The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 82

Azriel’s POV

This woman was absolutely breathtaking! Her smile was mesmerizing. Even after knowing her for months now, her beauty still amazed me. She talked about the food on the table while I watched her, I didn’t like it as much as but I pretended to because it made her so happy.

When we were almost done with the meal, a middle-aged woman came to our table, a huge smile plastered on her lips.

‘The unruly child! ‘ she clapped, smiling from ear to ear.

‘Mrs. Li,’ Adira didn’t seem enthusiastic to see the woman. She stood up and crossed her arms against her chest, waiting for the woman to speak.

‘Luna, I was so happy when I heard you came to my restaurant,’ Mrs Li beamed.

‘Oh really?’ she said.

‘Yes, news of your arrival spread, and what happened, don’t worry, we support you and your new position,’

Even I was impressed by the way she dealt with Mars and Steven. She was so powerful at that moment and so damn sexy. I tuned them out and continued to eat my food. Mrs Li left and Adira sat back down, sitting down.

‘I never liked that woman,’ Adira grumbled, drinking her wine. She made a slight mess on her lips and I reached out to wipe it away, making her blush.

We soon left the restaurant and went back to the pack.

‘When we go back home, you’ll need to report everything that happened here to the parliament,’ I told her.

‘Yeah,’ she murmured.

The senators were still skeptical about giving their full support to Adira because she had no pack to defend her. Now, she had a whole pack at such a young age, the pack wasn’t too popular but it had resources.

She sighed deeply as I helped her out of the car, she frowned and lazily wrapped a hand around my waist, it was innocent to her but to me, this gesture was everything. My heart was pounding in my chest and all I wanted was to kiss her gently. No!

I pushed her away as though she scorched me and she stumbled, looking at me with surprise.

‘So rude,’ she mumbled. ‘And after I bought you lunch.’

I gave her my back, not wanting her to see me struggle. I calmed myself and said, ‘ That food was free,’ I retorted.

‘Yea, because of me,’ she snarled and went inside the packhouse. I leaned against the car, waiting for her to return so that we should go to the hall.

Adira’s POV

We were in the hall, with about over 500 members of the pack. All watching me. I was poised as I approached the podium.

Everyone seemed to be holding their breath, waiting for me to speak and my breath shuddered. I felt Azriel move closer to me. I was grateful for that, I sent him a glance and his eyes shone with something.

‘As you may know, the Alpha and beta are dead,’ I said, they already knew that because they felt the link break.

Whispers broke through the room and questions were being asked.

‘They have committed crimes against not only this pack but killed innocent people,’ I announced. I took a slow deep breath and continued,

‘The pack is mine, legally,’ I spoke gently. The people wanted to know what was going to happen now.

‘What happens to us now!’ A woman shouted.

‘Well, I have decided to put Grayson in my stead because as you know, I have other responsibilities but he and I will be working hand in hand to prosper this pack,’ I announced.

Grayson stepped forward and swore fealty to the pack and me of course.

The audience rose to their feet and clapped, cheering. The people were thrilled.

I noticed that Stacy was glaring at her husband. Their eyes met and Grayson inhaled,

‘And I have decided to end my marriage to Stacy Steven due to inconsolable differences,’ He announced and Stacy was fuming.

‘You fucking bastard, you can’t do this to me! I stayed by your side even after the cheating,’ she was hysterical, crying and throwing profanities as her sisters dragged her out. The twins were dying of embarrassment too. After my time on stage, many people started to come to me. I was polite to them and carried myself with grace.

We spent the next two days working in the pack and fixing what needed to be. The days were long and the nights were short. My head was buried in the paperwork on the desk as Grayson told me the packs that were allied with the pack, and what had to be renewed.

The next day, everything was done and we were ready to leave.

‘Ready?’ Azriel asked as he opened the car door for me. I nodded and looked back at the pack members who were watching me leave. I waved once and entered the car.

‘It has been a ride,’ I frowned,

‘You did a good job,’ he said.

‘Thanks,’ I smiled, checking my phone. Oh, fuck. I missed Wyatt’s calls again. I texted him.

[On my way to the airport, see you soon, baby,] It took a few minutes to respond to him.

[ You haven’t been texting or answering my calls, are you alright] he asked.

[ Yes, I’m fine, a lot just happened]

[I’ll wait for you home]

I put my phone back in the bag as we reached the airstrip but we were told that the plane wasn’t there as we didn’t inform them we were leaving yesterday.

‘You didn’t tell them,’ Azriel groaned.

‘I didn’t know I was supposed to,’ I said, frowning.

‘Were they supposed to guess?’ he retorted,

‘I thought they waited here,’

Azriel was complaining and groaning. We paced around while the woman made other arrangements but nothing came up, and all the planes couldn’t make it because the weather wasn’t favorable.

‘Let’s just drive, it is four hours by road, right?’ I said, and he nodded, going back to the car.

‘I blame you for this,’ he grumbled.

‘Oh god, get over it!’ I snapped.

We had been on the road for quite some time and my eyes were dropping now. I leaned against the window but was soon woken when the car slid off the road and I felt a pain in my head.

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