The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 79

Azriel nodded finally, ‘ I trust you,’ he said, stepping away.

I faced Steven and growled before shifting into my magnificent wolf form. The crowd around us gasped. I was big for a female and that intimidated them. Steven wasn’t that confident when he started his attacks and now it was worse. His family was shaking their heads, begging and crying for him not to attack me but he had an ego and wouldn’t back down, especially in front of all these people.

He charged at me with great speed but it was nothing as I slide on my back and kicked him, I was glad my wolf was faster. The fight was quick, and easy as I was so much stronger than him. I scratched him several times and In no time, I had him pinned to the ground. He was whimpering under me and if I wanted, I could kill him.

I released him and bite down on his shoulder, the immense pain of my bite would make him shift. He did, he was covered in injuries and his blood.

I shifted back, and Azriel was quick to take off his black dress shirt to give me. I faced the pack members confidently,

‘You all might be wondering what’s going on here so I’ll tell you… This man killed my parents!’ I said. Mutters went through the room. Before anyone could bring up the coup against the Alpha thing, I continued. ‘ My parents weren’t traitors, they were set up by him,’ Everyone in the crowd went silent, even his wife who was wailing stopped to look at him in shock. I would understand if no one believed me because everyone respected and loved the beta.

‘You liar! You’re a fucking bitch!’ Stacy shouted,

‘ Just because you are fucking the Alpha king, you think you have the power to come here and say this about my dad and we’ll believe you? What do you take us for?’ Debbie sneered, looking at me like she wanted to kill me.

Cara went to the center of the room, ‘ Good members of this pack, you can’t believe her,’

‘If this woman comes two feet close to us, I’ll kill her,’ My wolf said nonchalantly and I nodded. This family was such a menace.

‘You are nothing, Adira Wade, and will always be a traitor like your wretched parents,’ Stacy’s words were caught in her throat when Azriel grabbed her neck and threw her to the wall of the close.

‘No!’ The twins screamed, running to their elder sister.

The people were scared now and whispers echoed in the courtyard.

‘Does anyone else have something to say about the Luna Queen?!’ Azriel shouted, and the murmurs stopped. Everyone shaking their heads.

‘I have no reason to lie and Steven confessed his crimes in front of witnesses. Not only that, he tried to kill me,’

‘Beta Steven confessed, I was there,’ Grayson said, glaring at the man lying naked on the ground in his blood.

This time, the people looked angry and they started throwing profanities at the former beta. Oh, I wasn’t expecting the quick change but I welcomed it. I glanced at the twins who looked terrified now, and I smirked.

‘My father was the real Alpha of this pack, and not that man,’ I announced, looking at Mars, he was shaking his head no.

‘Our Alpha is a fraud?!’ One person in the crowd yelled.

‘We’ve been lied to! It wasn’t him who liberated us, It was beta Ben!’ An old man shouted and a few followed. The crowd was in an uproar now, shouting and others throwing items at Mars. The pompous Alpha was scared and his son didn’t even defend him. Grayson was glaring at his father and staying away from him. I bent down to face Steven and gripped his hair tightly, making him wince.

‘Did Alpha Mars know of my parent’s innocence?’ I asked loudly for everyone to hear.

‘Yes,’ he croaked and the people gasped. I saw red and approached Mars, he turned around to run away but stepped on a shoe that was thrown at him and fell to the ground ungracefully.

‘No, it’s not true, Steven is a dirty liar!’ he screamed, ‘ Steven -Steven has always wanted Meryl so he thought if he could frame Ben and get him killed, she’ll finally accept him but things didn’t go as planned,’ Mars stammered, moving away from me.

‘No… Please… Grayson, my son, talk to her- She will- Listen to you, she loves you,’ he stuttered as he begged his son, but Grayson looked at him with contentment. His fists were clenched and he walked away, leaving his father’s life in my hands. I kicked Mars right in the face with force and he hit his head on the floor with a bang, blood oozing out of his nose.

‘Lock them up, they shall be killed for their crimes,’ I declared, and people gasped. The beta’s family fell on their knees and begged for Steven’s life but I turned a deaf ear. I wasn’t just going to have them locked away or banish them so that they could live their lives while they took my parents’ life because of jealousy and ambition.

I went outside for some air. I inhaled deeply and let out a bloody scream. It always made me feel better when I screamed except this time, tears were rolling down my face. I hated that my parents were dead. I felt a presence next to me and quickly wiped away my tears.

‘You can cry if you want,’ Azriel said, ‘ You don’t have to pretend with me,’

‘Did I do the right thing?’ I asked,

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