The Alpha Princess

Chapter Chapter Eighteen


When I get out of class, I put my headphones in and feign being unable to hear. I’m hoping by showing vulnerability, I can lure any of these stalking pricks out. I keep my head down and “scroll” through my phone.

“Holy crap, you’re alive,” a silky voice says from behind me.

I groan and pull out one of my earphones; I didn’t even make it out of the building. I turn around to see a man with jet-black hair and sea-green eyes. He’s about six-five and a giant pain in my ass. “Garrett,” I say, giving him a forced smile. Garrett is one of the aggressive alphas that were stalking me during the Moonlit Ball. I see a bite mark on his neck, making me take in a silent breath of relief. He claimed a mate.

He leans over me, smirking, “I heard you nearly died. You looked dead when I saw you being carried in.”

I toss my hair. “Almost, but I’m still here.”

He steps closer to me, forcing me to take a step back, backing me up against the bricked wall. “I heard it was Wolfsbane.”

“Yeah, a rogue broke into the games and cheated. I killed him, but I damn near took myself out by doing it.”

“I heard that too,” he says; putting his hand over my head as he leans in. “I’d love to offer my services to protect you. I am the strongest alpha in the state after all.”

My cheeks turn red as anger rises in my chest. “Don’t you have a mate?”

“Yet you don’t,” he tells me, leaning closer to me. “I’d be more than willing to spend every second of the day making sure you’re safe from some rogues.”

I growl while my wolf craves his blood. “I can protect myself well enough, Garrett.”

“That’s okay. I’d be more than willing to assist you.” He smirks, “In any way you need.”

“Okay no, ew,” I gag. “Look, I know you have this alpha complex going on, and it’s seriously disturbing. You need to come to terms with the fact that you’re a last-rate alpha that had to forcefully mark a mate to get one.” I lean towards him as my eyes flash. “Also, no matter how much you try to compensate for your lack of downstairs equipment, this alpha will never submit to you.”

His face shatters as quickly as I had his ego. “Why yes Garrett, girls talk. I know exactly what you’re packing, and I’m not interested in that curved sausage-sorry I meant breakfast sausage.”

I smirk when I see Christopher approaching me; his fists are clenched. “Now go back to your poor little mate and thank the Moon Goddess that your mate’s willing to touch you.”

I turn on my heel and begin walking out of the building. I take out my other headphone and put them in my bag; knowing I’m not likely going to be able to wear them now.

Christopher trots to catch up to me. “That was harsh.”

I give him a side-eyed glance. “Does Rajin agree? And not really. He’s been a perverted creep since Freshman year. He’s forced his tongue down my throat at a party, flattened my car’s tires then offered to give me a ride when I found it and has even taken naked pictures of me. That’s only to name a few. I’ve been cordial because he’s an alpha and we go to school together. After the Council’s dick move, I really couldn’t care less about his feelings.”

Christopher cocks his head to take that in, “Rajin is actually pretty proud. And in that case, shall I go rip his tongue out?”

I shake my head as I let out a small laugh. “I appreciate the offer, Prince Christopher, but I think I did enough damage for one day.”

He groans. “Celina, you’re my half mate, just call me Chris.”

“Now that, I can do.” I give him a small smile. “Thanks for the offer though. How did finding an apartment go?”

“Celina,” someone yells, making me turn around. I smile at Leroy as he races to reach us. I smile at the golden-haired man as he flashes me a winning grin. His eyes are a sparkling grey and he seems quite amused. “I’m glad to see you’re okay. I didn’t see you after the Claiming so I feared you were marked.”

“Uh,” I start, seeing Chris tense out of the corner of my eye.

Leroy doesn’t seem to pick up my hesitation since he rushes into his next question. “I wanted to see if you wanted to go out with me.”

Chris audibly growls while I redden. Leroy glances at Christopher; seeing him for the first time.

Leroy automatically bares his neck. “Prince Christopher, I apologize, I didn’t see you there.”

This is supposed to be their next head guard? Instead of rolling my eyes, I introduce them. “Chris, this is Leroy Budnick. He’s a professor here that teaches forensic anthropology. He also helped to keep watch over me when Declan and I first broke up. Leroy, you already know Christopher. What you probably didn’t know, is that Chris’s beast marked my wolf during the Claiming.”

Leroy takes an automatic step back and bares his neck even more. “I am so sorry your Highness. I didn’t know she was yours.”

“Oh I’m not his,” I tell Leroy while Chris’s fist tense and he growls. “My wolf is his beast’s, but we’re still figuring us out.”

Leroy gives me a look that questions my sanity before taking another step back. “Still, I feel like I should apologize for overstepping myself.”

I roll my eyes this time. “You’re fine Leroy. Chris we’re not even dating so relax.” I tell him, giving him a dirty look. My eyes suddenly widen when I catch sight of black hair approaching us. Damn it. He has a sharp jawline. His black eyes can open a void in any unsuspecting woman’s mind. He’s six foot six and packed with muscles and a temper. I grab Chris’s arm and push into him to make myself invisible.

Chris looks down to look at me, but Leroy grabs his arm and steps closer to him. “Declan,” Leroy greets curtly.

A butter-smooth voice comes while I feel my wolf pace, wishing to kill him. “Leroy, Prince Christopher, I wanted to talk to Celina.”

“The last time I let you talk to her, you assaulted her,” Leroy growls. “I’m not making that mistake again.”

I grab Chris’s arm and pull him away slightly, still keeping him half in front of me. Last time he gave me a six-inch scar on my face that took weeks to heal. I’m not giving him that shot again. Declan’s gaze lowers to me while I glare at him. He flinches from my hostility and is forced to bare his neck when I push my aura at him.

“Declan,” I start with acid in my voice, “stay away from me. This is your final warning. I don’t care if you’re the Grand Chancellor’s son. If you overstep your bounds one more time, I will not hesitate to end you.”

He glares at me, “And then you can join me in death. You need to let me explain what happened.”

“What are you hoping will happen Declan,” I ask; tired of this conversation. “That I’ll fall madly in love with you and agree to let you mark me?”

“Yes,” he says with great exasperation. “I know I scared you by proposing, but that was mainly to make it so you don’t have to go into the Claiming, and I’d risk losing you.”

“We hadn’t even said I love you, and yet you proposed a permanent lifestyle change.”

“I’ve wanted to marry you since our first date. You know you’re mine,” Declan’s eyes spark at that point as his eyes begin to shift to a silver color.

At that point, Leroy yanks me away from Chris when he starts snarling, “She’s mine.” I watch while golden fur starts to grow on his arm.

“You don’t even know her,” Declan growls while his fur starts to sprout. “She’s mine.”

Becoming annoyed, I step between the arguing imbeciles and put my hands on their chests while I push my aura on them. “I’m not anyone’s, now calm down. You’re in public.” I watch all three of them flinch away from me. “Honestly, you’re all children,” I say as I walk away from them.

“What did I do?” Leroy yells after me.

I ignore him and roll my eyes. When my car comes into sight, I pull my keys from my bag; and I can still hear them fighting. Why are they such idiots?

“You know, it’s only a matter of time before you give in to the mate bond,” Mara points out, sounding deeply tired.

“We’ll see about that,” I mutter when I near my car; unwilling to believe that. “He’s got to earn it first.”

“Agreed. It looks like that’s exactly what his intentions are.”

“What do you mean,” I ask her when I open the door. My door slams shut and my arm is grabbed as I’m spun around. My breath catches as my eyes lock with Christopher’s. He puts his hands on my door as he pushes me against it; his hands on either side of my head to pin me in place. His eyes are smoldering with an intensity that I didn’t know he was capable of.

“Mine,” he growls at me; his eyes a clear topaz and in no way belonging to his beast. This is all him.

I smirk at him, seeing the intentions in his eyes, “Not yet.”

He touches my chin, raising goosebumps on my skin. “Then tell me what I have to do to make you mine.”

I look him over, his words sending shivers through my body while my core begins to grow wet. “I’ll let you figure that out.”

“No,” he says, leaning down and kissing me. His hand grabs the back of my head to lock me in place. My entire being demands to be pressed against him and I gladly oblige. I crave him at this moment. Sheer desire tears through me in ways I’ve never felt before. If I weren’t in public I’d be more than willing to take this further.

He pulls away from me and lets out a low chuckle. “I’m going to make you beg for it.” He steps away from me and turns to go while my mouth hangs open.

Mara chuckles, “You’re in trouble.”

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