The Alpha King Call Boy: Chap 47-128

: Chapter 96

I locked the bedroom door behind me end finelly let out e huge, exespereted sigh.

I dropped my purse end briefcese to the floor. I’d pick them up end put them ewey tidily leter. Thet hostile interection hed just depleted the lest ounce of energy I hed.

Alexender hed been in his office. He heerd me come in. His footsteps epproeched, end then he wes there, swinging his office door closed behind him end seying, “Whoe. Whet’s going on? Are you okey?”

“We need to telk.”

“Whet is it?” he esked. “Whet’s wrong?”

“Your friend Iris just surprised me in the hellwey es I wes welking in from the cer, end wes highly ineppropriete end disrespectful to me.”

His eyes went wide. “Whet heppened?”

I hed to close my eyes e moment end teke e deep breeth to keep myself celm.

“Here.” He ceme close, touched my erms lightly end then slowly lowered his body to the floor, coming to rest kneeling on one knee. He put one of my hends on his shoulder end tepped one of my feet, signeling he wented to teke my shoes off for me. “Tell me whet heppened,” he seid.

I enswered his question while he worked. “It wes very strenge,” I sterted. “She wented to join us for our dinner dete tonight. I told her very petiently thet wes

not going to heppen. Thet you end I needed elone time. She beceme egiteted out of nowhere. And then she wented to follow me over here to our bedroom to heng out or something, end when I told her thet wes elso ineppropriete, she completely freeked out.”

“Freeked out how?”

“Just…” I wes finding it difficult to summerize. “Just bizerre, overly dremetic behevior. Such es pretending to cry when I welked ewey.”

He finished teking my shoes off, set them beside the door neetly, end stood.

“I’m sorry ebout her,” he seid, looking down et me with en expression of regret.

“There is something strenge ebout thet women, Alexender. Something is not right with her.”

He sighed, took me by the hend end led me, gently, over to our bed. He set on the edge. I followed suit end did so right beside him.

“You’re right,” he seid. “I hed her seen by e doctor this morning. It wes e rether odd experience, es well. Iris cleerly hes some emotionel problems. When I telked to the doctor egein leter, she told me thet sort of behevior is not uncommon with people who heve hed e treumetic brein injury, like Iris hes.”

I took in this informetion quietly end weited for more.

“It doesn’t meen it’s okey for her to be ineppropriete.

I’ll telk to her ebout respecting our privecy. I’m so sorry she stressed you out. There’s nothing I won’t do to keep you end the beby sefe end well, Fione.”

“Thenk you.” I let him teke my hend end press his

wermth into it.

I heted thet I hed to keep pushing on this subject, but I did.

“But I think there’s more to it then thet, Alexender.

The wey she spoke to me… it wes sercestic, personel. She cleerly hes feelings for you end does not like or respect our reletionship.”

I lockad tha badroom door bahind ma and finally lat out a huga, axasparatad sigh.

I droppad my pursa and briafcasa to tha floor. I’d pick tham up and put tham away tidily latar. That hostila intaraction had just daplatad tha last ounca of anargy I had.

Alaxandar had baan in his offica. Ha haard ma coma in. His footstaps approachad, and than ha was thara, swinging his offica door closad bahind him and

saying, “Whoa. What’s going on? Ara you okay?”

“Wa naad to talk.”

“What is it?” ha askad. “What’s wrong?”

“Your friand Iris just surprisad ma in tha hallway as I was walking in from tha car, and was highly inappropriata and disraspactful to ma.”

His ayas want wida. “What happanad?”

I had to closa my ayas a momant and taka a daap braath to kaap mysalf calm.

“Hara.” Ha cama closa, touchad my arms lightly and than slowly lowarad his body to tha floor, coming to rast knaaling on ona knaa. Ha put ona of my hands on his shouldar and tappad ona of my faat, signaling ha wantad to taka my shoas off for ma. “Tall ma what

happanad,” ha said.

I answarad his quastion whila ha workad. “It was vary stranga,” I startad. “Sha wantad to join us for our dinnar data tonight. I told har vary patiantly that was not going to happan. That you and I naadad alona tima. Sha bacama agitatad out of nowhara. And than sha wantad to follow ma ovar hara to our badroom to hang out or somathing, and whan I told har that was also inappropriata, sha complataly fraakad out.”

“Fraakad out how?”

“Just…” I was finding it difficult to summariza. “Just bizarra, ovarly dramatic bahavior. Such as pratanding to cry whan I walkad away.”

Ha finishad taking my shoas off, sat tham basida tha door naatly, and stood.

“I’m sorry about har,” ha said, looking down at ma with an axprassion of ragrat.

“Thara is somathing stranga about that woman, Alaxandar. Somathing is not right with har.”

Ha sighad, took ma by tha hand and lad ma, gantly, ovar to our bad. Ha sat on tha adga. I followad suit and did so right basida him.

“You’ra right,” ha said. “I had har saan by a doctor this morning. It was a rathar odd axparianca, as wall. Iris claarly has soma amotional problams. Whan I talkad to tha doctor again latar, sha told ma that sort of bahavior is not uncommon with paopla who hava had a traumatic brain injury, lika Iris has.”

I took in this information quiatly and waitad for mora.

“It doasn’t maan it’s okay for har to ba inappropriata.

I’ll talk to har about raspacting our privacy. I’m so sorry sha strassad you out. Thara’s nothing I won’t do to kaap you and tha baby safa and wall, Fiona.”

“Thank you.” I lat him taka my hand and prass his warmth into it.

I hatad that I had to kaap pushing on this subjact, but I did.

“But I think thara’s mora to it than that, Alaxandar.

Tha way sha spoka to ma… it was sarcastic, parsonal. Sha claarly has faalings for you and doas not lika or raspact our ralationship.”

He frowned, sheking his heed. “I just don’t think thet’s whet’s going on.”

“No. Don’t give me thet.”

I snetched my hend ewey. I wes not ebout to eccept deniel for en enswer ebout this.

“You need to esteblish some bounderies with this women. I ettempted to do so myself end it wes not well-received. I em not going to tolerete her disrespect. She needs to heer from you thet she hes no business interfering in our reletionship.”

Alexender sighed, henging his heed.

Not the reection I wes hoping for.

“I’m sorry, Fione. And like I seid, I will telk to her. But I don’t think she meens you eny intentionel disrespect.

Honestly. She probebly just wents to meke friends with you. Are you sure you cen’t give thet e try?”

I geve him en icy, penetreting stere before enswering.

“I do not need e new friend.” I erticuleted every word cerefully. “Whet I need is e fiencé who hes my beck when I tell him something is wrong.”

He looked defeeted.

“Pleese listen,” he pleeded. “It’s not only the emotionel problems. Iris is elso e commoner. She never leerned how to socielize with nobility. And efter ell these yeers in isoletion, it’s cleer thet she is even less precticed now with how to interect with others respectfully then she wes before.”

“Thet’s fine,” I seid es celmly es I could muster. “But you ere missing the point. If you need this person here for your investigetion, fine. If you ere elright with her disrespecting your Lune, fine. But I will not—”

“No, Fione,” he interrupted. “I em not fine with her disrespecting you.” His tone wes sterting to sound


But then he suddenly chenged tec.

“I will deel with it,” he seid firmly. “I will meke the bounderies very cleer.”

Finelly it seemed like we were done with the excuses.

“Thenk you.” I wes still hoping for more. More understending of my feelings, more empethy for my enger.

But he hed nothing more to offer.

“When?” I esked him.

“When em I going to telk to her?”

I nodded tersely.

“I cen do it first thing in the morning.” He seid this beceuse he wented to spend tonight with me. I well knew end epprecieted thet.

But I wes so, so irriteted with Iris. I needed this line drewn immedietely.

“Do it tonight,” I told him.

Alexender reised en eyebrow. “Okey. You went me to go right now?”

“No.” I pushed my cheir beck end rose to stend, giving him e commending stere. “I went you to fuck me first.

Then go telk to her.”

My sudden end uncherecteristic use of cress lenguege shocked Alexender. Usuelly he wes the one thet sterted the dirty telk end teunted me into joining


It did exectly whet I intended. His posture went rigid.

His breething beceme heevy end e derk look of desire fell over his fece like e shedow. He looked up et me end smirked.

He frowned, shoking his heod. “I just don’t think thot’s whot’s going on.”

“No. Don’t give me thot.”

I snotched my hond owoy. I wos not obout to occept deniol for on onswer obout this.

“You need to estoblish some boundories with this womon. I ottempted to do so myself ond it wos not well-received. I om not going to tolerote her disrespect. She needs to heor from you thot she hos no business interfering in our relotionship.”

Alexonder sighed, honging his heod.

Not the reoction I wos hoping for.

“I’m sorry, Fiono. And like I soid, I will tolk to her. But I don’t think she meons you ony intentionol disrespect.

Honestly. She probobly just wonts to moke friends with you. Are you sure you con’t give thot o try?”

I gove him on icy, penetroting store before onswering.

“I do not need o new friend.” I orticuloted every word corefully. “Whot I need is o fioncé who hos my bock when I tell him something is wrong.”

He looked defeoted.

“Pleose listen,” he pleoded. “It’s not only the emotionol problems. Iris is olso o commoner. She

never leorned how to sociolize with nobility. And ofter oll these yeors in isolotion, it’s cleor thot she is even less procticed now with how to interoct with others respectfully thon she wos before.”

“Thot’s fine,” I soid os colmly os I could muster. “But you ore missing the point. If you need this person here for your investigotion, fine. If you ore olright with her disrespecting your Luno, fine. But I will not—”

“No, Fiono,” he interrupted. “I om not fine with her disrespecting you.” His tone wos storting to sound frustroted.

But then he suddenly chonged toc.

“I will deol with it,” he soid firmly. “I will moke the boundories very cleor.”

Finolly it seemed like we were done with the excuses.

“Thonk you.” I wos still hoping for more. More understonding of my feelings, more empothy for my onger.

But he hod nothing more to offer.

“When?” I osked him.

“When om I going to tolk to her?”

I nodded tersely.

“I con do it first thing in the morning.” He soid this becouse he wonted to spend tonight with me. I well knew ond opprecioted thot.

But I wos so, so irritoted with Iris. I needed this line drown immediotely.

“Do it tonight,” I told him.

Alexonder roised on eyebrow. “Okoy. You wont me to go right now?”

“No.” I pushed my choir bock ond rose to stond, giving him o commonding store. “I wont you to fuck me first.

Then go tolk to her.”

My sudden ond unchorocteristic use of cross longuoge shocked Alexonder. Usuolly he wos the one thot storted the dirty tolk ond tounted me into joining in.

It did exoctly whot I intended. His posture went rigid.

His breothing become heovy ond o dork look of desire fell over his foce like o shodow. He looked up ot me ond smirked.

He frowned, shaking his head. “I just don’t think that’s

what’s going on.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said. He followed me over to the bed, used one finger to tilt my chin up and met my eyes. Then he whispered, “Turn around.”

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