The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Fae calling

POV Gianna:

It’s been six weeks since Rasheed told me he cheated on me. Six weeks of him trying to make it up to me. Six weeks of me fighting to remain strong and not give in so quickly. I am not going to lie, I wanted him to take me that night he confessed everything, but I needed to remain strong.

I have decided to let him know that he can move back into our bedroom today. We will take things slow and see how they go.

“Rasheed, when you are available, could you please come to my office?” I mind link him.

Within minutes he was knocking at my door. I know he has a meeting with Trigger right now so I am a little irritated that he would blow it off. He walks in with a huge smile on his face.

“You wanted to see me my Queen?” He asks.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in a meeting with Trigger about expanding some businesses?”

“Yes, but the contractors are occupied and asked if we can push it back until tomorrow.” He says.

“Okay, well I will make it quick then, I think it would be best if you move back into the bedroom. Onyx came in the other night looking for you and I told him you were out checking the perimeter.”

The most handsome smile appears on his face, and he rushes over to me. He picks me up and swings me around in a giant hug. His lips collide with mine and it takes all my willpower to push him away.

“It is for the kids; I am not ready for that right now. You will sleep on the couch, until I am ready.”

“Of course,” He sighs.

He does not release me, and I look into his eyes. Pure love is all I can see.

Oh, forget it. I crash my lips onto his and wrap my legs around his waist. He walks us over to the couch in my office. Placing me down gently, I take off my shirt, then my pants. I can see the bulge growing is his pants. I lick my lips with delight, and he unbuckles his belt. His pants drop to the floor, I am practically salivating looking at this man’s body. He lets his boxers drop to the floor slowly and I swear I see stars.

“Gianna, Gianna” Sierra shakes me awake.

“What?” I growl out.

“Your parents said they called you several times and were unable to reach you. They called me to make sure you were okay and to tell you to give them a call it is very important.” She says.

“Thank you.”

“That must have been some dream, your drooling” Sierra chuckles.

I growl at her, and she puts her hands in the air, as if to say she surrenders. She walks out the door and I hear her chuckle.

I call my mom; it must be important if she called Sierra to find me.

“And just where were you at young lady? I was going to pop to you, but I thought you were doing the business with your husband.” She laughs.

“No mama, I just fell asleep at my desk. You know busy running a pack, a mom and being Queen can be tiring.” I scoff.

“Actually, that is what I wanted to talk to you about being Queen. Are you and Rasheed busy now? Can you pop to us?” She asks.

“We are free for the remainder of the afternoon; We can be there shortly.”

I end the call with my mom and walk to Rasheed’s office. I knock on the door, and he tells me to come in. He has a smirk on his face knowing what I projected to him. I clear my throat.

“My parents want to meet with us, they requested that we come now, as it is important.”

“As you wish, and by the way we can pick up where we left off in that dream of yours when we get back if you’d like” He coo’s in my ear.

My face flushes bright red and I turn away from him.

“Let’s go, we can talk about you moving back into our room when we get back.”

I grab his hand and I visualize my parents, Kingdom. After a few seconds of feeling twinkly we arrive outside the doors of my parents’ home.

We walk in and head to my mother’s office. I see a few Fae I recognize and wave at them. My mother’s door is open, and we walk in and take a seat.

“Hello mother, where is dad?”

“He’s coming, he went to grab some refreshments.” She says.

A few seconds later my dad walks in as if his ears were ringing. He has a few snacks and some drinks.

“Alright let’s get down to business shall we” My mother says.


“So, I asked for you both to come here to prepare you.” She says.

Rasheed and I look at each other, then at my mother quizzically.

“So once Onyx comes of age to take over the pack you will have to move out of your current pack house, as it will be Onyx’s. You will be anointed Queen and King of the Fae’s. Now it is a little different since you are both the King and Queen of the Werewolves as well. I have spoken with my council and your council extensively about this in the last few weeks. They are okay with you both moving to the Fae Palace or Moving to the former Werewolf Palace. Onyx will take over as Alpha and Rasheed will decide who will be the next King when the time is right. I wanted to prepare you because you will have to train extensively Gianna to become Queen of the Fae’s. Rasheed you will also have to train, but not as extensively as Gianna. Gianna you will start training right away and Rasheed you will just need to learn the laws and culture.” My mom says.

“Do I need to leave my home to train?” I ask.

“Heavens no, I had Fae’s come and train me when your father was Alpha. I could not leave my pack. I expected it to be the same for you.” She says.

“Onyx will start Alpha training once he turns five and he will also begin his King training as well. I was wondering if you could help me recruit some demons to help with his training as well Anton?” Rasheed asks.

“I don’t know many, but I like that you want him to be trained in all of his creatures.” My dad says with pride in his eyes.

“Well, your daughter has taught me to be prepared for everything, she is diffidently a preparer.” Rasheed chuckles.

“That she is.” My dad says.

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