The Alpha Wants Everything Book 2 The Devil's Baker

Chapter 20: Sleeping Over!

Adonis woke a couple hours later, they had shifted positions, he was now on top of her, his face buried in the nape of her neck. Her face rested against the side of his, her one arm wrapped around him resting on the back of his neck while her other laid beside her head, their fingers entwined. She had one leg wrapped around one of his while her other was trapped under them. How this was comfortable was beyond him, but she seemed quite content to sleep like that. Maybe she finds it safe? Came Odin’s sleepy voice in his head. How are we not crushing her? Beats me, but don’t look down! What? Why? He looked down and realized why the second he did it. His eyes blackened at the sight of her chest heaving under him. Her shirt pulled tight against her, the neckline plunging a little lower giving him a nice view of what was underneath. Told you not to do that! Odin howled. He tried to get control of his breathing and the images now running through his head. Feeling his core stir, he fought against it, but he was pressed against her. His body wanted her, it craved her, her feel, her touch, her everything. He moved to get off of her before something happened and he couldn’t stop himself. He vowed he would never force her, push her or rush her. She will be ready when she’s ready, not when he wants. That being said when she’s ready, they won’t be leaving this or any bed for that matter for a while.

He tried to move so as to not wake her but he was unsuccessful. As soon as his body wasn’t covering her anymore she began to stir. Her face scrunched and she rubbed her nose, her eyes fluttered open, to see his green orbs staring back at her.

“What tine is it?” She asked, blinking trying to focus, it was early the sun hadn’t quite breached the mountains yet, but the sky was beginning to show signs of it.

“Just before six” he answered after he checked the clock on her bed side table. She nodded and rubbed her eyes. Reaching her arms over her head she stretched her back out. Then she looked at him, tilting her head to the side.

“Did I invite you into my bed?” She was a little confused as to why he was there.

“We had a sleepover!” He settled back into the bed beside her.

“A sleepover? I nezer had a sleepover before. I nezer had a man sleep in my bed before” she stated, his eyes widened. That was pleasing to hear that he was the first man to ever sleep in her bed. Twice! Odin chuckled in his head.

“No?” He asked, looking down at her.

“No, nezer” She replied,

“Well, I guess you can’t say that anymore” he chuckled,

“No, I guess I can’t. Guess I can’t say I’ve nezer had a man in my room no more eizer.” Call him double pleased to hear that no man has ever stepped foot in this room.

“No, guess you can’t.” His smile became bigger.

“My first sleepover and I don’t ez-en member it, hope I was good,” she said, shaking her head.

“We’ll make the next one more memorable” her cheeks went pink as her nose scrunched up.

“What do you remember?” He asked. He could have gone through the events of the night, but this seemed like a better place to start.

“Um….the party, and then you showed up, and we talkded” she started telling him.

“Do you remember the deal we made?” He asked,

“Yes. If you finded me before I had to leaf at ten I owe you dinner for six nights,” she replied. He was supposed to take her out on the seventh, but she wouldn’t hold him to that.

“Six nights of home cooking and a night where I take you out for dinner.” He corrected her.

“You don’t has to take me out for dinner. It’s ok I won’t hold you to that.” She said, remembering the look on his face the first day she met him when Maggie suggested it. He looked panicked. She would probably screw it up and embarrass him anyway.

“It was part of the deal we made. It was the reason I made the deal, I want to take you out. I just don’t know if I want to do it first, last or somewhere in between. But our dinners will have to wait till next week, I will be back and forth from the city this week, getting everything settled.” He said. Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her to his chest. Why would she think we don’t want to take her out? Something from her past! Our mate deserves to go out! Yes she does! She deserves to be treated like a queen! Yes she does! We’ll treat her how she deserves! Yes we will!

“What else do you remember?” He asked,

“I ran into Teagan, and then I had to go.” Her voice grew quiet, as she bit back the emotion he heard. “Then we went for food, and then to Joe’s for drinks. I don’t member much after that.” She added after she recovered from the memory of what Teagan said to her at the party. She embarrassed her sister and she would have to call her later to apologize for what she did.

“There was a lot of drinking,” Adonis said, “Elijah and I are not entirely certain how someone as tiny as you managed to drink not only Tyler but Jackson under the table.”

“I did-int say anything….I did-int embrar-rass anyone did I?” She asked. He was fighting with himself on whether or not to tell her what she said to her sister. If he didn’t and her sister came at her she would be unprepared for the assault. If he did she would feel guilty for something she doesn’t even remember saying. Bitch deserved to be embarrassed! Did you wake up cranky? Yes! We should still be sleeping. How is she even awake? I don’t know! Don’t tell her! It would be lying! Fuck!

“You were charming,” he finally replied.

“That’s not a no,” she said, he could feel her body starting to tense. Holding her tighter to him, he ran his hands up and down her arms, hoping to soothe whatever anxiety she was starting to feel about not remembering some of the events of last night.

“You couldn’t understand why Elijah was upside down” Adonis started light, he would work his way up to the sister and the bar. She needed to know. If the bitch was going to come at her, she needed to know what happened.

“He was upsigh-d down?” She asked,

“No, you were. But I didn’t want to try and explain it to you. I threw you over my shoulder. It was the only thing I could think to do to make you stop dancing. If you one mored me one more time, we would still be dancing I think.” He explained.

“Oh!” She said, sneaking a look at him, the light filtering into the room he could see the start of the blush forming across her cheeks.

“You also got stuck in my shirt, you couldn’t get the buttons undone. For the most part you danced and did shots with Jackson and Tyler. You did say I have a nice butt, and laugh….and lips and you wanted to kiss me.” He wasn’t going to tell her she did kiss him. Red streaked across her face to the tips of her ears at the last part.

“I did not!” She said,

“Yes, you did. You told the whole bar that.” He replied.

“Nu uh!” She shook her head. “Why would I say that?”

“You were slightly inebriated and having a conversation with….Teagan” he answered. He felt her stiffen.

“Teagan was there?” She asked, her heart rate picked up and she started breathing harder.

“She was” He replied,

“Why was she there? After I embrar-rassded her at the party, she said she did-int want to see me no more last night. It’s why I had to come back to town and not stay with her in the city.” Kenzi looked up at him. “What did I say to her?”

“You asked her why she was grumpy and why she was there. She was there because she got a phone call, saying you were at Joe’s. I guess she came to get you.” He replied,

“I callded her grumpy?” She tried to sit up and look at him, but he held her tighter to him, if she thought that was bad this next part would be brutal.

“That wasn’t all you said.” He said after a bit.

“What did I say?” She squirmed out of his hold and turned to face him.

“You asked why she was so stressed. She said she had to leave James and come get you. You asked if she left him unsatisfied, and if he didn’t satisfy her. Then asked if maybe she wasn’t doing it right, and suggested that she should just jump him. Apparently you heard somewhere that men like that. I’m wondering where you heard that. Then she noticed the dress. It got stuck in the truck door and the bottom didn’t make it. You gave it back to her in the bar. It’s how you ended up wearing my shirt.” Kenzi covered her mouth with her hand and just stared at him, her silver eyes wide. For the longest time she just sat there saying nothing. She was so stupid, why did she have to be such a screw up? Teagan was right, it’s all she ever does. Teagan’s going to hate her forever after last night. She would have to make this up to her, she didn’t know how but she would have to find away. Teagan was her sister, the only family she had, she had to make this right.

“Sweetheart? Are you ok?” Adonis broke her out of her thoughts. He saw the emotions wash over her face and disappear as fast as they came. She bit back every single one of them, it was like she wouldn’t allow herself to feel them. Or she’s not allowed!

“It’s ok, it’s not important.” It was a hushed whisper. And he wasn’t sure if it was for him or more for her.

“Are you hungry? I’ll make breakfast. There’s towels in the bathroom if you want a shower, and I think a toothbrush uner the sink.” With that said she slipped from the bed, making a quick stop in the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face and then she left the room, leaving him sitting there in stunned silence. The fuck just happened? I think she needs to process! Process what? Her sister’s a self centered bitch, she deserved to be fucking embarrassed for Goddess knows what she said to our mate! Our mate doesn’t share that view! Well she needs to get on the same fucking page! Odin, I don’t think it’s that simple! It is that simple. Our mate deserves so much better! You know that, I know that, but she’s had it ingrained in her that she doesn’t. Who the fuck would do that? My bet is the sister, you saw the way she looked at us last night, the way she watched our mate enjoy herself. You saw how fast she shut down Kenzi’s fun at the party! That’s bullshit! So the only one that gets to have fun is that succubitch? Indeed it is Odin! What do we do now? Let her process it! What did she really say that was so bad? Nothing, she showed concern for her sister’s well being, granted it was funny! Funny! It was fucking histerical! Maybe it wasn’t what she said, but the fact that it was said in front of others! So she’s a bitch cause everyone laughed at her? Some people don’t take embarrassment well! Stupid succubitch! Stupid succubitch indeed! Adonis fell back into the bed thinking how he was going to help his little mate get through this. The sister would come at her and the fallout from that would be devastating.

Kenzi’s mind was swirling with what Adonis told her, she needed to think. Cooking and baking helped her think. Breakfast was a good reason to leave. He was probably hungry, not knowing what he liked she had some cooking to do. When Kenzi hit the bottom of the stairs she saw Tyler asleep on the couch, and the doors to her two other bedrooms closed. Did they all spend the night? If they did then she had a lot of cooking to do, they’d be hungry as well. Which was fine, she had a lot of thinking to do. How could she be so stupid? Simple cause you’re stupid. You only ez-er screw up, it’s all you’re good at! When her sister’s words started ringing in her head, she needed to make them be quiet, finding her headphones she turned her music on and got to work.

Kenzi made dough for bagels, croissants, donuts, cinnamon buns and bread for toast, the oven was in full working mode as she produced item after item from it. Batter for scones, muffins, waffles and pancakes. She pulled bacon, and sausage. Cut up peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, shredded cheese for omelets. Rolled out puffed pastry for turnovers and strudels, then wandered out to the forest to gather berries and other various fruits. The burners on the stove all on as she fried eggs, mixed up hashbrowns, and cooked berry and fruit compotes. She wouldn’t stop working, wouldn’t slow down, until everything was done and she had a plan in place to make things right with Teagan.

Jackson stumbled out of one the spare bedrooms around eight rubbing his eyes. He was shirtless, but had his pants on though they weren’t done up. He dropped into one of the chairs in the living room slouching, he rested his head against the back it.

“Tyler, the fuck goin on?” He asked groggily. He wasn’t ready to be up yet, he drank a helluva lot the night before, and was still feeling it this morning. With all the noise and aromas coming from the kitchen he found it hard to stay in the bed.

“Don know! But hers been at it since six thirty an it smells frickin delicious. They’s bacon an six different types of sausage an if I says somein I might not get any.” Tyler replied. He was still laying on the couch, his arm thrown over his eyes. At some point he lost his shirt as well in the early hours.

“The fuck her functionin? Her drank more than we did!” Jackson asked as he eyed her in the kitchen and what she was doing.

“Don know, but I think I still a lil drunk,” Tyler replied.

“You both look like you’ve seen better days” Elijah commented as he exited the other spare room.

“Fuck you Eli!” Tyler huffed,

“I know you’re going to pop my head” Elijah laughed as he took the other chair in the room.

“My head fuckin hurt, you has to come here” Tyler grumbled,

“No, I’m not about to make it easy for you. Given your current state, I think I’m safe over here” Elijah fired back.

“Asshole!” Tyler mumbled, glaring at him from under his arm.

“You boys look like hell” Adonis remarked as he came down the stairs, freshly showered. He took in the sight of both Jackson and Tyler, who were hurting this morning.

“I think they feel like hell” Elijah stated, trying not to laugh at Tyler’s grumblings.

“Should have danced more,” Adonis said, kicking Jackson out of his chair.

“Someone hog the dance partner” Jackson fired back as he glared at him. He kicked Tyler off half the couch so he could drop down onto it.

“The fuck you two springin up like daisies?” Jackson asked,

“We didn’t go shot for shot with Kenzi” Elijah replied,

“When my head stop hurtin I’ma kill Eli” Tyler said rubbing his head.

“Make the room stop spinnin an I help you” Jackson said, “The fuck that lil girl drink that much? The fuck that lil girl functionin after drinkin that much?” He added.

“She never stopped moving,” Adonis replied, pointing towards the kitchen. Both Tyler and Jackson looked towards the kitchen where they saw her moving.

“The fuck her headphones in? Her do that when her need to make the world quiet” Tyler asked, concern lacing his words as he watched her.

“The fuck you know that?” Jackson asked,

“Well we’s was waitin we talk, I ask her. Her a pretty truthful lil girl. Her tell you anthin you wanna know” Tyler replied, looking at him.

“I told her what happened in the bar between her and her sister,” Adonis replied. They all stared at him. Asking why and what had possessed him to do something so stupid. None of them dared to vocalize those questions in any capacity but he still heard them.

“When the sister comes at her, and she will, Kenzi needs to know what was said. If she doesn’t know, she won’t understand why her sister is angry and attacking her. This way she can at least prepare.” He explained.

“That stupid girl better not say anthin to that lil girl. I take her fuckin head, an you won stop me this time” Tyler said looking at Elijah.

“Her say somein. Stupid people always do” Jackson said, as he looked back over at her. “Her feedin an army?” He asked when he noticed the table.

“Her’s feedin four hungry werewolves, cept her don’t know. When you gonna tell her?” Tyler said as he too looked over at the table.

“Soon! I want to claim the territory first and bring the rest of the pack here. I claim her before that, and she’s a target. Ridgeview has proven on more than one occasion they can’t be trusted,” Adonis replied. While the others were watching the food on the table, he hadn’t taken his eyes off her. He could see her still working through something in her head. Maybe we shouldn’t have told her! She needed to know! I know, but look at her! I can see!

“Tell him stupid!” Jackson’s voice brought him out of his thoughts.

“Tell me what?” He asked looking at Tyler,

“I look into the sister, figure you wanna know bout her too” Tyler replied,

“What do you know about the sister?” Adonis asked, keeping his voice low. Before he could hear the answer Kenzi’s voice broke into their conversation.

“Breakfast’s ready!” With everything done and the coffee maker beeping, Kenzi stood back and looked at her table. Maybe she overdid it. That might be a little too much food. Not much she could do about it now and they can take some with them for later. She pulled the only plates she had in the cupboard and set them at the table, then gathered the mugs for coffee and utensils and placed those as well.

Jackson and Tyler didn’t need to be called twice, they were up in seconds.

“So much for being hungover” Elijah commented, causing Adonis to laugh.

“You should know by now Elijah, those two would never pass up good food. Hungover or not!” Adonis replied. Truthfully he couldn’t blame them, he was looking forward to breakfast as well, and judging by what he smelled wafting upstairs into the bedroom, they were in for quite the breakfast.

“Holy crap!” Tyler said as he took a seat at the table. Jackson nodded in agreement as he sat across from him. Neither knew where to start, but their rumbling stomachs said they better hurry up and decide.

“The fuck her make all this in a few hours?” Jackson asked,

“Simple….her fuckin magic” Tyler replied, his stomach growling. Elijah and Adonis joined them at the table taking either end, but no one dug into the food. They all sat there and waited. When they heard her starting to clean up, they began to grow concerned.

“Her not eatin?” Jackson asked,

“That ain’t right” Tyler agreed shaking is head,

“She’s eating!” Adonis got up from the table and entered the kitchen. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her away from the sink.

“What’s wrong? Is it gross?” Kenzi asked, startled by the sudden movement.

“No, it smells delicious” Adonis replied,

“I screwded it up did-int I? Teagan says I always screw up….guess she’s right.” Not one to usually bite back his anger, he forced it to the back of his mind telling Odin to not breathe a word. He could also hear the muffled growls behind him. None of them were happy about what she just said.

“I won’t stop you this time” Elijah said under his breath, when he felt Tyler’s eyes on him.

“No sweetheart you didn’t screw up. But it’s time for breakfast, we can clean up after.” He pulled her headphones from her head and placed them and her phone on the counter. He started ushering her towards the table, after he grabbed a fork for her from the drawer.

“It’s ok, I’ll eat later” She started protesting, but he wouldn’t hear it, just kept moving her towards the table.

“There’s not nuff chairs….I don’t has plates for ez-ry-body. It’s ok really, you guys should eat, I’m not that hungry” He sat back in his chair and pulled her down into his lap.

Kenzi was completely shocked and not sure what to do at that moment. No one seemed to be bothered by it, so this must be something that happens all the time. The thought bothered her, but what could she really expect, they were probably a lot more experienced then her in a lot of things.

“Relax and breathe. We’re not going to eat without you.” He whispered low in her ear.

“It’s ok, I can eat later” she said back,

“No, you’ll eat with us, or we won’t eat and we’ll get very grumpy.” She looked at everyone else at the table none of them had picked up their utensils they were all waiting for her.

“Ok!” She agreed, she didn’t want them to be grumpy.

“Good! Now I’m not sure how this is going to work, I’ve never had someone in my lap while I’ve eaten before, but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.” He moved them closer to the table. He watched a small smile play on her lips when he said that. It was the truth, it’s something he has never done. If they weren’t his mate then he didn’t want them hanging off of him. It was something he would only allow his mate to do.

“How about we put some food on that plate?” He suggested and she nodded.

“Pass the bacon please” she asked,

“That’s my girl!” He wrapped one arm around her waist to secure her to him, and with his other he picked up his fork.

They laughed and ate and told stories. They wanted to get to know her and she wanted to get to know them.

“I got a question” Tyler said, “Where you get that bite on the back yur leg?” They were curious about the scar that ran up her leg, but none of them were going to ask about it, knowing they probably wouldn’t like the answer.

“The fuck you doin lookin at her legs?” Jackson asked,

“That’s what I’d like to know” Adonis looked at Tyler as well,

“Her ain’t wearin any pants, teeny tiny lil legs, big ass bite mark. That ain’t gonna catch yur attention?” Tyler shot back.

“Din’t say I din’t see it, jus ain’t pointin it out” Jackson fired back.

“What are you doing looking at her legs?” Adonis asked,

“Her ain’t wearin pants” Jackson replied,

“I was bited by a bear!” She blurted completely oblivious to the previous conversation, all eyes turned to her,

“You was bit by a yogi?” Tyler asked,

“Uh huh!” Kenzi nodded. Adonis lifted her leg so he could get a better view of the back of it. Wrapping his hand around the bite mark it circled her whole calf. He heard the slight hitch in her breath as he traced the mark on her leg. When he released it, she hooked her foot over the top of his thigh and had it resting on the inside. He fought off the shiver that threatened to rip up his back when her foot slid higher as she settled into her new position.

“The fuck you get bit by a yogi?” Jackson asked.

“I went on a wildlife tour in the mountains two years ago. There were boud, maybe thirteen people plus the tour guide. We were boud halvesway to sum spring he wantded to show us and he said stop nobody move, there’s a bear. Ness thing I knew people startded screaming and running in ez-ry direction, and the tour guide was yelling at me to run, so I did. You’re not pose to run when a bear comes at you. Grizzle bears, you play dead and black bears, you make yourself big, but the tour guide was yelling run so I ran back to the tour truck and hid uner it. That bear chasded me the whole way there. He stuck his big head uner there and startded yelling at me, cause that’s gonna make me come out, biscuit eater. Ness thing I know he gedded a hold of one of my boots and startded trying to pull me out. I kickded my boot off but he bited my leg and co-con-cont….kep trying to pull me out. I liv-ed in the mountains and if an attack from a grizzle bear geds too ag-agg-....bad, fight back so I kickded it in the head. Yeah, don’t do that, that jus made him madder. He gedded a hold of my pants and startded pulling so I took them off and let him has them if he wantded them that bad.” As she was animatedly telling them the story, her foot would move up the inside of Adonis’s thigh. He tried his hardest to keep his focus on what she was saying and not on what her foot was doing to him. But with his core humming to life and the electric currents flowing through him he was finding it difficult to hear anything she was saying. At one point he had to dig his fingers into his palm to stop from jumping out of his seat when her foot moved too high. He was also trying to dodge her hands as she animatedly told her story.

“They chasded him off, or he gedded borded I don’t know but he lef. Amb-lance came and the tour guide, big biscuit eater bozo, said I mus has had food in my pants. That biscuit eater, I liv-ed in the mountains and you don’t go into the woods with food in your pants. Then he was like well there was sum-thing in your pants. Yeah! Me! I was in my pants and that biscuit eater bear stealded them.” Grins broke out on their faces when she mimicked the forest rangers voice. “He said it was the biggest grizzle bear he ez-er did seed, sum-thing boud nine feet”

“At the hospital the Canadian Wildlife came and asskded me a bunch of questions, and they gived me a pair of pants. I might of been out of my mind and it was way funnier than it was, but I breakded out laughing and asskded them if they were joking. They were like what are you talking boud? You need pants. I said a big bear stealded my pants, they were like yeah, you’re giving me pants with a big bear on them. They did-int see how funny that was. I still has the pants, they’re com-fy” as she finished her story Jackson cracked first, followed by Tyler.

“They gave you pants wit a big yogi on em an din’t see how that was funny” Jackson choked out. She shook her head, she could feel Adonis shaking behind her with his laughter.

“You are something else sweetheart” He said, when he could control himself.

“This not as impressive as yur yogi, but Tyler get chased by geese all the time” Jackson said, Adonis started laughing all over again, as he remembered one time when Tyler hightailed it out of the woods with a goose chasing him.

“You member that” Adonis could only laugh harder as he nodded his head. “We was at the lake, Tyler was like, fuck, what maybe fourteen? I don’t member what we was doin there, but nex thin we know Tyler starts runnin an this goose is honkin an chasin him. He belts the damn thin an it goes down. He’s standin there like chase me now stupid cobra chicken. Damn thin gets up madder than an ol red hen an starts chasin after him again. Adon an I jus howlin as this thin chase him right out the woods. Fuckin damdest thin I ever seen.” Jackson said,

“Stupid crazy cobra chickens” Tyler grumbled. “The fuck they gotta be so mean for? The fuck they problem?”

“All the tine, all the tine? I gedded bited by one bear, they don’t come out of the woods to bited me.” Kenzi asked,

“All the time. They got a serious hate for him” Jackson said, cracking up at the look on Tyler’s face.

“You’re gonna wanna stay out of the park in the souf end then. Geese call it home cause the lake is right there” Kenzi replied as she looked at Tyler.

“Jackass scare of spiders” Tyler announced,

“Hey! Am not” Jackson shot back,

“You scream like a girl las time one crawl on you” Tyler countered,

“I din’t scream like a girl” Jackson said,

“It wasn’t a manly scream” Tyler replied. Adonis had to hold tighter to her, he was going to knock her on the floor from his laughing.

“You’re gonna wanna stay out of Australia then. There’s a spider there callded the hunts-huntsmen and it’s big nuff to eat a pyg-my possum….and in Souf America they has a spider the size of a dinner plate callded the go-li-ath bird-bird-eater. It does-dint really eat birds, but it’s big nuff that it could if it wantded to.” Kenzi said, Tyler howled at the look on Jackson’s face.

“Well that’s fantastic. Thanks Lil Kenzi Cakes. Maybe later you can rock me to sleep an sing me a lullaby, cause that ain’t gonna give me nightmares” Jackson replied,

“Oh, sorry Jackson.” She didn’t mean to upset him,

“That’s aight” Jackson said,

“Spiders used to scare me too. Then I learn boud them, they’re still kinda scary, but they’re preddy neat. Did you know that the orb weazer is the most common billdeder of cir-circ-circ….” Using her hand to get the point across of what she wanted to say.

“Cir-cular” Adonis shared a look with Elijah, his brows were slightly furrowed.

“Their name Orb means….um….” Kenzi paused then looked up at Adonis, her eyes asking for help with the word again.

“Cir-cu-lar.” He repeated, more slowly for her this time.

“Ci-irc-cu-lar” Adonis smiled at her, giving her hip a gentle squeeze and she turned back to the others to finish what she was saying. What the fuck? I don’t know Odin, but I intend to find out!

“….ins….they…. their web is used by engeers and poets and web des-des….billdeders. Dollies were creatded cause of their web shape. There’s a yellow….sum-thing spider, I don’t member its name but it’s really preddy. Its web looks like a ladder. Some spiders can make a lifetine of silk to make their webs, while uthers has to take their webs down and reuse it and some can’t ezen make webs at all….I watchded a doc-u-menty” she added when she saw them all staring at her. She closed her mouth and wished she would have just kept it closed. That’s probably how she got in trouble with Teagan last night, she’s too stupid to know when to keep her stupid mouth shut.

“Make ladders huh? That pretty cool” Jackson shrugged. Just nodding her head Kenzi kept her mouth closed not wanting to risk saying anything else, in case she upset another one.

“You learn bout all the thins that scare you?” Tyler asked,

“I try to. People ged scarded of what they don’t unerstand. If you try to unerstand it, then it does-dint seem so scary” Kenzi replied, Tyler nodded that made sense.

“Maybe you should learn bout geese,” Jackson cracked up laughing.

“I ain’t scare of no fuckin cobra chicken. Maybe you hop a plane to Australia go meet yurself a….the fuck the name of that spider….huntsman, you make a big ol snack” Tyler fired back.

“Do you watch a lot of documentaries, Kenzi?” Elijah asked, ignoring Jackson and Tyler’s squabbling.

“Uh huh, I like doc-u-menties. I watchded one the other day on pi-ran-has. Did you know a school of pi-ran-has can strip the flesh from an adult in uner five minutes. They don’t really eat live things though, but they could.” She replied,

“Piranha’s scare you?” Elijah asked,

“Yes, fish freak me out, that jus made them scarier,” Kenzi answered. Jackson and Tyler stopped bickering and looked at her.

“Fish scare you?” Tyler asked,

“They’re freaky. They jus float there, staring, nezer blinking, opening and closing their big mouths.” When she made a fish face, Elijah choked on his coffee. “It’s scary,” she added. Tyler and Jackson erupted into laughter over both her face and Elijah.

“There’s a fish tank at the dentist, it se-sep-er….it blocks the doctor’s office and the dentist’s waiting rooms. I di-dint go to the doctor’s for a whole year after I has a nightmare boud falling into it and the fish eated me. Maggie has to bribe me with a whole plate of fries to go, when I fallded off a ladder and di….dis….smackded my shoulder” She spoke, touching the shoulder she injured in that fall.

Jackson was holding his sides, they were starting to hurt, he was laughing so hard.

“I also don’t like ladders” She added,

“Good thin they no piranha’s in BC” Tyler said when he could control himself.

“Uh huh, they fishded two out a lake in Nanaimo a couple years ago” Kenzi stated, they all stared at her in disbelief.

“I read about that, someone going fishing caught a red bellied one, then another was caught later in the summer the following year. They figured they were unwanted pets, and someone just dumped them in the lake.” Adonis added. Trying to keep focused on whatever conversation he could and not her backside. The more she spoke the more she leaned forward. The more she leaned forward the more she pressed into him. His hand on her waist would tighten each time she moved, if she only knew how crazy she was driving him. If she only knew how she was testing his control, pushing him to his limit. He’s going to need a long cold shower after this.

“Serious?” Jackson asked, Adonis nodded. “Fuck, that mess up!”

The laughter and conversation didn’t stop there. Questions were asked and stories were told. The more she spoke, the more they wanted to hear. She was quite the animated little talker, Adonis had to duck or move a few times to prevent being hit. It caused a few rounds of laughter every time she did it. At one point he was pretty certain Jackson and Tyler were trying to get him hit. He had to lean forward, the alternative was leaning back in his chair and getting a perfect view of her backside well she pressed into him.

“How you learn to cook?” Jackson asked, there wasn’t much left of breakfast after they had finished eating.

“It’s what I did when I livded at the orphanage. I cookded and cleanded” She replied, “Patrick teachded me as well, my fav-orite is baking though. I like making desserts,” She added.

“I din’t know donuts was breakfas” Tyler interjected, trying to keep the fun going, none of them liked that the orphanage used her for cooking and cleaning.

“It is if you look at them like bagels coverded in frosting and sprinkles and eat them for breakfast. I could has made cupcakes too, those are jus preddy looking muffins.” She said, causing them to laugh.

“You just come up with your own recipes?” Elijah asked,

“I has a million ideas for recipes” she replied nodding, “I’m working on one that has peaches, plums and rum” Adonis had to dodge both her left and right hand with that one and Adonis shot Elijah a glare. The man sat there very straight faced but he could see the amusement dancing in his eyes.

“That soun like an adult dessert, I in” Tyler said, “You ever need someone to sample, I volunteer”

“Me too!” Jackson agreed. “Hell you need someone to sample anythin I in.” He added with Tyler nodding in agreement.

“Kenzi we need….” They all snapped their heads in the direction of the shrill voice. Teagan stared back keys in hand and wide eyed. She was not expecting a house full of people when she walked in. She was not expecting to see two of them shirtless, or the new owner of James’ company. And she certainly was not expecting to see her sister sitting in his lap….pantless with his arm around her waist.

“Teagan!” She was the last person they expected or wanted to see walk into Kenzi’s house. Adonis tightened his arm around Kenzi holding her more to him. He didn’t like the way Teagan glared at her when she saw how Kenzi was sitting in his lap. Tyler’s top lip curled back and he bit back the snarl that Bal was trying to let out. He gripped tighter to his chair to keep himself seated, he could feel Jackson fighting to do the same thing as Ko raged in his head.

“Did you come for breakfast? There’s not much lef but I could make you sum-thing” Kenzi asked,

“Her sit in my lap an I bite her” Tyler grumbled under his breath, Jackson fought back his laughter when Elijah looked at his hand after Tyler’s comment.

“No, Kenzi I didn’t. We need to talk” Teagan replied, though she was maintaining a polite facade the scowl never left her face.

“Ok” Kenzi said, looking from her sister to everyone else.

“Alone!” Kenzi nodded, and moved to get off of Adonis’s lap.

He tightened slightly, he didn’t want her to go with Teagan, he knew this was going to be bad.

“Don’t go!” He whispered,

“I has to. I has to say sorry” Kenzi said,

“No, you don’t” Adonis looked at Teagan then back to Kenzi.

“She’s my sister. I owe her for the things I said. I upset her, she did-int serve that.” Kenzi replied,

“Then she owes you an apology as well for what she said to you” Adonis countered,

“She told me the truth. Teagan always tells me the truth, and you shou-dint say sorry for that.” Kenzi climbed from his lap and he reluctantly let her go. Without yelling that her sister was a fucking liar, and a stupid bitch he had no argument to make her stay. He could only watch as they stepped outside. The fuck? Do words just get new meanings? The truth, that succubitch tells her the truth? That succubitch tells her, her version of the truth. Her claws are buried so deep into our mate, plan B is out! FUCK!!! My sentiments exactly, Odin!

“The hell is wrong with you? I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t think you could be that stupid” Teagan snapped at her as soon as they were outside.

“What?” Kenzi looked at her confused, she didn’t understand what Teagan was talking about.

“Did you sleep with him?” Teagan hissed, her eyes accusing.

“I did-int sleep with no one.” Kenzi replied, shaking her head.

“You were sitting in his lap with no pants on and his arm around you. Don’t tell me, you didn’t sleep with him. You stupid, stupid girl! What the hell is wrong with you?” Teagan was fuming.

“Adonis sharded my bed, but I did-int do nothing. We has a sleepover, I jus don’t member it” Kenzi stared back at her wide eyed. She really didn’t understand why she was so mad, nothing happened.

“You don’t remember? You don’t remem….Of course you don’t remember, you were drunk, you moron, for all you know you did sleep with him. You don’t know them, Kenzi. You don’t know them and you spent the night dancing with them like some stupid desperate little slut. You don’t know them and you’re feeding them. Did they all spend the night here?” Teagan asked, anger seeping from her words.

“Yes, they’re my friends,” Kenzi replied, her voice low just a touch above a whisper. She dropped her eyes to the ground as Teagan threw her hands in the air in frustration at her sister’s brainless actions.

“Why do you do this to me? How could you be this stupid? They’re not your friends. You don’t have any, no one can stand to be around you.” Teagan raised her voice, causing Kenzi to flinch away from her.

“They’re nice to me” her voice was getting quieter,

“Of course they’re nice to you. You’re stupid and gullible and they want something from you. The only people that are nice to you are the ones that want something from you and you’re just too slow and idiotic to see that.” Teagan barked at her,

“No, no they’re my friends” Kenzi repeated, she didn’t want what Teagan was saying to be true. But Teagan never lies to her.

How stupid are you? Wake up Kenzi and stop being so damn naive all the time. I’m getting sick and tired of having to take care of you. I came over here thinking of how you can make up for the way you embarrassed me last night and instead this is what I have to deal with? More burdens, more problems? All you ever do is cause problems. All you are is a burden. Why can’t you do anything right?” Teagan hurled at her. “How could I be burdened with the worst sister in the world? I really hate you, you’re just a selfish, selfish person and I’m not certain I want to waste my time on you anymore. If you do anything to mess with James’s job I will never forgive you.” Kenzi snapped her eyes to Teagan, she didn’t understand what Adonis spending the night in her bed and then feeding them all breakfast had to do with James.

They sat there listening to what Teagan was saying to her. When it hit the point that she was telling her she didn’t have any friends because no one could stand her. ….grrrrrr…. Jackson released his first growl. Tyler’s whole body shook, that was his Luna, he took one look at Elijah and they both were on their feet. About ready to hit the door and take the bitches head.

NO!” Adonis growled. Odin was raging in his head at what was happening.

“What you mean no?” Tyler snarled,

“No one touches the bitch.” His eyes burning with hatred for Teagan,

“The fuck not?” Tyler barked back,

“It won’t help Lil Kenzi Cakes. It make it worse” Jackson replied, he picked up on it, which is why he stayed planted in his seat or he would have been right behind Elijah and Tyler.

“The fuck you know?” Tyler asked, liquid gold swirling in his eyes, when he looked at his brother, he saw the same dark expression on his own face mirrored back at him.

“It is clear that her claws are buried deep in Kenzi. Should something happen to her right now, Kenzi will blame herself, and I’ll lose her forever. We need to prove everything she is saying and has said is a lie. Then and only then can we get her out of the way. What do you have on her?” Adonis repeated his question from earlier. Tyler didn’t like this, he didn’t like hearing the things that were being said, but it made sense what Adonis said as well.

“Before the breakfas call, I was gonna say I at a dead end wit the sister. All roads lead back to Kenzi. For someone that hate that lil girl, her made her whole life revolve roun her.” Tyler replied “Unless I follow the rabbit hole an look into Kenzi, I can’t go no farther.” Flexing his back, his muscles rippled across his chest. Jaw clenched eyes set straight ahead focused on one spot on the table. The fork he once clutched in his hand was now twisted scrap metal on the floor. He thought, processing what was said to him. Kenzi would tell him whatever he wanted to know, but there was a chance she didn’t know the whole story to the stories of her life, just what she was told or could remember. Looking into her, might shed some light on a few things. Give them more ammunition to use against the raging beast of a bitch now standing on the front lawn berating her.

“Do it!” Adonis stated. Tyler went out the back, he jumped the fence disappearing over the other side.

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