The Alpha Moon

Chapter The Princess Of Seniors



The Princess Of Seniors

After Amara called me to tell me that her car broke down and asked me to pick her up and I said goodbye to Cyrus, I walked to my car laid back in it for a few seconds smiling at the wonderful day I had.

I am known to be one of the most difficult girls to get convinced to even go to a date. I can’t believe I gave him my number on the first day.

But there was something about him that made me know for sure that we were meant to be. It’s like my body screamed ’mine’ when I saw his face. Every single part of my body shivered at his name. His voice sucked into my body. And to top it all, he was perfect; a perfect balance of humor, seriousness, patience, strength with a flood of handsomeness and yet, he did not show even a little bit of arrogance. I could not have found anyone better.

We told each other so much about us like we were long lost best friends. This was the first time I met him but I felt like I knew him since forever.

My thought were disturbed when my phone vibrated and I groaned as I picked it up to read the message.

It was Amara. “Where are you?” it said.

I bit my lip realizing why I was in the car at the first place and quickly drove to her coordinates. After a few minutes, I found her on the edge of the road, waving to me.

I stopped near her and she quickly sat inside.

“I owe you! Ron picked up my car but since his workshop was in the opposite direction, I couldn’t go home from there. I was about to call a taxi when I realized I just spent all my money in the car and on shopping. You were my last option.” She said.

I chuckled and said, “It’s okay and in return you can make me dinner because a matter of fact, I’m starving as I did not eat lunch.”

“Deal but what were you so busy with? V is not in town and you didn’t even need to work.”

I bit my lip again thinking about Cyrus.

“You met someone didn’t you.”

I nodded.

“So, what’s his name?”


She smiled but turned away and muttered something inaudible.

After a few more minutes of chuckles and laughter, I stopped at her house and we went upstairs.

She started cooking dinner and I helped her, or at least tried to because she didn’t let me touch a thing.

“Girl, how am I supposed to make you dinner if you do all the work?”

“I am barely doing anything.” I said.

“Well seniors should let others handle all the work.”

“You know you’re on a higher post then me right? You are practically my boss.”

“Yes but I’m just giving you a practice session of commanding princess. I’m used to my job.”

“Princess?” I inquired.

“Yes, you’re the... um… the princess of seniors.”


I sat back on a chair and took out my phone. I got messages from 4 chats. I opened the first one.

“Hi C! I’m enjoying this place so much. It’s gorgeous. I finally found a tiny bit of service to send this message. Anyways, I love you and see you in a few weeks.” It was Vanessa. I replied to her even though she probably won’t be able to see it.

Then I opened the next one.

“Dear customer, please buy…” I closed it realizing it was spam and so was the next one. The last one though, made me smile.

“Hello Celina, Cyrus here. It was lovely meeting you and I was wondering if you want to meet up again. I’ll be at the same spot I met you, tomorrow 12p.m., hope I see you there."

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