The Alpha Moon

Chapter I’m In Great Danger.



I’m In Great Danger.

I saw my dear mate fight so bravely against all the vampires. I know that I couldn’t save him and remembered what he told me to do, but I’m not someone who’ll just leave him alone there.

I called Amara and put her on speaker. I told her about the vampires and shared my live location so she could track me down. I then kept my phone in my pocket.

Then when I looked in the mirror, my heart broke. I saw Cyrus falling and the vampires carrying him like a sack. My wolf growled inside me, pleading me to come out.

I kept her inside and drove the car. Then I turned it and drove it towards them. Making sure I do not hurt my mate, I ran some of them over. Before they could recover from the shock, I came out and turned and growled loudly at them.

I ran towards my mate and bit the vampire who was carrying him. The other vampires ran towards me as I hurt them one by one.

Suddenly I felt a pinch and slowly all the energy drained out of me. Yet I fought till my last breath, trying to save my mate and myself. After a few moments though, I did not have enough energy to even stand and fell on my knees.

“How did she survive so long? Wolf’s bane affects even the strongest werewolves almost immediately. It could only be if she’s the….. alpha!” I heard one vampire say before I passed out.


When I opened my eyes, I saw a rock in the air. Below it, there was a huge pot and a man standing near it. Then one of the vampires from before came and held my hand. All this happened in a couple of seconds and so I couldn’t react. Moreover, I felt a sharp pain running through my body. The effect of the wolf’s bane didn’t wear off probably. I couldn’t move at all. Then Cyrus came in front of me and threw the vampire in the air.

I saw Amara and Cyrus snap the necks and scratch the vampires deeply with their claws. There were a few other werewolves with them.

A few moments later, when they had killed all the vampires, Cyrus walked towards me and picked me up in his arms. He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear as a tear fell on my cheek from his eyes.

“I asked you to run, keep yourself safe. Never do this to me ever again. Next time, which god forbids ever comes, you will leave me there and protect yourself. Am I clear?”

He said in a weak voice as more tears flowed through his eyes.

“Well you saved me too. You could have died saving me but you stayed.”

“You’re my mate. I would have died anyways if I would not have even tried to save you.”

“We are mates, so we are equals. If you had died I would have too.”

“Okay we get it, you two love each other. Now we are all safe so save the mushy stuff for when someone actually dies. Which I hope doesn’t happen very soon because you guys are so cute it’s disgusting.” Amara said in an annoyed tone.

We laughed and I felt a shooting pain in my stomach.

“Shhh…. When they realized you were the Alpha, the vampires gave you many dozes of wolf’s bane. So it will take some time to wear off. Just rest till that time.”

We sat in a car not very far from where we originally were. Cyrus sat beside me and Amara sat in the driver’s seat.

The other werewolves turned into their wolf and ran along the car.

I closed my eyes and relaxed as I felt the pain running in my body. I kept thinking about what had happened. The fire, the stone, the man, Cyrus….

Oh my god! I had seen all that before in my… nightmare. But how? Were my nightmares actually a glimpse of the future? If that’s the case, and if I’m going to live all my dreams, then I’m in great danger.

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