The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 49: Sedated!

“You sure you ok? He din’t cut off too much oxygen to yur brain?” Jackson was asking as they walked back into the house

“I fine, he….” Tyler stopped right there as they both took in the destruction to the house. It looked like a war zone, the couch and all other furniture was destroyed. The cupboards were ripped off the walls in the kitchen. The door to the basement was gone and they could only assume it lay at the bottom of the basement steps smashed. Holes and giant claw marks riddled the walls and roof. They could feel their Alpha’s angry aura, it poured over them like a raging waterfall. Gripping at them, searing them with white hot flames, Adonis was still somewhere in the house.

“Geezus fuck!” Was the only thing Jackson could breathe out.

“The fuck can’t he jus tell her?” Tyler asked moving to the side as part of the second floor came down.

“Cause her think her bein selfish, an her do somein her ain’t ready for” Jackson replied. “You check upstairs, I check the basement” Tyler glanced at his brother, a look of uncertainty crossed his face but he nodded.

“Adon!” Jackson called, as he headed towards the basement. Get ready Ko, this might go sideways! Think it already did!

Adon!” He called louder, he could hear his brother moving above his head checking all the rooms. The house groaned and complained over the destruction as more of the second floor fell.

ADONIS!” Jackson yelled,

WHAT?” His reply from the bottom of the basement stairs was hoarse and low.

“The fuck?” Jackson asked when he saw him. His shirt was torn, and his dark blood coated his body from wounds that had long healed. His breathing came deep, ragged and heavy, his canines were showing over his bottom lip, but it was the wild unbridled rage in his flaming eyes that had Jackson frozen at the top of the stairs. It emanated around the room he was in.

“He not….” Tyler started to say as he came downstairs.

Stay there” Jackson barked at his brother, stopping him in his tracks. “Odin” Jackson mouthed. Tyler froze in place, he didn’t want to be pinned against the wall again, he was sure that he wouldn’t make it out alive this time.

When Jackson looked back, Adonis was gone, he had disappeared into the basement. He slowly proceeded down the stairs, taking them one at a time, constantly checking for any sign of the beast in the basement. When he got to the bottom he took in the destruction, the holes punched into the cement walls and floor.

“Adon?” Jackson looked at him, he saw four sets of shackles around his wrists and ankles as Adonis sat on the floor staring at him.

“He wouldn’t stop” Was the only thing he said, before he dropped his head.

“He try?” Jackson asked,

“Repeatedly!” Odin had tried multiple times to go back to his mates house. Adonis fought to maintain control and he destroyed the whole house to do it. He ended up having to throw himself down the stairs into the basement. Odin wanted more of what they did yesterday morning and nothing short of death was going to stop him from getting it.

“Doc think he might of foun a way” Jackson said, this lifted Adonis’s head from his arms where he had it resting.

“How?” He asked,

“Sedate the beas” Jackson replied,

“Said that wouldn’t work.” Adonis looked at him,

“Tranqin him won’t work, but the doc is talkin bout sedatin him. Separatin him from you. Allowin you to handle the aggression of jus the man, an not the beas.”

“How?” Adonis didn’t want to get his hopes up at this. He was running out of time and he knew that. If they couldn’t figure something out then he would have to tell her. She already told him she wasn’t ready, but the longer he held off the more danger she was in.

“Pump you full of enuff drugs, Odin go to sleep. He try las night wit Xander. Who not fuckin happy by the way. Jus waitin to see what happen. Eli gonna be callin real quick.” Jackson explained to him.

Jackson’s phone ringing, cut off anymore they could say.

“Yeah!” He said answering,

“Here now!”

“Fuckin destroy” Adonis cringed at the word, he didn’t even want to know the state of his house after his go around with Odin last night.

“An?” He looked down at Adonis sitting on the ground.

“An it jus him?” His heart rate increased, this sounded promising.

“Get here now….in the basement” Jackson disconnected, “It buy you time, but the only real solution is to tell her,” Jackson said.

“It worked?” Adonis asked, his hope rising at this thought.

“For the mos part. When Otis came outta it, he hella angry, an rip apart a elk, but it jus Otis’s anger he wasn’t feedin off Xander’s. You need to get him on board, an put the damn teeth away” Jackson said, as he moved back up the stairs to wait for the doctor and Elijah.

He couldn’t help the sigh of relief, when Jackson disappeared. Time, he just needed more time. You’re not fucking sedating me! Shut up! I won’t allow it! You don’t have a choice! I WON’T LET YOU! YOU TRIED TO MARK HER! FUCK YOU ADONIS! We’re gonna hurt her, Odin. This is the only way. She’s not ready! FUCK! I know buddy! Mate! I know! I would never hurt our mate! Me either, but we are losing control and it is a chance we are risking everytime we are near her! I don’t like this! Neither do I, but what choice do we have. Tell her and then she really does something she’s already told us she is not ready for. That would hurt her too! For her I will do this! Only for her! Adonis looked up as he saw Jackson coming back down the stairs with the doctor behind him.

“Alpha” Doctor Martin greeted with a bow.

“What’s going to happen?” Adonis asked,

“I am going to inject you with an extremely high dose of ketamine, it’s an animal sedative. It might disorient you for a bit, but will ultimately do nothing to your human side, but the beast inside you will go to sleep for a few hours. I am going to give you a double shot, which should put him out for about twelve hours. You’ll need to set a timer, when the time is up you need to be away from everyone. Your beast will be very angry and it will rip apart the first thing it comes across.” Dr. Martin explained to him.

“Do it!” Not wanting to waste anymore time Adonis held out his arm.

Moving quickly he was injected with two shots of the sedative. ….grrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. Then both the doctor and Jackson stood back and waited. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrr…. Odin’s displeased growls and snarls sounded all around the basement, they had both Jackson and the doctor backing up even more. ….grrrrrr…. ….grrrRrrrr…. ….grrRrrRrrRrrr…. ….grrRrRrRRRrRrRrrr…. It got to the point Jackson sent him upstairs. ….grrrRRRrrrr…. ….grrrrrr…. Odin fought against the sedative, he didn’t like what was happening to him, but Adonis could feel him growing quieter and quieter until all that was left was silence. Odin! Nothing, no reply. Odin! He could still feel him up there. ODIN! Nothing. He could hear his heavy breaths but that was it.

“Is he?” Jackson asked,

“Yeah” Adonis replied, breathing a sigh.

“How you feel?” Jackson stayed on the other side of the basement from him, watching him carefully.

“Like I’m twelve years old, back in my room. With that weird off feeling I had before I shifted for the first time” Adonis replied.

“That fucked up” Jackson stated matter of factly,

“Try feeling it” Adonis shot back,

“Yeah ok, let’s take that shit off” With caution Jackson approached Adonis. ….grrrrrr….

“Fuck it, we leavin it on” Jackson stepped back immediately and looked at him wide eyed.

“That’s normal” Dr. Martin informed them as he came back down the basement stairs. After removing the shackles he took Adonis’s pulse, blood pressure and listened to his heart rate.

“You have twelve hours give or take, if the feeling you have right now begins to intensify in any way you need to get yourself to the woods and away from others immediately. The beast side reacts exactly like shifting for the first time except the first thing they want to do is destroy things. Also be prepared to shift and have no memory of what Odin does.” Dr. Martin warned him.

“What?” Adonis asked,

“When Otis woke up, Xander shifted immediately. He has no recollection of what Otis did in wolf form. When he shifted back he passed out and woke up extremely bloody and confused as to why.” Dr. Martin replied. Adonis looked at Jackson, who was staring back at him wide eyed.

“I din’t know that part” Jackson responded,

“Neither did we. My daughter just informed me of that when I was upstairs” The doctor said.

“How’s Tyler?” Adonis asked, giving his head a shake.

“He….Tyler. He bounce back an understan it ain’t entirely yur fault. Don’t expec him to come runnin an give you a hug though. An you might be spendin the next month apologizin” Jackson broke out in a grin at the look on Adonis’s face as he helped him to his feet.

“Asshole!” Adonis went to take a step forward only to falter.

“Woah, now!” Jackson grabbed a hold of him to keep him stable.

“That’s to be expected as well. It’s temporary, give yourself some time to adjust to the ketamine being in your system and you’ll be….as fine as to be expected in thirty minutes.” Dr. Martin said. For the first time Adonis took in the damage to the basement.

“Fuck!” He huffed,

“Rest the house don’t look much better” Jackson said. “I think I can fix it,” he added, shrugging his shoulders.

“Might be better just to destroy the rest of it and rebuild” Adonis said as he looked around.

“You pretty much did that, kitchen total, livin room total, and judgin by the holes in the ceilin, safe to say upstairs total as well.” Jackson informed him.

“I think we started upstairs and ended up in the basement. He had it in his head that he was going to go see her and he wasn’t taking no for an answer.” Adonis replied,

“Let’s get the fuck out the basement, before the house come down on us” Jackson said as he moved towards the stairs.

Adonis hit the main level, Tyler took in his appearance and he was already moving to what he felt was a safe distance away.

“Toll you he wasn’t gonna come runnin to give you a hug” Jackson said, Adonis looked over at Tyler, he wasn’t looking directly at him, but he wasn’t letting him out of his line of sight either. He still held a slight discoloration around his neck, and guilt washed over him.

“Tyler….” Adonis went to apologize again.

“It fine, I gotta get back to Kenzi at the bakery” Tyler couldn’t get out of the house fast enough, he was out the door before Adonis could stop him.

Tyler!” Adonis raised his voice and Tyler stopped in his tracks on the way to his truck, his shoulders immediately tensed and he stood like a rigid statue.

“Look at me.” He could feel his Delta’s apprehension at the situation he was in. Slowly Tyler turned to face him, uneasiness was apparent in the expression he carried, and a bit of fear swirled around him.

“It no big deal. It happen! Over it! Move on!” Tyler babbled, his breathing had increased.

“Really? You moved on? You can’t even look me in the eye” Adonis replied, Tyler couldn’t, he wouldn’t bring his eyes up to meet his Alpha’s gaze, he kept them staring down at the ground.

“It fine, it ok, you wasn’t in control” Tyler repeated,

“It’s not fine Tyler. I might not have been in control, but you are my family and what I did was not ok. I’m sorry Tyler” Tyler looked at him then, he saw the remorse on his Alpha’s face. It was not an emotion he carried, up until that moment Tyler wasn’t sure Adonis was capable of remorse.

“I always thought I was jus Jackass’s lil brother” Tyler said,

“No, you’re mine as well. If I didn’t look at you as my brother, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have survived kicking me in the face.” Adonis informed him, brushing the slight scar on his upper lip.

“I still sorry bout that, by the way. It was a accident.” Tyler apologized again, for being the reason Adonis had his only scar.

“I know it was an accident. You can stop apologizing for it” A slight grin crossed his face.

“Then tell Jackass to stop bringin it up.” Tyler huffed,

“Jackson brings it up?” Adonis asked,

“All the damn time. Tyler the reason Adon got the only scar on his body. How you think you fair if you kick yur Alpha in the face? Big stupid!” Adonis broke out laughing when Tyler mimicked his brother’s deep raspy voice.

“How is Kenzi this morning?” Adonis asked, though she said she understood last night she seemed slightly disappointed that he wasn’t staying the night.

“Tired! Her say her fine, but….I don’t think her slep. Her at the bakery this mornin before one. Her gonna wear herself out, that why I gotta get back.” Tyler replied, Adonis could see the worry on his face.

“You’re behaving yourself?” Adonis asked.

“Um….for the mos part” Tyler replied, holding a sheepish grin on his face.

“What did you do?” Adonis asked,

“Some bitch come in the bakery an start barkin at her bout somein stupid. An I politely toll her to get her uptight ass the fuck out, before I throw it out, that all. Then Maggie say I can’t work the front. Guess her the Mayor wife or somein.” Tyler replied, “Brother protects his sister” he added, justifying his actions.

“You don’t need to justify to me Tyler.” Adonis said, shaking his head. He can only imagine how that conversation played out between him and Maggie.

“Maggie a lil shock you wasn’t at the bakery this mornin. Kenzi say you workin on the northside somein bout a climbin wall, an her very excited you gonna teach her,” Tyler said.

“I hope it goes better than skating” Adonis replied,

“Her say her score a goal wit herself. Light went off an everthin.” Tyler remarked laughing.

“She spent a lot of time on her bottom.” Adonis couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him.

“Her say you did to” Tyler countered, trying not to crack at the look he was getting.

“She was the reason….get back to the bakery….asshole. Tell her I’ll see her tonight” He might have fallen a few times on his own as he got his bearings about him, but for the most part if he went down it was because of her. Tyler broke out laughing as he climbed into the truck and took off down the road.

Adonis checked his watch eleven hours, he had eleven hours before Odin would wake up and be pissed the fuck off and bloodthirsty. He thought about going to the bakery, but if he did that he wouldn’t leave. At least not without her. If he was there he would also distract her too much, and her work wouldn’t get done. But, Tyler said he didn’t think she slept last night and was at the bakery before one. Why didn’t she sleep? What was running through her head to prevent it? He didn’t think it was the little racy thoughts that kept her face flushed. So if not that then what? Was she having nightmares of being attacked? Maybe she wasn’t feeling safe? Regrets of sending her sister away? Was she feeling guilty? Would she try to contact her? Would he have to tell her what he did? Maybe flashbacks of her past? She revealed all of it that night, it would stand to reason she would be reliving it in her head. Maybe it’s a mix of all of it! Checking his watch again, he would get cleaned up and head to the northside and then he would talk to her about it tonight. He didn’t like her being at the bakery that early.

The hours ticked by slowly, and it didn’t help that Adonis checked his watch all day. He didn’t want to be on the northside anymore, he wanted to be with his mate, he wanted her in his arms feeling safe and secure. The questions that plagued his mind earlier in the day hadn’t stopped, they rolled through his mind as he tore down walls and ripped up flooring. They intensified as they finished clearing the kitchen of all the cabinetry and appliances. Was she still afraid the boogeyman was going to come for her? Was there someone else in her past they didn’t know about? They amplified as he demolished bathrooms and lighting fixtures, screaming at him that something was definitely wrong. They grew a life of their own and hounded him every minute that he wasn’t thinking about his mate safe in the protection of his arms.

Most of the house was gutted and cleaned out, and they could now start the process of rebuilding. Between the camp, the cabins, the training facility and now his house, they were keeping Harvey and his boys busy at the hardware store. Materials and building supplies were being ordered and brought in from all over. They were trying to be quiet about everything, but they ended up making a huge splash announcing their presence in B.C. A few packs had reached out to them and Elijah was fielding calls about potential alliances and they were still on guard regarding any backlash over what had happened with Ridgeview.

Adonis second guessed himself all day about sedating Odin, should something happen having his beast asleep is not a good idea. Jackson had gone over the house again and after half the second floor collapsed into the living room, he informed him he couldn’t fix it. He had ordered blueprints for a brand new house, not as big as hers, but a good size for Jackson’s future home, with a window that does not look into her room. He had more pack members finish the demolition of his house. With all his demons in the crater now construction could start on that tomorrow.

The sound of his phone ringing drew him from his thoughts and he answered without even checking the caller ID.


“Someone break-ed your house!” A very concerned tired little voice came on the other end.

“Hello Sweetheart!” it couldn’t be six already, a quick check of his watch told him it was just after three. What is she doing at home already?

“Someone break-ed your house!” Kenzi repeated,

“I know sweetheart. It is going to be rebuilt.” He couldn’t help the grin that broke across his face.

“Where are you going to live with no house?” She asked,

“I will be staying with Elijah” He replied,

“Oh!” Why did he hear a note of disappointment when she said that?

“What are you doing home at this time? Are you ok?” His own concern showing in his voice,

“Maggie said I had been at the bakery long a nuff and I had to go home now.” She sounded exhausted,

“Are you ok?” He asked again.

“It’s fine….jus a little….nothing….it’s fine. I’m gonna get dinner start-ed” She was fighting with herself on what to say.

“Why don’t you have a nap? Dinner can wait till later” He suggested,

“Nap! Who can nap with all the noise? Breaking a house is loud.” Yeah that might pose a problem.

“I suppose it would be. What are you making for dinner tonight?” He asked,

“Something with fresh pasta. I don’t know what it is though” She replied,

“Surprise pasta! I’m sure whatever it is will be good” She gave a little giggle,

“I has to go. It takes a bit to make pasta. See you tonight?” He wasn’t sure why she phrased it like a question, but there was something in her voice that sent alarm bells off in his head.

“You will most definitely see me tonight,” he said reassuring her. He wanted to get to the bottom of why she was at the bakery before one this morning. And like hell he would miss anything she was cooking for him.


“Bye sweetheart!” He disconnected the call after he heard her hang up.

What the fuck? Did she not think he was coming? Did him not staying over last night give her that impression? Did something happen at the bakery to make her think that? He kept waiting to hear Odin’s reply to his questions, but all he heard was his heavy breathing. FUCK! This was the second time he’s had a one sided conversation, and he realized he didn’t like it. Checking his watch again, eight hours till his hellbeast woke up. He would have to make the most of his time with Kenzi tonight while he could.

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