The Alpha King Call Boy: Chap 47-128

: Chapter 125

Alexander had reduced me to begging.

I tried my damnedest to wrestle my wrists free, an effort I knew would be unsuccessful. He laughed

darkly under his breath. And tightened his grip on my wrists.

“Don’t forget,” I said between heavy breaths. “You’ve already been teasing me all day.”

“Are you saying you’ve had enough?”

He brought his mouth dangerously close to mine. I could feel his breath on my lips.

The look in his honey-gold eyes was serious and intense. The smirk had fallen off his lips. His eyes flicked daringly back and forth from my lips to my eyes, then down and back again.

A different kind of shiver rattled through me now. He was threatening to break our rule and kiss me on the mouth.

I’d left a question unanswered…


“Yes what?”

“Stop teasing me. I’ve had enough.”

“You sure?”

“Yes. I want you inside me. Now.”

He growled quietly, saying, “hmm…” and finally released my wrists. My hands flew back to his body, feeling him up like it was their purpose for existence.

“I don’t know,” he said. “I think you could take a little more.”

He pushed my nightgown up the length of my body. I

put my arms back up over my head to let him pull it off. Then he sat back on his heels, unbuttoning his pants and looking my body up and down. He licked his lips.

Now I could see, as he finally stripped his last layers of clothing off, how ready Alexander was for this torment to end as well.

“God, fuck me already,” I demanded, once he was naked and returning his hands and full attention to my body.

“Let me just see if you’re really ready,” he said teasingly. He cradled one of my breasts, running his thumb across the hard nipple. My back arched reflexively with the pleasure of the touch. He met my eyes and gave me more of that wicked smile. Then he performed this same test on the other breast. And grinned while he watched me react.

“Please, Alex…”

He brought his lips back to my ear while sliding a hand between my legs. He trembled when he felt how wet I was.

“Please what?” he whispered. “Say it one more time.”

“Fuck me. Please.”

I watched his mood turn serious again as he brought his hand to his mouth and licked his fingertips, tasting me.

“Okay baby,” he said. “How do you want it?”

“Hard.” I was done playing around.

He rolled me onto my side and sidled up behind me,

pressing all light and air out from between my backside and his front. And then, with one hand gripping my thigh and the other pulling my hair, he pressed his hot, wet lips to my neck and gave me what I’d been asking for.

I decided that he had been right. All that teasing and torture felt worth it when I came, screaming; it did hit me hard tonight, and it lasted a long time. My limbs decided they didn’t work for me anymore. All they did was shudder and try to make me levitate.

I was still riding out what could have been called multiple orgasms but really felt like one very long, ebbing and flowing experience of deep pleasure, when Alexander had his own big finish. He slid out of me and collapsed at my side when he was done, his touch going tender as he laid a lazy arm across my stomach.

I kept twitching all over with little aftershocks for several minutes longer.

“You okay, Fiona?” Alexander whispered, stroking my hair. Actually, maybe he was trying to untangle himself from it. I was in a daze.

I laughed. “Yes. I am very okay. I just might need another minute before I can function again.”

It felt good to feel famished.

Ever since I’d gotten pregnant, my relationship to food had gotten complicated. My appetite was always up and down. And lately so many smells made me unreasonably revolted.

But I guess satisfying sex can work well to rustle up an appetite.

We had dinner delivered to the room so that I wouldn’t have to get dressed again. I just slipped back into my nightgown after taking a quick rinse in the shower.

Alexander set dinner places at our café table.

Mysteriously, he’d also somehow acquired a white rose; that resided in a slender vase in the table’s center.

“How was your day?” I asked, after I’d droned on and on about my own day for so long I was tired of the sound of my own voice.

“It was fine,” he said. “Busy.”

There was certainly more. He hesitated, reflecting.

“I wanted to tell you that I saw my lawyer yesterday. I met with him to review a summons to testify against Scarlet in her embezzlement trial.”

“Oh. And when will that be?”

“I’m not sure. The trial starts next week. I also talked to my attorney about something else while I was there, though. Your idea about going after some publicity. I wanted to get his opinion.”

“And what did he have to say?”

“He thinks I should wait till the trial’s over. He’s worried if I do an interview before then, they’ll try to press me for information about the case.”

“Hm. Well, it makes sense that he would say that.”

Alexander looked surprised. “You agree with him?”

I shook my head. “Not particularly. But I’m not your lawyer.”

He raised an eyebrow, asking me to say more.

“Risk aversion is that man’s job. Lawyers would love it if their clients never talked to anyone. I’m exaggerating, but you know what I mean. Your attorney is doing what you pay him for, giving you that advice. But it doesn’t mean he’s right. He doesn’t know you like I do.”

Alexander considered this. “And what exactly is it you know about me that my attorney does not?”

I pursed my lips against a smile. “I know you to be capable of great restraint,” I said. “I can’t see you being tricked into slipping up in an interview. But if you are not sure, just wait on it for now. When the timing is right, you’ll know.”


It didn’t take long after eating for Fiona to curl back up into bed, get cozy, and crash out.

I was pleased with myself. For pleasing her so well, and then getting her to eat a good meal and go to bed early.

I tucked the covers tightly around her shoulders and made sure Fiona was sound asleep. Then I got dressed and crept out of the room as quietly as I could.

I met the pack in the weight room.

“We’re done working out for today,” I told the group.

“No p.m. run or strength training tonight. But you’ve got homework. Stretch. Take an ice bath if you’re hurting from the march. I expect you all in fighting shape tomorrow morning. Get to bed early tonight if you need the rest. Hydrate. And absolutely no


The mention of alcohol started some of the men looking squirrely. They knew what I had been digging into these past couple days.

“Jacob, stay behind. The rest of you are dismissed.”

The others couldn’t flee the room fast enough. I exchanged a quick glance with Kayden, and then he also left. Leaving just me and Jacob alone.

The young soldier made his way to the front of the room, approaching cautiously. He stopped his feet when he was about three yards away from where I stood. And dropped, heavily, to his knees.

“I’m sorry, Alpha Alexander,” he said to the floor.

“What for?”

He dragged his eyes up to meet mine. “The disrespect I showed you. It’s no excuse, but I hope you know deep down I didn’t mean any of it, it was the booze talking. And that’s my fault, I shouldn’t have—”

I held a palm up to stop him.

“Tell me what you said.”

“I—uh, I thought maybe Caldwell had told you already, Sir…”

“I want to hear it from you. I want to hear exactly what you said. Tell me. Word for word.”

He looked back down to the floor, his mouth opening and closing soundlessly a few times.

“Stand up and look at me.”

He jumped to his feet and met my gaze. His eyes were wide with fear.

“I won’t say this again. Tell me exactly what you said about my Luna.”

Jacob’s face flushed crimson. “I don’t remember exactly cuz I was drunk, Sir…”

“You remember. Stop stalling.”

“I said… I said I bet she, that your Luna, since she’s pregnant, maybe she can’t take it so rough anymore…” Jacob paused, looking like he might vomit. “And I said, maybe that’s what you need the other girl for.” His Adam’s apple jumped up and down in his throat as he swallowed anxiously.

I held some still silence. Let him get a little more


And then I hit him. Just one good punch. A right hook to the left eye.

He went down. Hit the floor, making it shake.

I stepped close and crouched down. Looked the man squarely in his good eye.

“Pull yourself together, soldier. Make yourself into something I can be proud of, and we’ll call this finished.”

“Yes, Sir,” Jacob answered eagerly.

“If I find out you’ve said another word about Fiona, though,” I added quietly, “you will be learning the real meaning of pain. This is your one and only warning.

Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

His eye was swollen shut already. Red and purple swells bloomed out around the socket as I watched.

That eye would be black for a good long while.

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