The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Turbulence

POV Rasheed:

I love my wife to death, but she is not herself these days. I feel like she is treating me like a child, constantly looking over my work and making changes without my knowledge. I understand she had to do this while I was away, but I am back now, and I am more than capable of handling business.

“Hey, do you think we could talk for a minute?” Gianna mind links me.

I let out a sigh, not wanting to deal with more arguing.

“That’s fine I am in my office.”

I smell cinnamon rolls before she enters, and I already know what this conversation is about. My wife is pregnant, and probably about six weeks. We have not made love since the night right after my memories came back. Something seems off though, something about her smell is different.

“Hello Rasheed, how is work going?” She asks.

“It’s going pretty good, how’s your day going?”

“Um it’s ok I guess, that is what I wanted to talk to you about actually. I have been feeling quite nauseated and I have been having some pains in my right side. I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the doctor?” She asks.

“I am quite busy I need to get a few things done here. Can it wait or can you do it tomorrow?”

“It’s okay, I can go by myself. I have some free time, so I am just going to see what is going on.” She looks at me dejectedly.

I nod and she leaves. Trigger waltz in with a huge smile on his face.

“How’s married life?”

“Man, it is the best thing ever! I can’t wipe the smile off, not that I am trying to. What’s with Gianna? You guys still arguing?” Trigger smirks.

“Yeah, and I think she is pregnant again.”

“Congrats man, baby number four. You don’t seem to be excited about it though. You love kids what’s really going on with you two?” Trigger asks.

“Something just seemed off with her smell, I smelt the cinnamon rolls like I did with the twins, and I see her glow but something else was there too. I don’t know how to explain it. Maybe it is just because we are arguing that I am not as excited about this baby.”

“Maybe” Trigger shrugs.

POV Gianna:

I must say I am a little disappointed that Rasheed didn’t want to come to the hospital with me. The last few weeks we have been arguing a lot and I just hope we can come back from this. I love that man with all my heart and all the issues we have been going through lately make it very hard to feel the love back from him. It feels like he is pulling away from me.

I am walking over to the pack hospital when Sierra runs up.

“Hey, girl you want some company?” She asks.

“I’d love that, I haven’t been feeling too well and just want to get check. I know I am pregnant, but I have been having some sharp pains on my right side and I want to make sure everything is okay before I tell Rasheed. We haven’t been on the best terms lately.”

“Congratulations Gianna, I’d love me some more nieces or nephews. Keep popping them out!” She laughs.

As soon as I see the doctor, he takes me into a room and does an ultrasound. A sharp pain makes me turn to my side and curl into a fetal position. Sierra rubs my back until the pain dissipates. The doctor runs some more test and says he will see me shortly when the results come in.

After about an hour the pain comes back and this time it does not go away. The nurse and doctor rush in and my fears are confirmed.

“I’m sorry Alpha Gianna, but you have an ectopic pregnancy, and we need to do surgery right away.” The doctor says.

They rush me off to surgery and the next thing I know I am waking up. My stomach is killing me, and I cannot stand up by myself. I feel like a silver tool is slicing my stomach with each move I make. I groan out and look around the room. No one is in here with me. I thought Rasheed would at least be by my bedside. The doctor comes in after hearing my groan.

“Take it easy your majesty, you just had surgery. You were seven almost eight weeks pregnant, we had to take your left fallopian tube. I’m so sorry, you will still be able to have children in the future, but you will have to be on bedrest throughout the whole pregnancies if you become pregnant again. I will leave you now. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to find me. You are discharged and can leave when you are ready.” He says to me.

I was seven weeks pregnant? That must mean I got pregnant the night before Rasheed left. I still wonder why no one is here with me. Why am I alone?

“Rasheed?” I mind link him.

No answer.

“Sierra?” I mind link.

No answer.

“Trigger?” I mind link.

No answer.

“Aaron? Storm? Alex?”

No one answers. What is going on? I try to heal myself, but it is not working as I want it, but it works enough for me to stand and walk. I get dressed and walk out the hospital slowly. I see a warrior and ask if he can give me a ride to the pack house. I tell him I am not feeling too well, I do not want my pack to know I just lost a baby, and my husband is not by my side.

I arrive at the pack house and all I want to do is go to sleep, it is pass dinner time and I am exhausted. I decided to just go to bed.

I enter the room and Rasheed is already in the bed asleep. I walk over to him and rub my hand on his arm. He rolls over and grunts.

I walk over to the shower and get in making sure not to get my bandages wet. My emotions are all over the place. I cry for quite a while before I can calm myself down. I get into bed and Rasheed turns away from me again. I feel the urge to cry again, so I gather a pillow and head to Onyx’s room to spend the night with him.

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