The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 55

Adira’s POV

Days went by and I spent my days, reading and exercising. It relieved my tension, especially now that I’ve been having bad dreams about people taking me away to a strange place.

There was also the issue of me being an Alpha female which was bizarre, there were no Alpha females around and my parents were betas so how was I an Alpha wolf?

I sighed, knowing I will have to find out more and the first place to start is back at my former pack. I needed to visit there soon

I stayed in my thoughts until there was a knock at the door. I reluctantly went to check. I opened it and a tall man with blonde hair greeted me with a smile.

‘Hello, there!’

‘May I help you?’ I asked.

‘My name is Ambrose. Sir Azriel sent me to check up on you,’ he said.

‘Is Azriel alright?’

‘Yes,’ Ambrose lingered a while and I wondered if he wanted me to invite him in. I swallowed and asked ‘ Do you want some tea?’

he nodded and I pushed the door wider.


I went to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea and he followed me, I set it in front of him and I made mine.

‘I haven’t seen you around the village, are you new?’

‘Yes, just visiting for a while,’ I said.

‘I can show you around one day if you want to,’ he offered.

‘That would be nice, thank you,’

The next three days, I read every book there was in this house about Alphas but unlike the estate, they weren’t many and all the books had no mention of any female Alphas. The gods surely have made a mistake with this, I can’t be an Alpha.

I stepped outside and shifted into my wolf. I looked down at my reflection and there I was; with fur darker than night, and a huge size.

‘Let’s test out our speed,’ Kira said. I took off in the woods, and blimey, I was so fast. The birds scattered from the trees and I could feel everything, from the little ants walking on the ground to the mountain lions kilometers away from here. My senses were extraordinary and my eyesight was sharper than even the first day I shifted. When I ran, I felt like I was flying. My paws were hardly touching the ground. I stopped and looked up at the moon, it was beautiful and I howled, the howl sounded so serene and musical to my ears. It was amazing and I felt a surge of power rush in my veins as my mind opened up to strange wolves but it was gone.

‘What the hell,’ I gasped in awe. I felt so many wolves who howled with me.

‘Kira, we need to learn more about why I’m an Alpha wolf,’

‘Indeed,’ she agreed. Kira was enjoying this, loving this new strength within her but I was wary. I needed to learn more.

I went back to the cottage and shifted back into the human form. It was quick and didn’t hurt like the last time. I was pacing around the living area, anxiety was growing in the pit of my stomach and I was missing that jerk Wyatt. I hated it. I grabbed the telephone and dialed Ambrose’s number. I need to go out because I might go crazy.

‘Hello,’ he answered on the second ring.

‘Ambrose,’ I said. I inhaled deeply.

‘Adira? What number is this?’ he asked.

‘It’s a landline,’

‘People still use those?’ he asked, confused.

‘Yes, I am using it. You mentioned once that you can show me around the village?’


‘If you’re not busy, do you think you can do that tonight?’ I asked. I glanced at the digital clock; it was 8 pm so it would be okay if he refused.

‘Oh sure, I’d love to. The night begins at 10 around here,’ he chuckled. I was stunned but nodded. I took a bath and wore a simple dress that was among the things Azriel got me, they weren’t too many. One dress, two pairs of jeans and two huge shirts.

‘Didn’t he think we’d need panties?’ Kira giggled. It must have escaped his mind. I’ve never gone out without panties because I felt uncomfortable. I pulled the dress over my body and it fit me comfortably but was tight on my body. I wore canvas and went downstairs just as I heard a knock but to my utter shock, It was Richard on my door.

He looked effortlessly handsome, and smiling at me. I gulped and eyed him ‘ How did you find me?’

‘Does it matter?’ he asked.

‘It does actually,’

‘I was worried about you after the incident happened and asked a few of my men to keep an eye on you. They followed Azriel and here I am,’ he shrugged as if it was normal. I narrowed my gaze on him, trying to read anything but his aura was pure.

‘Aren’t you going to invite me inside?’ he asked, looking over my shoulder. Richard was too calm about all this. He knew about that woman Rachel considering how concerned his worried expression was when the king manhandled her at the party. I nodded and stepped aside.

‘Nice place,’ he commented as he looked around the living area.

‘Yes, it belongs to the McMillians,’ I swallowed. He turned to me and looked deeply into my eyes, I held his gaze unafraid and I was shocked when he slightly inclined his head to me, he too seemed surprised as his mouth slightly opened in shock.

‘You- You are an Alpha female? How is it possible?’ he stammered. ‘ Who are your parents?’ he was still in shock.

‘There are no female Alphas,’ I said nonchalantly.

‘I know but my wolf submitted to yours,’

‘Well, maybe it’s because I’m the king’s mate,’ I shrugged, he glanced at my neck and shook his head.

‘You don’t carry his mark,’ he pointed at my neck. I didn’t want to alarm him or anyone by telling him my wolf was an Alpha wolf.

‘Richard, you came at the wrong time, I’m going out,’ I told him, changing the topic. He stared at me before he smiled.

‘I don’t think-‘ I started but he cut me off.

‘I drove all the way, will you make me go back?’ he asked and I sighed in defeat.

‘Fine, but I’m waiting for someone,’

‘Date?’ he squinted his eyes.

‘No,’ I answered quickly.

‘You look sad,’ he whispered, ‘ Different from last time,’

‘Well, I just found out that my mate already marked another woman as his Luna and lied to me about it, I couldn’t smile even if I was held at gunpoint, Richard,’ I snarled. I sounded bitter but didn’t care.

‘Rachel was promised to him in an oath,’ he said. Rachel, I remembered how her hands hugged him tightly, they made a good pair. ‘She’s my sister,’ he suddenly said.

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