The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate (The Alpha King Series Book 1)

The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate: Chapter 9

Their punishment was done for the day and Waytt and I went to his guest bedroom. ‘Want to shower?’ he asked.

‘No, I’m good,’ I said. It was a little chilly. He took off his shirt and my gaze roamed over his god-like muscular chest. He was curved perfectly, sure the creators took special time to make him because no one could compare. My pussy was pulsating at this point yet not all his clothes were off. Wyatt smirked and his eyes were darker than ever now. He smelled my arousal. He gestured for me to stand up and I obliged. He caressed my face and bent down to kiss my lips, my heart was pounding and he bit my bottom lip gently, I parted them and he explored my mouth with his tongue. The kiss was soft but intense, his hands were on my side, caressing softly. He pulled away from me and I felt so much emotion and passion. My face was burning red under his searing gaze.

‘You’re my mate, mine,’ he said and put his forehead over mine. The king kissed me again, this time more demanding. It was so good that a moan escaped my lips. I felt excitement rise in me as he caressed me. My legs automatically wrapped around his bare torso. I bit my lower lip as the sensation turned into pure lust for this man.

‘Hmm, more,’ I moaned, his kisses on my neck drove me crazy and I could only feel his massive reaction under his jeans.

‘Of course,’ He said in a deep voice. His fingers were now caressing my breasts and I moaned, pleasure building between my legs, before we could do anything more, his phone rang, and I pulled away from him with a gasp. He checked his pockets and pulled out a phone, he frowned and put me down.

‘I’m busy,’ He said as soon as he answered and I frowned at the change of mood. I sat back on the sofa, my fingers playing with my hair. He excused himself to go to the balcony.

My phone chimed and I checked, it was the babysitter telling me that she had an emergency. The king was still busy, he was pissed at whosoever he was talking to.

I left the room only to be stopped by the king’s gamma, ‘ Where are you going?’ He asked in the unfriendliest manner. I narrowed my gaze

‘None of your business,’ I snarled and he grimaced.

‘The king doesn’t want you going around alone, especially after what happened earlier,’ He said.

‘What happened earlier,’ I asked with a confused expression.

‘Those two girls almost attacked you at the training field,’ He said coldly. He saw that, is that why Debbie and Cara retracted from me, and here I was thinking I scared them.

‘Well, I can take care of myself and I need to go home to check on my little brother,’ I said, trying to move past me but he blocked my path. I glared daggers at him but his face was placid. I attempted to run past him but his large hand easily caught me and gently pushed me back.

‘Don’t fucking lay your hands on me,’ I hissed. The bedroom door opened and King Wyatt stepped out, glowering at his gamma before looking at me.

‘What’s going on?’

‘He’s not letting me leave,’ I sneered.

‘I leave you for three minutes and you are already running away from me,’

‘I told you, she’s a bird this one. She doesn’t hesitate to use those short legs of hers,’ Gamma Jett said seriously. King Wyatt chuckled and my heart skipped a bit. He circled his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

‘Don’t leave me, ‘ He told me, he turned his head to the gamma and growled dangerously ‘ Don’t fucking touch her… Unless you’re protecting her,’ Jett nodded and left quietly.

‘I’m going home, Lucas is alone,’ I told him and he held my hand and walked me to my house, surprisingly, he decided to enter the house. He bent down a little at the door and I giggled.

‘This is my home,’ I said. He looked around with his eyes.

‘You have a lovely home,’

‘Thank you,’

The house was not large like any other in the pack but it was home, cozy, and fully furnished. Luca walked into the room we were in and froze at the sight of the intimidating king. He took a step back, his eyes fixed on me.

‘Luca, come here,’ I said, he reluctantly walked towards me all while keeping his gaze on Wyatt.

‘This is King Wyatt, and Wyatt, this is my baby brother, Lucas Wade,’

The king crouched down to his level and smiled, a full genuine one.

‘Hello, Lucas, It’s very nice to meet you,’ Luca looked at me first before shaking his hand.

The boys were awkward around each other at first but the air lightened up when Wyatt asked about a match my brother was watching.

‘Yes, he’s only the best player ever,’

‘Colin is the best, but don’t let Aspen hear you,’ The king agreed. The two were now engaging in discussion about the football players when I stood up to prepare dinner for us.

Reaching the kitchen, I decided to make dinner for us, I preheat the oven and got out chicken breasts from the freezer to make homemade chicken nuggets and chips. An hour later, I was done with everything along with the salad. I heard the doorbell ring and asked Luca to get it while I did some last minutes touch.

‘Um, Ady, there are big men outside and are scaring me,’ He hollered and I went to check. It was Beta Aspen and Gamma Jett.

‘What are you doing at my home?’ I pointed at them.

‘Oh the undersized bird is scary now,’ Gamma Jett taunted. I was about to retort when my mate stood in front of me.

‘Stop you two,’ The king sighed. I stepped away, making room for the two men. Just like their king had done earlier, they also inspected the place with their eyes before taking a seat. The room seemed small with tall huge men there.


Their aura was surrounding the whole house and I was surprised I didn’t bolt out of there.

‘What are we watching tonight?’ The beta asked as I go back into the kitchen. I had to make more food.

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