The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 65

Rachel Tarion eyed me up and down in disgust, her aura emitted abhorrence and danger. I stared at her, lips pressed together. She scoffed.

‘May I help you?’ I asked calmly.

‘Am I not getting an apology from you?’ She asked.

‘I didn’t wrong you, why would you expect an apology from me?’

She laughed coldly and sniffed, ‘ Your existence wronged me, you’re the bitch who stole my chosen mate from me!’ she yelled. Rachel was heaving, angry with me yet I couldn’t think anything other than, she’s so pretty except all that obliterates when she talks so callously.

‘Say something you homewrecker!’

‘I’m not a homewrecker,’ I was impressed by how relatively stable my voice and wolf were at this moment. ‘ You and Wyatt are not married, you were not introduced to the pack and I’m sure he has told you several times that he wouldn’t accept you as his mate,’ I said. Rachel raised her hand to slap my cheek but I held it… Firmly. She struggled and I let it go harshly, making her stagger a few feet. I’d be damned if I ever let anyone lay their hands on me.

‘I’d suggest you don’t ever do that again,’ I told her, my eyes flashing purple as my wolf resurfaced. Rachel moved away from me. Fear was evident on her face.

‘You are no one, Adira Wade,’

‘I’m his mate, you are no one to him,’ I said.

‘King Wyatt will leave you because he is bound by oath to me,’

‘Sad,’ I murmured, fudging hurt and she laughed coldly.

‘I find great joy knowing that Wyatt will not mark you, and without a mark, you can’t be his Queen,’ she smiled at me and took a step closer, ‘ I know Wyatt, he may be the strongest wolf alive but will never do such a hateful thing as to make my wolf go wild,’

Indeed, Wyatt was a fair king, besides, if he marked me and Rachel’s wolf go mad with brutal rejection, the parliament and people will turn against him. I wouldn’t let that happen.

‘I pity you, Rachel Tarion, harboring a man who doesn’t love you all for power. Sad,’ She felt insulted by my words.

‘Not as sad as yours will be, don’t forget, I carry his child, his male heir and before you, his son will come first. He may seem indifferent now, but he will come around,’ She boasted, rubbing her belly fondly.

One way or the other, their destiny and future will be tied together because of the child, my heart sting at that. I squared my shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

‘Well, I should orient myself to be a second mother to that child soon since he’s the heir, and wouldn’t be let out of this pack,’ I said nonchalantly. Rachel was fuming in anger and her fists were shaking.

‘You’re not raising my son,’ she screeched. ‘YOU’RE TRASH ADIRA WADE, FUCKING TRASH,’

‘And you’re content,’ I smiled at her, ‘ Oh, do take care of your health,’

Rachel started throwing obscenities around while I stared at her calmly, ‘ Settle, settle down, you’re pregnant,’

I made my way to the exit but turned around, ‘The only reason you’re still standing untouched is because of that child you’re carrying. Thank your gods because I’d beat you up so badly for talking to me in such a manner,’ I told her.

I left the screaming woman in the bathroom and inhaled deeply once I reached the hallway. ‘His heir,’ I repeated. She’s carrying his CHILD, not me! I felt like crying but didn’t. I took in a deep breath and kept my face composed as some guards and guests were walking in the hallway.

As I walked slowly, I looked over to my far left when I felt eyes watching me. Azriel stood in the distance, watching me somberly. We shared a long look before he gave me a pensive nod and before I can approach him, he left.

I bumped into someone, a man. He stopped to look at me and as our eyes met, my head started to pound painfully. The aura surrounding him was darker than any I’d encountered and made my vision blurry. I knew I couldn’t stay in his presence any longer as I felt it was feeding off me. I continued to walk, using the wall as support as I grew weaker.

‘Meryl,’ the man murmured, I stopped and turned around to take a proper look at him but he was gone, just leaving the dark aura around. My legs couldn’t support me and I fell to the ground.

‘Oh fuck, Adira!’ I heard my mate’s distant voice as my eyes slowly closed. He cradled me in his arms. The feeling of being in his arms was kind and fended off the suffocating aura but my eyes were so heavy already and I closed them.

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