The Alpha Princess

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One


I squirm under his gaze while electricity courses through my body. He tricked me. How did he trick me?

Chris folds his arms with a winning smirk, “Are you wanting to go back on the deal? I mean the bed part. If you’re serious about finishing your degree, you need to be protected.” He holds up the soap, “This is proof of that. The fact that they’re getting smart enough to cover the scent, is concerning, to say the least.”

I take a deep breath and was about to tell him I’d prefer he stay on the couch when Mara snarls at me, “Mate.”

“Your mate.” I snap back. “I’m not the one that’s marked here.”

“You’re being stubborn.”

“I’m being realistic here. I don’t even know this man’s favorite food, so why would I share a bed with him?”

“Mate. That’s why.”

“Again, yours.”

“Celina, being near him helps me. You have no idea how hard it is being this close to your mate, and I can’t even touch him.”

“Fine,” I huff then answer carefully. “Out of respect for Mara, we can stick to the original agreement.”

Chris smirks, sending shivers through my body. He goes to take a step forward right when I get the urge to bolt. Mercifully, the intercom buzzes, allowing me to dart out of the room. I nearly push Xander over getting to the door.

“Hello,” I singsong while I peek over my shoulder to see Chris leaving my room. Yeah, that was smooth.

“Celina,” comes a squeal so loud it nearly breaks the intercom.

“Jenna,” I scream as I hit the elevator button. “I’ll be right down!”

“Bring a boy. Your ex is lurking.”

“Kick him if you have the chance,” I tell her right as I feel Chris standing right behind me, making me blush. I hate that my body is so reactive to him. I personally blame Mara for this.

Chris cocks his head at me, following me into the elevator, “Why is Jenna here?”

“My dad is having her keep an eye on me.”

“That’s what we’re here for,” Xander says, stepping into the elevator just before it closes.

I shrug, “I don’t think he trusts the Council.” I give him a side eye, “Plus you’re all boys. Like I want to be surrounded by this much testosterone all the time.”

Xander scoffs. “Like estrogen is any better.”

I raise my eyebrow, “Careful, I’m armed with eyeliner and I’m not afraid to use it.”

He rolls his eyes. “I’m so scared.”

I glare at him as the elevator comes to a stop, “You better sleep with one eye open.” When the door opens I see Jenna talking to the doorman. She has her hair down today and is wearing a tank top and sweats.

“Jenna,” I squeal as I dart out of the elevator. As I clear the elevator I get tackled from the side right when an arm snags my waist. Chris pulls me into him while I try to figure out what has happened. I glance up with enough time to see Xander’s fist connect directly with Declan’s face. Declan slams down on the ground and his death-defying glare sends shivers up my spine. His canines are descended.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I demand from Declan while Xander takes me from Chris. Chris is snarling and is starting to lose control of his beast.

Declan’s eyes are beginning to change when he glares at me. “You’re mine Celina.”

“You’re psychotic,” I snap, pushing my aura. “Enough!” I growl while I push away from Xander. “Chris, Xander, Jenna, in the elevator now!”

While they follow my orders, I squat down to look Declan in the eyes. “You’re pathetic Declan. Learn to accept my rejection, because my wolf and I will never allow you to mark us. I will rip out your canines the next time you try to mark me. I do not care who your father is. After today, I will be challenging his role on the council just so I can be allowed to permanently remove you from this earth.”

I look up at the doorman. “If this man comes near the building, call the Council immediately. Do I make myself clear?”

The black-haired young lycan bares his neck as he closes his eyes. “Yes, Princess.”

“Good. Now clear this tragic thing out of here,” I tell him as I stand up. I step back into the elevator, still keeping my eyes on Declan. I don’t know why he is acting like this. I am not Declan’s mate. There is no excuse for this behavior. I never even knew he was capable of this kind of reaction. He was always so calm and collected when we were dating. I don’t recognize this Declan.

I stare him down, seeing fear for the first time in Declan’s eyes as the elevator closes. I flip my hair as I turn and look at Jenna. “Anyway, hi,” I squeal as I hug her.

Jenna hugs me back before pulling back to look me over. “What the hell was that?”

“I honestly don’t know,” I say as I pull my hair over my shoulder, “but this is getting ridiculous. He’s acting like I’m rejecting a moon goddess given mateship.”

“Are you sure he’s not your mate?” She holds up her hand to stop a sharp growl from Chris. “Your human side mate.”

I gag, “Ew. I was never attracted to him in a mate bond way. He was way too clingy.” The door opens and I link arms with Jenna. “You’ll be staying in the study. We’ll go shopping for sheets.”

“Cel, come on,” Jenna says as she drops her bags on the ground. “I just landed.”

“But there are fewer boys out there,” I whine while I pick up her bag and turn around and I start walking backward. “I’ve been cooped up in here all day.”

She raises her eyebrow, “You nearly got marked, and you want to risk it again to go shopping?”

I give her a dirty look as I shove her into my old study room. I quickly slam the door in Chris’s face and lean against it to keep him out. “Do you not know how to tell when I am freaking out here?” I demand from her like she’s crazy.

“I just got off a long flight filled with turbulence for this?” Jenna demands as she plops on the bed. “I don’t want to hear more crap about Declan. I got Eddy problems.”

I groan, “It’s not Declan, it’s Chris.” I plop on the bed. “Wait, what about Eddy?”

Jenna sits up, “He called me and left me a message.”

I nearly squeak, “Are you kidding me? What did he say?”

She frowns and pulls out her phone. A deep hard voice comes out when she hits the speaker button so I can hear his voicemail. “Hi Jen, I messed up. I need to talk to you. Call me…This is Eddy.”

“He messed up? He needs to talk to you? What is that creep thinking? He left you just before the Claiming.” I take the phone from her when I see her face frowning. “Are you seriously thinking about calling that jerk?”

She bites her lip. “Well…”

“He dumped you before the Claiming,” I say slowly to emphasize my point. “He deserves a swift kick in the jaw, not a phone call.”

“I just want to know what he wants to say,” she pouts as she reaches for her phone.

“He’s a jerk.”

“But he’s cute,” she whines.

“He left you to the wolves. Literally.” I touch her hand. “You almost died.”

She throws her hands over her face. “I know but still. I hate that I still want him.”

I pull her into a tight hug. “I know hun, but he’s not worth your time.”

“That doesn’t help,” she cries and starts bawling. This time I just let her cry it out while I try to picture the most disgusting thing I can send to Eddy. Is an army of cicadas too much? Nah, not enough for that worm.

Jenna sits up as she wipes her tears. “I still want to call him.”

I groan. “Fine, but put him on speaker.”

She calls him and puts him on speaker, but covers my mouth immediately. “Jenna I’m so glad you called,” Eddy says after the first ring. He sounds relieved but annoyingly smug,

“What do you want Eddy?” Jenna demands with acid in her voice. I give her a surprised look; I didn’t know she was capable of that much malice.

It takes a moment for him to respond but he does. “Jenna, please, I miss you.”

“Then tell me why you broke up with me,” she demands with a fire in her eyes. I swear her mouth is foaming.

“Because I got scared. We were so close to our wedding date that I panicked.”

“I nearly died because of you,” she yells into the phone. “And even if I hadn’t drunk that poison, what were you planning on doing if I got marked?”

“But you didn’t,” he exclaims. “It has to be a sign.”

“Died, Eddy! I nearly died because you dumped me.”

“Again, you didn’t. Do you know how hard this time apart has been on me? Do you even care?”

“What kind of thinking is that?” Jenna demands while her hand clenches tighter on my mouth.

“Ow,” I mumble into her hand, but she squeezes harder as her rage builds.

“I’ll tell you what kind of thinking that is, you delusional prick. You’re a total narcissist, and it took swallowing Wolfsbane to see that. You didn’t even call to see if I was okay. You’re a complete tool and you can go to hell.” She hangs up and physically blocks his number.

“Ugh,” she shouts as she throws her phone to the foot of her bed and lets go of my mouth. “He’s such an ass. What did I even see in him?”

I stare at her open mouth. “Since when did you start talking like that?”

She smirks, “I learned it from you.”

“About time. I should have you tag team Declan with me. Maybe two she-wolves telling him off will get it through his thick head.”

“Oh,” her eyes widen. “What’s going on with you and Chris? You mentioned something about it earlier.”

I blush. “I need some advice.”

She narrows her eyes toward me. “If it’s about sex, wear a condom.”

I snort, a little taken off guard by her response. “No not that. Chris found some Wolfsbane in my bathroom, and in order for him to keep it to himself, I sort of agreed to let him follow me around everywhere.”

“Celina, do you know how stupid you’re being,” she hisses to keep her voice low. “If they got it in here once, they could do it again.”

I take a deep breath. “I know and that’s the same point Chris made. So I agreed to let him sleep in my bedroom…and share a bed.”

“What,” she screeches; making the room echo and a deep blush build on my face. Please tell me he didn’t hear that.

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