The Alpha Twins Rejection

Chapter Chapter Six - Zac

As the hours drifted by in a blur, I resisted the overwhelming urge to try and mind-link Ashley; I was so used to her being a constant in my head that I had to admit that I felt lost when she wasn’t there. As much as it tortured me, I knew that I needed to let her rest while she was unconscious. To give her a decent chance of healing faster without worrying about voices in her head. I knew that the silver and wolfsbane would keep her wolf, Callie, suppressed for at least twenty-four hours until all trace of it was out of her system. What a fucking nightmare today had been. Having nothing to occupy myself with, I found the unfortunate events repeatedly playing in my mind, going over all the scenarios. I solemnly shook my head to clear my thoughts. I had to stop replaying what had happened. The longer I thought about it, the more furious I became with myself for Ashley’s terrible predicament. Because I had been careless, I had put Ashley in harm’s way. I should have stayed by her side and vehemently insisted we all patrol together. Deep down, though, I knew I couldn’t blame myself. Ashley was strong-willed and could handle herself. She didn’t become Beta just because her father was the Alpha of the pack nor because she required me to save her from every situation. There was no way in hell Ashley would ever want anyone to fight her battles for her. She would always meet them head-on.

I had seen firsthand how Ashley had to train harder than anyone else to prove that she was worthy of filling a male-dominated role and of attesting that she gained it on her merit and not just because of her last name. The Alpha and Luna were enormously proud of their only child, and everything Ashley had achieved. They radiated with pride, knowing that their daughter was the only female Beta in wolf shifter history. She had proved her exceptional ability time and time again in every tournament she entered to every single rogue she fought against and brutally killed. Today should have been like any other day, just a routine exercise checking the perimeter, finding the intruder in our territory and either killing them on the spot if they were a rogue determined to cause trouble or escorting a lost shifter off our land with a warning if they were unaware of the boundaries they had crossed. Not in a million years did anyone think Alpha Dante would be back to try to kill Ashley after all these years. No one had heard a word from him or about him since he had kidnapped and tortured Ashley. His entire pack had been silent for years.

After what felt like an eternity, lost in my despair for how the day had unfolded, I pulled the hummer up at the edge of the Bloodmoon territory lines. Coming to a complete stop, I noted that over a dozen large SUVs met me. I hadn’t expected the Alphas of River Run Pack to have such an extensive entourage with them. Alpha Miller had informed me earlier that the rest of their pack would be arriving a few hours later, so the sight baffled me. Climbing out of the car, I swiftly scan the immediate area for the two Alphas. My eyes settle on two prominent figures walking towards me who are flanked on either side by what I assume to be their Betas. I regard them warily as they halt six feet in front of me. I couldn’t help but size the guys up that stood before me. The Alphas had to be at least 6′4, towering over their Betas, broad shoulders and stacked with muscle like they were gym junkies. They were also identical twins.

I straightened myself up to my full height and extended my hand in welcome. The guy on the left shook it with a firm shake, introducing himself as Alpha Kane. I offered my hand to his brother, who shook it with an identical firm squeeze, which I happily returned as he introduced himself as Alpha Rayne. He motioned towards the two guys standing behind them, presenting their Betas, Will and Henry. To my bewildered surprise, Kane tossed his car keys to his Beta Will and exclaimed that he and his brother would be riding with me. I merely nodded in response, unsure what to say. It was highly unusual for Alphas to ride with Deltas; predominantly, they followed the escort in their vehicle.

As I pulled the hummer onto the highway a few minutes later, I noticed the Alphas inhaling deeply, their nostrils flaring ever so slightly. The corner of their mouths kicked up into tight smiles as they shared a voiceless conversation. Looking away quickly, I focused on the SUVs that followed close behind us in the rear-view mirror. “So Zac, I see that you are married,” Alpha Rayne said from the passenger seat, flicking a curious glance to the gold band on my wedding ring finger. Alpha Kane sat in the back of the hummer, his expressionless face boring holes into my head. I took a deep, calming breath. Not the topic I wanted to talk about right now, but since I was in the car with not one but two Alphas, I felt compelled to reply. “No, I am unmated but in a long-term relationship,” I replied bluntly, hoping that would be the end of his line of inquiry. For several minutes the car was blissfully silent, and then Kane’s gruff voice drifted from the back of the vehicle. “Anyone we would know?” he asked, his head tilted to the side as he waited for my reply. I desperately wanted to pinch the bridge of my nose; this was going to be a long car ride, I thought. “Beta Miller. So, no, no one you would know”, I replied as politely as I could. As far as I knew, they had never been in our territory before, so I knew that they would not personally know anyone, making their question seem odd. They were fishing for information, it seemed.

“Beta Miller”, they replied in unison, a statement, not a question. I wondered if they always talked simultaneously and if it was a twin thing. “We were extremely saddened when Alpha Miller informed us that Ashley was indisposed today and could not escort us. We have heard many tales of her fierce fighting ability and are eager to make her acquaintance”, Rayne stated, looking at Kane over his shoulder, unspoken words passing between the two. “Unfortunately, you may not get to meet Beta Miller while on such a short visit. Alpha Miller will explain everything tonight when we arrive”, I reply tersely—desperately hoping that the Alphas would abandon the subject.

Letting out a ragged breath, I drum my fingers on the steering wheel, trying to distract myself. To try and keep my cool and not press the gas pedal to the floor. I wanted nothing more than to be back at the pack hospital with Ashley and not be stuck in the car with these two. Callan had been relentlessly whining inside my head, he knew he wasn’t helping the situation, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Callan was as anxious as I was to get back to Ashley’s bedside. He left me feeling like my head was going to explode.

Not wanting to continue talking about Ashley, I turned the line of inquiry around on them and asked the Alphas if they had yet found their Lunas. I knew extremely little about the Alpha twins or the River Run Pack and was unsure how two Alphas would rule together. I could only assume that they would each find a Luna of their own to rule beside them. “Kane and I turned eighteen almost twelve months ago and have not yet had the pleasure of finding our mates,” Rayne replied cheerily enough, though I noted there was a tenseness to his jaw as he said it. “But we have certainly enjoyed our continued freedom”, he continued with a snicker. Wow, these guys seem like jerks, I thought grimly. I couldn’t say I blamed them, though. The thought of finding mine terrified me, and I knew that made me an even bigger jerk. “Accepting the invitation to the Bloodmoon Ball is an effort on our part to find our mates by venturing outside of our territory,” Kane said with an indifferent shrug of his shoulders. “Our parents have extensively researched Lycan history but keep hitting dead ends. It seems that being twins, we are an anomaly. We have never wanted to share partners before, so we can only assume that we will both find a mate. Though we are in no hurry,” He weirdly adds as an afterthought. I could sense something was weighing on their minds but couldn’t be bothered asking. They continued sharing subtle looks like they were continually conversing with each other through their mind link.

I wondered if that was also something twins did or if they just wanted to talk in private. The thought of two unknown, unmated males, Alphas no less, coming onto our turf with Ashley unmated sent equal waves of fear and anger pulsing through my veins. But no matter how much the thought pissed me off, I knew deep down that she deserved no less than an Alpha as her mate. Glancing briefly at the Alphas, I can’t help but think that neither would be worthy of Ashley. I watch my knuckles turn white on the steering wheel as I grip it harshly at the thought of either of them being her fated mate. Callan stopped pacing in my head as he contemplated my thoughts. “There is no way in hell that either of these pups is worthy of Ashley and Callie”, he spat furiously, the hackles on his back rising. “We have to consider that one of them may be her mate Callan” I replied sadly. We both knew that it was only a matter of time before we had to let go of our relationship with her, our physical one anyway. I would never break my vow of always being there for her. Ever. With a resigned snort, Callan reluctantly lays back down. Thankfully instead of his incessant howling, he returns to sulking and blatantly ignoring me. I know he was upset but was grateful for the peace, willing my headache to go away now that my mind was suddenly clear. No such luck, though. It seemed to throb even louder the closer we got to home.

A few kilometres from the packhouse, Alpha Kane and Alpha Rayne’s bodies stiffened, and their eyes swiftly shifted from chocolate brown to almost black as their wolves pressed forward. Weird, I thought, their wolves must be acting up due to being in unfamiliar territory. I thought either that or I was seeing things that weren’t there. The latter could very well be true; it has been a long ass day. “Is everything all right?” I ask the Alphas. “Yes, everything is perfectly fine”, Kane replied, looking back at his brother, a knowing look passing between them. I was more than happy when the packhouse came into view and hastily showed the Alphas to the guesthouse to stow their belongings before taking them to the packhouse for a late dinner with Alpha and Luna Miller.

From my view in the kitchen, I watched warily as the Alpha twins’ nostrils flared ever so slightly as they inhaled deeply once more. If I hadn’t been looking directly at them, I would have missed it. I wondered what they were scenting but decided I would think about it more later. Right now, I wanted to be with Ashley, so I politely excused myself from the small congregation and made my way out of the packhouse. As soon as I closed the front door, I allowed myself to shift, not wanting to waste any time. It felt incredible to be stretching my limbs after such a long time cooped up in the car. Flexing my muscles as I ran, I relished the feeling as it eased the tension inside me. It didn’t take me long to reach the pack hospital. I shifted back to my human form, grabbed clothes that were kept for emergencies in a cupboard on the verandah, and then went inside. Gently opening the door to Ashley’s room, I was surprised to see her sitting up talking with a nurse. I stood frozen in the doorway, shocked at the sight and trying to calm my ragged breath. It felt like my heart was going to burst to see Ashley not only alive but awake. “Don’t just stand there, get over here?” she quipped with a sexy, raspy voice. She didn’t have to ask me twice; I was by her side in record time, placing her soft hand in-between mine while leaning over to give her a tender kiss on the forehead. Inhaling sharply, I let her scent swirl around me. It instantly calmed Callan and me. He was pacing inside my head, letting out little yips of joy at the sight, smell, and touch of Ashley. “Calm down, Callan,” I thought with a laugh. “She is ok”. “Thank the Goddess”, he replies with a shuddered breath. I thought proudly that her being awake was a testament to how strong she really was. “How are you, Ashley,” I ask timidly, not taking my eyes off hers. “The doctor said he has never seen such swift healing after being attacked with a silver dagger; he said it might have to do with Callie putting all her concentrated effort into healing me. I can’t think why she would exhaust herself, but she has been acting unusual all day. Like she knows something I don’t,” Ashley replies with a strained smile, running her hand through her luscious silver locks. Shit, thoughts from earlier today flooded back to me. Maybe her mate would be at this year’s Blood Moonball, after all, I thought sadly. “Thank you for saving me, Zac,” Ashley continued, squeezing my hands gently. The smile on her face tugged furiously at my heartstrings. If only she knew my emotional turmoil of not being with her to prevent the sickening attack in the first place. I wouldn’t burden her with that, though. Not now. I returned her smile and then reluctantly took my leave when the nurse shooed me out the door. I didn’t want to leave and assured Ashley that I would be back before she woke in the morning. As I exited the room, her soft breaths let me know that she had passed out again from the exertion of sitting up and talking. I guess it was best to go so that I was not a distraction to her. Goddess knows she needs to sleep and time to heal.

Entering the packhouse, Alpha Miller poked his head over the second-story staircase and asked me to join him in the conference room. Nodding, I made my way up to the room. Alpha Miller, Alpha Rayne, and Alpha Kane were all seated around the conference table with a glass of brown liquid in their hands when I entered. As I sat down, the twins exchanged another knowing look between themselves. Weird, I thought, their habit of silently communicating is starting to irritate me. “Me too,” Callan spat, eyeing the twins like prey. If I let him, he would love nothing other than to take control and start a fight, I thought.

Hastily taking my eyes off them, I look towards Alpha Miller, who enquired how his daughter was. “Ashley is awake, Alpha Miller. The doctor said he would send a detailed report shortly,” I reply. Alpha Millers’ smile broadens at the good news. “Excellent. That is one less worry. I was just going over territory security with Alpha Kane and Alpha Rayne and filling them in on the ambush and attack earlier today. Would you mind showing them over the protocols in the morning since both Beta McMillan and Beta Miller are indisposed? Of course, after you check on Beta Miller, that is,” he says with a knowing smirk.

I silently thank him for giving me time to be with Ashley before I was thrown back into security detail for the upcoming ball and impending threat of war. “Sure thing Alpha Miller,” I reply. Turning back towards the twins, I say, “I will meet you at the guesthouse after breakfast Alpha Kane, Alpha Rayne. It was a pleasure meeting you both”. It has been anything but a pleasure to meet them. The lie tastes like ash on my tongue. “Do you think Alpha Dante’s attack was related to the rogue threat we received” I casually asked Alpha Miller as I stood to take my leave? “I am starting to think that the two are connected, Zac. It is too much of a coincidence not to be related. Our scouts have reported no sighting of Alpha Dante, and I can only assume that he is still alive and behind the attacks on the other packs,” He replies, pinching the bridge of his nose. Nodding my head, I leave the room and head towards mine, knowing that I will not get any sleep until Ashley is out of the hospital and in the all-clear.

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