The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 57

‘I -I don’t know,’ I stuttered. What the fuck was going on with me. I was still in shock, Azriel grabbed my hand and led me into the house. He prepared a cup of tea that I drank.

‘You’re an Alpha wolf,’ he started and I nodded slowly.

‘I don’t know how, from what I know, my parents were both strong betas,’ I said.

‘Are you sure they were your real parents?’ he asked. I glared at him.

‘Of course,’ I growled.

‘Two betas can’t birth an Alpha female, Adira,’ he grounded, returning my glare.

‘I’m sure they are my parents, we did several blood tests in my former pack,’ I said calmly. I took another sip of my lemongrass tea.

‘I’ve been trying to make sense of it all,’ I confessed. The smell of his blood is strong to me so, I stood up and rushed upstairs. I grabbed the first aid kit and put it on a table in the living area.

‘Come in here,’ I said. ‘ Your blood is really strong, I’ll help clean it and then I can do what I did earlier,’

‘No,’ he said suddenly, making me jerk back.


‘You seemed discomforted when you healed me, and you bled. It might make you sick,’ he said, concerned filled in his hazel eyes. I nodded and asked him to remove his shirt. He lay down on the couch and I started cleaning his injury gently. As I did, he tried not to hiss in pain but it was affecting him. I bandaged him up, and he almost stood up but I pressed his body against the coach.

‘You stay here,’ I ordered.

I went up to my room, taking a long shower as thoughts about these new abilities invaded my mind. What was happening to me? I was coming up with a different conclusion in my head.

‘We’ll be fine, rest now, please,’ Kira said gently. Did she know something I didn’t? She was oddly calm about all this while I was freaking out.

‘Kira, why are you so relaxed?’ I asked her.

‘The moon goddess doesn’t make mistakes,’ that was her answer. I stepped out of the shower and wore sweatpants and a top. I lay on the bed and closed my eyes to sleep.

Wyatt’s POV

I was angry and upset that I hurt my mate and was taking it out on everyone around me. I felt guilty for hurting and locking Azriel up but he knew something I didn’t.

The door to my office opened and my angry mother walked in, I stood up and was shocked to be met with a slap.

‘How dare you treat your brother like that, Wyatt!’ she was fuming with anger.

‘He knows where she is,’ I said, recovering from her slap.

‘ I advised you to tell that girl the truth but you didn’t listen to me, instead, you hurt her, and she ran, now you’re blaming everyone!’

‘I know I fucked up and I just want to make it right,’ I said. My men have looked for her everywhere to no avail. I can’t sleep or do anything right and now, Rachel says she’s pregnant with my baby. I messed up.

‘She’ll come,’ My mother assured me.

I ignored my mother’s rant and continue checking all security footage. No sooner did she leave, the door opened and Rachel came in.

‘Get the fuck out if you don’t want to get hurt,’ I roared, and she leaned against the door, scared.

‘I’m sorry King Wyatt, I thought you’d tell her about us already,’

‘There is no US! Nothing! If you know what is fucking good for you, don’t ever cross paths with me,’ I was barely refraining from killing her where she stood after the bullshit she pulled at the party.

‘But I’m pregnant with your child!’ she yelled.

‘No, you’re not. We haven’t been together for months!’ I refuted and she glared at me, her eyes welling with tears.

‘You fucked me the day you left for that wretched pack and didn’t use any protection,’

I remembered that night, we were celebrating a new deal and had so much to drink. I was growling at the sight of her. I’ve ruined fucking everything with Adira now.

It has been a week now and I was growing desperate. I grabbed my cell phone to call the camp Lucas is in.


‘How are you?’ I asked.



‘I’m alright, thanks. Is everything alright with my sister? Why are you calling me?’ he sounded worried. I could feel his agitation. He wouldn’t know where she was.

‘Is she still ill?’ he asked and my heart almost leaped from my chest.

‘When did you speak to her?’ I asked, trying to remain calm.

‘A few days ago. Wyatt, is she still sick?’

‘No, she’s alright. I just wanted to check in,’ I said. I didn’t want him to worry about whatever issues we had, already he didn’t trust me.

‘Alright, thanks. Don’t let her drown over there. She’s a terrible swimmer!’ he said.

‘I didn’t know that,’ I needed to know where my mate was without asking directly, it was clearly.

‘I’m surprised she even let you take her at the marsh- oh, no, I need to go Wyatt!’ he said and hung up the phone. She’s at the Marsh but how did she know- Fucking Azriel took her there!

I marched out of my office and shift into my wolf, running to the estate to confront Azriel.

‘Wyatt, where are you going in a hurry?’

‘Azriel fucking knows where she is,’ I growled.


I didn’t answer Jett. He followed me behind though, as soon as I reached the estate, I shifted and entered the house and straight to where he was kept but the room was empty.

‘Where is Azriel?!’

One of the guards approached me, bowing low.

‘Your mother let him out and he left,’ he said.

‘Jett told me Azriel knew where Adira was,’ Aspen said, entering the room in a hurry. Dalla, Eva, and Faye were behind him.

‘Yes, he fucking lied to me,’

‘Where is Azriel now?’

‘Probably at the Marsh with my woman,’

I walked out of the house after wearing pants, driving there would take time so I decided to run in my wolf form and my friends followed suit.

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