The Alpha Moon

Chapter She’s the Alpha



She’s the Alpha

“Wait, her name’s Celina?” his sister gasped as she stood up to see me.

“Amara? What are you doing here? Don’t tell me you’re a wolf too!” I exclaimed shocked.

“You two know each other?” Cyrus asked looking at both of us.

“Yes, we work together. She’s the Alpha I had been tracking all these years.” Amara said.

“Wait what? Alpha? Can someone tell me what’s going on?”

I asked confused. I saw Cyrus’s jaw drop beside me.

“Come on darling, let’s tell you the whole story and clear your doubts.” His mother spoke up.

We walked towards her and sat down on the couch. His mother then started speaking.

“You know you’re a wolf but that’s not the end. You are the current strongest wolf of the world. You belong to the alpha family. The Alpha family originated from the original wolf. They are stronger, faster and have special powers no other wolves have. The other wolves started becoming jealous of the specialty and killed most of the Alpha wolves. Your parent died fighting them to protect you. They wanted to keep you away from the wolves and your originality as long as they could so you could survive. Your mother was my best friend and I promised her to keep you safe. So I kept an eye on you from a distance through Amara. Sorry we couldn’t tell you what you were until the very last moment because that was a part of the promise I made.”

“I grew up with my grandmother, at least for some time. Didn’t that revile my identity?”

“Well your grandmother was not a wolf. She was only the mate of one. After her mate died, she returned to her family’s house and everyone forgot about her. They just thought you both were normal humans.”

“Why did I turn so late though?”

“Alphas just turn late. The first wolf was created when she was about 25, so the others turn at the same time.”

I nodded. I looked at Amara who looked at me seriously.

“Celina, remember you can’t tell anyone about this. I specifically mean not V. She may be your best friend but she’s a human and by telling her you’ll put her life in danger.”

I nodded. I never keep anything from V but this is for keeping her safe. I can do it…..I think.

After a moment of silence, Cyrus’s mother spoke again.

“I can’t help but admire though that you are very calm about the whole situation. Anyone else would have just freaked out.”

“I mean I was a little angry but on whom? I wouldn’t even be here if they told me before. I would be surprised but I’m not because technically my grandmother told me so much through her stories that at one time I practically did believe them. So yes, I’m okay, I guess.”

After a few seconds Amara widened her eyes at Cyrus and they both had a short conversation through their eyes before Cyrus turned towards me and spoke,

“Celina, you’re going to have to stay with us for a while. Since you just turned, turning for you could be random in the begging and since you are an Alpha, you’ll first have to learn how to control your powers before going outside. Is that okay with you?”

“Bu…but what about work?”

“I’ll take care of that. I’ll just say you’re on sick leave or something.” Amara said.

“And what about V? Even if I’m sick, she’ll come to take care of me.”

“She’s out for a few weeks right? We’ll think about it when she comes back.”

“Wait, I’ll have to stay here for more than a few weeks?”

“Well, we don’t know. Alphas have always been rare and so we barely know anything about them. So we can’t be sure of anything really.”

“Okay. Can I at least stop by my home and get some stuff?” I said

“Of course! I’ll drive you, if you want.” Cyrus said.

I nodded with a little smile and he grabbed his keys and walked me to his car. He opened the door of the car for me and I smiled. Before he started driving, I told him the way to my house. After that there were a few moments of silence.

“What other creatures live in the shadows? I mean, I’m sure werewolves aren’t the only ones, right?” I asked to break the silence.

“Yes, there are other creatures but not all live in the shadows; humans just don’t believe in something unless they are shown everything. So many things occur around them all the time, but they just refuse to see it. Anyways, there are witches and vampires, at least what we know of. Earth is a big mysterious place about which, no one knows everything.”

“Hmm…. So, what other powers do we have? You know, except sharing a body with a wolf.”

“Well let’s see, we are stronger and faster than humans and witches in our human form. We are the strongest creatures in our wolf form. Our senses are stronger than humans too. We are strongly connected with the moon. So, we are strongest at the full moon and weakest at the new moon. Also, we live longer than humans, about 150 years. Plus we have healing abilities so we don’t die that easily either. We heal twice as fast as normal humans.”

“Well now I know why I was able to beat all my classmates at tug of war!”

I laughed and looked at him to find him staring and smiling at me.

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