The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 94

‘You saw that doctor, she was the one all over me,’ Wyatt almost shouted and I scowled at him. ‘She almost forced herself on me despite telling her, she needed rest,’ My cheeks burned as I turned my head to look out the window. Wyatt was such an aah! He enjoyed embarrassing me. The doctor giggled and came to my side.

‘Hello, Lady Adira, how do you feel,’ she asked, checking my vitals.

‘I’m alright, just a little tired,’ I told her, I was feeling better and my wolf healed me fully but my body was not at full strength yet.

‘Hmm, indeed, I’m truly impressed by your strength, you gave so much in the fight yet look like this two days later,’

‘Two days? I’ve been asleep for 48 hours?!’ she checked her wristwatch and nodded.


‘Wyatt,’ I complained, why didn’t he tell me?

‘You didn’t ask,’ he said. Luca should have been back and tried to call me but I was passed out.


‘I picked him up, and he’s back at the Estate,’ Azriel said and I smiled at him

‘Thank you,’

He returned my smile, taking me by surprise.

‘How are you Adira?’ his tone was gentle, and he stood closer to me, I didn’t ignore Wyatt’s sour expression on his face.

‘I’m better now,’ I said politely. I extended my hand towards my mate and he smiled, interlocking our fingers and kissing the hand. Only the doctor spoke to us, she recommended some exercises I should do and what to take while I restored my strength.

‘You need to be careful with your gifts Luna, if you use too much of it, it might end up killing you,’ she warned, and left the room. There was an uncomfortable silence for a full minute and I was relieved when the girls walked in, carrying huge bouquets in their hands.

‘Oh, Adira, you scared me,’ Dalla said, throwing herself in my arms and holding me tight. She had a strong grip but Wyatt pulled her away so that she doesn’t hurt me.

Eva was crying, and I almost rolled my eyes; so theatrical, ‘ I thought I almost lost my best friend,’

I raised an eyebrow at her, best friend? We talked but we certainly weren’t the best of friends. Faye groaned and Eva glared at her, ‘ What, jealous much?’

Faye laughed; ‘ You are not even close if anyone is to claim that title, it should be me, we bonded over the McMillian brothers last time,’ she crossed her arms against her full chest proudly. Okay, what was going on?

Faye smiled sweetly at me and hugged me, I patted her back uncertainly while glancing at Wyatt who only shrugged his shoulders.

‘I’m so proud of you, Bes,’ she exclaimed, it was unlike her to be so good to me.

‘Just what is going on with them?’ I asked Dalla, she took out her phone and started showing me articles, and some had pictures of me, however, I still didn’t understand.

‘What you did at the front, spread like wildfire and you’re more popular than ever, not only in this city but packs outside too,’ she informed me with a huge smile on her lips. I got her phone from her hands and slowly began to scroll through and indeed, Wyatt was unaware of this, he looked shocked but pleased.

‘The healer Luna!’ Eva exclaimed, her high pitch made us all hold our ears.

‘With all these magazines and tabloids covering you, you’re going to be more popular than the king himself,’ Faye said, smirking at Wyatt. He was the most popular wolf in the packs.

‘I don’t care for that,’ I mumbled, Eva and Faye gasped.

‘Everything is a popularity contest in our world and you are climbing the graphs real fast,’ Eva said with a genuine smile.

‘Our little bird is spreading her wings, guys,’ Faye cried dramatically. Wyatt was smiling at me, looking in my eye.

‘Don’t look at me like that, I just did what-‘

‘I know and I’m just happy you’re gaining favor, it will take you a long way to create the change you want to see in packs,’ he said, genuinely happy.

‘So, will you get jealous when your woman takes your place as the most loved and popular wolf?’ Dalla asked, eyeing him.

‘No, if she wins, I win. we are one,’ he said, he placed his hands on either side of my arms and kissed me.

‘AAAw. so cute,’ The girls clapped. I felt a strange wave of aura around the room, and I gently pushed Wyatt away from me.

My eyes found Azriel in the room, he looked normal but I felt odd in my chest. This was new, I didn’t owe him a thing, right?

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