The Alpha Princess

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Five


I watch carefully as my wolf paces; demanding his blood. I keep my hands on my lap as I stroke it, trying to soothe her. Anyone threatening her chance of a happy mateship is marked for death. Mara is subduing most of her strength, trying to lure him into a small sense of security. If he thinks he’s stronger, then he’ll be more willing to talk openly. It’s always a power play in this beast world. It’s one of the reasons you never show a weakness, and when you find one you go for the throat.

Randaul is six-five and looks like he can bench-press a linebacker. He runs a hand through his thick hair and pulls at his shirt collar with another. I’m making him nervous. I turn my phone on and leave it in my lap, immediately calling Xander’s phone; that I know for a fact is likely dead. He’s never been good at keeping it charged.

He looks me over, his amber eyes checking carefully for any signs I’d attack him. “How did you know I’ve been watching you?”

I give him a rude look. “You jumped on Jenna the moment you had zero chance to run into me. The only way you’d be able to do that is if you were close. Also, my father made zero mention that you had stopped by, so that means you’re doing what you can to glide under the radar.”

“Perceptive and on point,” Randaul comments while he takes a seat across from me. “Still, you know, I’m not the only one after your little neck. It was stupid of you to ditch your little helpers.”

“Is that why you’re here,” I ask, cocking my head and flashing him an innocent expression. “Or are you trying to get me to submit to your son?”

He chuckles. “I see you strong-armed your little friend. If it helps, she did fight it. Not many can say no to my persuasive skills.”

I glare at him. “What do you have over her? A man of your stature doesn’t use simple submission as his only safety precaution.”

He grins approvingly. “You’re not as dumb as I thought you were. Your little friend purposely poisoned herself with the Wolfsbane to get out of the Claiming. Pour Mon Pote. Didn’t you and Jenna make a pact at one point to learn French? Isn’t that why you’re learning it in school?”

A flashback goes into my mind. I didn’t notice the bottle when I went to the closet to get dressed. I noticed it when she came in. She also was quick to make sure I didn’t drink it. Examining him carefully for any lie, I ask, “Why does it translate to For My Mate?”

He folds his hands together and leans toward me. “After her trashy ex-fiancé broke her heart, she made a personal vow to find her true mate so she may never feel that kind of pain before. It was a reminder.”

Seeing no lie, I continue my questioning. “How do you know this?”

He pulls out his phone and shows me pictures of her diary. It’s in her handwriting, and it’s baby pink with a lily on it. It’s her diary. “It’s amazing what people will write when they think no one is looking. Did you know that our dear Jenna has turned down a total of twenty-five guys, and her ex has never turned down a single advancement?

“You’ve got a devoted friend there. Most of them usually roll when I put the screws to them, but she kept resisting my generous offer. The poor girl put up a good fight. I mean that literally. She got a few punches on me before I let my beast loose on her. He cornered her and made her beg for mercy. After she submitted, she made a pathetic pawn. She was caught in less than twelve hours.”

“She’s always been bad at manipulation,” I tell him, pulling my scarf slightly away from my neck; feigning being a little hot. I watch his eyes flicker to my neck for a split second before continuing. “So why did you go after her?”

He smirks. “She’s the only one you’ve let get close to you, besides your brother. Considering he’s the upcoming Alpha King, even I’m not stupid enough to try him. Besides, her stupidity provided the perfect solution to all of our problems. She got out of the Claiming, they increased security on you, which essentially kept you safer, and it provided me a perfect in to get closer to you.”

“Closer to me,” I ask, raising my brow. “Now why would you want that?”

He grimaces, “Because my son doesn’t seem to know when he’s coming on too strong.”

“So what’s your plan now? Order the Council for me to be mated to your son?”

He glares at me. “They won’t go for it after your little phone call today.”

I smirk. “So what’s my little investigation going to turn up?”

His glare darkens, “Nothing, other than a written plan to present my son as your mate on my desk. That’ll sideline me for a few weeks while they further investigate, and that’s when the real trouble starts.”

Unflinching, I meet his eyes with an even glare. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s just say I’m not the only Council member with the same plan.”

He waits to see if I’m surprised, but I just laugh. “I figured as much. I’ve never seen the Council so eager to play matchmaker before. So far I’ve narrowed it down to Geoff Tribidoux, Larry Higgins, and Leopold Beavoux, and a few others.”

Randaul chuckles, “And how did you figure that out?”

“Considering they call me several times a day, it made it pretty easy to draw that conclusion. However, I don’t see Geoff or Larry stooping to your level of extortion.”

“And none of this surprises you?”

“Goddess no,” I scoff as I lean forward. “Everything about our beasts, and us, are designed to create the strongest line. This is especially true for lycans and werewolves. Some have even been known to turn down their true mates for stronger females. In some packs, Alphas can’t even mate to an omega unless she’s endured several trials to prove herself worthy. A weak future alpha is also killed in some packs, so a stronger heir can be created.”

“Now me,” I say as I lean back, “I’m an anomaly. It’s increasingly rare to find a strong alpha female, let alone one who can make a lycan submit and take their life. What lycan wouldn’t want a strong alpha female as a mate, when they’re planning to rule the strongest beasts in the world? Especially when the alpha female has already killed a true mate, and is halfway unmarked? It does present a very unique opportunity.”

He gives me a measured stare as he leans back a little. “You seem awfully casual about this subject.”

“My Dad has been preparing me for this since my first period.” I pull the scarf away from my neck, “There is a reason I own hundreds of scarves and chokers. The day after my shift, I had to wear a metal choker until I got to college.” I cover my neck, making his eyes move back to my face. “I’ve learned to adapt.”

After appraising me once more he moves on, “So where does this leave us? I’m out of a job soon, and you’re about to lose that precious little degree you’ve been working on.” He smirks, “That’s right Princess, I’m the only reason you’ve gotten this far without the Council knowing. In response to your little tantrum, I forwarded them the confirmation email I received that your finals were successfully rearranged.”

“Honestly, if it throws you out of the office, it makes it worth it.” I flash him a grin; suppressing the anger I feel. They can take that degree away from my cold dead hands. One thing that you learn when you’re doing something you shouldn’t, is always prepare for the worst outcome. I’ve been ready for this possible consequence since I applied to college. Always have a backup plan.

“I hope it was worth it in a few minutes,” he smirks as he leans in to touch my hand. “I told you that it was stupid to lose your helpers. Now you’re here and all alone. I have men blocking the paths so no one can interrupt us. If you come quietly, my beast won’t have to damage your little face. If we hurry, I can beat the investigation rumors.”

I roll my eyes at his pathetic threat. “My wolf isn’t impressed by your weakling of a beast.”

His eyes shift to a pure gold color as he snarls at me, “No one knows you’re here little girl.”

I smirk as I pull out my phone. It shows it’s connected to a line; and if I’m right, it’s Xander’s voicemail box. “Always have a backup plan Randaul. Even if I go missing, this conversation won’t.”

Pure anger sweeps through his face as his canines descend; his beast starting to emerge, “I’d start running if I were you, little girl.” He threatens this while leaning towards me, pushing his full aura on me. It’s crashing down on me like a tidal wave and my neck is twitching to bend in submission.

Mara is fighting to stand on her feet, so I know he’s strong. I call her forward as my eyes flash to their trademark dark bronze as I growl, getting to my feet. “It’s not me that should be running, old man.” This is a classic bluff; which is a sure sign I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. We may have the same domineering strength, but his mutt is a lycan, which means he’s vastly stronger than my wolf. No wonder Jenna caved. Still, there is something off about her behavior lately.

“Careful,” he demands as he puts his hand on my shoulder, “you don’t want my beast to hurt your little wolf. You’re much too valuable to me uninjured.”

“What is it that you want exactly,” I demand as I sit back in my seat; calculating a way out. In the event of a stalemate or certain defeat, run.

“The same thing at least a dozen other lycans, as strong as myself want; absolute power.” He pulls his hand from me. “Without a strong female, that dream is physically impossible.”

“So you want me to allow Declan to mark me, and accept him, so you and your family can control all of the beasts?”

“That screw-up,” Randaul snorts. “No, I have someone else in mind for you. It’s not just the throne I want anymore. I want the entire Council gone. Someone as pathetic as Declan could never do what I need, in the time that is required.”

Well, he’s clearly already bounds ahead of me. I need to stall. “If you’re taking the throne, what are you going to do with the royal family?”

“Let’s put it this way: how have most royal families faired after they’ve been dethroned?”

“They didn’t.”

He grins and nods his approval. “And why is that?”

“Because their line can always hold a claim and a threat to the one who has taken over.” That’s when it hits me. “And Christopher’s beast is rumored to be stronger than his father’s.”

Randaul shrugs. “He’s not there yet. A lycan doesn’t reach his full strength until he finds a mate. However, if he marks you, he will be.”

“Which is why you’ve been trying to get him kicked off the throne.”

“Not just me sweetheart,” he leans in closer, “which is why I need you to cooperate and come with me.”

Taking my chance, I shift my hand into a claw and slice through Randaul’s throat; turning around and leaping off the bench in that exact movement. The moment my feet hit the ground, I shift. Hopefully, my lethal attack on him will leave me enough time for me to escape, I pray as I disappear into the trees.

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