The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate (The Alpha King Series Book 1)

The Alpha King’s Heart: His Rejected Mate: Chapter 43

I was standing by the balcony, waiting for Azriel to go wherever he does because I knew he was back home. I waited a good thirty minutes when he appeared and I ducked, not wanting him to see me. I rushed outside quickly. concealing my scent, I went into the woods. I regretted not bringing a flashlight because my sight was pretty bad at night since I haven’t shifted yet.

I wasn’t so good at this detective thing. I easily lost his scent and I was going deeper into the forest and these damn mosquitoes wouldn’t leave me alone. I squealed when a bug fell on my shoes and then, I heard it. The rustling of leaves, the low sounds emitting from the dark. My heart was racing in my chest and I decided to go back but I didn’t know which way to go. A loud growl tore through the forest.

I screamed, running. I didn’t get far though when I hit a tree and was sent flying to the ground with a thud. Fuck. A tall shadow appeared in front of me and I backed out, whimpering. I tried to get up to run but I fell again.

‘You’re pathetic,’ His voice made me freeze.

‘You’re a mean one,’ I sneered and he scoffed, I still couldn’t see him properly other than his silhouette.

‘Why are you following me?’

‘Me? Follow you, no way. I was just taking a walk and got lost,’ I fibbed. I wasn’t a good liar and I’m sure he knew by the high tone and nervousness in my tone.

‘You’re a lousy liar, now why were you following me?’ he growled, getting upset now.

‘I- I was just curious,’ I said at last. He crouched down and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a dagger.

‘You’d risk getting an attack to sate your curiosity?’

‘This whole area is part of the estate, no one can attack me,’ I said, trying to sound brave.

‘I’m attacking you now, am I not?’ he pressed the knife against my neck. My heart was pounding fast. Azriel would never kill me, can he?

‘You- you can’t kill me,’

‘I would just to spite my brother,’ he said seriously.

‘Wyatt will kill you,’ he growled when I spoke of his brother and he pressed the dagger closer to me but he stood up straight and I did too.

‘What do you do out here and where is Wolf?’ I asked.

‘None of your business, be on your way and this better be the last time you follow me,’ He said icily.

Turning around to leave, I didn’t know my way back home so I followed him. He abruptly turned and grabbed my neck, pushing me against the tree trunk. His touch wasn’t hurting though. He was standing close to me, his intense gaze boring through me. Azriel was mad at me, almost like I killed something precious to him.

‘I don’t know my way back home,’ I said quietly. Irritation flickered in his eyes exhaled.

‘You irk me,’

‘Why?’ I breathed.

‘You just do, Wyatt, he gets to -‘ He didn’t finish his sentence, just breathing heavily.

‘You’re so naive,’ he spat, pushing me against the free, and taking a step back. He crouched down as though he was in pain, hands on his knees. Was he suddenly feeling unwell?

‘Are you alright?’ I asked concerned. I made a move to touch him but the animalistic sound he produced made me jump in the air, his eyes flashing gold. I raised my hands in surrender, wondering if that was his wolf close.

He took breaths and after he was calm, he began to walk. I followed him quietly, battling with tree branches and leaves that were hitting me.

‘Are we almost there yet?’ I murmured. Azriel ignored me, he stopped unexpectedly just as my leg got stuck between two stones and I almost fell on him but he caught me.

‘Walk properly,’ he looked irritated.

‘Why are you so mad at me these days?’ I pouted. He looked like he was about to say something but chose not to. His eyes fixated on me, but this time, they were gentle.

‘Let’s go,’ He said, grabbing my hand in a firm grip. He led me out of the forest. I recognized the huge willow tree behind the mansion and I shrieked happily.

‘We made it,’

‘I’m sorry,’ Azriel stopped walking and I furrowed my eyebrows.

‘Was that your wolf who threatened me earlier?’ he asked.

‘I don’t know but I’m apologizing for that and what I said last time,’ his tone was still cold even though he was apologizing.

‘Yea, you are a douche,’ I said.

‘Don’t go in these forests at night,’

‘You do,’ I shrugged.

‘Do as you please then but don’t follow me. I don’t want you dead because of me, I wouldn’t hear the end of it from Wyatt,’ he said.

‘Go on,’ he urged. I nodded and went ahead, turning back. I found he was gone.

‘I bruised my arms,’ I muttered as I went towards the house. The guards were bowing to me. I took my cardigan off as soon as I entered the house and sat on the leather sofa, catching my breath.

The night was cold and the bed felt lonely without Wyatt by my side. I kept having weird dreams about someone sinking their canines in me.

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