The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 60

‘I just need some time away from you, and everything that comes with you. I think Lucas and I will find a place near the school so that- ‘

‘No!’ he interrupted me. ‘No, don’t leave me, Adira,’ he begged. He cupped my face, shaking his head. ‘I love you so much, I wouldn’t survive without you, please. You’re everything to me,’ he was distraught now, saying words of promises.

‘I’ll do anything you want of me except that. If I let go, you won’t come back, I just know it,’ he cried, ‘Adira, understand that you own me,’ he pulled me in a long tight embrace and I allowed myself two seconds of pleasure. My wolf was excited that she was close to her mate.

‘I just need some time to think and regain my trust in you because I don’t know how to be with you right now,’

‘Don’t leave the estate, please, I- I’ll stay away,’ he decided. I breathed through my mouth and went over to the counter, making some chicken noodles for Azriel. I could feel Wyatt’s intense gaze on me but I didn’t look back at him, not even when the others entered the kitchen in hopes to find some food to eat.

‘We are sorry,’ Eva was the first one to say.

‘It’s alright. You owe me nothing, Wyatt is your friend, not me,’ I said, moving past her and going upstairs with the tray of food. I entered Azriel’s room and found him snoring softly. I sighed and put the food on the bedside table. I heard voices from the kitchen, and frowned, knowing that they will stay here tonight. I didn’t want to talk or see any of them right now. I carefully went to the living area and dialed Ambrose’s number. I needed a breather from here.

‘Hello,’ he said.

‘Hi, Ambrose. It’s Adira,’

‘We know, only you have that weird number!’ I heard screaming from the girls. I chuckled.

‘What’s up?’

‘Are you not going to party today?’ I asked.

‘LET’S FUCKING GO!’ Dwight cheered.


‘We’ll be there in an hour or so,’ Ambrose said and I nodded. I put down the phone and turned to leave but almost shrieked when I saw Jett, his gaze on me was intense. I only glared at him.

‘May I help you?’

‘Who’s Ambrose?’ he asked softly.

‘None of your business, Gamma,’ I said coldly and emotionless. he exhaled

‘I don’t hate you, Luna Adira,’ he said.

‘I’m not your Luna and I don’t care if you do or not,’ I dismissed him. He wanted Rachel for Wyatt, not me. No wonder why he was always indifferent to me but now I know. As I walked away, I felt a whiff of Waytt’s intoxicating scent, he was watching me from a distance. I glanced at him and our eyes lock but I only continued going upstairs. I changed into a shirt and jeans.

I soon heard the sound of a truck outside and I descended the stairs, my nerves were killing me but I had to. I needed to leave this house for a while. I was happy when I didn’t find anyone in the living area, I ran down the porch stairs and went to the back of the house to wait for the car. My hearing was so good, I must have heard the sound miles from here.

The truck stopped in front of me.

‘Hello!’ Nova waved, she was sitting in the back. I smiled at her and jumped in,

‘Ready to have fun?’ Dwight asked from the front passenger seat. I nodded and put on my seatbelt.

‘Mr Mint has an open bar for an hour so we get all the drinks at a 50% discount,’ Ambrose announced and everyone cheered. I enjoyed spending time with them because it was an escape from reality, they lived in a fun, carefree life that I never had growing up. This was new to me.

‘Mate, he’s watching us,’ Kira informed me and I swallowed. I didn’t want to look back at him. The guys blasted the car’s speaker as we sped off.

Wyatt’s POV

‘She hates me,’ I said, gulping my whiskey.

‘No, she’s just hurting but will come around,’ Dalla assured me. I felt so distant from Adira even though we were close.

‘She’s scared that you’ll eventually choose them over her,’ Rolf said in my head. I closed my eyes and touched my pounding head.

‘I wouldn’t choose anyone over anyone,’


‘She shifted, she shifted and I wasn’t there,’ I said. Just thinking about that makes me hate myself. I wondered what her wolf was like, did it hurt? I abruptly stood up to approach Azriel.

‘Wyatt, he’s still healing,’ Aspen warned and I rolled my eyes, I wasn’t going to attack the moron again. I pushed the door open and he opened his eyes, sighing in exhaustion.

‘Are you here to attack me again?’ he asked, bored.

‘You fucking lied to me,’

‘She didn’t want to speak or see you and I promised her to keep you away from you,’ he smiled arrogantly. I rubbed my head. Azriel exhausted me.

‘You were there when she shifted,’ I said.

‘She did pretty well,’ he answered the question I wanted to ask. I was glad that she wasn’t alone when she shifted. I was about to ask what color she was when we heard the sound of the truck outside.

‘Who is it?’ I asked, going to the window.

‘That’s just Ambrose’s truck I think, he and Adira are becoming friends,’ he said and I growled.

‘You allowed another man near my mate,’

‘Mate? I’m sure she’s reconsidering that,’ he chuckled, Azriel was enjoying my fucking misfortune too much. I glared at him and stomped out of the room.

Adira had just entered the truck, and sitting next to two other girls. She didn’t spare me a glance and my heart hurt.

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