling with laughter as the fear poured off of him.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” It was the only thing Eric could say. It fell out of his mouth on a loop.

“You look like you need to cool off” Jackson said, before Eric could think, Tyler pushed him in the pool.

“That was nice Eli” Jackson said smacking him on the shoulder,

“You might be fucking idiots, but no one talks to you like that” Elijah replied shaking his head. Yeah, they’re our fucking idiots! Yes they are, Asmo!

“Eli like us” Tyler said, a grin breaking out on his face

“Let’s not get carried away” Elijah replied

“You like us, it’s hard not to” Jackson said, repeating the comment they heard the little spitfire use many times.

“You both are to utterly fucking insane to be boring.” Elijah commented.

“That the nicest thin you ever say to us” Tyler replied,

“Let’s go get a drink,” Jackson offered. “Eric got that fancy foo foo scotch”

“Foo foo scotch?” Elijah asked,

“Yeah, that 50 year old glensomeinorotherfancycrap” Jackson replied, he couldn’t fully remember the name of it, but that sounded close to him.

“Close enough,” Elijah replied and followed the brothers into the house. Adonis could hear Jackson and Tyler laughing, he could only imagine it was at the state of the place, or the cow still eating the salad.

“Look, there on his right shoulder” Kane pointed towards Adonis.

“The crescent moon birthmark” Johnny replied with a sigh.

“You sound disappointed brother.” Kane said looking at him

“Part of me was hoping we were wrong,” Johnny answered.

“Well, that proves we’re not. So what’s the plan?” Damon asked,

“How come she doesn’t have to wear pants?” Dax asked, as she took in the sight of Kenzi with no bottoms on. It wasn’t hard to figure out what they had gotten up to before the stampede, judging by Kenzi’s new attire. Kane could only look at his mate and shake his head.

“The plan is to figure out a way to talk to them. After our encounter earlier he is going to make it difficult. Find out where he’s staying” Kane replied,

“So the plan is to stalk him?” Damon asked, he just wanted to be certain. Kane glared at him. “Ok, we’re going to stalk him” Damon held his hands up and nodded his head, that look gave him his answer.

“They’re staying at White Stone with Alphas Steve and Kennedy” Dax replied. When she felt them staring at her she added. “I talked to her earlier when she was getting fitted for her dress. I had to apologize for the way I acted. She’s very truthful and will tell you anything you want to know.”

“Was he there?” Kane asked, he wasn’t sure he liked that Dax was in a room with the mega monster that threatened to pop her head off.

“Mega monster? He was there for some of it. He can do this weird freaky as fuck mind thing where he knows what you’re going to say, but when he’s around her, she’s his sole focus. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for her, that includes letting her have fries for breakfast, he let her have them for a snack.” Kane arched his brow at Dax, there was something she wasn’t saying. “There was an incident with the first tailor she had and the mini monster got a new toy, which he proceeded to break immediately, guess he plays too rough.” Dax answered.

“Is that why you were late meeting me in the office?” Kane asked, and Dax nodded.

“Yeah, we saw the mini monster break his toy’s neck, he had him for maybe five minutes. Then he punched his brother in the face, they got into a fight and ended up in the mud and we had an encounter with the fucking ninja. Who told us the books may or may not be accurate and we probably should have looked into the people instead.” Johnny added.

“They are far better researched on us, than we are on them. Demoni do not like to be studied. Elijah did say that yes demoni are violent and bloodthirsty they do need to be provoked, they don’t just savagely attack. He alluded to the fact that if you had not touched piccola then Alpha Adonis would not have threatened Queen Dax.” Kenneth added.

“Pretty much what he said to me as well. You should have kept your filthy paws to yourself” Dax agreed. “And I think she has a past that might make mine look like a carnival’s fun house.”

“What do you mean?” Kane asked, he saw something flash in Dax’s eyes when she spoke those words.

“One of the comments the first tailor made was calling her grotesquely disfigured. She has….scars. Like the one that goes all the way up her right leg, and ones that wrap around both her wrists, like something cut into them. But, when I went to hand her the dress mega monster chose I saw her back. It’s covered in them going in every direction, like someone lashed her….repeatedly. And I don’t think she has much of an education, I watched him help her enunciate words that she should know.” They all stood quiet after they heard Dax speak. Some things were starting to click in for them. The conversation they had with her this morning for starters. They had heard her stumble and fight with words that she should have known.

“Oh and uh….watch the innuendos….she’s a doe-eyed bambi. They don’t advertise it” Dax nodded, when she saw Damon’s eyes widen.

“That explains the overprotectiveness. Humans did that to her, he doesn’t want to know what werewolves would do to her. And if this pack is any indication of how she’s been treated so far, they’re only going to be more protective over her.” Kane said. That was going to make it harder to get the little pixie to trust them. They would just have to try harder.

“What about demons? What would they do to her?” Johnny asked.

“I don’t think they would do anything to her. If she’s his mate, then she’s their Luna. Loved by The Devil, protected by his demons, that little pixie is untouchable. You heard him this morning, should anything happen to her he’ll unleash hell when he destroys everything. What I did this morning was a huge mistake, one I’m sure at some point he’ll make me pay for, peace treaty or no peace treaty” Kane answered as he watched Adonis and Kenzi.

“Elijah also used the term your kind. Your kind view us as liars and cheats” Kenneth added.

“Your kind refers to any wolf that’s not a demon. Normals from what I understand. Their kind are demons, they’re not viewed as part of the werewolf community. You won’t find one on the shifter council. It was Alpha Adonis that decided they didn’t need to follow the council, if they weren’t part of the community then our rules didn’t apply to them. From what I understand demon’s have their own council and their own rules they follow,” Kane said. He couldn’t blame him for that. Reject them from the werewolf community. Why should they follow the community’s rules?

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