The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Red moon party part 2

POV: Rasheed

We head to the dance floor along with all the newly mated couples. To be honest I was hoping that both my Beta, Gamma and I would all have mates by the end of the night. Alex already has a mate and Trigger well who knows if he even wants a mate. I shake off the thought while I have this beauty on my arm.

The lighting sparkles off her skin making her appear as if she was glowing, almost Fae like. She is beautiful. I look down at her and smile. She is such a kind soul; I can’t wait to see how great of an Alpha she will become.

At Last, by Etta James comes blaring through the speakers. What a fantastic song Gianna picked as the first dance. It is very befitting.

We bow to each other, and she places her hand into my hand and the other along my waist. I pull her in close wanting to savor this moment. We glide along the dance floor, and I have never danced with someone so well in my life. She is an impeccable dancer. The moment is short lived as her eyes glaze over as someone is mind linking her.

“I’m sorry I cannot be here any longer, I have already overstayed my welcome. Do you have any dessert requests for tonight or tomorrow? I will be in my bakery all night preparing for the coronation party tomorrow.” She asks.

Her eyes glazing over again, and she jumps. She bows her head and heads for the door. She leaves taking her marvelous scent with her.

I want to follow her, but I am swarmed by unmated she wolves. I guess I have to give them all a dance, since I danced with a non-eligible wolf.

POV: Gianna

“What do you think you are doing; you have not shifted yet and here you are making a fool of our pack. Tell the King goodnight and leave at once.” My dad yells through the mind link.

“Yes, Alpha.” I mind link back.

“I’m sorry I cannot be here any longer, I have already overstayed my welcome. Do you have any dessert requests for tonight or tomorrow? I will be in my bakery all night preparing for the coronation party tomorrow.” I say.

“Get away from the King NOW” Dad screams through the mind link again.

I jump at the sound of his voice and bow my head to King Rasheed, then quickly leave.

I walk out and dad grabs me roughly by the arm as soon as I am in the hall.

“What the hell was that? I told you to stay away from him so he can find his mate tonight, but no you want to throw yourself at him like a whore. You are a mother and the future Alpha of this pack, don’t make me regret my decision” He huffs.

“I was trying to not be rude to the King. He can change rules all he wants; he is the KING! I am not throwing myself at him. I tried to avoid him at all costs, but I am the host of this party and I have to work with the King, or did you forget that’s what hosts do?” I snap back.

I am fuming, mom is approaching us in a hurry, and I take this as my cue to head up to Onyx’s room and change into my baking clothes. I cannot believe him. How dare my own father call me a whore, he was the one who went on a vacation right before a huge party, leaving his daughter to put everything together with no help.

I changed into my clothes quickly and pumped Onyx’s milk so I can have a drink tonight while I bake. I grab my phone and give Onyx a kiss and head to the bakery to bake the night away.

Once I get into my bakery, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I plug my phone in and let the music take over the speakers. I grab everything I need to make all the desserts. I am having three tables full. I know a little much, but I love sweets. I get started on pulling out the cream cheese so I can make some cheesecakes.

I’ve been baking for about two hours now and I am in a zone, I have already made the cheesecakes and they are chilling now. The peach cobblers just came out along with the lemon squares. I am about to start on some cupcakes when Bossy by Kelis comes on. I stop and start swinging my hips to the song. I love how she demands respect. Suddenly, I smell that scent of crisp winter air again. So caught up in the music I haven’t even heard the door open.

“Well, I thought you were in here slaving away. I guess I was wrong. I see the party is in here!” The voice startles me.

I turn and blush as I see him walking towards me with a huge smile on his face.

“Sorry, the bakery is not open for guests now. You’ll have to get your desserts tomorrow, King Rasheed” I lower the music and point to the door.

“The song is befitting of you, you sure are a bossy little thing, aren’t you?” He says.

I raise my eyebrow at him and huff.

“Only when baking. I am quite busy your majesty, is there something I can make for you or is there an issue at the party?” I inquire.

“No, I actually wanted to call it a night, but something dragged me over here to see if you needed any help.” He chuckles.

“I’m good, but you are welcome to stay and watch, just don’t get in my way. I can be quite mean if someone disturbs me or gets in my way while I am baking.

There’s some Hennessy in the fridge and glasses are to the right.”

“My type of woman, now turn the music back up so we can finish our baking lessons we never got around to finishing.” He says while pouring both of us drinks.

I start explaining how to make things and I can see the confusion on his face. I think I am explaining things too fast for him to really understand.

“How about you just watch me and then package up the stuff as they cool down?” I ask.

“Deal” he grins.

It’s about 11pm and I finally finished all the desserts and have everything packaged. I am very thankful he helped me tonight, who knows when I would have finished. To be honest I haven’t had this much fun since Lucas. I feel as if I am leaving him behind in some way because I had fun. I gave all my fun up the night I lost him. It seems selfish to have fun now.

POV: Rasheed

I see her frowning and all I want to do is put a smile on her face.

“What’s wrong Gia?” I ask her.

“Oh, it’s nothing, don’t worry about me. It’s late, you should head out and I will clean up this mess. Just have a lot on my mind that’s all.” She says.

As she turns her head, I see her eyes brimming with tears. Oh, shit what do I do. I want to grab her and hold her in my arms and tell her everything will be ok. I

know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help myself. I rush over to her and pull her to my chest. I kiss the top of her head and rub circles on her back. I can feel her melt in my arms.

“Hey hey, it’s going to be ok. You are not going to fail. You have a whole pack behind you including me.”

She looks up at me and her eyes are glistening with tears, one finds its way sliding down her cheek and I brush it away. Then she gently pushes me away.

“Ugh, sorry I had a moment of weakness. It won’t happen again. Let’s head out and get ready for tomorrow. I hear some Alpha is turning his reigns over to the first female Alpha tomorrow.” She smirks.

She’s so damn beautiful, we head back to our rooms, and I wish her a goodnight. Oh, how I would love to share a bed with her.

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