The Alpha Moon

Chapter Selina’s Curse



Selina’s Curse

“and what in the world does that mean?” I shouted completely confused since I had no idea what was going on.

“Okay let me tell you everything from the beginning.” Cyrus’s mother said with a deep breath.

“Thousands of years ago, the moon goddess, Selina, got a curse to never have a human baby. The other gods had human babies which later got powers like immortality. So whenever Selina had a baby, it used to immediately die. She was heartbroken but when the Alpha of a wolf pack came to her for help to protect his pack, she made him a deal. In return of protecting his pack, she asked for a wolf with whom she could merge her baby with to get a wolf as her child. Once he agreed, she granted his pack a blessing to see how they die if their population grows too small. By this method they could prevent their death. After that she had a baby and before it died she merged him with the wolf. But her attempt failed. Her baby didn’t survive. It was her 50th attempt which was finally a success. What she was shocked to see was that when the wolf and the baby merged, it was not only the souls that were shared a body but they could switch between the two bodies. That created the first werewolf. She first transformed from her human form to her wolf at the age of 24 even though the wolf changed into the human form a few seconds after she was born.” His mother told me.

Then his father continued, “Selina had many other children which made the different packs of the world, but none of them was as strong, fast or powerful as the original wolf or the Alpha as we call it now. After they were born, Zeus got angry that she escaped the curse and cursed her once more to never meet her children again and sent them to Earth where she could only see them from above.”

“But what was so special about the 50th wolf? And how does it connect to the Alpha moon?” Cyrus asked.

“Selina had special attachment with the 50th Alpha that was born. She thought of her as a ray of hope which lightened her life in her darkest days. So every 50th Alpha is very special to Selina. On the Alpha moon, the moon comes very close to the Earth. So close that it is said that with a certain spell the moon goddess can contact the 50th Alpha.” Amara concluded

“Then what?” I said.

“Nobody really knows. This has never been done before. After the others started killing the Alphas, the Alphas lost touch and nobody knew who the 50th Alpha was. So the spell couldn’t be done even if one wanted to. Well now that somebody figured out that you’re the 50th Alpha, they must be trying to conduct the spell.” His mother said.

“Caroline, do you remember the saying of the Alpha moon?” C’s father asked looking at C’s mother.

“Ah yes. It went something like;

μόλις την φτάσεις την ημέρα,

δεν μπορεί να αρνηθεί,

ένα δώρο για ένα δώρο,

αν βρίσκεται η ισορροπία”

“What?” Cyrus, me and Amara spoke at the same time.

“The Alpha moon was also the day when the first werewolf was born. So it’s a very special day her. It’s said that if you ask her for something and sacrifice something as precious, she will grant you anything you ask for but only if what you give is equal to what you ask for. They must be calling her to ask for something.” C’s father said.

We nodded.

“All this still doesn’t answer why I got that dream about my future.” I said remembering why we came here in the first place.

“Do you remember how Selina protected the pack? She granted them a power to see how they die so that they could save themselves. They got it if their population started decreasing. I think you might have the same power since you are the only Alpha.” C’s mother answered.

“But she only provided that power to that pack didn’t she? How do I have it?”

“Do you know who was that wolf which became the first werewolf? It was the Alpha of that pack. She sacrificed herself to save his pack. That’s why you have that power.”

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