The Alpha King Call Boy: Chap 47-128

: Chapter 63

I took a very short shower and readied myself for bed once Alexander was gone to lead evening training with his pack. I was tired enough to fall asleep early, and I wasn’t sure I was capable of letting him touch me right now, while my mind was still wired and racing through everything.

Just this morning I had learned that Alexander had been keeping secret from me the fact that he actually

owned the company I worked for. And when I provided him with a chance to come clean, he chose to keep hiding it from me.

So here I was, sitting cross-legged in bed alone, with the drawer of my bedside table rolled open. The orange prescription bottle I had received from the palace doctor, back when Alexander had left me alone for a few days and I’d started to grow ill – it was still half full. I pulled it out from the back of the drawer and reread the usage label.

Sighing, I popped the lid off and scooted a single pill out. Threw the pill into my mouth and drank it down with a sip of water.

The medication was not a long-term solution. It helped keep my hormones in control if I couldn’t be with Alexander, but not for long. All I wanted, though, was a little distance from him tonight. I did not want to

keep looking him in the eye right now. Not while I knew he was lying to me.

I fell asleep alone, but woke with my head resting against Alexander’s chest, and his arm around me.

The heat of our bodies together was intense, and I felt relief from the touch of the cool air as I started peeling our bodies apart. I moved slowly and carefully, trying not to wake him. It was still very early in the morning, but my alarm was set to go off within the next hour anyway, so I figured I would just get up.

But once I had detached myself from Alexander completely, I felt suddenly very cold and tired. My body begged me to get back under the covers and back in touch with his skin again. I shivered and pulled a blanket around my chest while I considered my options.

I looked over at Alexander as he slept. His rough blond hair was splayed around his head on the pillow, looking like a lion’s mane. The sharp edges of his chiseled jaw and cheek bones tempted me to trace their perfect lines with my fingertips. His strong chest was exposed, the blanket only covering him from the waist down. I started to salivate.

It was either wake him up or take another pill. Those were the options my body was giving me.

It was either wake him up or take another pill. Those were the options my body was giving me.

I slid back down under the covers and made my way back to the position in which I had woken up. Dragged my fingertips lightly across Alexander’s chest, feeling a slight change in his body as he started to react to my touch.

His breathing quickened, and then Alexander let out a soft moan and lazily reached one hand up to meet mine on his chest. I took the opportunity to press my hand further up his body, stoking his neck and throat.

He shivered, grasped my wrist tightly, and opened his eyes.

I smiled at him and licked my lips. The look he gave me in return was serious, his eyes stern and dark with desire. I pressed my fingers to his chest again and now started to run them downwards, down the center of his body, with a soft touch.

Finally Alexander could not take it any longer. He was wide awake and on top of me, positioning our bodies carefully, anxious to get inside me. I was anxious for it, too. I could not hold back my pleasure, moaning with relief as he slid in and out of me. I knew I was going to come quickly. I dug my fingernails into his flesh, knowing it set him off, and moved one of his

hands to my breasts, running them over my hard nipples. He loved it as much as I knew he would, and soon I was taking him with me into the panting and staggering of satisfaction.

Alexander exhaled loudly, like a dragon’s breath, and fell against the bed next to me once he was finished.

I didn’t want him to drape his limbs all over me like he usually did after we had sex. I was not in a mood for cuddling. So I slid away across the silk sheets before he could get his hands on me again, and got up out of bed, heading for the bathroom to start getting ready for work.

I didn’t look back until I was closing the door behind me.

Alexander was lying flat, staring up at the ceiling, with one hand over his heart.


It was fun, at first, to wake up like that. With Fiona all over me.

But then it got weird in a hurry. She made me come fast, and then disappeared. It was like she simply vanished the second I was no longer inside her.

Fiona had work today, yes. But it was still early, hours before dawn. I looked at the clock on my nightstand: it was just past three in the morning. There was no reason for her to be rushing to the office.

She showered quickly and soon came back out, hair already tied up in a neat bun and clad in a bathrobe, to retrieve her work clothes. I sat up, having been

lying prone in bed feeling disoriented, the whole time she was in the shower.

“How are you feeling, Fiona?” I asked.

“Good,” she answered casually. She went into her dressing room and quickly reemerged wearing a sharp blazer over a purple dress, with her hands busy at her ears, fastening a pair of amethyst earrings. “I slept well. How about you? Still enjoying your good mood?” She stopped a foot away from me and, once she’d finished with her second earring, put a hand to the center of my chest and smiled at me with one eyebrow arched, her blue eyes looking very curious indeed.

I narrowed my eyes, carefully considering how to reply. Fiona was very perceptive. I had, in fact, been over the moon the night prior, having just finalized the paperwork to acquire full ownership of my mother’s

company. But I could not tell Fiona anything about that. I covered her hand with my own and pressed warmth into her cold fingers. “I feel fine,” I answered simply, and then changed the subject. “Think you will need to stay at the office late tonight?”

Fiona looked away contemplatively. Then she returned her eyes to mine and said, “I guess that depends on what the boss wants from me today.”

I nodded. “Just text me. Let me know when to expect you.”

She smiled brightly and nodded back, saying, “Of course,” gave my chest a little pat with her hand, turned on her heel and left for work.

It was getting hard to keep a secret from Fiona. She noticed everything. It was for the best, though, that she didn’t know yet.

Because I did not want Fiona to wind up in the middle of my fight with her father. The more she knew about my partnership with Conrad, the more dangerous the situation could become. Not just for my uncle and myself, but for her as well.

I could not let her get mixed up in our plot.

I just wanted to keep her out of it as long as I could.

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