The Alpha Twins Rejection

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Seven - Zac's P.O.V

Running my hands through my hair, I raced down the steps of the packhouse and headed directly for the woods, letting Callan come forward the moment we hit the tree line. “Mate needs us,” he growls fiercely from within. I don’t reply, though. I am too angry. Too hurt. My heart has been torn from my chest the moment I stepped out of Ashley’s room. My world was crumbling, and I didn’t know what to do about it.

My head told me to go to my mate to check on her, but my heart told me to reject her and go after Ashley and work things out. Callan didn’t say anything else; he, too, was torn. So, we just ran and ran and ran until we were both exhausted.

After what seemed like hours Callan scented a stream close by so I shifted back and allowed my legs to carry my unseeing eyes towards it.

Slipping into the water I let out an audible sigh, the flowing water soothing my now aching body.

I wanted to be mad at Ashley for leaving me, for choosing THEM over me. Deep down, I know I couldn’t be angry at her though; it wasn’t her fault that both of us found our mates at the same time. Nor was it her fault that our love ran so deep that the separation hurt like a mother fucker.

No, I could never be angry at her. As always, Ashley had put everyone’s needs above her own. I knew the reason why she had left. The pack alliance would make our pack strong. Just like her, I thought sadly. When she returns, she will be the Luna of the most extensive pack the world had ever seen, and I knew that she could be the only one strong enough to head such a pack. The thought had my heart filling with pride.

No matter how the cards had been dealt as her soon to be Beta, I would protect her and the pack with my life.

After hours of sitting in the stream, just thinking and calming down, I finally found my resolve and climbed out. I needed to be strong for Ashley. For Mia. And most of all for the pack.

Stepping out, I squared my sore shoulders and allowed Callan to come forward again to chase the chill from my now weary bones. “Let’s go and meet Mia,” I said softly. The words had Callan wagging his tail, like me, he was nervous, but I could feel mild excitement creeping in.

I hadn’t realised how far we had run that morning until we made our way back, and it took over an hour. At least it gave me more time to think. Or maybe that was a bad thing, having more time to think. The closer we got to the packhouse, the faster my heart rate picked up.

I was almost a complete mess when the accommodation Mia was staying in came into view. I was torn between going back to the packhouse and having a shower or going straight to Mia to rip the band-aid off. I reluctantly decided on the former, deciding having clothes on and being clean would be the better option.

Not that I cared about first impressions anymore since I am sure I had already screwed that up yesterday when Ashley rescued Mia, and I had completely ignored her like an asshole, I thought with a violent shudder.

Thinking back over my actions, I don’t think I could blame her if she rejected me for how I had treated her. Wouldn’t that be just my luck, I thought with a snort, losing my partner and my mate in a span of 24 hours?

Stepping out of the shower, I realise I am nervous; I don’t even take notice what I put on or even how I look. Making my way towards where Mia is staying takes longer than it should due to how slowly I am walking. Callan is growing impatient with me, and I can’t say that I blame him. “Hurry up, Zac,” he says sternly through clenched teeth. “Otherwise, I will take over and go and claim her myself,” he fumes.

Even though what he says pisses me off, I know the shithead is correct, so picking up my pace, I make my way to the front door and knock without hesitation.

The door opens gradually, and brown eyes peek out, and I can hear a sharp intake of air before the door starts to close again. Thinking quickly, I jam my foot in the door and force it inwards. I guess I deserved that.

“What do you a want” a small voice squeaks out, taking me by surprise. It doesn’t take long to realise that it is Mia who has answered the door. I didn’t have to see her as her scent is engulfing me, driving Callan wild.

“I want to apologise”, I deadpan.“I fucked up yesterday ignoring you, and I want to say I am sorry”, I choke out, running my nervous hand through my already messy hair. Shit, maybe Ashly was right, and I might need a haircut. The thought tugs at the corner of my mouth. Ashley is always right, I realise.

“Can I come in?” I ask nervously, striding in before Mia can even answer me. She merely stares at me, blinking, so I take a seat on the overstuffed sofa under the window.

“Sure. Let yourself in,” she finally snaps. Making Callan chuckle. “Least she has claws,” he muses.

I continue to run my hands through my hair. I don’t know what to do or say. Finally, Mia is the one that speaks. “If you are here to reject me, Zac, get it over and done with so that I can go home,” she says softly, not bothering to look at me. Her harsh words have knocked the wind out of me temporarily, and I lose all ability to speak. Was I here to reject her? Callan growls inside my head, the sound growing louder and louder until I tell him to calm down.

I find myself looking up into Mia’s sorrowful eyes, slowly shaking my head. “No, Mia. I am not here to reject you,” I say slowly. “I am here to apologise and ask your forgiveness”.“I am sure you have been brought up to speed about Ashley and my relationship and want to assure you it has ended” I choke the last part out.

Mia’s lip starts to quiver. “I felt you last night.” She let the words die on her tongue, and I feel like shit. “I am so sorry, Mia,” I reply once again. Shit, this isn’t going to be easy, I think sourly. I don’t want to be the one responsible for the look in her eyes.

She goes to speak again, but I raise a hand to stop her. “If you will accept me, I will give you 48 hours to return home, pack your things and say goodbye to your family and friends. I would like you to move into the Blood Moon packhouse with me, in another room, of course, so that we may get to know one another,” I say, offering Mia a small smile.

“What about Ashley” she replies ever so softly that I almost don’t hear her.“Ashley has gone away for a while. When she returns, she will return as our Luna,” I reply wearily. Much to Mia’s credit, she nods her head and straightens her shoulders. I can see the hurt in her eyes, but for now, this is all I can offer her. I am too broken but know I can not throw the mate bond away.

I just hoped that Mia would accept that and allow me some space and time to sort our relationship out. Standing, I make my way to the door, “Thank you, Mia,” I say simply before closing it behind me. I had 48 hours to figure my shit out I thought solemly, I couldnt hurt Mia again. No wouldn’t.

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