The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter The morning after

POV Rasheed:

I fell out of the bed after that intense dream, it felt so real. I wish I could have done that to her last night, she smelt so good, and she tasted delicious. It’s as if I can really taste her on my tongue. I need to be near her, but I must also respect her wishes. I get back into bed and go back to sleep once again, hopefully having another dream like that.

Morning has come and I get out the bed. I decided to do some training before our meeting later today. I must say I am excited to see my mate. She’s so beautiful. My wish has come true, I’ve wanted Gianna to be my mate since I laid my eyes on her.

I have to call my father and let him know I have found my mate, I’m sure he will want to be at the meeting as well.

“Dad” I urgently say.

“Hey son, how was the party last night? Is everything alright?” Dad asks.

“It was great, that is why I called, I wanted to let you know that I found my mate!” I beamed.

“That’s great son, but what are you going to do about Octavia. She is waiting for you to return and set a date for her coronation.” Dad ask slightly annoyed.

“I am going to call her after I get off the phone with you. I can’t possibly take her as my Queen when Gianna is mate.”

“Gianna is your mate?!?! I thought it was another she wolf. Congratulations son, she is a very powerful lady. She is an excellent mate for you.” He says.

I can practically hear the smile coming through the phone. We talk a little bit longer and I decide to call Octavia to get it done and over with. She has called me several times since last night and I know thus conversation is not going to end well.

“Darling, I have been worried sick about you. I’ve called several times and you haven’t returned my calls.” Her voice is so annoying.

“That is what I was calling about Octavia, I found my mate.”

“Did you reject her?” She screeches.

“No, why would I reject my mate. I was calling to let you know that I will not be taking you as my Queen. I am saving that title for my mate. I am so sorry; I just cannot take another she wolf as my Queen when I found my mate. I am really sorry.”

“You promised. How dare you! Who is she I will challenge her for the position…”

I cut her off with a fierce growl and I feel Zane take over.

“I’ll kill you if you lay a finger on my mate.”

I agree with his statement, and I hang up the phone not waiting for her response. I toss my phone on the bed and get my day started. Starting with training.

I head over to the training area, and I must say, I love it. They have a better training area than us. That’s not surprising though they are the strongest pack.

“Hey man, how was last night with Gianna? Did you mark her? I don’t see a mark on you.” Trigger asks.

“It didn’t happen, I just walked her to her room, she was very tired. We are going to have a meeting later today; I would like you and Alex with me since as it will involve you two as well.”

“Sure, you ready to train?” I ask him.

Just then I am consumed with her scent. I turn my head in the direction her scent is coming from. She is gorgeous, she has on some tight sweatpants and a t shirt.

“You guys ready to train or just here to gossip about yesterday?” She blushes as she looks at me.

“Train, these muscles don’t appear themselves. It’s all about hard work.” Trigger smirks.

“Alright, I am the trainer today. I hope you’re ready for training at Golden Paw Pack.” She smirks back.

These two are bickering back and forth like brother and sister. I absolutely love it.

“Alright everyone I want ten laps around the pack border. After the warm-up we will spar in human-to- human form, I don’t want to go too hard on our visiting packs.” Gianna says.

She has a serious look on her face, she is going to be a perfect Queen Luna. She leads the pack, and I am sweating bullets after we finish.

“Okay everyone pair off, I will be sparring with you, your Majesty.” She coo’s and brushes a fingertip against my chest sending electricity right to me member.

I must say I am excited to spar with her and see what she’s made of. We get into position, and she circles me, waiting for me to attack. I give her what she wants, I lunge at her chest, and she drops down and kicks my legs out from under me. I pop up instantly, shake it off and smirk at her.

“You seem to know what you’re doing my Queen.”

She smirks back and she jumps on me, I’m shocked at first thinking she was going to hug me. She wraps her legs around my waist and her body is pressed on my back at lightning speed. She puts me in a headlock, and I can feel myself getting dizzy.

“Don’t go easy on me just because I am your mate, I teach my wolves how to fight against the opposite gender all the time. What are you going to do your majesty?” She smirks against my ear.

I grab her by her shoulders and slam her to the ground. She hits the floor with a loud thud. I instantly regret it and get out of my fight mode. Little did I know that was the worst thing to do. She looks up at me and shows an evil smile, then proceeds to sweep my legs out from under me once again. She is on top of me pinning me to the ground.

Her breast are right in my face and her scent is driving me crazy. The things I would do to her right now are making me so aroused. I am already rock hard and then I hear clapping and we both look. I am instantly not aroused any more. My father and Alpha Anton looking at right at us.

“As you can see my daughter is very gifted when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Good job Gianna.” Her father says proudly.

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