The Alpha King Call Boy: Chap 47-128

: Chapter 105

After getting the pack started on evening training, I cleaned myself up, asked a maid to change our sheets, and paid a visit to the palace florist.

Fiona had been working a few very long days and

deserved some devoted attention. I was also hoping to give her an incentive, something to convince her to take an evening off.

I knew getting her a home work station would result in her working from home more. What I hadn’t expected was the increased workload Conrad was dumping on her while he was traveling.

Over the past few days, my pregnant fiancée had been spending up to sixteen, seventeen hours a day working, when you considered her hours at the office and her late nights at her desk combined. I was concerned about the lack of sleep. And missed her in bed.

I knew my uncle had faith in Fiona, saw her as highly competent and hoped to promote her soon. But asking her to cover for him in leading the executive meetings every single day, with only a few days’

notice, was a huge ask and a lot of pressure.

I found myself hoping, too, that he really had selected her for the job because she was the best person to do it.

But the reason Conrad was out of town anyway was because he was trying to track down her father, who had recently gone missing.

Conrad was not happy to not know where the man was. He was also not happy that I hadn’t allowed him to kill Fiona’s father “when we had the chance.”

Conrad was a good man. His intentions were good.

For the most part.

But when it came to Alexandra’s enemies, he could be ruthless. And he could be conniving, too, when he’d found a way to justify the necessity of a


I could only hope that having Fiona support his leave of absence came with no hidden agenda. That there was nothing else my uncle was plotting, involving her and her father, without my knowledge.

I had the room set up perfectly by the time Fiona returned from work in the late evening, just as the sun was beginning to set.

She had texted me her ETA as usual – I always appreciated that she did this – so I was able to time it quite perfectly. I had tall candles arranged on surfaces all around the room’s perimeter, and a few shorter ones on our nightstands. All lit and flickering, they cast the room in a mild amber glow. The bed was strewn with white rose petals. Bouquets of white roses adorned her desk and our café table.

Just in case she came home feeling peckish, I also had an assortment of sweet and savory treats displayed neatly on the table as well. Some grapes, berries and charcuterie. Smoked almonds, salted chocolates and caramels. A small variety of iced cupcakes.

“What is all this?” Fiona asked when she swung the door open and took in the sight.

“Just a little surprise. You’ve been working so hard all week, I wanted to do something for you.”

“Well,” she breathed. “It is lovely. Wow.”

She looked down at me, shaking her head but smiling, as I assisted in removing her shoes. She was wearing gray suede ankle boots under a black dress.

And, I discovered, some very sexy thigh-high black stockings. I fingered the top of one stocking, thinking

about rolling the soft nylon down her leg. But I decided to save it for later.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” she asked. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

I realized I’d been grinning broadly ever since Fiona stepped foot in the door.

“I’m happy to see you,” I answered.

One of her perfectly coiffed eyebrows arched tellingly.

She scanned the room once again, apparently reviewing and reconsidering my gesture. “That’s all?”

she asked.

Nothing got past Fiona.

She was right. I’d been in a good mood ever since I left Iris’s room, after helping her recover that memory

of my mother.

I wasn’t squeamish about the content of the recovered memory. I’m not easily shocked. And the relief I felt when it finally happened, Iris finally gave me something – it was like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

But I was not willing to open my mouth and utter the name “Iris” in this moment with Fiona – no matter the innocence of the context.

Her blue eyes locked on mine. They looked bright and wild, and shaded with a touch of green. I felt exposed under her intense, penetrating stare.

She knew I was thinking about something related to Iris. She absolutely knew.

Maybe my hesitation to answer her question had

been enough to tip her off.

She was less happy after realizing this than she’d been minutes ago. But she did not ask any questions.

After removing her jacket and putting her belongings away, she circled back to where I stood waiting.

She took hold of my necktie and pulled. Then turned and headed for the bed, dragging me behind her.

I let her shove me down into the bed, writhing my neck under the slightly tightened loop of my tie. She climbed on top of me and untied the knot with slow, confident patience, keeping her eyes locked on mine while her dexterous fingers reversed the expert knot and then ripped the tie away fast. It threatened to leave my neck with a rope burn rash on its way out of my collar.

My throat rumbled. “You are so fucking sexy,” I

groaned, lying submissive underneath her.

She smiled. And then lowered her mouth to my neck and kissed me. Licked me. And then bit me—hard.

I growled, pushing one of her hands down my center to show her how hard she was already getting me.

She let me do it. And started to stroke the length of my shaft lightly over my pants.

I was done for.

I was very sorry if she loved that dress. It did not come away from the scene undamaged.

Fiona was brimming with jealousy. It was an undeniable energy that my wolf recognized and urged me to indulge. I let her take the lead. She wanted to rough me up, and that was fine with me.

When finally we both managed to strip naked –

except for those black stockings, I kept those on her as long as I could – I slid inside of Fiona fast, unable to wait any longer, and she reacted by dragging her claws hard down the lengths of my arms.

Her fingernails were long, sharp, and perfect, painted white with silver sparkles. They pooled red underneath the tips as she scratched me, digging into my flesh hard enough to draw blood.

The pain was delicious.

I was relishing this new side of my Luna. The angry and possessive Fiona that couldn’t keep her hands off me.

Maybe it was wrong to enjoy her jealousy so much. I certainly did not want Fiona to be upset.

But I was having fun. And it seemed like at least a part of her was loving it, too.

Maybe I was playing with fire.

It was too hot to resist.

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