The Alpha Moon

Chapter The Alpha moon (Part 2)



The Alpha moon (Part 2)

After they freed Peter, I walked towards them. One held my hands and dragged me towards the door.

I felt the tears in Cyrus’s eyes flow through his cheeks. I felt his still doing everything he can to save me.

I wasn’t scared at all because I trusted him. For the first time I knew that someone was there for me, who’d protect me with his life, and that is why I’ll survive today, no matter what happens.

I waited for them to be comfortable as they walked with me and the second I felt their casualness, I attacked. I used every move Cyrus taught me and escaped them.

Just as I was about to turn to go back, I felt a needle poke my arm and all the energy drained out of me.

I hit my elbow and broke the nose of the vampire behind me. I then fell on my knees since I couldn’t move now.

“Smart, aren’t we? But not smart enough. I knew those dumb heads couldn’t be trusted and guess what, I was right. Thank god I was here to save the day.” She said chuckling.

After that I was out.

When I opened my eyes I found myself tied to a tree. I was standing in the middle of a triangle, just like my dream. I saw Cyrus, Amara and her cousins outside trying to come in. I saw some vampires and witches in the triangle and casting spells.

That’s when my eyes struck something I hadn’t seen before. My friendship necklace I had with V. I looked up to see… V? she was shouting and was crazy mad unlike her usual calm self.

“You told me nothing about the sacrifice. You said that if I do the spell to connect you to the moon goddess through the 50th Alpha, you’ll release my mother. But I will not let you sacrifice my best friend for your little exchange!” she yelled.

“Think before you speak. You might just have the chance to see your mother again. Don’t waste it on the girl you call your best friend.” The vampire who dozed me said.

“Don’t you dare call her like that!”

“If she was you best friend, she would’ve told you that she was a wolf princess.”

“I’ll do what you asked me to. I’ll do the spell. But if you touch her after that, I’ll burn you right there.” V shouted.

“And then mommy dearie will die. I didn’t want to do this, but you left me no choice. Bring her here.” The vampire said.

I can’t believe it! V was a witch all along. That’s why she believed in all that witchy stuff. Now she’s sacrificing her only chance to get her mother back for me.

I saw V’s mother being brought by two guards. She was in a bad state. Her hair was a mess, her clothes torn and her arms filled with scratches.

She was very weak but she gathered all her strength to shout out to her daughter,

“Vanessa, don’t save me at the price of the wolf princess. I’m weak and I’ll die soon anyways. Make the right choice as a witch and a friend and save her.”

Vanessa looked at her mother with tears in her eyes and then she looked at me.

Before she would do something that killed either me or her mother I turned to my wolf, breaking the rope I was tied with.

Then I ran towards the vampire and cut her throat away. I felt someone touch my fur and I snapped their neck. I wouldn’t have stopped unless I heard V shout.

“Go back to the tree or I kill your best friend.” The vampire that held her said.

My blood started boiling. They were trying to kill my best friend? I don’t think so.

My fur started to glow and so did the moon. It showed brighter than ever. My blood continued to boil below my skin and I growled at her and ran towards her, faster than anyone had ever seen. I didn’t even realized when I made her drop V and threw her miles away.

Seeing me like that, furious, powerful and deadly, all the other vampires ran away. The spell keeping Cyrus out broke and he ran towards me.

I turned back into my human form. As soon as he reached me, he hugged me so tight I couldn’t breathe.

“I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep you safe. I’m glad you’re okay.” After that he kissed me.

“I’m okay now and that’s all that matters. And you did everything you could. It’s not your fault.”

Then I turned to V.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before but I didn’t know myself. I found out like a week ago and I still didn’t tell to keep you safe; so that you could be out of this mess. And looking at the present scenario, I think I had good reasons to. By the way this is Cyrus, my mate.”

“I can see that. You deserve him. He looks like he loves you, a lot, and you can use that.” She said smiling.

Then she looked around her hurriedly and ran towards her mother once she found her.

“Mom! Are you okay?” she asked.

“After seeing how you’ve blossomed all alone to this wonderful witch standing in front of me, I am.”

“Oh my god you’re bleeding. You need to go toa hospital.”

“No I don’t. This is my time to go. I have fulfilled my purpose on this planet and I don’t need live anymore. I just want to spend my last moments with you. Also promise me, you won’t shed a single tear after I go. I’ll be in a better place, looking over you every second of the day.” Her mother said as she closed her eyes and stopped breathing.

Vanessa burst into tears and I hugged her. After a few minutes, she looked me in my eyes and said,

“I’m done. Now let’s give my mother a proper funeral and celebrate you crowning as a princess.”

“You sure you’re okay?”

“Are you kidding me? I got to spend some time with my mother again. I never thought I’ll get that. And you heard her; she’s in a better place now. I’ll miss her alright but I won’t break my promise anymore.” She said

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