The Alpha Moon

Chapter It was just a dream.....



It Was Just A Dream….

After, I convinced myself that it was just a dream, I switched on my phone to see the time. It was about 8 o’clock and my phone was spammed with messages and calls by V.

I quickly replied to her and asked her to meet me after office hours. I also told her that I wouldn’t come to office today because of two reasons;

One I was too late to drive back to my house, freshen up and reach the office at time and second my head was still drowsy and I probably needed to rest to fix whatever that is happening to me.

So, I drove back home and bathed. After that I ate something and slept again. I woke up by the doorbell a few hours later. I was in such a deep sleep that I didn’t realize how fast the time flew away.

“Are you okay? I asked you to text me and…. Woah! What happened to you? You look like you just woke up from a 7 year sleep.” She said as I opened the door.

“Do I look that bad? I mean I was asleep for a very long time but I didn’t expect me to look like what you describe me as.” I replied and she chuckled. “Yes you do, but back to the topic, why didn’t you text me last night? I was so worried about you.” “Ya about that…..”

I told her my entire story from the dream to the man to the wolf. “I’m fine now though; Healthy and strong.”

She nodded expressionless. “Anything else that you remember?” she asked after some time. I shook my head. “Well of course it could be an angel who saved you from that wolf that night but I’m leaning on the fact that you just saw a dream, mostly because it would be too difficult for the angel to fight the wolf and then carry your heavy body back in the car.” She said with a chuckle.

I hit her on her arm lightly and said, “Hey!! I’m way lighter than you.” Then we both laughed and enjoyed coming up with crazy theories all evening. That’s my V, always there to light up my mood whenever I need her.


The next day……

It was a Sunday and I had absolutely nothing to do today since V had gone out to another city. She said she had to go to a meeting and a short way from there was a mountain where there is a small village where she had to do something spiritual or something….. I lost her after that. She also told me that they have no reception at all and the best I'm going to get may be a text or an extreamly rare phone call in case she figures something out.

Anyways, being free and bored, I got this idea to go to the forest. Even though the wolf was probably just a dream, I want to investigate. So, I drove to the spot I woke up yesterday. I parked my car a little bit behind the spot. I looked around for signs of any animal that was around that night.

Surprisingly, I found both human and animal paw prints there; Right where it should be according to my dream. I gulped.

That's when, I heard a noise from behind me in the bushes. I turned around to find a young man; blonde hair, pale skin, and a body like a god. ‘Oh My God….It’s the same man!’ I exclaimed to myself in my mind trying my best to not show signs of amusement on my face.

“You know, it’s said that you shouldn’t turn around if you hear voices from the bushes. Nevertheless, tell me, what is a beautiful, young lady, like yourself, doing in this forest all alone?”

His deep voice ran through my body. I felt it diving through my skin. But I did not let that show on my face. “Now I could ask the question to you, can’t I?” “You think I’m beautiful? Nevertheless, I asked you first.” He said with a chuckle.

“Not that it’s your business, but I’m here looking for something. Something to prove to my mind that what happened was not true.” I said.

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