The Alpha Kings Mate

Chapter 18

Camryn's POV

I felt like I was on fire, as I woke up. My whole body is quivering from different pains that I can no longer bear. A pitiful, muffled groan flow out from me as I tried to move my body. I wanted to sit and call someone to get me a glass of water. I am so thirsty, I felt like my throat was in a desert, so dried out and rough that when I gulp it hurts. I remembered that I hadn't been able to get the chance to eat when Ivan brought me some food and Malka showed up from the room and whipped me to death. I don't know how would I help myself to heal knowing that my bond with my wolf was complicated.

'Where are you, my wolf? Please, I really need you right now... I can't take this anymore.'

I tried to reach my wolf again and again but still nothing happen. I really need something or someone right now. I forcefully opened my eyes and blinked back over again for it was been closed for too long before I could get used to opening them. At first, my sight was a bit blurry and all I could see was just a fog and all blurred but once my eyes had been adjusted I saw Malka pacing back and forth nervously.

"It wouldn't take him too long to find me here." I heard him say, mumbling to himself "I have no other choice right now but to face him. I have no other option anymore to hide. Nevertheless we would still meet once again no matter how far or how long I hide from them" he then let out a small wicked smile that confuses me.

'Aren't he afraid to get caught and be punished or worst die?'

But that wouldn't be my problem anymore if it would come to that. In fact, I would be happy to see him get tortured! Like he had done to me!

'That bastard rogue deserves a ruthless punishment!'

"Besides, I would be thrilled to see him once again. What would his reaction be once he sees me."

What is he talking about? He is really insane!

But I didn't bother anymore to listen to his mumblings for I was really thirsty now so I tried to say a word.

"Wa...water.." came my weak voice just above a whisper "Please, I ne-need water.." I groan more as I was now in so much pain and to even say a word made me more miserable for every inch of my body was screaming in agonizing pain. But I know he would definitely hear me and he would feel it in our bond.

He stopped pacing and I felt him move towards me. He lift me and lay my head on his lap. I let out a cry for touching my body. It was very painful to move. I can feel my back was like stabbing over and over again as the shooting ache jolts every nerve in my body. I helplessly cried on his lap, my tears falling on his knees.

"Hush now, mate," he said in a soothing voice, caressing my hair "For now, we need to be patient and save your strength until I can figure out how will I get back to my hiding place and heal you."

I mentally roar at him on my mind.

'You fucking rogue! You had the nerve to mark me as your mate and yet you couldn't do a thing to help your mate!'

Malka, you are really pathetic!

He just kept caressing my hair and talking sweet things to me but I zoned out to him instead I focus my mind to call my wolf once again. But still, nothing happened.

The little strength had left in me once again had gone and I became more and more weak every minute. Reaching my wolf made me drained and worn out and that made me pass out once again.


I was awakened by a commotion that I felt around me. I tried to open again my eyes to see what was happening but before I could open them, I heard a loud cry. A pitiful wail echoed throughout the place and it turn out that the sound I was hearing was coming out from me. I screech and writhe from the pain I was in. I was struggling to breathe and felt like I was losing air from the pain continuously flowing at my back.

"Please, Luna. Just a little bit more" a female voice reach my ears "I need to put up more of this medicine to your wounds to help you heal" I heard her say. I felt her fingers carefully touching every part of my back that sends my body into a shooting pain.

"Please, s-stop" I beg her for I couldn't stand the pain anymore.

"Just a bit more" but she continue to do what she was doing and I felt she put some kind of a cloth or maybe a bandage to cover up my wounds. I felt the stinging pain when she put the bandage on my back and I yelp once again struggling with the endless pain I was enduring. When she was finished tending to my wounds, she carefully lay me on my back and lift my head "Luna, please open your mouth" she said and I abide. Slowly open my mouth, with my eyes still closed. As I open my mouth, a warm liquid gushes inside. "You need to drink this medicine to lessen the pain" As the liquid hits my throat, I struggle to gulp it all down. The bitter taste of the medicine made me cough hard and again the pain crawl up once again as I cough violently.

"Are you done?" I heard Malka's voice just near me.

"Ye-yes Alpha Malka" replied the female voice.

"Then, you are done here. Go, tell Emmett that I need him here. And tell the others to keep an eye around us. Keep guarding the whole area, they'll be here any minute now."

I didn't hear a response. I only heard footsteps slowly fading out. Then I tried to open my eyes to see where I am again this time. Once I open them, the first thing that I saw was a painting. I roam my eyes at the place. I was in a small room?

'Not sure if this is actually a room.'

The place felt like it wasn't been used in a long time. There were cobwebs in every corner. I could see a thick layer of dust on the floor. There was a small cabinet at my right that had books in it that looked dusty and unused. I turn my left to see there was a small wooden window but it was closed. I return my eyes to the painting on the wall across from me.

'It's beautiful. I had never seen a real painting before.'

I only knew about paintings way back when I was still young. When my dad used to read and showed me books about art and paintings. I only saw different kinds of paintings only in books and now I was amazed to see a real painting. I was fascinated by them. About how the artists could use just a brush and colors to paint anything and it's not just anything, for it holds a deep meaning and story in every painting, on every artist. It touches your heart and soul by just looking at them.

Like this painting here.

The painting on the wall was of two wolves. The one was midnight black and the other was a light brown with a mix of grayish color on his fur. But the black wolf was bigger than the other. Above them was the moon, glowing luminously. They are looking at each other. I felt like they didn't need to speak for the way the artist had painted their eyes it shows full of emotions and expressions towards each other.

But the painting also had cobwebs on its edges. Like it's been there for a long time.

"That painting was a nightmare to me."

The voice of Malka had my eyes tear my gaze away from the painting and look at him. He move towards the painting and took it off the wall. He takes a look at it for a moment then walk towards the window.

"I should have destroyed this way back then. This was just trash. And this didn't matter to me anymore."

"What is he saying?'

I wanted to ask him what the painting was about but I can't, no words came out of my mouth as I was still weak and I had no energy to be able to say a word.

He open the window and a cool wind came rustling inside that made me shiver. As he fully open the window, I saw that it was raining. The rain along with the wind are dashing inside the room sending water droplets on the painting and unto Malka's face. He still holds the painting in his hands. I look at his face and saw his eyes were blazing in anger and hatred. He took one last look at the painting and throw it out the window.

A gasp escaped from me. I am shocked at what he did in the painting.

Then he quickly shut the window. He turn around to face me with a stern face and sat beside me in the bed.

"I should have burned down this whole place" I saw that he balled his fist in anger "But that's alright, for I will burn this right now."

I was confused about what he was saying. But I think this place was important to him, I can see it in his eyes. This place holds a lot of memories to him that he refuses to remember and wants it all to be gone.

He stands up from the bed and lifts me in his arms.

"It's time to go now," Malka said to me and I don't have a say in everything he said but to just agree to him for I couldn't even move an inch right now. Just as Malka makes his way toward the door, it bursts open and a man came inside.

"You're just in time Emmett."

Malka called the man Emmett. He took a step towards him and Emmett step aside. We stop just before the door and Malka turns to Emmett "I want you to burn down this whole place before we leave" Emmett just nods his head in response "Make sure that everything will be burned and destroyed. Understand?"

"Yes, Alpha Malka," said Emmett.

Then Malka turns his back on him and walks outside. My heart literally jump right outside my chest when Malka jumped down. I abruptly closed my eyes and my hands instantly went to his shoulders, embracing him and holding on tight. But we smoothly landed on the ground with me in his arms. I open my eyes to see that we had jumped right out from a tree. I gaze my eyes upward and saw the place I was in.

It was a treehouse!

'Wow! I was in a treehouse! It was awesome to see there was still a treehouse like this nowadays.'

But my amazement went gone when I remembered what Malka had said to Emmett.

"He was going to burn down this treehouse! But why?'

I had so many questions forming inside my mind.

Who are you, Malka? Who is the true Malka?

I was sad to know that I couldn't be seeing this treehouse anymore and couldn't have the chance to explore it.

Malka started to walk away from the treehouse and didn't bother to take one last look at it before it would turn into ashes. I saw a few rogues follow us behind, as we continue to walk away from the place. I started to feel the rain as a raindrop slowly poured down on me.

We walk away from the tree house until a burning smell hit my nose. Malka had stop from walking and turn around. We saw the treehouse was now burning into flames. A dark smoke lifted into the air. Even though it's raining, it's like the flames aren't even dying out and was not affected by the rain.

I close my eyes for I don't want to take a look at what's happening in the treehouse.

As I close my eyes, my heart started pounding hard. And I was startled by it. And slowly, I felt like my insides swirled.

'What the hell is happening?'

Bit by bit, I was like hearing the voice of my wolf. Calling out to me.

'Yes! Wolf that's it! Come back to me!'


I heard her say. I heard her say my name! I was glad to have my wolf and hear her voice!

'Oh, I miss you so much!' A tear rolled down my cheeks.

"I miss you, too. But it's not the right time to cry Camryn," she said in a rush tone.


I didn't get e response from her that's why I'm confused again about what is happening to us.

I felt a tight grip on my body I forgot I was in Malka's arms carrying me. My conversation with my wolf was interrupted by the sudden tight hold of Malka at me. I open my eyes once again and saw Malka's grim face and he's eyes is not even blinking. His jaw had clenched tight and his hold on me was getting tighter and tighter and he was already hurting me.

I don't know why he was suddenly like this so I whip my head to the side to see what is happening.

My heart instantly started to beat fast once again and I felt my wolf stir inside me. My eyes saw only one thing.

To only one wolf.

A black wolf.

And it was a huge one.

There he was standing huge among the other wolves behind him. He was a sight to see but a dangerous one. I saw his eyes were on us. On me. I couldn't tear away my gaze at him, the way he look at me. There's something in him that made me feel unexplainable. I suddenly forgot all the pain in my whole body. The mark on my neck suddenly sizzled in burn but my attention was on the mysterious black wolf.

'That wolf looks familiar? His eyes.. I felt like I saw it somewhere..'

But I don't have time to think about where I saw this wolf for I can't think straight right now with my heart beating fast and my wolf kept stirring somewhere inside me that it felt like she wants to get out and say something to me but something was stopping her.

A rumble of thunder from the dark sky had me jolt back and had torn my eyes away from the wolf. I set my eyes upon Malka's face and he was looking at me. I gulp hard as I saw his eyes that are full of anger. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Findɴovel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

'But I don't even know what is happening?'

I turn my eyes once again to the black wolf and saw that he was now looking at Malka. A flash of lightning strikes the sky once again and I felt like no one is even moving. I sense the aura of the black wolf was so intense and everyone right now was trembling in fear. The aura and the power he was giving were making us all feel uneasy.

'Who are you?'

I sense that this wolf was not ordinary. He was different from all the wolves in here.

I saw his eyes changing colors from black going to gold and going back to black.

What is wrong with him?

I felt my wolf slowly emanating inside me. I felt her small presence that's slowly going back but still, I can't hear her voice clearly.

Malka took a step backward, shaking his head at the black wolf. I was really baffled at what was happening.

He had a wicked smile on his goddamn face while here we are in the middle of the rain! And in this fucking I don't even know!

'You are really a psychopath!'

Before I even knew what was happening around me, Malka had turned his back and started to run fast away from the place.

Away from the mysterious black wolf.

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