The Alpha King’s Mate (The Alpha Series Book 4)

The Alpha King’s Mate: Chapter 27

I want to kill King Fenris with my bare hands. He has Maia back in the iron cuffs that I regret putting her in when I had kidnapped her. I’m going to help free you, Maia. You are very brave and will make one hell of a Queen.

I discreetly pull the reigns back, turn my horse, and head behind the army. I remain there until the soldiers and King Fenris are out of sight. I approach the villagers and tell them I have a plan that can help the princess, but I can’t do it without their help. A few hundred villagers follow my orders. I send a hundred of them to Hackle Spire Village and another hundred to Limestone village. The rest follow me to Shadowguard village and spread the word of what has transpired and that we should choose Princess Maia to be our Queen and put an end to King Fenris. I inform them the werewolves are not cruel and that the rumours are all lies, revealing King Fenris made him and other knights and soldiers spread the lies around all the villages. I tell the groups to travel to every village and spread the news of our new Queen and help fight to free her, and join forces with Moon Crest Valley for the greater good of our Kingdoms.

Shadowguard awaits us. I warn the villagers accompanying me to keep low and away from the tents. Then, in the shadows, I secretly re-join the army. The soldiers talk about how Maia grew the abundance of food, saving the village from starvation and how she stood up to King Fenris and how amazing and brave she is.

Some disagree and say she is a traitor to the king, still believing werewolves are the enemy. I see King Fenris leave his tent and walk towards Commander James’ tent. I take this opportunity and discreetly approach his tent.

I can see Maia chained to a chair and slumped over. I examine my surroundings to ensure no one is nearby before entering the tent. I stoop myself low in front of the chair to be at her eye level.

‘Kitten, are you alright? I ask her.

Maia looks up, her cheek is red and slightly puffy, and her lips are dry from dehydration. She is probably hungry too.

‘Hugo,’ she says, trying to muster up a smile.

‘Maia,’ I whisper.

‘I need to be quick before the King returns. People from Garnet Falls travel around to all the villages to spread the word about King Fenris’ lies and the werewolves offering them safe passage. The people want to see you free. They want to support you as their Queen and not King Fenris,’ I say proudly with a chuckle.

‘The people will help fight alongside the werewolves and not fight against them. They are going seek passage through your forest and join them,’

Maia smiles.

‘Thank you,’ she says softly.

‘Before you go, I need you to find my friend Vivian. She is staying at the Tavern at Garnet falls. She will be back there by now. Alpha King Damon and his Beta Troy will also be there. Please go and tell them what has happened. Tell them the army is already on its way to Moon Crest Valley. You must go now and not stop until you get there.’ Maia pleads.

I want to free Maia now, but King Fenris has her chained to a bulky wooden chair. I nod, accepting her order and knowing I can’t release her just yet. I leave the tent and tell the villagers that I have to go to Garnet falls and for them to wait until the army has gone, then continue to spread the word here of what has transpired and to seek as much help as they can gather. I ride as fast as I can through the night back to Garnet falls and only stop to give my horse a rest.

The sun is about to rise as I arrive at the tavern. I pay the innkeeper coin to feed and tend to my horse. I order a pint and sit in the corner of the inn and wait. There are many villagers inside speaking of what had happened here yesterday. Finally, four pints later, a man and a lady come down the stairs and order bread, cheese and drinks.

The lady let out a loud gasp overhearing what the other villagers in the room are saying. The man next to her pales with worry.

The lady approaches the villagers.

‘Please, you must tell me everything that has happened. We only arrived back here late last night. We have not heard this news yet,’ she says with worry.

The man standing next to her turns to face her.

‘Vivian, I will get Damon,’ he says and bolts back up the stairs. 

Good, I have found them.

The man returns down the stairs. Alpha King Damon follows Troy. He is taller and much more masculine than the other man and looks very strong. He would only be slightly shorter than me.

The villagers speak of how Princess Maia had grown an abundance of food for the starving villagers and how she was brave and even argued against King Fenris himself that he is a liar. She even claimed she is the Queen of Moon Crest Valley, Alpha King Damon’s mate! They say excitedly.

‘We would much prefer a beautiful kind Queen than a lying King that starves his people and creates war on false pretences,’ one lady says.

I stand up and clear my throat.

‘Vivian, Troy and Alpha King Damon… I have a message for you from the forest princess herself,’ I say respectfully.

Everyone looks to me, and the villagers look back at Damon in shock and surprise.

‘Wait, you are the Alpha King Damon?’ One asks.

Damon looks at the woman who asked.

 ‘Yes, that’s me,’ he replies, glaring at me. The lady begins swooning and fanning herself amongst the other women while the men cheer their pints to him.

‘And who are you?’ Damon asks me.

‘I am, I mean, I was Sir Hugo, but it’s just Hugo now,’

Damon stands up and runs towards me with great speed and grabs my neck with both hands, and begins to choke me.

I grab his wrists and try to pull him off of me. He swings his fist, breaks my nose and swings another punch. I quickly grab his fist.

‘You kidnapped Maia,’ he yells.

Damon continues to try and punch me, but I manage to dodge half the blows.

‘Stop!’ I yell.

‘I’m here to help. I’m here for Maia,’

Vivian approaches and places her hand on Damon’s shoulder.

‘Maybe we should hear him out,’ she suggests.

Troy walks over to us.

 ‘I know you. You were the knight that was recruiting men for the army. A man had his hand cut off because of a remark about the king,’ Troy says in anger.

‘It is the law that if anyone speaks ill of the King, they are to be beheaded. The other knights and soldiers would have done so if I hadn’t punished him myself. So he is lucky he only had his hand cut off. His life was spared. Ask the villagers if you must. They will confirm my truth. I did him a favour by cutting his hand off instead of allowing the other men to punish him,’

Troy and Damon turn and look at the villagers, and they nod their heads in agreeance to what I said.

Damon steps back, still glaring at me. I wipe the blood from my nose with my arm and pull up a seat.

‘Right now, I’m here for Maia, and if you don’t want to hear her message, I will take my leave.’

The whole tavern is quiet. Everyone stares and waits for me to speak.

‘Alpha King Damon, the King’s army has left. It’s already near the forest border. King Fenris has Maia in iron cuffs after yesterday’s scene. The iron hinders her ability to utilise her abilities. I have people from this village gather as much assistance as possible from neighbouring villages to assist in the princess’s freedom. They desire to fight alongside you to aid in her liberation. They want her as their Queen and to overthrow King Fenris,’

‘What!’ Damon and Troy say in Unison.


Outside the tavern, a disturbance is erupting. We all go outside to investigate the commotion. I observe the return of the locals, together with over two thousand other recruits from neighbouring villages wielding pitchforks, rusty swords, and weapons. Everyone is shouting.

‘Long live, Queen Maia!’

I cross my arms with a big grin and turn to Alpha King Damon.

‘These people are here to fight alongside you and help free their Queen,’ I say.

Turning back to the crowd, I yell.

 ‘Meet your new King, The Queens mate, Alpha King Damon,’ I smile.

The people cheer and shout, ‘Long Live, Alpha King Damon,’

Damon raises his hands to quiet the crowd.

‘People of West Wallow, I welcome all that mean no harm into my lands at Moon Crest Valley. I welcome all that wish to fight for the Queen, to join forces with my warriors. I welcome you all to unite with me and save our kingdom together,’

 The crowd cheers, ‘Long live the Queen, Long live the King,’ repeatedly.

‘My Beta Troy will lead you through the forest border, and you will join the warriors. I will see you all again on the battlefield,’


 The crowd cheers and Troy asks for everyone’s attention.

‘My comrades, we will continue to spread the word of our Queen’s bravery and kindness at the villages along the way! King Fenris’ Army will be leaving Shadowguard today. We must make haste and make it around his army to stop him from entering Moon Crest. Their wagons will be slowing them down. We can get to Moon Crest Valley before they do if we hurry,’ Troy yells.

Troy shifts into his wolf and howls out loud.

Moments later, a young boy climbs onto Troy’s back, and two little girls are sat upon their horse’s saddle. The villagers also ready themselves and follow Troy’s lead.

There’s an awkward silence as it is now just Alpha King Damon and me standing here. He is still glaring at me…

‘Don’t think I have forgiven you, Hugo,’ he growls.

‘I only need the kitten’s forgiveness which she already gave me,’ I smirk.

 ‘What did you just call my mate?’ He growls.

 ‘Queen …I said Queen,‘ I roll my eyes at him.

 He glares at my response.

‘What’s your next move?’ I ask.

He tilts his head and stares at me.

‘As in, what are you going to do right now about this war?’ I ask.

‘I’m going to rescue Maia from King Fenris,’ he says.

 ‘Well, you will need my help then,’ I grin.

‘I don’t need your help,’ he snorts as he walks away and shifts into his wolf. He runs towards Shadowguard.

‘Okay then, Alpha, whatever you say,’ I yell out and laugh. Then, approaching my horse, I hop on and follow him to Shadowguard village.

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