The Alpha Princess

Chapter Chapter Sixteen


I wake up to the sound of my doomsday ringtone. My wolf growls, and I can’t help but agree with her. Why are they calling me? Who in their right mind even brought me my cell phone? On the bright side, Dr. Benson removed my oxygen tubes. I’m still attached to an IV to help manage my pain medication. I ignore my phone and let it go to voicemail.

The phone goes off again, making me growl in frustration. Can’t a girl recover in peace? I push up on the bed, realizing I have rolled onto my stomach. Maybe that’s why Dr. Benson disconnected my oxygen.

I groan as I pick up the phone. I also see over thirty missed calls from multiple councilors. Can’t they function without me? “Councilman Geoff, why are you calling me?”

Geoff sounds relieved when he speaks, “Princess Celina, I’m glad to hear you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

“Like my veins are filled with acid,” I answer darkly; hinting for him to get to the point. I actually feel pretty good, more achy and weak than anything, but I’ll use any excuse I can to keep conversations short with them.

It’s silent for a moment before he responds. “Are you still recovering?”

Nope. “Considering that I basically drank Wolfsbane, yes I am.”

“Then I’ll do you the kindness of getting straight to the point. I have you on speaker with the council members, as well as King Exzecial. We are moving forward with the trial of Prince Christopher, and have ordered his execution. He has been charged for violating an absolute law set in the Claiming Ceremony.”

I sit up, feeling my wolf howl in pain and panic hit me. If they were to do this, this would destroy her. I don’t think Mara would ever be able to recover. I don’t accept her choice, but I’m sure as hell not going to let anything hurt her.

Geoff continues, sounding a bit smug if you ask me. “Out of respect for King Exzecial and Prince Christopher, we have agreed to hear from the victim of his heinous actions.”

I keep my voice calm and speak with absolute clarity. “I appreciate your concern, Councilmen. However, you have no grounds to order the prince’s execution.”

“How so,” Councilman Higgins demands; his dry voice always sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me.

A smirk touches my lips, as I speak. I’ve always loved getting under this know-it-all’s skin. Especially when I get to manipulate the rules; something he always sticks to. “The rules of the Claiming are clear. Under no circumstances, may a non-participating man be allowed to mark participating females before, or during, the Claiming. Failure to adhere to this absolute law is death.”

“We know the rules,” Geoff interrupts me, clearly irritated. “We’re following them.”

“With all due respect, no you’re not. The rules say no man, not beast. Prince Christopher never marked me. My neck still remains unmarked by the prince. My wolf was marked by his beast. My neck is marked by his beast and his beast alone. The prince was not in control of his beast at the time of my marking either, so he had no involvement.”

Higgins speaks with anger clear in his tone. “How do you know that? He could be hiding behind his beast.”

I give an amused dark chuckle; going for intimidation more than anything. “Are you questioning me and my wolf, Councilman Higgins?”

“No-no, Princess Celina.” Higgins stutters before quickly recovering. “I only wish to verify that the boy made no violation since this is a very serious matter.”

“I can assure you, Councilor, as the one who was bit, his beast was in absolute control.”

“So, just to clarify, you’re not marked, but your wolf is,” Geoff asks. “So it is possible for another to mark you?”

Mara growls at the implications his tone implies, while my voice hardens. “Yes, Councilman Geoff, my human side has yet to be claimed.”

It falls silent before Councilwoman Mary Anne speaks in her bell-toned voice, “Thank you, Princess Celina. Your words have been enlightening to the situation at hand. We will drop the charges against Prince Christopher but will issue a warning. Under no circumstances is he allowed to mark you further; unless you expressly permit him. Until then, the Council will seek to assign you a more pragmatic mate.”

Anger flares and I have to resist throwing my phone like a child. Mary Anne only speaks when they’ve come to a decision, and there is no rebutting it. “That is unnecessary. My wolf has been claimed, and I refuse to reject her choice.”

“Are you saying you intend to accept the prince?”

I grit my teeth. “No, I do not. I don’t know him well enough, and I don’t feel the bond that my wolf does.”

“Then, until then, we will continue to vet eligible matches. In addition to recent attacks on your person, we are ordering you to reside at the Beast Council until your safety is guaranteed.”

My jaw drops and I have to smack my leg to keep from saying some very harsh words and remain calm. “With all due respect, I have school to finish, and I’m still investigating the rogue attacks, so my stay there would not be ideal.” It’s a weak argument, but unless I throw a full-out tantrum, I don’t think I’m going to win this one.

“Not a problem. We will arrange for you to finish school online.” Mary Anne says quickly. “And you can investigate any and all reported information from the safety of the Beast Council. You were already attacked once out in the field, I prefer not to let it happen again.”

Oh come on! “I will gladly adhere to your restrictions after I finish my final year at school,” I say with a firm tone. I hate that I can’t flat-out tell them no. The kings and queens keep their beasts in check, the council is who keeps us in check. Going against a direct order is not allowed.

It falls silent before they speak. “We will arrange for you to take your finals in two weeks. You may return to your apartment and prepare for them. Once your courses are finished, you are ordered to remain in our protection until your safety is no longer a concern. Bear in mind young lady, as of today, you are under twenty-four-hour protection of the Council of Beasts.”

“But” I try but am abruptly cut off.

“That is a direct order, Princess Celina. King Exzecial, count yourself lucky that the princess was able to find you a loophole since she just saved your son’s life. I strongly suggest you use this opportunity to repay her kindness.” With that said, the line disconnects.

I know what that means, and I have no desire to be under royal guard. Ripping off the IV, I get to my feet. After grabbing my phone I race straight out of the room. I hear someone shout my name while I race through the Critical Care Ward, and I’m fairly sure it was Jenna. Ignoring her, I go straight for the infirmary at the entrance. I need to get out of here. I’ll book a flight while I drive to the airport.

Without glancing back, I open the doors and dart out into the hallway. Right when I turn the corner I slam into something hard. A magnificent scent of pine and cinnamon wraps around my senses, making me go weak in the knees.

When I stagger backward a strong set of arms wrap around me, holding me up. I look up and my heart nearly jumps up my throat when I lock eyes with his gorgeous set of eyes. A deep blush creeps up my cheeks while my heart melts. Christopher.

He smiles at me, “And where are you running off to?”

My blush deepens. “Escaping your dad.”

He smirks, not at all anticipating that answer. “And why?”

“Because I managed to stave off your execution, and now I’m ordered to be under permanent guard. And Mary Anne sort of implied that he needs to return the favor.”

His entire body appears to be struck in disbelief while I glance over my shoulder. Okay, I don’t see Exzecial. “You stopped my execution? How?”

“I pointed out your beast was the one to bite me, not you. The law only applies to the human side of you, not your beast.” I look back at him and his lips crash into mine. Electricity courses through my body and my entire being is alive in a sensation of pleasurable tingles. My heart races and my fingers lightly touch his arms while I lean into his kiss.

He abruptly pulls away from me and straightens, making my head spin while I try to catch my breath. He lets go while I try to steady myself. “What the hell was that for?” I ask breathlessly.

“What was what for?” A hard voice demands, coming around the corner. I nearly groan when I see a wide grin on his face. “Going somewhere?” King Exzecial asks. His hair looks like he’s run his fingers through his hair, and it looks like he hasn’t shaven in a few days.

I give him a hard smile, while I force myself to play nice. “I was just going to my room.” Stupid Council. Stupid Lycan King. Why the hell are they so determined to get me mated off? I’m halfway mated, that has to count, right? If this were a freaking fairytale, they’d be thrilled the prince is interested in me. Instead, it seems to be having the opposite effect. Why is that?

He looks me over. “Even with Wolfsbane in your system?”

I grimace. He’s got me there. Maybe I shouldn’t have lied to them. Nah, I’d still be on the phone with them if I hadn’t. “I miss my bed. Besides, if the Council is moving my finals up by a few months, I’d like to get home to prepare as soon as possible.”

He gives me a firm smirk, “Fair enough. I’ll have Dr. Benson come up to your room to check on you.”

I push some of my greasy hair over my shoulder. “That’s unnecessary, King Exzecial. She already released me and I’m in the process of scheduling my flight back to Seattle. Spring break was over a few days ago, so it’s best that I return as quickly as possible.”

“Understood Princess. I shall have Christopher and Ruben prepare to leave as well. The Council requests that you remain under my care until you are under their care.”

I glare at him, “I don’t remember that being part of the phone conversation.”

“They hung up on you, not on me. It seems you angered them a bit with your loophole by the way. Thank you for that, by the way.”

“Yeah, what is up with that?” I ask, glancing at Christopher. Maybe he’s more of an elitist ass than I realized.

“I don’t know, but I intend to find out.”

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