The Alpha Princess

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three


I can hear Celina’s heart beating. It’s faster than what I would like for her. I lay on my side, as far as I could be from her, and facing away. I wonder if I’m making her nervous. Considering who she is, and her attitude toward me, I nearly find that laughable.

I doubt there is anything in this world that can scare that woman. She is getting a degree that the Council would fully try to stop and prohibit its completion if they knew, and she’s well aware of that. That woman has got to be the most stubborn and prideful woman I have ever met. She will stop at nothing in order to get away from her duties. Maybe that’s why she’s so guarded with me. If she chooses to mate with me, she will have those responsibilities back and then some. I can’t fault her for that, but I still want her to pick me. I’m going to go at her pace since I already know she’s strong-willed. I will not be able to force her into what I want, but I sure as hell can persuade her.

One thing I know I have to do is not give her roses. What the hell does that even mean? I didn’t even mean to hear her conversation. I was walking out of the bathroom when I heard her friend state that Celina dumped Declan because she hates roses, and she doesn’t want me to do it. I wish I could have heard more, but Xander called me to help set up dinner. I’m almost angry at him for that. My beast could not get her wolf to explain further, and he’s infuriated. He’s never come across a beast that wouldn’t submit to him, and it’s driving him insane.

Breaking my train of thought, Celina huffs in frustration and throws the covers off, and marches off to the bathroom.

I sit up and go knock on the bathroom door. “Cel, you okay?”

She throws the door open, sweat beaded on her forehead. “No, I’m not. I’m hot. I’m annoyed. And I can’t sleep.” She steps toward me, “If I wasn’t so attracted to you, I’d be asleep by now.”

Sheer pleasure pulls a smirk on my face while I feel Rajin purr for the first time in my life. Boldly, I step closer to her and press against her. “Would you like some help?”

She steps back, stepping against the wall. “What do you mean?”

Slowly, I step toward her once more; my body aching to touch her. My fingers are just itching to enjoy her. I stroke her cheek as I lower my voice. “Well, I did offer to do whatever I can to help you. If that means relieving some pressure, I believe I can be of some assistance.”

Celina shudders as her cheeks warm. “I-I can’t let you do that.”

That confuses me. “What do you mean?”

“As much as I want to, I can’t have sex with you. If I do, I won’t be as interested in getting to know you.”

She wants to get to know me? I have never met a girl who would prioritize that over sex. Then again, most of the women I have dated only seem to be interested in my title more than me. Celina most likely has had the same experiences.

A low chuckle rumbles through me as I put my lips an inch from hers. “I told you, I was going to make you beg for that.” I kiss her briefly, making her entire body tense. “I’m only offering to help you get some sleep.”

I kiss her again, running my hands down her waist and her legs. I hook my hands around her legs to lift and carry her to the bed. Regretfully, I break away from her long enough to remove her shirt before leaning into her once more; pressing her against the bed as I put my hand firmly on her thigh.

Her hands twist in my hair while her scent fuels my inner desire. I want her. I want to taste her. She moans into my mouth while I gently massage her breasts. Her body pushes into me as she spreads her legs further, pressing her warm and moist center into me; successfully getting a rise out of me.

I chuckle as I step away from her, realizing her hands are now wrapped around the knot on my sweatpants. “That’s for a later date,” I tell her as I pull her panties off. She frowns at me and then gasps as I kiss her breast.

“Chris, please,” she whimpers as I nip her breast slightly and cup her wetness with my hand. “Please.”

I start rubbing her clit with my hand as I chuckle, “I’m only doing what you told me.”

Her body twitches as she covers her face. “That’s not fair.” She tries to sit up, but I firmly push her down. “Chris,” she whimpers again but I silence her by putting my mouth on her and begin licking her budding clit. She gasps as I moan internally. She tastes so sweet, making me crave more.

Celina lets out a loud moan as she throws her fist in her mouth. I’m not going to let that stop the beautiful sound from coming out of her. I slip some fingers inside of her and start stroking her special spot as I increase the speed of my tongue. Celina starts wiggling as she moans into her hand, trying to get away from the intense pressure I’m creating.

Not even a few minutes later, Celina lets out a loud gasp as she bolts up, her trembling thighs squeezing tightly against my head. Victoriously, I continue to lap up her juices as she lets out a loud cry of pleasure; grasping my hair and pulling my head closer to her.

“Chris,” she gasps again, finally letting go of my head as she falls back on the bed, releasing me from between her thighs.

I chuckle as I stand up. “Ready for bed?”

“Uh-huh,” she pants breathlessly; her hands in her hair. I grab the covers once more and wait for her to move back into place. Surprising me, she tears the pillow wall apart and lays next to me, falling asleep with my arms around her.

I wake to her insipid alarm. It’s some kind of doomsday tone. I hear Celina groan right before I hear her say: “Hello Councilor Geoff.”

I look at the time on the clock and groan. It’s nearly five in the morning. What does he want?

“Yes I arrived safely. Yes, Xander punched Declan. He only did it because that nutbag tried to mark me. He was saving my neck.”

“Geoff,” she growls deeply; waking my beast to see what is making her aura so strong right now. “If it wasn’t for Chris and Xander, there is a good chance that twat would have marked me. So listen here when I tell you that I want Declan ordered to stay away from me, with the harshest punishment if he fails to adhere to the order.

“And I want the Grand Chancellor investigated. The fact that he hasn’t taken action against his son is careless and offensive. If there is no internal investigation, I will order the Werewolf Council to do one and will consider it an act of war if nothing is done. I am the Alpha Princess, not a lycan. It is one of the Council’s duties to protect the royal family; something that I feel you’ve been royally lacking. Due to this, I will no longer adhere to the Council’s orders until I feel like my safety is guaranteed.”

She hangs up the phone as I lift my head. “Stupid Council,” she mutters, rejecting another call and silencing her phone.

“What was that about,” I ask her as I pull her closer to me.

“Declan lodged a complaint against my brother, and you, for what happened yesterday.” She snuggles in closer to me. “If he wants to hide behind Daddy, then I’ll play that game.”

I chuckle. “What did I do?”

“You let Xander punch him. Also, you were there. Thanks for that, for saving my neck.” She squeezes my arm. “You and Xander quite literally saved my neck.”

I have to force myself to stay relaxed. I didn’t think I’d see a soft side of her so soon, and I don’t want to make her lock herself back up. “My pleasure,” I murmur into the back of her head.

Celina groans as she sits up. “Damn Geoff. I’m fully awake now.”

“I’ll make you something to eat and some coffee. Get ready for class.” I kiss her smooth bare back and get up.

After getting cleaned up and changed into a pair of jeans and a long red sleeve shirt, I head out to the kitchen and make her something to eat. I cook her my favorite breakfast and make a mental note to ask her hers; since I’m wanting to know more about my amazing mate.

When Celina’s scent hits me, I turn around to see her. She’s pulled her hair into a braided ponytail that she’s tossed over her shoulder; leaving her bare neck open and making me restrain myself so I don’t mark her.

She smirks when she sees my tense arms and leans over the island table, and I have to fight to keep my eyes locked on hers. I feel like she’s chosen a certain goal with her style today. I’d be more than glad to give her a repeat of last night if that’s her design. “What are you making?” She closes her eyes and inhales deeply. “It smells amazing.”

“My favorite breakfast,” I tell her, handing her a plate of cinnamon toast and blueberry pancakes. I pour her a cup of coffee and push it toward her. “I didn’t know yours, so I thought I’d show you mine.”

She sits down with a small smile on her lips. “Mine is buttery blueberry waffles and cinnamon toast.”

A smirk hits my face while I sip my coffee, just looking at her. She blushes and looks away, clearly uncomfortable with this knowledge. It’s amusing and I’m pleased to see that my simple act has seemed to shake her.

She moans then, making me stiffen. “Who taught you to cook? These are delicious.”

That one question is going to cause a very awkward conversation. “My ex and I took cooking classes together,” I answer honestly, not wanting to hide it from her and give her a reason to feel like it’s more than what it is. “I quite enjoyed it, so I pursued it outside of my duties. I find it to be fairly relaxing.”

I see Celina’s grip tighten around her coffee mug for the first time while the rest of her body remains neutral and unchanging. “Well, you should cook more often. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten my pancakes this light and fluffy.”

There’s my in. “I can teach you if you want.” I offer while I drink my coffee, using everything in my being to appear casual.

She takes another bite as she nods her head. “I would love that.”

Not wasting a second of this opportunity, I grin winningly at her. “Great, it’s a date.”

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