The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 91

I hissed as the wolf bites into me and I shrugged it off me before biting its head off.

‘Don’t get distracted, I like watching you kill,’ Zion said, amused.

‘Call this attack off!’ I demanded, my anger surging through me.

‘Adira, you can mind-link anyone, interesting. I read someone that an alpha female can do that,’ he was amused and I growled in his head, his wolf was an alpha and starting tall, he was proud because he knew how powerful he was.

‘You and I will be so great together,’ he said.

‘Never,’ I spat. Looking around for him, the motherfucker was watching me.

‘Behind you,’ a strange voice sang, and I turned abruptly, instantly killing off the dark wolve mid-air. ‘ Nice,’

‘Corey,’ I sighed, and in the far corner of the trees, I saw them watching me. Corey waved with a grin and I growled, killing the tiny wolf that bit my leg.

‘You’re distracted,’

Indeed I was, ignoring the two men, I focused on the fight around us, and when I looked at where Corey and Zion were, they were gone and the dark wolves were retreating. My eyes snapped to the East and many fierce warriors back up were running towards us, what took the backup so long?

The new warriors pounced on the enemies who were ready to flee from the scene and killed them skillfully. It all ended in a matter of minutes and victory was ours.

There was silence and all eyes were on me. They wanted me to shift but I wasn’t going to in front of all these people. A naked warrior carefully approached me and handed me clothes that I took with my fangs and went behind a tree to change. I wore the shorts and shirt before going back to the crowd, they were astonished.

‘It’s that woman who came last time!’ One of the warriors shouted, pointing a finger at me.

‘She’s the king’s mate,’ another added.

The general I took to last time approached me with a smile, ‘ You, how?’

I smiled at him and extended my hand to greet him politely.

‘I knew you were special the moment I set my eyes on you,’ he said.

‘I’m Adira Wade,’ I introduced myself,

‘And I’m General Washington,’ he said. I recognized a few senators among the generals. They were still exchanging glances, and I only nodded my acknowledgment, the senates thought themselves so important than others and I didn’t know what they thought about me, I stopped trying to earn their approval long ago.

The doctors were now coming in to help as many of the injured as the camp leaders approached me, introducing themselves and thanking me most respectfully, I was overwhelmed and shy but still held their gaze.

‘I still can’t believe our king was paired with an alpha female, I didn’t even know they existed until now,’ General Washington said.

‘What I can’t believe are your fighting skills!’ Lietenant Julias said.

‘Do these attacks often happen lately?’ I asked.

‘Not as of late, we were a little reluctant,’ he answered and I frowned, did Zion know I was here at the border and hence attacked? The general updated me on the events before I left to help out the medical personnel.

I knelt in front of the man who was bleeding profusely, his entire torso was almost fully open, and blood was gushing out of his injuries. He was whimpering and thrashing, even the doctor attending to him was helpless.

‘Why isn’t he healing?’

‘The wolf that scratched him had wolfsbane in its claws,’ he informed me sadly.

‘ Yes, most of them had wolfsbane, so, the soldiers who were injured with it will likely die as it is a lot in their body and weakening their wolves,’

‘Can’t you do something?’ I asked,

My heart sank, thinking about the families of these brave men.

‘Put all those you can’t help in one tent, please,’

Mrs. Khuna looked confused by the order but nodded to some men. I closed my eyes, concentrating on healing him,

‘Um, Luna, I think we should- Oh lord,’ She gasped loudly. The man’s injuries were beginning to close, I felt lightheaded when I finished and color was back on the man’s skin.

‘Direct me to the tent,’ I request, everyone around me was still stunned. I growled, making them jump and bowed.

‘Follow me, please,’

‘Cain, help him, ‘ I said, pointing at the man I just healed, ‘  Chad and the rest, come with me,’ I said. The warriors who had wolfsbane in their system were over twenty, all lying on beds and whimpering in anguish. My heart hurt for them.

‘Is this all,’

‘Others are not in a bad condition, it will take some time but their wolves will heal them,’ I nodded and approached the first bed. I placed my hands gently on the man’s torso and I felt a tingling sensation rush through me to the male, and just like that, the man’s wounds closed and his wolf got stronger. As I was healing the men, I started feeling weak and the pounding headache was back. My body felt different and lighter like it wasn’t mine.

‘I think we are giving them our strength,’ Kira whispered, I needed to stop but these men were suffering, they were in pain and I couldn’t just ignore them.


‘I don’t know either, I’m just trying to learn how it works,’ she said, a little restless in her voice.

‘I can’t leave them to die, Kira,’ I said, I sensed her hesitate a while but sighed in defeat. There were five more remaining and I cleared my head as I saw blackness for a second.

‘I think she needs to stop now,’ I heard General Washington say.

‘Fine, do it,’ Kira said and I quickly healed the others, I smiled and looked back at the doctors, I attempted to walk to them but my knees buckled and I fell on my knees. Mrs. Khuna supported me from behind and stroked my hair gently.

‘She’s exhausted herself and wolf, I’ll need to make a concoction for her,’ she said.

‘Adira!’ I heard a deep growl just as my eyes closed and Wyatt’s name left my lips.

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