The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 6: Rule Number One!

Standing on a rock reaching high into a tree above her head. She wanted to know what type of tree it was. She had an idea, but she wanted to see if she was right. Standing as tall as she could, reaching as high as she could. Her music playing in her ears, her sole focus was the identification of the tree. She was unaware of the approaching stranger until she felt his strong arm wrap around her. His hand resting on her stomach he pulled her close to him. Electricity flowed through her as he held her to his warm chest. His scent filled her strong and masculine and when she touched his hand shocks coursed up her arm. With a deep, low gravelly voice that sent enticing shivers up her spine he told her not to turn around. His touch was soft and gentle as he ran his other hand down her arm to her phone. Pulling her headphone jack he listened carefully to the music playing before he restarted the song. Holding her even closer than she thought possible he moved their bodies together as one. Her breath caught as she felt him tasting her neck, but she never once pulled away, she let him have access. His hands roamed up and down her body, they felt like they belonged there, that was their sole purpose, to please her, entice her, elicit moans. When he ordered her to close her eyes and she obeyed she felt his lips brush ever so slightly over hers. She wanted more, she craved more. Before he claimed what he insisted was his she opened her eyes, emerald green orbs stared deep into her silver ones.

Kenzi bolted up in bed, her body still vibrating from the vivid dream she just had. She could still feel his hands on her body, his lips against hers, she could still smell his scent. It flooded her like he was in the room. She looked around and felt a tinge of disappointment when it turned out she was alone. Nope, that’s not right! She thought, giving her head a slight shake. Breathing hard, she couldn’t believe what she just dreamt. Oh boy! Her strange man dream was back and he now had a face. Not just any face, a face that belonged to the tower of a man named Adonis Bradshaw. I can’t dream of uther men, I has a boyfriend! She thought. I should be dreaming of Adam, not towers. Ok boyfriend dreams only! She told herself. Looking at the clock on her bedside table, 1:30. It was still dark out, but she decided now was a good time to get out of bed. Less chance of dreaming about tower tall men, who made butterflies backflip in her stomach and tingles dance across her skin.

He watched from the tree line as her body moved and swayed to the music playing in her ears. He listened as she sang the words, her voice calling to him, her scent encouraging him to move closer to her. He wanted to run his hands over her body, touch her soft skin. From where he stood he could see how silky it was. Her plum coloured hair hung loose past her shoulders, begging him to run his fingers through it. He blinked and she was gone out of his sight, but he could still hear her singing for him to follow. He stalked her through the woods silent and waiting for the right moment to pounce, like a predator against its prey. The right moment would arise and his tiny dancer would be his. When he saw her again she was standing atop a rock reaching high into a tree, something had caught her attention. Now was his moment, he wanted her attention, he wanted her touch, her feel. Slowly he emerged from the tree line closer and closer to her, till he stood behind her. The second his hand came into contact with her warm skin, an explosion erupted deep inside of him and he craved more, wanted more, needed more. His hands gliding over her skin, as their bodies now swayed together to the music playing out loud. His lips found the tattoo on the back of her neck and he tasted her flesh. She was sweet, but he needed more like his need for oxygen. It consumed him. Turning her to face him, her silver orbs staring back into his, how they danced and shimmered in the sun. The smile on her lips beckoned him to give into temptation. Enticed him to take what he wanted, what he needed from her. The urge became too great to resist any longer and he gave in, he claimed her, then he claimed her mouth. Her lips moved with his, demanding just as much from him as he did from her.

Adonis bolted up in the hotel bed. His breathing hard and ragged, he could still feel her lips on his. Electricity still coursed through his body, and tingles still danced across his skin. Her voice whispered in his head, singing her siren song and her scent danced around him. He looked around his hotel room and when he realized he was alone disappointment struck him. A flame had ignited within him the second he laid eyes on her and right now he could feel the raging inferno burn out of control. His want and his desire for her was strong and all consuming. He wanted his tiny dancer and he wanted her now. The clock on his bed side table read 1:30. It was still dark out, dawn would break in a few hours, but he had time for a run to let off some tension. He needed the release. Quickly dressing, he made his way out of the hotel towards the woods that surrounded the sleepy little town. They would have to be careful, with their comings and goings in this small town, but he didn’t think anybody else would be up.

Kenzi made it to the bakery around 2:30, she had some things that needed to be done before she even thought about opening up today. Making sure she had her keys this time, even going as far as double and triple checking her pockets she locked her car and headed towards the bakery. Catching a subtle movement from the corner of her eye she made note of it. It wasn’t uncommon for wild animals to wander into town from time to time. The woods surrounded the town, you could almost walk in any direction, be in the town one minute and the woods the next. Ignoring the movement she continued to unlock the door to the bakery and walk in, locking up behind her. Crossing to the kitchen in the dark, she stopped just inside the door to turn the lights on before she proceeded. She trusted crossing the front of the bakery in the dark, but not the kitchen, things had a tendency to jump out at her in the dark. The table being one of them, the bread racks being the other. With her music playing in her ears, she set about the tasks she needed to get done, before she opened up this morning.

This was Maggie’s late day in, so she would need to get everything done so she could be in the front this morning. She needed to get the dough rising for the donuts and cinnamon buns. The puff pastry ready for the turnovers and strudels. The batter ready for the cookies, cupcakes and muffins. It was going to be a busy morning, but she’d get it all done. She had a few cakes she had to get done today as well, but she could get those ready while she was in the front. Plus she had a delivery coming for today but that wasn’t till later when Maggie was in. Busy, busy day today! So no time to dwell on tower tall men, with perfectly tanned skin and sculpted faces. No time to dream about emerald green eyes with golden swirls and jet black hair that had a blue tinge to it. To fantasize about touches that sent sparks running through her and caused her butterflies to float wild and free inside of her. No stop! She scolded herself. She is not allowed to have thoughts like that. Adam is her boyfriend, he’s supposed to make her breath catch and skin tingle and bring her wild dreams. Not mysterious strangers she just met yesterday. But she couldn’t stop, she couldn’t get him out of her head, her skin was flushed and felt hot, she remembered the shocks and tingles that danced through her body yesterday. The contact was barely there but it ignited something inside of her. Just looking at him had her mind racing with a million little thoughts, thoughts she has never had before. What was wrong with her? She has a boyfriend and just looking at another man got her all flustered, but she didn’t feel ashamed, she should feel ashamed, why doesn’t she feel ashamed of her behaviour?

Adonis took the back seat as Odin ran through the woods as fast as he could go, jumping logs and fallen trees. Odin loved the calm of the early morning, who else would be up at a time like this? They had the whole forest to themselves, he was lost in his thoughts while Odin explored the area. His pure black form zipped by trees and bushes, catching scents as he went. His massive paws thundered as he ran faster and faster, getting a feel for the ground beneath him, familiarizing himself with the new territory. Running pretty close to the border of the town, he knew he shouldn’t but couldn’t help himself. Odin, too close! Take the back seat human, I got this! You’re going to get us caught! No ones awake right now, this town is sleepy! ODIN! Alright, fine! Odin was about to switch directions and move deeper into the woods when he caught a scent that enticed him for further exploration. Odin stop! I can’t, it excites me! He followed it staying close to the ground and using the bushes for cover he approached the edge of the woods near the backs of some of the stores on main street. Adonis pushed for control against Odin, but Odin pushed back, he wasn’t ready to give it up just yet, not until he found the source of the delicious smell.

Carefully and slowly he approached the tree line, when the scent intensified. Lavender and green apples, she was close. What’s she doing here at this time? Allowing Adonis back in control, he moved silently closer to the edge of the trees breathing in her scent as he went. It’s too early for his tiny dancer to be up and working. How come she’s here at this time? I don’t know! She should be resting! Maybe she can’t! Why? I don’t know but I’m going to find out! Peering through the trees he spotted her. She was dancing in the alleyway behind the bakery. Delicious smells wafted through the air, pastries, muffins, cookies. She’s been a busy little baker. He watched her move her body in time to the music, memories flooded him of how she felt against him that day in the park, when he held her to him and moved with her. The smile on her face as she danced and sang along, in that moment she was free from everything. This is how he always wanted her to look, he was going to make it his life’s mission to keep this look upon her face. Does she not know what dangers lurk in these woods? Odin asked. We’re here to protect her, we’ll let nothing happen!

With the darkness starting to fade, and streaks of light across the sky, he knew it was time to go. He’s watched over her long enough. He watched her dance, he watched her head back inside the bakery and he watched over the door to see if she would come back out. Moving fast back through the woods he made it to where he had hidden his clothes, shifting back quickly he threw on the sweats and t-shirt he wore and his sneakers and went for a run in human form. Maybe he could have a chance encounter with her in the early morning. Seemed luck was on his side, she was standing on the sidewalk in front of the bakery that he was running down. Slowing down his speed as he approached her, she was lost in her own world as her body still moved to the music playing in her ears. Does she ever stop dancing? Odin asked. I don’t think she does! Before he could figure out how he was going to run into her, she danced right into him.

“Holy biscuit eaters!” She let out a startled yelp, as she crashed into the wall of his chest. His arms instinctively wrapped around her, pulling her closer to him preventing her from falling to the pavement. Her hands splayed across his chest she could feel the hard muscle under his shirt and a shiver ran up her spine.

“Good morning Kenzi” He said, he couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face, her little outburst was cute, but he liked the feeling of her hands on him more.

“Hel….hello Adonis, good morning! I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching what I was doing, I di-dint mean to dance into you” she breathed out an apology as the bright red flush spread across her cheeks. She needed to stop thinking about his hands on her, she has a boyfriend. Adam is her boyfriend not Adonis, but why did that feel wrong? Why did it feel wrong that Adam was her boyfriend? Why did she feel guilty that Adam was her boyfriend? What’s wrong with me? She thought.

“It’s all right, no harm done” He replied, “What are you doing out here?” He asked after a moment.

“Oh um, jus takded a break” She looked up at him, though she had a smile upon her face, he could still see the surprise and embarrassment in her eyes that she ran into him. When she realized she was still touching his chest she snatched her hands back, her blush darkening slightly.

“Are you ok Kenzi?” He asked, trying to conceal the humour he felt. She got a good feel! Judging by the look on her face she liked it too!

“You jus su-sur….shockded me, that’s all. I’m used to no body being around at this tine” She replied. I need to stop, I need to step away, I has a boyfriend and it’s not him! But she didn’t want to move away from him, she wanted to stay right there with his arms around her. It felt right, it felt good, it felt safe.

“Are you always up this early?” Another question,

“Yeah! I’ve been here since 2:30” She replied, shifting slightly against him. Dropping one of his hands to his side, he left the other on the small of her back, when she didn’t step away right then, he couldn’t help his smile getting bigger.

“Why so early?” That didn’t seem right to him. She watched his arm drop and couldn’t help the disappointment she felt. What’s wrong with me? She asked herself for the second time that morning.

“I’m here early ez-zry-day, assep Sunday’s, but it’s Maggie’s late day, so I has to ged ez-zry-thing done in the kitchen before we open up. I should ged back to it, I still has some things to do.” She replied, reluctantly stepping away from his touch she moved closer to the door, but hesitated before opening it.

“Um….do….do you want um….some coffee?” She asked, turning back to face him. She expected him to turn her down, that’s what everyone else does, but it’s always polite to ask. He would turn her down and she would go back to work and that was ok too. So why would she feel disappointed if he turned her down? What’s wrong with me? Adam is my boyfriend not Adonis! Then why does the mere thought of Adam being her boyfriend make her body shudder in revulsion? And why does the thought of Adonis not being her boyfriend make her sad?

“That would be great, thank you” The smile that lit up her face and the burst of excitement he felt coming off of her when he accepted her offer, told him not a lot of people do. He followed her into the bakery, the smells that filled the air, were making him hungry. How does she work here and not eat everything? Walking into the kitchen he saw trays and trays of baked items. Muffins, cupcakes, cookies, all sorts of pastries. The aromas filled the air, entrancing him, enticing him, calling to him. His mouth watering more and more, now he was really hungry.

“How do you not eat everything?” He asked as he looked at all the food.

“Rule number one, don’t come to a bakery hungry” she replied,

“Broke that rule!” He countered, her smile widened as she looked at him.

“How do you takded your coffee?” She asked, after she grabbed a cup from the cupboard for him. He had to fight back the laugh when he noticed the little step stool she was using to reach the bottom shelf.

“Just black!” She nodded her head and filled his cup. He was looking at all the goodies, so tempted to just eat one when she stepped back in front of him with his coffee and a pastry he’s never seen before.

“What is that?” He asked, her eyes danced in the light of the kitchen just daring him to take a bite.

“You’re not going to tell me?” her smile got bigger as she shook her head.

“That was the same look you gave me yesterday with the cake” he commented. Her eyes dancing more, he watched her pull her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Alright, I’ll bite your little temptation” Knowing he couldn’t just take what he really wanted right now, but oh was he tempted and no longer hungry for food, he wanted her. Picking up the pastry, with one last look at her he took a bite. The crunch of the pastry filled the silence, as the buttery taste mixed with the berry filling that was both sweet and tart, the mild tangy flavour of the cream cheese made it all flow together perfectly. It was like nothing he ever tasted before.

“That is really good, what is it?” He asked again around the mouthful.

“A very berry cream cheese pastry bite” she replied, a small pink blush formed across the bridge of her small crinkled nose. That is adorable! Odin gushed at the look on her face. I don’t think she gets many compliments either! A lot of things need to change! He finished the bite, he was definitely going to be a fat Alpha if he wasn’t careful, her baking was just too tempting to pass up on.

“Is it just you and Maggie that work here?” He asked, looking around the kitchen again, it looked like there was still a lot of work that needed to be done before she could open the bakery.

“Yeah!” She replied, she tried to look away fast, but he saw the shadow of sadness that crossed her face before she could.

“Maggie tries to hire uthers, but no one ez-zrr….no one wants to work here. That’s why she takes late days in and leafs early, she needs a break” she added before he could say anything. That didn’t seem right to him, what about her, when did she get a break?

“What about you? When do you get a break?” He asked,

“It’s ok, it’s not important, I’m more worrdeed boud Maggie. It’s my fault that no one wants to work here” She replied,

“How is it your fault?” Concern laced his voice, this wasn’t right at all.

“She can’t get nobody to work with her, cause nobody wants to work with me. It’s ok, it’s not important.” It’s ok? how the fuck is that ok? Odin questioned. It’s not, none of this is ok. We’ll get established and then she’ll have all the help she needs! Stupid fucking town! Odin huffed.

“What do you need help with?” He wasn’t sure how much help he could be, but he was gonna try.

“Oh no, no I-I can’t asskded you to do that” she said shaking her head,

“Oh good, but you’re not asking, I’m offering, and yes you can take me up on it. Just keep in mind, I’ve never worked in a bakery before” he replied,

“Are you sure?” She asked, he heard the concern in her, and saw the hesitation on her face.

“Yes, now what do you need help with?” He repeated,

“Um, donuts need to be frostded, glazded, fillded or coatded. Cimanone buns need to be rollded, cut then bakded then glazded. Tarts need to be fillded and cookies need to be bakded and cupcakes need to be frostded.” She replied, his eyes widened.

“Is that all?” He asked, it seemed pretty daunting.

“It’s ok you don’t has to help, thank you for the offer, but I can do it.” She moved away from him, and started pulling things down from the shelves, to get started on some of the items that needed to be done. He stood up and moved beside her, touching her back he felt the jolt of electricity flow up his arm. She looked up at him, her eyes a little wider, he knew she felt it as well.

“What do you need me to do?” He asked, he wasn’t about to leave her to do this all alone.

For the next two hours, they frosted donuts and cupcakes, baked cookies and tarts. In between all that Julio had shown up to take items for delivery. The only two places that would open at eight were her and Patrick’s. His hands were multi-coloured, she had chocolate on her face, which might have been his fault. And he might have sampled a few things in the kitchen. Right now they were standing at a table rolling cinnamon buns, getting them ready to be baked.

“Ok, ok I think I got it this time. Nevermind I think I murdered it” He might have acted like a bit of a disaster in the kitchen, but it just meant he got a lot of hands-on training. She looked up at the cinnamon roll he was attempting. Her eyes widened at the mess he made of it.

“What did you do?” She was fighting back the laugh as she saw the mangled dough in front of him. Using the back of her hand she tried to hide her smile. He noticed again she was wearing a set of wrist cuffs. These ones were plain dark brown.

“I don’t know, but I killed it,” he replied, trying to hold back his own laughter. “Don’t laugh, which one of us has been doing this longer” he added, when he saw her grin getting wider and wider.

“I’m sorry! You’re right I shou-dint laugh.” She couldn’t help the hiccup of laughter that bubbled out though.

“You’re apologizing for laughing, while laughing. Get your little magic hands over here and show me how to do this again” he said to her, his own smile on his face. She nodded her head and he stepped back from the table so she could stand in front and show him how to do it one more time. Truthfully he picked it up the second time she showed him what to do, but he liked the hands-on training and his body craved hers.

“I don’t think this can be cimanone buns no more. We’ll has to turn it into sum-thing else.” She said as she moved the dough off to the side and got a fresh piece. He watched her face as she got to work kneading the dough to do what she wanted it to do. Brushing on the butter she sprinkled the sugar, while he did the cinnamon.

“When you roll it, you has to keep it tight” placing his hands where they needed to be, they worked together to roll the dough. He cut while she placed them on the tray.

“Perfect!” She said,

“Show me one more time!” She smiled up at him.

“Ok, one more tine” she replied, he smiled down at her, Goddess how he wanted to kiss her, especially when she looked at him like that. He was losing his fight with his control, the urge was getting too strong for him to be able to continue resisting. What would she do if he kissed her? Would she kiss him back? His hands worked with hers to knead the dough he needed to keep them busy or he would touch her. With the trays filled she moved to put them in the oven, then turned her attention to the mess he made. Laying it out in front of her she eyed the dough.

“Might need to scrap that one” he laughed,

“No, it can be savded, jus not cimanone buns.” He watched as she added more cinnamon and sugar to the dough and started working it together again only to roll it out.

“What are you doing?” He asked, moving behind her again, but standing that much closer to her.

“Sum-thing new.” He saw the smile playing on her lips as he stood closer to her. She cut the dough into sections then cut three strips into each section leaving a quarter inch at the top of each, more butter, more cinnamon, more sugar. She started to twist each strip, then braid them together, crimping the bottom so they stayed. Moving onto the next one she did the same thing. He watched her hands work, then she surprised him when she grabbed his hands and had him do some as well. Pushing his control to the limit he was standing extremely close to her now. Leaning into her, her intoxicating smell torturing him, daring him to bury himself in her neck. He wanted to, he wanted to bring her scent deeper into his lungs. What would she do if he did?

“Like this?” He asked, trying to do anything to distract himself so he didn’t give into that urge.

“Yes!” She replied, he felt her lean back into him a bit, not completely touching him, but enough that he could feel tingles and sparks dance across his skin. She didn’t understand it, but her skin felt on fire when he was near her and the feeling felt oh so good. She knew she shouldn’t, but she couldn’t help it, she tried to resist, tried to fight it, but she couldn’t. She wanted to be near him, even though she knew it would never workout. Nothing would ever come of it, but it felt good to feel good and for whatever reason this tall tower made her feel good.

Laying their new creation on a tray they looked at it.

“What are you going to call it?” He asked, his hands on either side of the table caging her to him. He saw the smile on her lips

“Cimanone d-dis-dis-asster!” She replied, her teasing tone tempting him,

“Hey now! I’m not a complete disaster in the kitchen, I can cook. Baking is just not my thing” he defended himself. She looked up at him her smile bigger

“You can cook?” She asked, her eyes studied his face, memorizing every feature committing it in her mind, then her gaze landed on his lips and she lingered for a bit before she looked away. While she was studying him, he was studying her. She was right there, his for the taking and he wanted, he wanted to take her. He needed to take her. He wanted to the second he laid eyes on her. Just take her, she’s ours! Odin wanted his mate. When she looked back at him their eyes locked, everything around them vanished, it was just him and her. His grew darker, while hers grew brighter. The gold swirled around his orbs. Her breathing increased, as she braced herself for the contact. His eyes only left hers when he saw the tip of her tongue flick against her lips. Before he could claim what he wanted the timer for the ovens went off, breaking them both out of the daze they were in. Moving away from him she pulled the cinnamon buns from the oven and placed their new creation in.

Pulling himself together, he knew he had to leave, but he didn’t want to. Feeling his phone go off in his pocket he pulled it out to look at it, Elijah was looking for him and apparently the demon brothers were driving him crazy.

“Unfortunately, I have to go now, are you going to be ok to finish up?” He said she heard the disappointment in his voice that he had to leave.

“Yes! Thank you for helping me” she replied, her smile wide and bright.

“Anytime! Not sure how much help I was, but I had fun” he smiled at her. With her stomach doing flips and the butterflies dancing up a storm, she only nodded, not trusting herself to say anything at that moment. Walking him to the front of the store, she saw him out.

“Have a good day Ms. Templeton!” He said as he walked out of the bakery,

“You too Mr. Bradshaw!” She replied, as she watched him walk away. Still having forty five minutes before she opened she started stocking all her racks and display cabinets. Getting everything ready to open for the day.

Getting back to the hotel before the others spotted him, he had a quick shower and scrubbed as much of the colouring off his hands as possible. So close! He thought. So fucking close. That stupid fucking oven timer wrecked everything! It wasn’t the timer’s fault he knew that, it was his. He hesitated, he shouldn’t have hesitated. Why the fuck did he hesitate? The look on her face told him she wanted it as well. Next time he won’t hesitate, if he gets an opening he’ll take it. She belongs with him, she feels it, he knows she does. If she didn’t then she wouldn’t have willingly stood so close to him. He missed her touch, her smell. His body craved contact with hers. Odin whimpering in his head was not helping. I want our mate, when can we see her again! Soon Odin, soon. When we move into the house next door we’ll see her all the time! How long? A few days! Not good enough. I want to see her now! He was already trying to figure out when he could possibly see her again. It was a small town, they could have several run-ins in a day. He would go see what Elijah wanted and then figure it out. He could find himself in need of a baked treat. What did she call those pastries she gave him this morning? Delicious bites of heaven! Not helping Odin, though very accurate!

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