The Alpha Chose Me

Chapter 38

“So you want to get to know me?”. He smirked.

“Why not". I shrugged taking a sip of my coffee. It's not as if I was going anywhere.

“Why'd you move to Texas?" Taking off his jacket he sat back in the chair getting comfortable,

“I don't really know. My gran got up one morning and decided to put the house on the market. She didn't give me a reason”. “And you never asked?".

“I didn't".

“You're eighteen, you could have stayed in Florida”. What was he getting at?

“You're right I could have but I didn’t. I'd move anywhere she wanted to go”. That was the truth. I didn't like the idea at first and maybe I still don't but I would always go where she was.

“And what-..."

“No. I stopped him mid sentence. “It's my turn. Have you always lived here?”.

“Born and breed sweetheart’.

“Would you ever leave?" I asked.


“Where's your mom?”. He asked.

“she died". Breaking eye contact with him I stared at the cup in my hand. I didn’t mind taking about my mom it's just I didn't have much to say. She died before I could get to know her.

“I'm so sorry Leah".

“It's okay”. I shrugged giving him a half smile. “he died through childbirth so I can't remember anything”.

“Is that why you're so close with your gran?"

“It is". I smiled. “She plays a massive part in my life. I literally don't know what I'd do without her”,

“so what was your life like back in Florida?".

“stable”. I laughed. “I had good grades, great friends, a part time job. It was good”.

“And now it's been turned upside down”. He sighed. “Do you not like it here?".

“It’s not been turned upside down it's just changed. I need to get used to it here and I'm sure I will. Do you want more coffee?” I asked getting to my feet. This was somewhat nice. He did seem like a nice guy but I wasn't going to overthink the situation.

“Already had enough babe. Besides too much caffeine is bad for you”. Raising his eyebrow at me I made a face. You could never have to much caffeine. I was a coffee junkie. Putting our empty cups in the bin I got my mug from the cupboard.

“suit yourself”. I shrugged.

“50 how is school?" He asked.

“Horrible”. I sighed. It wasn't actually that bad just lonely at times. “Other than Alanna and Lacey I have one friend”. Making my way back to the living room I took a seat on the couch instantly regretting it because I knew he'd sit beside me.

“Is that who dropped you off the other day?”. And I was right he took a seat beside me.

“Yeah Ryan's cool”. I smiled. “And he's nice to me so that's a bonus”.


“What?". I asked.

“Nothing princess. So I heard you're looking for a job?"

Desperately needed one. I needed my own car.

“lam. I would literally do anything to make some money.

“Would you work in the gas station?” He asked.

“Are you serious?” I grinned. “Are you really offering me a job".

“I need to run it by my parents but it shouldn't be an issue”. My heart dropped slightly. What if they didn't say yes? “Trust me they'll say yes". Reaching over he grabbed my hand.

My stomach flipped with excitement all because he was holding my hand. He was touching me. I have never felt this sort of connection with anyone.

I couldn't stop smiling. Things where starting to look up. A job was a big deal. I could go back to earning my own money.

“I could kiss you right now”. I laughed pulling out my phone so I could text my gran. “Thank you Jake, I appreciate you helping me out”. My gran will be over the moon.

“Who's Tommy?".

Looking up from my phone I noticed he was holding the note that came with my flowers. It must have fell out my pocket. “Boyfriend?” He seemed to struggle with that word. His teeth were clenched but I could tell he was trying to keep his cool. “He was”. I sighed putting my phone away. “He was my first boyfriend”.

“Good because I plan on being your last”. Grabbing my good hand in his he laced our fingers together. “Let me take you on a proper date”. He whispered.

I was mesmerised by his eyes.

I had nothing to lose so why not.

“Okay”. I smiled.

“Yeah?". He grinned.

“Yes”. I matched his grin.

For some reason he made me feel safe.

“Friday night then princess. Be prepared to fall in love". He smirked causing me to roll my eyes. He sure had a big ego. “Where are you taking me?”. I was curious and also I needed to know so I could pick out something to wear.

“It's a surprise”. He winked just as his phone started ringing.

Not that I was trying to listen but I could tell it was serious. His whole demeanour had changed, I could feel how tense he had become. Standing up he ran a hand over his face.

He looked pissed off.

Hanging up his phone he shoved it in his pocket. “I've got to go”. Standing up quickly I placed my hand on his arm, his eyes following my movement. I felt his body relax. “Is everything okay?" I asked.

“I've got something to take care of and it'll probably take me the rest of the day”. He wasn't happy, his eyes had darkened, his jaw clenched.

“Then I'll see you later”. My gran would be home soon anyway so it was best he went before she got in. I didn't want her speculating and getting the wrong idea.

“Yeah later princess”. His phone started to ring again just as he left.

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