The Alpha Princess & The Werewolf King

Chapter Discussion part 1

POV Gianna:

I must say I feel a lot better about going into this meeting than I did before.

Since it will have several members of each pack, we will have the meeting in our conference room.

I walk in and everyone is already in their seats. I let a low growl out when I see my father in my seat at the head of the table, and there is a seat a few seats down from him on his right. Rasheed is at the end closets to me because he is the other Alpha for this meeting.

“Ahem, father you seem to be in my seat.”

He looks at me sternly but does not respond, he gets up from MY seat and proceeds to go to the empty chair on the right. I hear a snicker come from Alpha Lincoln; I smile quickly but return my facial expression back to my more aloof expression.

“Thank you everyone for joining this meeting today. We have many things to go over. I will be ordering lunch for us and possibly dinner depending on how long it takes us to get through everything.”

“Storm, can you please have Rocky’s cater for us, pizza will be the best option for us. Can you please order several large pizzas in each option and a couple of family size bread sticks, waters, and soda please.

Would anyone else want to add anything on?”

“What about some cookies from there?” Aaron asks.

“No! I can have some desserts sent over from my bakery. Storm, please have them deliver and give them a nice tip, you can use my card.”

“I can pay for the food” Rasheed suggests.

“Nonsense we are on my pack land, and I will pay.

Now, let’s start the meeting. We have already accepted our mate bond; our most important topic of discussion will be what we will be doing with our packs and land. From there we will be able to discuss any other topic that arises. King Rasheed, would you like to add anything before we discuss our main topic?”

“No carry on my Queen, I like when you take the reins.” He smirks.

I blush heavily. “Alright, I say we combine our lands, since we are on the borders of each other it shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Everyone can stay in their current homes. The issue would be our main pack house. Since we have two Alpha’s we should remain as such….”

“Now wait just a minuet we have never in our history of Werewolves have had two Alpha’s lead. Why would we start now? You should be the Queen Luna and King Rasheed should be Alpha.” My father says.

I huff but before I can get a word out Rasheed speaks up.

“Gianna is very capable of leading, what she is suggesting could be a good thing let’s hear her out. You are the one who gave her the position of Alpha after all.” Rasheed growls out.

“Thank you, as I was saying, we should remain as a two Alpha pack. Our pack will be growing, and we both have strengths and weaknesses. The Golden Paw Pack has a better training area, no offense King Rasheed.”

“None taken my Queen, you are correct. The Midnight Moon Pack has more businesses, which have more job opportunities for each member. Gianna and I will discuss this more in detail later, so it will be known who the main Alpha will be to speak with. Now I would like to suggest that the main pack house be here and that the Royal pack house be mostly used for our parents and when we host parties. Like our wedding and your coronation for Queen.” Rasheed says.

I turn beat red at the thought of our wedding, he hasn’t even proposed yet and he is already talking about a wedding.

“I agree, we would be closer to our packs training ground and our hospital is larger. I can still study and do pack work.

I like this. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?”

“Would King Rasheed’s warriors be moving to our side to be closer to the training grounds? Also, will I remain the head warrior?” Aaron asks.

“My warriors will be moving here, so we will need to make accommodation for them. As far as head warrior….” I cut Rasheed off quickly.

“I will need to see your head warrior’s strength. We can rotate them throughout the week and have two head warriors. This will ensure one does not get too overwhelmed with all the new pack members. For the first few weeks we will train separately until we are all situated, then we will incorporate everyone together slowly. Aaron and your head warrior will train everyday together to get an aspect of how our training works.”

“Sounds like a plan. Any other questions?” Rasheed asks.

“How will the ranks work?” Sierra asks.

“They will remain the same, as we said we are both Alpha’s and we each need our team. The top floor will be for the Alpha’s and their children as usual. The floor right under us will be for the Beta’s and their families. The third floor will be for the Gamma’s and their families. Second floor will remain the offices and conference rooms. We will be leaving the main floor as is. Now who is ready to eat?” I ask.

I can smell the pizza coming down the hall and my mouth starts watering. An Omega and Storm bring in the food and beverages.

“If you all would excuse me, I need to check on my munchkin. Please enjoy the lunch, I will be back soon.”

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