The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter The twins baby shower

POV Gianna:

“What was that?” Rasheed asks.

“I have no idea, let’s take a shower and I’ll call my mom over when we are done.” I say.

We showered and I called my mom into my office to find out what had just happened. While waiting for my mom Sierra mind links me telling me the baby shower starts in a few minutes.

“Sweetheart what seems to be the problem? Your baby shower is starting soon. This couldn’t have waited until after.” She speaks before looking at me.

She sees the look on our faces, and she instantly freezes.

“What’s wrong with the twins, what is going on? Is everyone okay?” She goes on alert.

“Everything is fine now….” I say.

“What do you mean now?” She questions.

“Well, we were in Rasheed’s office after doing some extracurricular activities, and when we finished, we talked about taking a shower and then me going to the baby shower. Then we both felt tingly, and we were in our room on our bed.” I stammer out.

“Oh, for goddess sakes sweetheart you just popped.” My mom laughs.

“I just what? What is popping?” I ask confused.

“You teleported; it is a Fae power. See.” She says and pops over to my chair then pops back.

“You thought of something, and it was not within reach, so you popped to it.” She says.

“But Rasheed came with me, he was still inside me when we got to our room.” I bashfully say.

My mom laughs so hard she has tears streaming down her face.

“Oh, that’s the best way. Just wait until you know how to control it and you can pop all over the place. Me and your dad do it all the…”

“Mommmmm” I interrupt her.

“Sweetheart you are a grown woman and have babies, there’s no need to be embarrassed about sex. Now let’s go, it’s rude to have your guest wait” Mom giggles.

We head over to the former palace and into the hall, it is beautiful. The color scheme is perfect. Soft pink, royal blue, iridescent white, and gold. They went with a moon themed baby shower, and I absolutely love it!

Sierra and Storm rush up to me and grab me by the hand, pulling me towards the head of the table.

“Slow down, you guys know I am carrying twins right.” I chuckle at them.

“Girl everyone is so excited, they all want to know the genders of the babies.” Storms says.

“Well, we are not going to find out until the birth. We both want to be surprised. We have names picked out already though so, that’s one less thing we have to worry about.”

Storm sighs and I am greeted by my mother-in- law’s warm smile.

“I see you are a hot commodity; everyone wants the mother-to-be. So, are we going to get to know what genders my grand babies will be today?” She smirks.

“Not today, only at the birth mama, Gia and I want to be surprised.” Rasheed says.

“Aww shucks your no fun. G-Mama just wanted to know what colors to buy, I guess you’ll have to settle for white clothes.” Kay says.

Rasheed and I both chuckle and we walk around greeting our guests.

“I thought you weren’t coming, I thought baby showers were for women only.” I say.

“They are, I just couldn’t stay away from my beautiful Queen. I am only staying for a little while longer, I have some stuff to square away about moving the bakery since it is becoming so popular and expanding.” Rasheed kisses my cheek.

I put on a sad face, but quickly bring a smile back to it. Today is supposed to be a good day, a happy day. I cannot wallow in my misery of not being able to bake for everyone all the time. It was my idea to not bake full time. It was becoming too much with being a mom, being pregnant, ruling, school, and the bakery. I could see the stress it was putting on Rasheed.

“Mommy mommy…” Onyx yells.

He comes running up to me, but just before he launches himself at me Rasheed intercepts him. I huff and they both laugh. Onyx is wiggling in Rasheed’s arm trying to get to me.

“Remember mommy has you siblings in there and you have to be careful of mommy’s tummy, okay?” Rasheed tickles his tummy.

“Okay, okay dad it tickles” Onyx says through giggles.

Rasheed hands Onyx to me and I kiss my baby boy on his head, we walk around and greet some more women that have come to celebrate their King and Queens new additions. Rasheed is getting ready to leave, but right before he does Storm pulls him towards a table that has some baby dolls in diapers and other daddy’s-to-be.

I laugh knowing what is going to happen, Rasheed looks at me all worried and I just wave my hand and join the group of onlookers.

I am brought to my chair and Onyx is given a chair beside me. Sierra grabs a microphone and walks over to the table.

“Now dad’s-to-be we have a little game for you all to play, before you all go off and have a “Man’s gathering” whatever that is. The game is simple. Whoever is the quickest and cleanest wins. We made this game as real as we could, it is chocolate don’t worry dads.” Sierra chuckles.

Sierra counts down from three and the men take off with the task at hand. It is the most comical thing I have ever seen. A few of the dad’s already have chocolate all over their hands and arms, one has it on his face, I have no idea how that even happened.

I look over at my mate, my poor husband. He has that look of concentration and stress all over his face. He finishes first and grabs the baby doll by its leg in excitement. The baby falls over and he is left just holding the leg in the air. The room erupts in laughter, and I can tell he is embarrassed. I stand up and clear my throat, all eyes are now on me.

“Congratulations King Rasheed, I see you are first at completing the task. Now as for your prize.”

“I don’t need a prize, I have the greatest prizes already, the second-place winner can have my gift.” Rasheed says.

All the ladies swoon over my husband and I let out a low growl and they hush up immediately.

Rasheed walks over to me and picks me up bridal style and gives me a huge kiss. I giggle and Onyx is climbing up his leg like a little monkey. Onyx reaches his hands out for me, and I take him in my arms. I hear a camera click and look up to see my mom and mother-in-law snapping pictures of us.

Rasheed walks over to my chair and gently puts me and Onyx down, he gives me a kiss and tells me he has to go.

Everyone played more games, and we enjoyed our food. It has been a few hours and I am ready to call it a day, I am exhausted.

“Hey baby, do you think you can send someone to pick me and Onyx up.” I mind link him.

“Alex is there with a car.” He mind links me back.

After saying goodbye to everyone Alex, Onyx and I walk towards the front door, when all of a sudden, I feel a gush of liquid roll down my leg.

“Eww mommy peed herself Alex” Onyx says.

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