The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 3: Harmless Flirting!

“Ok, what is a Devil’s Joy?” He asked, flashing him a big toothy smile she pointed to the cake in the top corner. Wrapped in a layer of mirrored chocolate, with a swirl of champagne coloured frosting, and pearls, the cake sat there very elegant yet extremely seductive looking. When she didn’t explain what it was to him, he stole a glance at her. Her eyebrow arched as she watched him, her eyes daring him to just take a bite. Tempting him to indulge, and tempted he was, but he did not want to indulge in cake anymore he wanted to indulge in her. The thought of just reaching across the counter popped into his head, especially when she looked as tempting as she did, but he thought better of it. Taking the dare and not knowing what he would be getting into he sampled the cake. If sex was a dessert, he just found it. It was dark, rich, seductive and oh so very tempting. This cake was created with sin in mind, it brought out thoughts in his head, dirty thoughts of him and his baker. The dark chocolate had a spicy kick to it he wasn’t expecting, it melted in his mouth and he fought to suppress a moan. The cake was a delectable chocolate, fluffy yet moist and with the right amount of sweetness. The frosting was salty but sweet, light, indulgently creamy, silky smooth and….there was bourbon hiding in the cake. This really does bring The Devil joy.

“Holy fuck! That’s sex on a plate. That one, that one’s my favourite, is there bourbon in the cake?” He commented. She released a small giggle, and he looked at her, liking the little sound she produced.

“There’s bourbon in it, but it’s not in the cake. It’s in the frosting” she replied, a small subtle mischievous smile tugging at her lips.

“In the frosting?” He asked, finding it harder to resist the urge to reach across the counter, he fought to keep control. He wanted her, his body craving contact with hers. He had to find a way.

“A dark Mayan cayenne chocolate ganache, pourded over a devil’s food, with a boozy bourbon salted caramel buddercream frosting and champagne sugar pearls.” She described the cake, and his gaze fixated on the way her perfect mouth formed the words.

“A boozy bourbon salted caramel buttercream frosting, now that’s a mouthful. Aren’t you worried someone would get smashed eating this cake?” She giggled again, aiming for just that reaction, his own smile graced his face.

“No, there’s not a nuff for that to happen….unless they eat the whole cake.” She replied,

“It definitely brings The Devil joy” he was pleased, he got to try this cake without the whore beside him. If anybody ruined the experience for him he would have been pissed. She smiled bigger at him, her nose wrinkling again. Before he could say anything else to her, he felt his phone go off in his pocket. Looking at the caller ID he knew he had to take it. No doubt that the fucking succuwhore went crying to daddy about what happened at the bakery. Excusing himself, he went to take his phone call.

“Elijah! I told you she was a whore” he answered, stepping out of the bakery onto the sidewalk of main street.

“Of course I said no, not only did she insult me with her repugnant behaviour but my….mate as well.” he replied, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face when he said that.

“You heard correctly!” He said. Those idiots back home were wrong, The Devil does get a mate, a sinfully tempting mate. On one hand he wanted to rub everyone’s face in it, on the other he wanted to keep her as far away from them as he could, especially his family. They would taint her and turn her against him or use her to get what they wanted.

“The distraction from the diner!” Hearing Elijah curse under his breath he could feel the regret through the phone. The smile tugged more at his lips.

“There is a minor complication” he said,

“She has a boyfriend, but it will be taken care of.” Though he was still unsure how he would take care of it, he would think of something.

“I am well aware that I am not allowed to kill it, Odin and I have discussed that it is a plan B.” It would be lying if he said the thought never crossed his mind.

“I’m still at the bakery getting to know her, it’s not like our world. I can’t move so quick” he answered,

“Where are we staying?” He asked the question, already knowing the answer.

“No, seeing how the meeting did not go well, I don’t believe that would be a wise idea.” He replied. “The local hotel would be better at least until we can find somewhere more permanent.”

“Call Jackson and Tyler, I want them and a handful of warriors here tomorrow, and start looking into businesses, here and in the cities. I want to move on this fast, and not give Alpha Leon anytime to prepare. He can have the north, we’ll take the south.” He replied,

“If he protests, we’ll take the whole fucking crater” His answer was final and he disconnected the call. They needed to move fast and establish themselves quickly. If Alpha Leon caught wind of what they were doing, things would turn sideways real quick and there would be a fuck of a mess to clean up.

Stepping back into the bakery he was happy to see she didn’t take the opportunity to escape back into the kitchen. She had a curious look about her though as she watched him walk back into the bakery.

“What do you do, Adonis Bradshaw? What bringded you to Blackwoods?” She asked, he mused that was fair he asked personal questions now it was her turn.

“Investments and acquisitions!” He replied, her curious look changing to one of confusion,

“I don’t know what that means!” She replied looking up at him,

“I applaud your honesty Kenzi Templeton. Most people would nod and smile like they did, too afraid to state that they don’t” He leaned back on the counter, so she wouldn’t have to crane her neck so much to look at him. He didn’t miss the slight smile or the light pink blush when he said her name.

“Well that would be lying and I don’t lie, nezer saw the point to it” she replied, he had to smile at that, he wasn’t really one for lying either, though he did from time to time.

“What does sum-one in inves….that line of work do? Sounds bus-is-nessy!” She asked, she moved the tray of cake out of the way for him to lean more comfortably.

“I acquire businesses that have become stressed, losing money. I invest, make changes and help them grow. Sometimes it’s simple, just mismanagement, sometimes it’s more complicated.” She thought about what he said, still not understanding what it was he did, she couldn’t help but be curious.

“I still don’t unerstand!” She replied, he was quiet for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to explain it.

“What happens when a cake doesn’t work out?” He asked,

“Depens on what the problem is, sum-tines it’s simple like it’s too dry and a syrup soak can moisten it up, or the buddercream cracks and I has to scrape it off, but sum-tines I has to start from scratch. Like if the cake falls apart, then I make cake pops. What? Ez-zry-thing can be fixded until the baker says it can’t” she replied matter of factly, giving a head nod for extra emphasis. His smile broke across his face when she did that, and she couldn’t help but smile bigger at him.

“Well that’s like acquisitions, simple mismanagement, the wrong people in the wrong positions, sometimes the broken part needs to be removed, sometimes the business needs to be started from scratch and pushed in a new direction.” Her eyes lit up and her smile got bigger.

“So you help people keep their dreams alive?” She asked,

“Something like that, sometimes it doesn’t work though” he replied, a half grin tugging at his lips.

“Is that why you’re in Blackwoods?” She asked, not sure why that upset her a little. If he was here for just business it meant he wasn’t staying.

“Not really, that is what today was about, but not why I’m here.” He shook his head,

“Are you vistiting sum-body?” Kenzi’s inquisitive nature was getting the better of her. People don’t usually speak to her. She couldn’t help herself, this had to be the longest someone has ever spoken to her aside from Maggie and Patrick and a few others around the town. Adam doesn’t even really speak to her, sure they talk sort of, mostly just him telling her everything she’s doing wrong. But spiky black hair was actually talking to her, answering her questions. He was just trying to be nice though and she shouldn’t get too excited, but she couldn’t help it. She moved closer to the counter resting her hands on the surface. He couldn’t help but notice how tiny her hands were compared to his. He resisted the urge to touch them, but wondered what she would do if he did.

“Not really, I’m looking for something” he replied, moving slightly closer to her.

“What?” Another question, he smiled at her again, he’d happily answer any question she asked. Isn’t that how humans did it? Ask questions, get to know each other, flirt, fall in love. Not like his world at all, the act of pursuing someone was new to him, it kind of excited him. Sure he could just mate and mark her, but the idea of chasing her intrigued him. Who doesn’t like a hunt! Odin seconded his opinion. He was going to enjoy chasing after his little mate.

“Home!” His reply was simple, but she seemed to understand it, because she smiled back at him. Every time she did that his breath would catch a little, did she ever not have a smile on her face?

“Where did you come from that you has to find home?” She asked,

“East!” He answered, she narrowed her focus on him, but the smile never left her.

“There’s a lot of east when you’re in B.C. you could has come from the uther sigh of the mountins, or the uther sigh of the country. So how far east did you come?” She asked, his curious tiny dancer was not going to let him get away with just a simple answer this time.

“I came across the country” he said, she bit her lip, her smile becoming more inviting. She leaned closer to him, drawing more of her scent to him, he inadvertently leaned closer as well. When his fingers brushed hers, she sucked in a sudden breath at the contact, tingles dancing across her skin, but she never pulled her hands back and he never took his away. She looked at their fingers touching, when she looked back up at him her eyes sparkled even more. He could see in her eyes she could feel it.

“If you’re not going to tell me, maybe I can guess.” She said,

“You can try!” He replied, arching his eyebrow as his smile grew bigger. What harm would simple flirting do? He thought, besides whether she intended to or not she started it. She looked him over, studying him. His skin warming under her gaze, his center started to stir. She tilted her head to the side, chewing her bottom lip, and she looked at him one more time. Fuck! She was torturing him. How he wanted to touch more of her, run his hands up and down her body, how he wanted to kiss her, taste her, he was starting to remember their brief encounter in the woods of Algonquin Park and he wanted to feel her mouth move under his again. He wanted to take her in his arms and not let go, chase away the sadness he saw flash in her eyes for the briefest of moments.

“Onterroro! I’m gonna say city, big city….Oddowa? Did I ged it right?” She guessed, he gave a half laugh,

“How? How did you possibly know that?” He asked, that was impressive. A victory smile upon her face, she couldn’t help the tiny victory dance she did, causing him to laugh. She smiled brighter at the deep sound, she liked that sound, deep and hearty.

“You don’t has a drawl, like the pray-ries, and you’re not from Man-i-tuba, too tannded to be from a terror-tory, but not tannded a nuff to come from the mar-it-tines. So that lef Quebes and Onterroro. You sound not from Quebes, so Onterroro. You carry yourself tall like a poltitcian, so Oddowa” She replied,

“That is quite impressive. I do come from the Ottawa area. Have you ever been?” He asked, she blushed slightly at the compliment, her nose crinkled and she looked away. That was the second time he saw that reaction to a compliment. Did his little mate not receive many? Judging by her adorable little reaction he was going with no.

“I’ve been once, they has a baking comptetition. The city’s nice, but I likded vistiting Algone-quin Park bedder, it reminded me of home.” She replied, when she turned back to him.

“Not a fan of big cities?” He asked,

“No, not really, they’re nice to see. This will sound weird but I find them too con….small, too closded off and it’s cold. I like the woods, it’s wide and open. it’s peazful, calm” she said, looking up at him,

“Most people run from small towns to home in a big city, I ran from the city to find home in a small town.” He commented,

“On the uther sigh of the country” She added for him, eliciting a deep chuckle from him, causing her nose to crinkle again at the sound.

“I did. I’ve been to B.C. a few times, I have always liked the mountains, felt more at home here then I did there. Stand to reason I’d come here to find what I’m looking for.” He said, still grinning. He moved his hand slightly closer to hers and when she still didn’t pull her hands back he began to wonder how far he could take it. What would she do if he just kissed her? He wanted to! Would she kiss him back, like she did that day in the park?

“Did your family like your di-dis….idea of coming here?” She asked,

“They leave me to do my own thing for the most part. I would visit once a year, but that’s about it. Though it has been about three years since I last went to see them. I don’t get along well with my father or brothers.” He explained,

“Bruthers?” He liked that she asked him questions, she was keen to get to know him, she listened to what he said.

“I’m the youngest of twelve” he replied, her eyes widened at that. He couldn’t help but laugh at her expression.

“You has elezen!” She exclaimed, her mouth gaped slightly open, the word wow seemed to be stuck.

“Yeah! My parents wanted a big family. What about your family?” He asked, he wanted to know more about her. When he dared to run his thumb over her fingers she still didn’t pull her hands back. Her eyes danced and sparkled more and her nose wrinkled.

“Not much to tell. I don’t know much boud my parents, they died when I was one. But I has a sister namded Teagan, she’s five years older than me. She was adoptded when she was ten and I grew up in the orphanage on the outsigh of town.” He wasn’t sure what to make of that.

“Sorry to hear about your parents” he said,

“It’s ok. Teagan said it was my fault they died. I was really sick and they were trying to ged to the hospital, the roads were bad, and the car crashded.” His eyes widened when she said the accident was her fault, none of what she said sounded like her fault. What was worse was that she sounded like she actually believed that. Who the fuck is this Teagan? Someone who has been filling her head with lies! Wonder what else she lied about? Me too!

Before he could say anything the bell above the door rang he pulled his hands back but kicked himself when he saw a brief flash of something unrecognizable cross her face. She too dropped her hands from the counter and looked to see who it was.

“Hi Maggie! How’s Patrick?” Kenzi asked, a slight grin on her face,

“Did you really try to serenade the diner?” Maggie asked, her eyes dancing with merriment.

“He had my fries hostatage” she replied, Adonis couldn’t help but grin, again he had to applaud her tactics at getting her fries.

“How’s it been here?” Maggie was eyeing Adonis suspiciously, she wasn’t sure what to make of him. Considering he was here with another woman.

“It’s been slow. This is Adonis Bradshaw, he’s been keeping me company” Kenzi introduced him to the older woman. Adonis stood to his full height and both women had to crane their necks to look up at him. It was bad manners and disrespectful to shake someone’s hand in a slouched position, he had that lectured into him many times by Cameron.

“It’s nice to meet you Adonis Bradshaw, I’m Maggie Wendall” She extended her hand to shake his.

“The pleasure is mine, Mrs. Wendall,” Adonis replied, accepting immediately.

“How did your cake tasting go?” Maggie arched a questioning eyebrow at him. He knew what she was getting at, he was here with someone else and now he’s hitting on the baker.

“It was an interesting venue for a business meeting, but considering she had the manners of an insolent, petulant, self-entitled child and her repulsive behaviour towards others was deplorable I was forced to turn the proposition down. The upside, the cake was delicious” he caught the slight pink blush that spread across Kenzi’s face from the corner of his eye, but his focus remained on Maggie and her interrogation.

“One look at the two of you and you could tell you weren’t a couple. Pretty hard to pass that off when you were either trying to get away from her, or looked like you wanted to kill her” Maggie added the last part when she saw the inquisitive look on his face.

“And here I thought I hid it so well” Adonis couldn’t help but slightly grin. He would have to watch his facial expressions from now on, his homicidal one apparently gives him away.

“Are you going to be ok to close up?” Maggie turned to Kenzi,

“Yes!” Kenzi replied, her smile big and bright on her face.

“Ok, I’m done for the day then. Don’t stay too late” Adonis watched the interaction between the two. Maggie sounded more like a mother than a coworker.

“Oh wait I has sum-thing for you, I’ll be right back, don’t go no wheres” Kenzi dashed from behind the counter, before Maggie could protest. Once out of earshot Maggie turned back to Adonis, the once pleasant smile she held on her face gone. Her eyes set, focused on him.

“That girl has been through more than her fair share of hell, half this town continues to put her through it. So if you’re just fucking around there’s the door. Leave and don’t ever come back here.” He was taken aback by what she just said to him. He most certainly was not just fucking around. Before he could reply, she continued.

“That being said, she is the sweetest little thing you’re ever gonna find.” He started to grow upset. If this woman tells him something is wrong with his mate, he’ll snap. He’s heard enough people say that about her already today, but what she said next really threw him.

“If you hurt her in anyway, I know Blackwoods like the back of my hand, and I will bury you so far in them and so far deep, that cadaver dogs would have trouble locating you, and we have some of the best in the country” she was very clear and very concise with her words. Judging by the look on her face, she meant every one of them. It was not how he saw the conversation going. Mama bear is a little protective of a cub that does not belong to her! Though her warning was unnecessary he would never hurt her, she was his, he’s looked for her for three years. He understood her need to do it, he saw how the waitress and Kiara acted towards her.

“I’m not just….fucking around. I have no interest in hurting Kenzi. Though I have heard others talk about her” he replied, she gave a half laugh before she replied,

“If you listen to the gossip about something being wrong with that girl, you’re a damn fool. The only thing wrong with her is the deep pockets that run this town and those trying to squash her. Kenzi’s star shines brighter than them all, that is a special little girl. They feel threatened by her and have this need to dull her down. 80 percent of the gossip in this town is about her and 90 percent of that is over embellished bullshit.” Maggie huffed, listening to the woman talk affectionately about his little mate, brought him a sense of relief. Maybe this town wasn’t a total lost cause. She pushed a stool in his direction and ordered him to sit.

“You are insanely tall and craning my neck to look up at you is getting tiring, sit.”

“You don’t mince words do you?” Adonis asked, taking a seat.

“I am too old, too tired, and have seen and heard way too much to pussy foot and I’ll leave the sugar coating to Kenzi.” She replied. Adonis could only grin, he liked Maggie, he found her direct and honest. It was refreshing. He didn’t need to read her, she said exactly what was on her mind.

“What is your interest in Kenzi?” Maggie continued her interrogation.

“I’m new in town and I haven’t met many people. Kenzi is intriguing, she’s genuine and there are not many people like her” he replied.

“There’s no one like her!” Maggie corrected him. “Only two types of people seem to be drawn to her. The ones that want to crush her and the ones that want something from her. I am trying to figure out which one you are!” She had a hard set look on her face as she looked him up and down. She was rather intimidating for a human.

“Neither, I don’t want anything from her and I have no interest in dulling her or crushing her. I just want to know her” he said, he wasn’t sure how this interrogation was going, judging by the look on the woman’s face he wasn’t sure whether or not she believed him.

“Hmmm, you better not be, enough people already do that” though she still eyed him warily. Resisting the urge to shift under the woman’s gaze he had to get the spotlight off himself.

“Kenzi said she had a sister” Maggie just rolled her eyes, that look alone said this was not going to make him happy.

“Sure if you could call a succubus that. She is worse than all of them, goes out of her way to crush Kenzi while taking what she wants from her, but there’s no talking to Kenzi about her, that is her sister and Teagan’s hooks are buried so far deep. Short of proving she is a damn liar, Kenzi will never get away from her.” He could hear the disdain in Maggie’s voice towards Kenzi’s sister.

“Kenzi was placed in her care after the orphanage closed down when she was sixteen. Teagan never knew where she was half the time, stayed with a few families here or there but she was pretty much homeless for a year, before Patrick and I found her and took her in.” Something wasn’t sitting right with him.

“You’re very protective of her?!” Both a statement and a question. Why didn’t they adopt her? He thought.

“I know what you’re thinking and let me stop you right there. We tried, a few of the town folk tried. But the rumour that something was wrong with her grew a life of its own. The adoption agency at the time was only looking for certain people that could handle a child of Kenzi’s….caliber, which was bullshit, but none of us seemed to fit the bill, it didn’t stop us from trying. She’s what they called a return. She would be adopted and we all prayed this was it, she’d get the life she deserved, but they always returned her. Then there was an incident involving Mayor Winston’s son, when she was ten. Then she was labelled unadoptable and was sent to the orphanage. We tried to get the decision overturned but the judge refused to do it. Pays to have deep pockets.” The topic was making Maggie angry, and he couldn’t help but wonder why she divulged so much information to him.

“What was the incident between her and the Mayor’s son?” Adonis asked,

“He called her little Orphan Annie, and she pushed him in the lake on the Mayor’s inauguration day. The Chief refused to arrest her, she was ten. Said how about she apologizes instead. Kenzi refused to apologize because she wasn’t sorry she did it. She said if she apologized and wasn’t sorry for her actions it would be like lying and Kenzi doesn’t lie. The Mayor was furious, he ordered Chief Lou to arrest her, but he used the argument that if he did that he would have to arrest the Mayor’s son as well who was sixteen for bullying a child. That wouldn’t look very good, and the press would have a field day with it. And before you ask, yes he is still the mayor today, nobody runs against him. He’s due for re-election though, but like I said he has deep pockets.” This was making him upset, the more he found out the more he hated himself for not being able to find her sooner. The more angry he became that he left her that day in the park. He should have gone back for her, he never should have let her go.

“Don’t think for one second I am telling you any of this to give you a leg up. This is a warning, one I would heed if I were you. There are people in this town that care deeply for that little girl. Your interest in Kenzi has been noticed and noted, simply because you walked in here over an hour ago and have yet to walk out. You said it yourself, you don’t know anybody, we know of you Mr. Bradshaw, but nobody knows who you really are and can vouch for the type of person you’re claiming to be. Should you choose to stay and….pursue your interest in her, understand that you will be watched….carefully.” He had to admire the older woman, if she had any idea who she was really talking to, she wouldn’t have said even half of what she did to him, for fear of what he would do to her.

“She has a boyfriend” He stated, wondering what she would say about that.

“Don’t even get me started on that sack of crap. He degrades her cooking, her baking, telling her he’s just looking out for her. You can’t honestly tell me after tasting those cakes that she doesn’t know how to bake. Adam Walsh thinks he’s God’s greatest gift to women, and Kenzi should be grateful he chose her. That boy isn’t God’s greatest gift to a dumpster, let alone women. She’s too good for him, but he’s another one that has his hooks into her. One swat from you though would send him running, he’s only tough when it comes to women. Put him up against another man and he’s a coward.” Adonis arched his brow at her, was she saying what he thought she was saying. Better not be! Odin snarled. Start making a list Odin. We’re going to be busy! Our mate needs us!

“Besides, you knew she had a boyfriend and you still flirted with her. Shamelessly, might I add.” She arched her own brow back at him. He would have to be more careful than he thought going forward. Maggie wasn’t lying when she said he was being watched.

Before he could utter a word, his phone went off. Apologizing for the interruption he took the call.

“Elijah!” He answered,

“No, I’m still here. Undergoing an intense interrogation” Adonis looked at Maggie, her expression holding a wry smile.

“Does he now?” Holding off a snarl, he didn’t want to leave. However it wasn’t even a debate, he knew he had things to discuss with Alpha Leon. If they cleared the air it would make settling his pack that much smoother. He didn’t want bloodshed in his new home….just yet.

“Fine!” He reluctantly replied, he could see Maggie watching him closely.

“By morning Elijah!” And he disconnected the call.

“That didn’t sound like a happy conversation” Maggie commented,

“Apparently the meeting I had earlier did not conclude the way the other party would have hoped and further discussions are required.” Adonis replied, Maggie nodded her head, mulling over what he said.

“I did not interrogate you” She said,

“You didn’t go easy on me either. You threatened to bury me in the woods deep enough that cadaver dogs wouldn’t be able to find me” He countered,

“I could have said worse.” She replied with a half laugh.

“Sorry that takded so long,” Kenzi called as she walked back out from the kitchen holding a small box.

“That’s ok honey child, I was just getting to know your new friend here” Maggie smiled at her. Stepping behind the counter she handed the box to Maggie. Upon opening it Maggie’s breath caught in her throat. An elegant small two tiered stacked wedding cake. Champagne coloured frosting with a maroon band around each piece. Small edible flowers spiraled up the cake, as notes of lemon and ginger floated into the air.

“Thirty years is lots of years, Happy Asni-asnivers-asninversinary Maggie!” Kenzi said. Adonis furrowed his brow, questions forming in his mind. Something wasn’t right.

“Oh honey, how you found the time to pull this off. It’s beautiful, thank you.” Maggie gave her a hug, reboxing her cake, and she moved to leave.

“Your friend is nice, if he were a gentleman he would take you out for dinner. Don’t stay too late” she called over shoulder, waved goodbye and walked out the door. Why was everyone setting him up on dates? Did he look like the type that needed help in that area? Do you really want me to answer that? No! I don’t fucking want you to answer that! He could hear Odin howling in his head. Fucking asshole! Though the idea wasn’t a bad one, too bad it couldn’t be tonight.

“She does-dint mean it” Kenzi saw the panicked expression on his face. She didn’t know why but her heart sank a little at that, but she understood, there was something wrong with her. She would be too much of a burden and he didn’t have time for complications. And she had a boyfriend. Adonis looked at her, her back was to him, she was busy cleaning up the trays from the cake tasting earlier.

“If I didn’t already have plans tonight, I would do just that” He replied,

“It’s ok” she looked over her shoulder, the smile still on her face. Doesn’t look ok! Odin stated. No it doesn’t! Before he could say anything more the bell above the door chimed again and Elijah stood there silently waiting for him.

“Your friend’s here, thank you for talking to me.” She turned to face him then. He couldn’t place the look on her face, though he heard the sincerity in her voice when she thanked him. He couldn’t help but wonder how many people actually spoke to her, or were they too busy talking about her. He had a feeling the latter was more accurate. That kind of broke his heart, this town was full of all the wrong people. Time to flood it with the right ones! Time to bring them home! Adonis agreed.

“It was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Templeton” he said,

“It was nice meeting you too….Mr. Bradshaw, I hope you find home” she replied,

“I think I already did. I hope to see you again!” Adonis walked towards the door and with one last look over his shoulder, he left her standing behind the counter.

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