The Alpha King Call Boy: Chap 1-46

: Chapter 25


My back was aching with the hot, sore, nerve-wracking pain that hadn’t let up since the lashing.

But when I was touching Fiona, I didn’t care about the pain anymore.

It felt so good inside her wet heat, feeling the rhythm of her hips as they rocked back and forth against me. I loved the sound of her gasping breath as she let go of that hard, cold mask she always wore, breaking down to her baser self. I wished I could take her even further. I wanted to see what was underneath her icy exterior, plunging all the way down to her deepest depths.

Fiona moaned, clutching at the back of my head. She dug into my scalp with her long fingernails. I wanted to turn her around and kiss her lips once again. But I worked my tongue lightly around her ear and left a trail of kisses down her neck instead.

I closed my eyes, remembering our kiss. My mouth began to water. It hovered, open, next to her ear. My wolf was right under my skin, quickening my pulse, making me stronger, pushing more of my strength into Fiona as she started crying out in pleasure.

She was leading me less and less as our bodies fell into sync. I smiled, knowing I was giving her what she needed. I felt her body tightening around me and was tempted to let her ride out a wave of pleasure. But I wanted to watch her when it happened.

She whimpered as I slid out of her, but let me move her onto her back, and gave me a sultry smile as I parted her legs wide and sat on my knees between them.

I couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked. I had to stop myself from staring too long into her ice blue eyes. I pressed my lips to the inside of her thigh instead.

She still had her purple nightgown on, scrunched up around her waist. I slid it off over her head before covering the length of her body with my own, ducking my head to place kisses on her soft breasts.

I pulled back to watch her face as I entered her again. She met my eyes, and I saw behind them a glimmer of that sexy goddess I met in my hotel room that night. She let out a low moan as I pushed my shaft deep inside of her slowly. Then she grabbed my hips with both hands and pulled hard, locking our bodies together as tight as possible, and I felt her entire body start to quake. She seized up in a frenzy of pleasure, biting her lip between screams. I held her tight until we both went over the edge, losing ourselves to ecstasy.

The pain started back as soon as our bodies were apart. I had to lie flat on my stomach again to let my overtaxed muscles rest. The muscles in my upper back, where I’d been whipped most severely, were twitching fiercely. They felt hot, too, and I suspected they might be bleeding again.

Fiona slid out of bed and paced away, heading for the bathroom. She picked up her nightgown from the floor on the way and took it with her.

I stretched my arms out to my sides, hoping to release some of the tension in the convulsing muscles, but it only made it worse.

Fiona, now with a light robe slipped around her shoulders, came back carrying some fresh towels. She knelt beside me on the bed and pressed one into my upper back. I felt the muscles twitching, pulsing against her hand.

She said nothing. Just pressed down hard on the wound until the towel was soaked through with blood, and then changed it out for another one. And again, until I finally stopped bleeding and I could let out a long, easy sigh of relief.

“We should be more careful until this has fully healed,” she said.

“Should we?” I felt a smile curling the edges of my lips. But my eyes were heavy, and I was fading fast now into a deep, irresistible sleep.

“Hey. Welcome back.” Fiona’s voice was a welcome wake-up call.

I pried my eyes open slowly. They were hot and itchy, as if swollen. I reached one hand up to my face but was struck with a blinding pain in my shoulder as I did so.

“Easy now,” she said, reaching out a gentle hand to push my arm back down into a more comfortable position by my side. “I had a doctor in here a few hours ago. He told me to try to keep you resting flat on your stomach as long as possible.”

Blinking my heavy, tired eyes into focus, I realized it was dim in the room and asked, “What time is it?”

Fiona raised one of her perfect eyebrows and smiled. “Midnight. You slept all day.”

Without thinking, I started pushing myself up out of bed. The blinding pain hit me again and I paused midway, wincing.

“Need a hand?”

I nodded, and Fiona helped me get up and get to the bathroom. My legs worked just fine, but I was still woozy from the blood loss and needed her to stabilize me. She was a thorough and patient nurse.

My stomach started growling as Fiona led me back to the bed. “I’ll have something sent up,” she said. “And the doctor was worried you’re dehydrated, so please start by drinking some water.”

There was a glass of water on the bedside table already. The sore ache in my back had me wanting to wave her off and lie down without drinking. But she was being so good to me, I felt I had no choice but to follow her orders.

Once Fiona had me stable on the edge of the bed, sipping water, she crossed the room and made the call. She didn’t ask what I wanted – just ordered a whole mess of things.

Fiona cleared her throat noisily. I felt movement on the bed and realized she had sat down beside me. And that I’d passed out once again.

I took a big breath in. The room was suddenly full of savory and spicy aromas that hit my senses and woke me up fast. My eyes shot open, and I saw a small feast set up on the table in the corner of the room.

“Don’t try to get up,” she said, her tone business-like. “Just tell me what you want, and I’ll bring it to you. You just work on sitting upright… slowly.” She got up and crossed the room, preparing to serve me.

I was starting to recognize my good fortune in stumbling upon Fiona. I couldn’t have known, when I offered to marry the daughter of my enemy, a girl I’d accidentally gotten pregnant, that she was everything I’d ever wanted in a mate and Luna.

I knew the moment I laid eyes on her that she was beautiful. And then I learned she was intelligent, too. And courageous. Unflinching in the face of danger. And now she was here giving me such tender care, nursing me back to health.

I smiled up at Fiona, shaking my head in disbelief. She was going to be a good mother.

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