The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 63

The invitation didn’t say much other. I looked at the two girls. ‘ Do I have to go?’

‘Yes, my lady. The king and his office sent it,’

‘I don’t want to see him,’ I said with a tight jaw all while my heart was beating my chest. I sat in front of the vanity table and Chloe started to brush my hair.

‘I know you are aware of Wyatt marking another woman,’ I said softly and she stiffed, I peered up at her through the mirror.

‘I’m sorry, My Lady. The king told us not to tell you,’

‘Tell me about her,’ I said, Chloe’s sister, Yang came close to us and sat on the floor. She lifted my feet and started to massage it.

‘Rachel Tarion is a bitch who only pretends to be nice because she wants the title of Queen desperately,’ Chloe said.

‘Does the pack know about her yet?’ I asked.

‘No, King Wyatt has never introduced any woman to the pack because he was adamant about not taking one,’ Yang said. I frowned, what about the oath that tied him to Rachel?

‘What about the oath?’

‘Well, I don’t know but the king has always been in love with this one girl from his childhood,’ My heart skipped a bit at that, knowing it was me he wanted since we met as kids.

‘The mark,’

‘She tricked him, my lady,’ they said in unison. I wondered how Rachel managed to do that. The ladies told me Rachel was always unkind when she visited here. I sighed and looked at the invitation again. I needed a dress.

‘Yes!’ Kira squeals in my head.

Wyatt’s POV

Everything was going well for the Senate party. The Senate party was held every year, and members of the parliament are usually in attendance along with their partners and other nearby Alphas. I was apprehensive to see my mate, she didn’t want me around lately so I respected her wishes but invited her to be party since I want them to meet her. I want them to get familiar with seeing her by my side and for her to understand the job she’ll be doing.

‘You did the right thing inviting Adira here,’ Mother speaks and I turned to her.

‘I don’t know if she will come,’ I said.

‘She will,’ My mother was sure of this. ‘ She shouldn’t have been residing in the Estate, to begin with,’

I nodded. I wish I included her earlier on, she would have firmly established her position as Queen at the court.

‘Right now, the parliament thinks she has nothing to offer,’ I sighed, thinking back to my last meeting.

‘This is why she is coming here tonight. The parliament accepted Rachel because you put her in that position of power as she was always by your side,’ she said. I glanced at the door again. I clutched my fist when I saw Richard Tarion walk in with Rachel, they smiled at me and bowed but I didn’t acknowledge them. This family was becoming a menace to me.

‘Your Highness,’ Alpha Luke Ackers walked over to greet me, I extended my hand as we exchanged pleasantries. We were allies and did business together, plus, he was my mother’s dear friend who stood by our side.

‘Dark wolves attacked us, but we managed to catch some,’ he informed me.

‘Did they talk?’ I asked. He frowned and shook his head. The dark wolves were really something, each time we caught one, they died in a space of three hours.

‘We need to find their leader and kill him,’ he said firmly and I nodded.

‘It’s a shame Alpha Azriel didn’t learn more,’ he sighed. I turned to Azriel who was talking to Millie, one of the senator’s daughters and our eyes met. He has been busying himself in the library lately.

I was talking to a few Alphas when I felt warmth in the room, and my mate’s sweet scent enveloped my senses.

‘Oh my fucking goodness,’ Stallio Ackers next to me murmured, he was Luke’s son. I followed his line of vision and I almost forgot how to breathe when I saw the woman he was staring at. She was wearing a shimmering gown with a plunging neckline, her hair was styled beautifully in a way that exposed her neck and all I wanted to do was sink my canines in her flesh. Her eyes were bright and the small smile she displayed as she tilted to whisper something to one of the servants that escorted her here was perfect. Adira instantly took my breath away by just doing nothing.

‘Oh, she’s beautiful,’ Mutters and whispers filled the room about her beauty and aura which soothes the soul.

‘Of course, the most beautiful Queen,’ Mom beamed, smiling from ear to ear.

‘Who is she?’ Stallion asked next to me.

‘Mine,’ I simply said and he gaped.

‘You have a beautiful mate,’ he said. Adira spotted me and gazed grimly at me, I was taken aback, however, I went to her but that fucking Richard Tarion was already standing in front of her. My inner wolf was growling in anger at the audacity of the man. I took large but steady steps to them and pecked her softly on the lips, it was a good thing she didn’t refute me.

‘Alpha Tarion, I see lately you’ve developed an interest in my mate, what is that all about?’

‘Well, I wouldn’t say interest- but I do enjoy her company and I just want to be close to her,’ he said without any shame, his eyes observing her up and down with lust that quickly dissipated. I wanted to kill him right there but my mate squeezed my hand. Shaking her head.

‘Stay away from my mate,’ I whispered to him and linked my arm with hers.

‘Why am I here, Wyatt,’ she asked once we were out of earshot of Tarion.

‘I wanted you here, it’s a senate party and you, as their soon-to-be Queen, should attend,’ I told her and she scoffed.

‘Is there an issue?’

‘I’m sure the majority of them think of me as your side piece or something despicable because you and Rachel are bound by an oath that isn’t broken yet,’ her words were calm and smooth. I noticed she used yet and it brought joy to me, yet was good. Adira was looking into my eyes. She was right, rumors were flying around that I found my mate but I haven’t addressed them so, I should now.

‘You’re right,’ I said and she lifted her brows. I went to the center of the room with her and demanded everyone’s attention.

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