The Alpha King’s Heart: The King’s Mate

: Chapter 53

We had been on the road for quite some time and only stopped at a gas station.

‘Do you want something to eat?’ he asked and I shook my head, turning away from him. Azriel pumped gas into the car and went to the store. He came out minutes later with bags. He stayed outside for a while before coming into the car and started driving the car again. We were both quiet, and at some point, I closed my eyes and sleep took over me.

I woke up to someone shaking me, I stared at Azriel and looked in front of me. We were in front of a nice cottage. I looked behind me when I heard a board of water and indeed, we were surrounded by a lake.

‘Where are we?’

‘At the marsh, I like to come here sometimes and it’s far from civilization,’ he said, getting out of his truck. I did the same,

‘Why did you bring me here?’

‘You didn’t want to see -‘

‘Don’t fucking say his name,’ I interrupted sharply. I didn’t want to think of him right now.

‘Ohm, okay, you know who would have found you in the pack, and forced you to talk, so I brought you here,’ he said ‘ You can stay as long as you want to collect your thoughts and think of what to do next,’

‘I don’t know what to do,’ I croaked. I never thought I’d be some side chick to my mate. Never in the wildest imagination!

‘That’s why you are here, to think,’

he motioned for me to go into the house. I inhaled and climbed the steps to the porch. I pushed the door open and entered it. It was neat and fully furnished. I sat on the sofa and Azriel soon entered with bags and went directly to the kitchen. He stayed there for a while and walked out with a bowl of hot noodles.

‘Thank you for this,’ I couldn’t refuse it as I was shaking with hunger now. Slowly, I ate the food while he watched me.

‘You don’t look well,’ Azriel said. I didn’t comment just finished eating.

‘I want to rest,’

‘There are rooms upstairs, you can pick one,’ he said and I stood up, walking into my new room. It had a big round bed in the middle and a bathroom. An empty closet. I sat on the bed, thinking of my situation but I ended up crying more. I didn’t understand why no one told me about that woman, he was determined to keep me by his side even though he knew the truth. He intended to keep me as some sort of a mistress.

‘Kira, are you alright?’ I asked but I was met with silence. She shut me off completely.

‘Aaah!’ I screamed into the pillow. It made me feel better so I did it again and again, hoping to find some relief. I needed consolation from this feeling, this pain.

‘Aaaah!’ I screamed until my throat burned but I didn’t stop.

I woke up a few hours later when I heard the sound of a car and went outside. I found Azriel leaning against his car and smoking a cigarette.

‘I’m leaving,’ he said, ‘ there is a village close by and whenever you want, you can take a walk, but you’ll have to use a speedboat, it’s faster than the road,’ he pointed towards the back.

‘I don’t know how,’

‘Well, you stay here then, there is food and even got you a few clothes,’ he informed me.

‘Are you leaving me here?’ I asked, looking around the marsh. It was filled with heavy bushes and tall trees.

‘You’re safe,’ he said and opened his door, he looked at me one last time before getting in. I rushed to his window

‘What?’ he seemed a little frustrated. I felt like a kid with the look he gave me.

‘Don’t tell him am here,’

‘I know,’

The marsh was peaceful, I just wished I could stay here for a long time. I was watching the lake, sitting quietly when my mind wandered to Wyatt, he must be worried about me now but I wasn’t planning to go back just yet after he kept all that from me. Rachel, I whispered. She was beautiful, a perfect woman for a king indeed but when she spoke all the beauty was obliterated.

I went back into the house when it was getting dark. I glanced over at the land phone, and a small paper next to it with only two numbers on it. One was Azriel’s and the other Lucas’. I picked up the phone and dialed,

‘Hello, Black football camp,’ A voice on the other end answered.

‘Hello, I’m calling to speak with Lucas Wade,’ My voice was hoarse from all the crying.

‘And who’s speaking?’

‘Adira Wade. I’m his elder sister and guardian,’

‘Hold on,’ I waited for over three minutes before I heard Luca’s voice on the other end.

‘Hi,’ he was panting.

‘Are you alright?’ I asked concerned. He chuckled.

‘Yes, I just ran from the pitch. How are you?’ he asked, I didn’t want to lie to him. I wasn’t alright and I was hoping that hearing his voice will make me feel better.

‘How is it going?’ I asked.

‘It’s fantastic, Adira. We do all sorts of activities from fishing to setting up the fire, sometimes we even cook our food in groups,’ he informed me. He seemed excited and it made me feel so much better. Lucas went on and on telling me all the fun they were having.

‘I’m glad you’re enjoying,’ I said.

‘Adira, you don’t sound fine, did someone hurt you? The king?’ he asked sternly.

‘You’re right. I couldn’t keep it from you. I’m at the Marsh and I accidentally fell in the water so I caught a cold,’ I said. He already didn’t like Wyatt and if he found out what he did. He will hate him and I didn’t want to ruin his fun.

‘Do you want me to come back? Because I would,’ he said.

‘No, no, they are taking really good care of me here, you know Wyatt,’ I lied and tears rolled down my face.

‘Please drink some medicine and rest,’ he said.

‘I will, and have lots of fun and take pictures for me to see,’


Speaking to Lucas brightened my sour mood. I went to the kitchen to prepare some soup, it was the quickest and easiest I could do right now.

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