The Alpha King Call Boy By Jane Above Story

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

“Alexander, this tea party is for ladies, you shouldn’t be here,” Scarlet’s face clearly showed her displeasure towards Alexander, but she quickly regained her composure.

Alexander bowed deeply, then took Scarlet’s hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles. “Stepmother, always a pleasure to see you. Serena, Charity, Rachel, you all as well.” He released Scarlet and bowed to the others in the circle.

“Sorry for my rude, If you ladies don’t mind, I would like to take tea with my future wife since it is such a nice day.”

“Please take her.” replied Scarlet without hesitation.

The woman with green eyes that I now knew to be Serena, took my hand. “It was lovely to finally meet you. I hope we run into each other again.”

“As do 1. I took Alexander’s arm and he led me to a nearby table and pulled out a chair for me to sit. I did and then cut him with a stare. “What are you doing here?”

He smiled and took my hand, then lowered his voice and said to me. “Your maid mindlinked me, and I believe my stepmother won’t let you off the hook so easily.”

Usually, at this time, Alexander would be training with his troops, and it’s evident that he rushed over here during the training.

Although I know that Alexander’s tenderness towards me is to deal with the scrutiny of others, such demeanor from him is undoubtedly captivating.

I lowered my eyes, looking at my own stomach, understanding that ours was a marriage of convenience.

After finally dealing with Scarlet’s party, the sky had turned gloomy.

As I approached my bedchamber, back sore, muscles aching, out popped Scarlet. I froze and inwardly groaned. I didn’t want to deal with her anymore. I wanted a bath and Alexander to come to bed as well. Every day my stomach grew, and I needed more time with Alexander to not feel drained.

In the dimly lit hall, Scarlet had dark rings under her eyes and looked much older.

“Good evening, Scarlet. What brings you to the West Wing?” It was a slight dig to let her know she should not be here.

She cleared her throat. “I wanted to apologize for what I said at the tea party. Having Alexander come home and try to take over the palace has been an adjustment.”

I frowned at her. That was a sad apology if I had ever heard one. But I let it go because I just wanted to take off my shoes inside my room.

“I understand there have been adjustments, and change can be difficult,” I tried to remain compassionate. I was not a rude


“Do you mind if we sit?” Scarlet pointed to a small bench a little down the hall. I agreed, seeing no threat. Once we were seated and I was off my feet, I tried to focus on the conversation.

“How well do you know Alexander?” she asked quietly, peering down the hall.

“We have not known each other for long, but we learn more every day,” I said, trying to figure out where she was going with this conversation.

“Alexander cannot be trusted; he has sent spies everywhere. They are always watching, and I fear for my life, as does the King and my son.”

I massaged my foot, having taken off a shoe. “Where is Lucas? I have yet to meet him.”

“He has his affairs to attend to. So he comes and goes.”

“I see.”

“It is imperative that you help me see that Lucas is crowned Alpha King. Alexander has no right to the throne.”

“His mother was Queen Luna before you. He has every right to the throne,” I said, horrified that she was even saying these things. I didn’t let my beating heart and storming emotions show on my face. I placed my mask of indifference upon my face as always when dealing with those in a position of power.

She leaned in closer. Her peppered hair glowed, making it look as though it were all white. “He had his mother killed. Then, before he left to fight the vampires that threated the south border, they fought, and a few days later, someone slipped into the palace and killed the Queen. The man was caught and questioned. He said the prince had paid him to do so.”

I’quaked with anger. I couldn’t believe the lies she was telling me. Alexander seemed to have loved his mother by the way he spoke of her with compassion and love. I remained silent.

“This is why my son must be King. I will give you whatever you want if you help me. I can give you more properties than you can count. I can elevate the status of the entire Red Pack. I can do anything.”



Chapter 19

I felt a headache coming on, and I rubbed my temples unable to believe she was here to turn me against Alexander after being rude the day before.

“You only have a contract marriage arrangement. I know you do not love him. Help me.”

I sighed out loud and closed my eyes. Was Scarlet so naive to think a Luna would be so easily swayed from supporting the father of my child. Then, wanting this conversation to be over, I told her I would need to think about it and, if I did, what I would want in return.

She smirked, and I wanted to slap her in the face for thinking she could casily turn me. But instead, Scarlet rose and walked quickly down the hall, looking afraid to be in the West Wing.

I went into the room and threw myself on the bed, not believing the conversation that had taken place right outside. Alexander’s room. Oh, he is going to be pissed at the nerve of the Queen.

Time passed, and I heard a door open, fear shooting through me. I popped up, blinking sleepy eyes. It was Alexander, and I flopped back down, relieved after seeing Susan sneak into our room. I was always a little on edge now.

Alexander climbed onto the bed and stretched out next to me looking exhausted. I rested my head on his chest needing some of his strength. “What time is it?”

“Eleven pm.”

“What took you so long to come to bed?” He wrapped his arm around me, and I heard him scent my hair. It was sweet.

“I had a late meeting with one of the packs from the south. Vampires have been raiding their territory. Taking some of the children from the towns to feed on.”

That is terrible.”

“Yes, it is. The vampires are growing bolder every day. They see us as weak because of my father. He lets them come. He does nothing to stop them, and the packs are now turning to me from help, not him. I believe my father seeing my strength and is afraid.”

It seemed no pack was safe from corruption or laziness.

“How was your day?” He ran his fingers through my hair, and I sighed contentedly.

“It was fine until Scarlet tried to bribe me to turn against you.” I peeked up at him not sure how he would react.

He sat up.


“I was almost in the room when she materialized out of the dark and asked if we could talk. She said you have spies and can’t be trusted.” I sat up, biting my lip, nervous to tell him the rest. “She said you and your mother fought before you left to fight the vampires and that someone came and killed your mother a few days later. The man was caught and said you paid him to do it. She said that is why you should not be King.”

He growled loudly, teeth showing. “She would say that. When it was her who killed my mother. He paced the room. “What did you tell her?”

“I told her I had to think about it.”

Alexander stopped pacing. “Do you believe her?”

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“No, I don’t. My wolf wanted to tear her apart. But she needed to think I was willing to think over her offer. You think my loyalty is strong since we have a contractual arrangement. But I am a Luna and I carry your child. I will keep the pack strong.”

He frowned. “Will you stay loyal to me even if I kill your father?” It was almost a whisper.

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